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Revision c968d1f7

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor fast 4 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID c968d1f703a9a51e24c9b5dfd5acfe2012170792
  • Vorgänger dc70b2c0
  • Nachfolger 08704bc4

Zeiterfassung: Parameter f. Konvertierung in params übergeben

Unterschiede anzeigen:

or => [booked => 0, booked => undef],
with_objects => ['customer']);
# no time recordings at all ? -> better exit here before iterating a empty hash
# return undef or message unless ref $time_recordings->[0] eq SL::DB::Manager::TimeRecording;
my %time_recordings_by_customer_id;
# push @{ $time_recordings_by_customer_id{$_->customer_id} }, $_ for @$time_recordings;
# loop over all entries and add default or user defined params:
for my $source_entry (@$time_recordings) {
# set user defaults for processing
$source_entry->{$_} = $self->$_ for qw(rounding link_project);
foreach (qw(project_id parts_id)) {
$source_entry->{$_} = $self->{$_} if length ($self->{$_});
push @{ $time_recordings_by_customer_id{$source_entry->customer_id} }, $source_entry;
push @{ $time_recordings_by_customer_id{$_->customer_id} }, $_ for @$time_recordings;
my %convert_params = map { $_ => $data->{$_} } qw(rounding link_project part_id project_id);
my @donumbers;
foreach my $customer_id (keys %time_recordings_by_customer_id) {
my $do;
if (!eval {
$do = SL::DB::DeliveryOrder->new_from_time_recordings($time_recordings_by_customer_id{$customer_id});
$do = SL::DB::DeliveryOrder->new_from_time_recordings($time_recordings_by_customer_id{$customer_id}, %convert_params);
}) {
# - merge same descriptions (todo)
### config
my $default_partnummer = 6;
my $default_part_id = SL::DB::Manager::Part->find_by(partnumber => $default_partnummer)->id;
my $default_part_id = $params{default_part_id} ? $params{default_part_id}
: $params{default_partnumber} ? SL::DB::Manager::Part->find_by(partnumber => $params{default_partnumber})->id
: undef;
# check parts and collect entries
my %part_by_part_id;
my $date = $source->start_time->to_kivitendo;
$entries->{$part_id}->{$date}->{duration} += $source->{rounding}
$entries->{$part_id}->{$date}->{duration} += $params{rounding}
? nhimult(0.25, ($source->duration_in_hours))
: _round_total($source->duration_in_hours);
# add content if not already in description

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff