


Herunterladen (29,6 KB) Statistiken
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package SL::Controller::File;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use List::Util qw(first max);

use utf8;
use Encode qw(decode);
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use URI::Escape;
use Cwd;
use DateTime;
use File::stat;
use File::Slurp qw(slurp);
use File::Spec::Unix;
use File::Spec::Win32;
use File::MimeInfo::Magic;
use MIME::Base64;
use SL::DB::Helper::Mappings;
use SL::DB::Order;
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder;
use SL::DB::Invoice;

use SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::GLTransaction;
use SL::DB::Draft;
use SL::DB::History;
use SL::JSON;
use SL::Helper::CreatePDF qw(:all);
use SL::Locale::String;
use SL::SessionFile;
use SL::SessionFile::Random;
use SL::File;
use SL::Controller::Helper::ThumbnailCreator qw(file_probe_image_type file_probe_type);

use constant DO_DELETE => 0;
use constant DO_UNIMPORT => 1;

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw() ],
'scalar' => [ qw(object object_type object_model object_id object_right file_type files is_global existing) ],

__PACKAGE__->run_before('check_object_params', only => [ qw(list ajax_delete ajax_importdialog ajax_import ajax_unimport ajax_upload ajax_files_uploaded) ]);

# gen: bitmask: bit 1 (value is 1, 3, 5 or 7) => file created
# bit 2 (value is 2, 3, 6 or 7) => file from other source (e.g. directory for scanned documents)
# bit 3 (value is 4, 5, 6 or 7) => upload as other source
# gltype: is this used somewhere?
# dir: is this used somewhere?
# model: base name of the rose model
# right: access right used for import
my %file_types = (
'sales_quotation' => { gen => 1, gltype => '', dir =>'SalesQuotation', model => 'Order', right => 'import_ar' },
'sales_order' => { gen => 5, gltype => '', dir =>'SalesOrder', model => 'Order', right => 'import_ar' },
'sales_delivery_order' => { gen => 1, gltype => '', dir =>'SalesDeliveryOrder', model => 'DeliveryOrder', right => 'import_ar' },
'invoice' => { gen => 1, gltype => 'ar', dir =>'SalesInvoice', model => 'Invoice', right => 'import_ar' },
'credit_note' => { gen => 1, gltype => '', dir =>'CreditNote', model => 'Invoice', right => 'import_ar' },
'request_quotation' => { gen => 7, gltype => '', dir =>'RequestForQuotation', model => 'Order', right => 'import_ap' },
'purchase_order' => { gen => 7, gltype => '', dir =>'PurchaseOrder', model => 'Order', right => 'import_ap' },
'purchase_delivery_order' => { gen => 7, gltype => '', dir =>'PurchaseDeliveryOrder',model => 'DeliveryOrder', right => 'import_ap' },
'purchase_invoice' => { gen => 6, gltype => 'ap', dir =>'PurchaseInvoice', model => 'PurchaseInvoice',right => 'import_ap' },
'vendor' => { gen => 0, gltype => '', dir =>'Vendor', model => 'Vendor', right => 'xx' },
'customer' => { gen => 1, gltype => '', dir =>'Customer', model => 'Customer', right => 'xx' },
'project' => { gen => 0, gltype => '', dir =>'Project', model => 'Project', right => 'xx' },
'part' => { gen => 0, gltype => '', dir =>'Part', model => 'Part', right => 'xx' },
'gl_transaction' => { gen => 6, gltype => 'gl', dir =>'GeneralLedger', model => 'GLTransaction', right => 'import_ap' },
'draft' => { gen => 0, gltype => '', dir =>'Draft', model => 'Draft', right => 'xx' },
'csv_customer' => { gen => 1, gltype => '', dir =>'Reports', model => 'Customer', right => 'xx' },
'csv_vendor' => { gen => 1, gltype => '', dir =>'Reports', model => 'Vendor', right => 'xx' },
'shop_image' => { gen => 0, gltype => '', dir =>'ShopImages', model => 'Part', right => 'xx' },
'letter' => { gen => 7, gltype => '', dir =>'Letter', model => 'Letter', right => 'sales_letter_edit | purchase_letter_edit' },

#--- 4 locale ---#
# $main::locale->text('imported')

# actions

sub action_list {
my ($self) = @_;

my $is_json = 0;
$is_json = 1 if $::form->{json};


sub action_ajax_importdialog {
my ($self) = @_;
my $path = $::form->{path};
my @files = $self->_get_from_import($path);
my $source = {
'name' => $::form->{source},
'path' => $path ,
'chk_action' => $::form->{source}.'_import',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Import scanned documents'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Import all'),
'files' => \@files
{ layout => 0
source => $source

sub action_ajax_import {
my ($self) = @_;
my $ids = $::form->{ids};
my $source = $::form->{source};
my $path = $::form->{path};
my @files = $self->_get_from_import($path);
foreach my $filename (@{ $::form->{$ids} || [] }) {
my ($file, undef) = grep { $_->{name} eq $filename } @files;
if ( $file ) {
my $obj = SL::File->save(object_id => $self->object_id,
object_type => $self->object_type,
mime_type => 'application/pdf',
source => $source,
file_type => 'document',
file_name => $file->{filename},
file_path => $file->{path}
unlink($file->{path}) if $obj;

sub action_ajax_delete {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->_delete_all(DO_DELETE, $::locale->text('Following files are deleted:'));

sub action_ajax_unimport {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->_delete_all(DO_UNIMPORT, $::locale->text('Following files are unimported:'));

sub action_ajax_rename {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($id, $version) = split /_/, $::form->{id};
my $file = SL::File->get(id => $id);
if ( ! $file ) {
$self->js->flash('error', $::locale->text('File not exists !'))->render();
my $sessionfile = $::form->{sessionfile};
if ( $sessionfile && -f $sessionfile ) {
# new uploaded file
if ( $::form->{to} eq $file->file_name ) {
# no rename so use as new version
$self->js->flash('warning', $::locale->text('File \'#1\' is used as new Version !', $file->file_name));

} else {
# new filename, so it is a new file with the same attributes as the old file
eval {
SL::File->save(object_id => $file->object_id,
object_type => $file->object_type,
mime_type => $file->mime_type,
source => $file->source,
file_type => $file->file_type,
file_name => $::form->{to},
file_path => $sessionfile
} or do {
$self->js->flash( 'error', t8('internal error (see details)'))
->flash_detail('error', $@)->render;

} else {
# normal rename
my $result;

eval {
$result = $file->rename($::form->{to});
} or do {
$self->js->flash( 'error', t8('internal error (see details)'))
->flash_detail('error', $@)->render;

if ($result != SL::File::RENAME_OK) {
$result == SL::File::RENAME_EXISTS ? $::locale->text('File still exists !')
: $result == SL::File::RENAME_SAME ? $::locale->text('Same Filename !')
: $::locale->text('File not exists !'))
$self->file_type( $file->file_type);
$self->object_id( $file->object_id);
if ( $::form->{next_ids} ) {
my @existing = split(/,/, $::form->{next_ids});

sub action_ajax_upload {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{maxsize} = $::instance_conf->get_doc_max_filesize;
$self->{accept_types} = '';
$self->{accept_types} = 'image/png,image/gif,image/jpeg,image/tiff,*png,*gif,*.jpg,*.tif' if $self->{file_type} eq 'image';
{ layout => 0

sub action_ajax_files_uploaded {
my ($self) = @_;

my $source = 'uploaded';
my @existing;
if ( $::form->{ATTACHMENTS}->{uploadfiles} ) {
my @upfiles = @{ $::form->{ATTACHMENTS}->{uploadfiles} };
foreach my $idx (0 .. scalar(@upfiles) - 1) {
eval {
my $fname = uri_unescape($upfiles[$idx]->{filename});
# normalize and find basename
# first split with unix rules
# after that split with windows rules
my ($volume, $directories, $basefile) = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath($fname);
($volume, $directories, $basefile) = File::Spec::Win32->splitpath($basefile);

# to find real mime_type by magic we must save the filedata

my $sess_fname = "file_upload_" . $self->object_type . "_" . $self->object_id . "_" . $idx;
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile->new($sess_fname, mode => 'w');

my $mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::magic($sfile->file_name);

if (! $mime_type) {
# if filename has the suffix "pdf", but isn't really a pdf, set mimetype for no suffix
$mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::mimetype($basefile);
$mime_type = 'application/octet-stream' if $mime_type eq 'application/pdf' || !$mime_type;
if ( $self->file_type eq 'image' && $self->file_probe_image_type($mime_type, $basefile)) {
my ($existobj) = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $self->object_id,
object_type => $self->object_type,
mime_type => $mime_type,
source => $source,
file_type => $self->file_type,
file_name => $basefile,

if ($existobj) {
push @existing, $existobj->id.'_'.$sfile->file_name;
} else {
my $fileobj = SL::File->save(object_id => $self->object_id,
object_type => $self->object_type,
mime_type => $mime_type,
source => $source,
file_type => $self->file_type,
file_name => $basefile,
title => $::form->{title},
description => $::form->{description},
## two possibilities: what is better ? content or sessionfile ??
file_contents => ${$upfiles[$idx]->{data}},
file_path => $sfile->file_name
} or do {
$self->js->flash( 'error', t8('internal error (see details)'))
->flash_detail('error', $@)->render;

sub action_download {
my ($self) = @_;

my $id = $::form->{id};
my $version = $::form->{version};

my $file = SL::File->get(id => $id );
$file->version($version) if $version;
my $ref = $file->get_content;
if ( $file && $ref ) {
return $self->send_file($ref,
type => $file->mime_type,
name => $file->file_name,

sub action_ajax_get_thumbnail {
my ($self) = @_;

my $id = $::form->{file_id};
my $version = $::form->{file_version};
my $file = SL::File->get(id => $id);

$file->version($version) if $version;

my $thumbnail = _create_thumbnail($file, $::form->{size});

my $overlay_selector = '#enlarged_thumb_' . $id;
$overlay_selector .= '_' . $version if $version;
->attr($overlay_selector, 'src', 'data:' . $thumbnail->{thumbnail_img_content_type} . ';base64,' . MIME::Base64::encode_base64($thumbnail->{thumbnail_img_content}))
->data($overlay_selector, 'is-overlay-loaded', '1')

# filters

sub check_object_params {
my ($self) = @_;

my $id = ($::form->{object_id} // 0) * 1;
my $draftid = ($::form->{draft_id} // 0) * 1;
my $gldoc = 0;
my $type = undef;

if ( $draftid == 0 && $id == 0 && $::form->{is_global} ) {
$gldoc = 1;
$type = $::form->{object_type};
elsif ( $id == 0 ) {
$id = $::form->{draft_id};
$type = 'draft';
} elsif ( $::form->{object_type} ) {
$type = $::form->{object_type};
die "No object type" unless $type;
die "No file type" unless $::form->{file_type};
die "Unknown object type" unless $file_types{$type};


# $::auth->assert($self->object_right);

# my $model = 'SL::DB::' . $self->object_model;
# $self->object($model->new(id => $self->object_id)->load || die "Record not found");

return 1;

# private methods

sub _delete_all {
my ($self, $do_unimport, $infotext) = @_;
my $files = '';
my $ids = $::form->{ids};
foreach my $id_version (@{ $::form->{$ids} || [] }) {
my ($id, $version) = split /_/, $id_version;
my $dbfile = SL::File->get(id => $id);
if ( $dbfile ) {
if ( $version ) {
$files .= ' ' . $dbfile->file_name if $dbfile->delete_version;
} else {
$files .= ' ' . $dbfile->file_name if $dbfile->delete;
$self->js->flash('info', $infotext . $files) if $files;

sub _do_list {
my ($self, $json) = @_;
my @files;
if ( $self->file_type eq 'document' ) {
my @object_types;
push @object_types, $self->object_type;
push @object_types, qw(dunning1 dunning2 dunning3 dunning_invoice dunning_orig_invoice) if $self->object_type eq 'invoice'; # hardcoded object types?
@files = SL::File->get_all_versions(object_id => $self->object_id,
object_type => \@object_types,
file_type => $self->file_type,

elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'attachment' || $self->file_type eq 'image' ) {
@files = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $self->object_id,
object_type => $self->object_type,
file_type => $self->file_type,

$_->{thumbnail} = _create_thumbnail($_) for @files;

if($self->object_type eq 'shop_image'){
->run('kivi.ShopPart.show_images', $self->object_id)
$self->_mk_render('file/list', 1, 0, $json);

sub _get_from_import {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my @foundfiles ;

my $language = $::lx_office_conf{system}->{language};
my $timezone = $::locale->get_local_time_zone()->name;
if (opendir my $dir, $path) {
my @files = (readdir $dir);
foreach my $file ( @files) {
next if (($file eq '.') || ($file eq '..'));
$file = Encode::decode('utf-8', $file);

next if ( -d "$path/$file" );

my $tmppath = File::Spec->catfile( $path, $file );
next if( ! -f $tmppath );

my $st = stat($tmppath);
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $st->mtime, time_zone => $timezone, locale => $language );
my $sname = $main::locale->quote_special_chars('HTML', $file);
push @foundfiles, {
'name' => $file,
'filename' => $sname,
'path' => $tmppath,
'mtime' => $st->mtime,
'date' => $dt->dmy('.') . " " . $dt->hms,


} else {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_get_from_import opendir failed to open dir " . $path);

return @foundfiles;

sub _mk_render {
my ($self, $template, $edit, $scanner, $json) = @_;
my $err;
eval {
##TODO make code configurable

my $title;
my @sources = $self->_get_sources();
foreach my $source ( @sources ) {
@{$source->{files}} = grep { $_->source eq $source->{name}} @{ $self->files };
if ( $self->file_type eq 'document' ) {
$title = $main::locale->text('Documents');
} elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'attachment' ) {
$title = $main::locale->text('Attachments');
} elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'image' ) {
$title = $main::locale->text('Images');

my $output = SL::Presenter->get->render(
title => $title,
SOURCES => \@sources,
edit_attachments => $edit,
object_type => $self->object_type,
object_id => $self->object_id,
file_type => $self->file_type,
is_global => $self->is_global,
json => $json,
if ( $json ) {
$self->js->html('#'.$self->file_type.'_list_'.$self->object_type, $output);
if ( $self->existing && scalar(@{$self->existing}) > 0) {
my $first = shift @{$self->existing};
my ($first_id, $sfile) = split('_', $first, 2);
my $file = SL::File->get(id => $first_id );
$self->js->run('kivi.File.askForRename', $first_id, $file->file_type, $file->file_name, $sfile, join (',', @{$self->existing}), $self->is_global);
} else {
$self->render(\$output, { layout => 0, process => 0 });
} or do {
if ($json ){
$self->js->flash( 'error', t8('internal error (see details)'))
->flash_detail('error', $@)->render;
} else {
$self->render('generic/error', { layout => 0 }, label_error => $@);

sub _get_sources {
my ($self) = @_;
my @sources;
if ( $self->file_type eq 'document' ) {
# TODO statt gen neue attribute in filetypes :
if (($file_types{$self->object_type}->{gen}*1 & 4)==4) {
# bit 3 is set => means upload
my $source = {
'name' => 'uploaded',
'title' => $main::locale->text('uploaded Documents'),
'chk_action' => 'uploaded_documents_delete',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete Documents'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete all'),
'file_title' => $main::locale->text('filename'),
'confirm_text' => $main::locale->text('delete'),
'can_rename' => 1,
'are_existing' => $self->existing ? 1 : 0,
'rename_title' => $main::locale->text('Rename Attachments'),
'can_upload' => 1,
'can_delete' => 1,
'upload_title' => $main::locale->text('Upload Documents'),
'done_text' => $main::locale->text('deleted')
push @sources , $source;

if (($file_types{$self->object_type}->{gen}*1 & 1)==1) {
my $gendata = {
'name' => 'created',
'title' => $main::locale->text('generated Files'),
'chk_action' => 'documents_delete',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete Documents'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete all'),
'file_title' => $main::locale->text('filename'),
'confirm_text' => $main::locale->text('delete'),
'can_delete' => $::instance_conf->get_doc_delete_printfiles,
'can_rename' => $::instance_conf->get_doc_delete_printfiles,
'rename_title' => $main::locale->text('Rename Documents'),
'done_text' => $main::locale->text('deleted')
push @sources , $gendata;

if (($file_types{$self->object_type}->{gen}*1 & 2)==2) {
my @others = SL::File->get_other_sources();
foreach my $scanner_or_mailrx (@others) {
my $other = {
'name' => $scanner_or_mailrx->{name},
'title' => $main::locale->text('from \'#1\' imported Files', $scanner_or_mailrx->{description}),
'chk_action' => $scanner_or_mailrx->{name}.'_unimport',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Unimport documents'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Unimport all'),
'file_title' => $main::locale->text('filename'),
'confirm_text' => $main::locale->text('unimport'),
'can_rename' => 1,
'rename_title' => $main::locale->text('Rename Documents'),
'can_import' => 1,
'can_delete' => 0,
'import_title' => $main::locale->text('Add Document from \'#1\'', $scanner_or_mailrx->{name}),
'path' => $scanner_or_mailrx->{directory},
'done_text' => $main::locale->text('unimported')
push @sources , $other;
elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'attachment' ) {
my $attdata = {
'name' => 'uploaded',
'title' => $main::locale->text(''),
'chk_action' => 'attachments_delete',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete Attachments'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete all'),
'file_title' => $main::locale->text('filename'),
'confirm_text' => $main::locale->text('delete'),
'can_rename' => 1,
'are_existing' => $self->existing ? 1 : 0,
'rename_title' => $main::locale->text('Rename Attachments'),
'can_upload' => 1,
'can_delete' => 1,
'upload_title' => $main::locale->text('Upload Attachments'),
'done_text' => $main::locale->text('deleted')
push @sources , $attdata;
elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'image' ) {
my $attdata = {
'name' => 'uploaded',
'title' => $main::locale->text(''),
'chk_action' => 'images_delete',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete Images'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete all'),
'file_title' => $main::locale->text('filename'),
'confirm_text' => $main::locale->text('delete'),
'can_rename' => 1,
'are_existing' => $self->existing ? 1 : 0,
'rename_title' => $main::locale->text('Rename Images'),
'can_upload' => 1,
'can_delete' => 1,
'upload_title' => $main::locale->text('Upload Images'),
'done_text' => $main::locale->text('deleted')
push @sources , $attdata;
return @sources;

# ignores all errros
# todo: cache thumbs?
sub _create_thumbnail {
my ($file, $size) = @_;

$size //= 64;

my $filename;
if (!eval { $filename = $file->get_file(); 1; }) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_create_thumbnail get_file failed: " . $EVAL_ERROR);

# Workaround for pfds which are not handled by file_probe_type.
# Maybe use mime info stored in db?
my $mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::magic($filename);
if ($mime_type =~ m{pdf}) {
$filename = _convert_pdf_to_png($filename, size => $size);
return if !$filename;

my $content;
if (!eval { $content = slurp $filename; 1; }) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_create_thumbnail slurp failed: " . $EVAL_ERROR);

my $ret;
if (!eval { $ret = file_probe_type($content, size => $size); 1; }) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_create_thumbnail file_probe_type failed: " . $EVAL_ERROR);

# file_probe_type returns a hash ref with thumbnail info and content
# or an error message
if ('HASH' ne ref $ret) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_create_thumbnail file_probe_type returned an error: " . $ret);

return $ret;

sub _convert_pdf_to_png {
my ($filename, %params) = @_;

my $size = $params{size} // 64;
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile::Random->new();
my $command = 'pdftoppm -singlefile -scale-to ' . $size . ' -png' . ' ' . $filename . ' ' . $sfile->file_name;

if (system($command) == -1) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_convert_pdf_to_png: system call failed: " . $ERRNO);
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_convert_pdf_to_png: pdftoppm failed with error code: " . ($CHILD_ERROR >> 8));

return $sfile->file_name . '.png';




=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

SL::Controller::File - Controller for managing files


The Controller is called directly from the webpages

<a href="\
&object_type=[% HTML.escape(type) %]&object_id=[% HTML.url(id) %]">

or indirectly via javascript functions from js/kivi.File.js

kivi.popup_dialog({ url: '',
data: { action : 'File/ajax_upload',
file_type : 'uploaded',
object_type: type,
object_id : id


This is a controller for handling files in a storage independent way.
The storage may be a Filesystem,a WebDAV, a Database or DMS.
These backends must be configered in ClientConfig.
This Controller use as intermediate layer for storage C<SL::File>.

The Controller is responsible to display forms for displaying the files at the ERP-objects and
for uploading and downloading the files.

More description of the intermediate layer see L<SL::File>.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<action_list>

This loads a list of files on a webpage. This can be done with a normal submit or via an ajax/json call.
Dependent of file_type different sources are available.

For documents there are the 'created' source and the imports from scanners or email.
For attachments and images only the 'uploaded' source available.

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.object_id>

The Id of the ERP-object.

=item C<form.object_type>

The Type of the ERP-object like "sales_quotation". A clear mapping to the class/model exists in the controller.

=item C<form.file_type>

For one ERP-object may exists different type of documents the type may be "documents","attachments" or "images".
This file_type is a filter for the list.

=item C<form.json>

The method can be used as normal HTTP-Request (json=0) or as AJAX-JSON call to refresh the list if the parameter is set to 1.


=head2 C<action_ajax_upload>

A new file or more files can selected by a dialog and insert into the system.

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.file_type>

This parameter describe here the source for a new file :
"attachments" and "images"

This is a normal upload selection, which may be more then one file to upload.

=item C<form.object_id>


=item C<form.object_type>

are the same as at C<action_list>


=head2 C<action_ajax_files_uploaded>

The Upload of selected Files. The "multipart_formdata" is parsed in SL::Request into the formsvariable "form.ATTACHMENTS".
The filepaths are checked about Unix and Windows paths. Also the MIME type of the files are verified ( IS the contents of a *.pdf real PDF?).
If the same filename still exists at this object after the download for each existing filename a rename dialog will be opened.

If the filename is not changed the new uploaded file is a new version of the file, if the name is changed it is a new file.

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.ATTACHMENTS.uploadfiles>

This is an array of elements which have {filename} for the name and {data} for the contents.

Also object_id, object_type and file_type


=head2 C<action_download>

This is the real download of a file normally called via javascript "$.download("", data);"

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

Also object_id, object_type and file_type


=head2 C<action_ajax_importdialog>

A Dialog with all available and not imported files to import is open.
More then one file can be selected.

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.source>

The name of the source like "scanner1" or "email"

=item C<form.path>

The full path to the directory on the server, where the files to import can found

Also object_id, object_type and file_type


=head2 C<action_ajax_delete>

Some files can be deleted

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.ids>

The ids of the files to delete. Only this files are deleted not all versions of a file if the exists


=head2 C<action_ajax_unimport>

Some files can be unimported, dependent of the source of the file. This means they are moved
back to the directory of the source

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.ids>

The ids of the files to unimport. Only these files are unimported not all versions of a file if the exists


=head2 C<action_ajax_rename>

One file can be renamed. There can be some checks if the same filename still exists at one object.

=head1 AUTHOR

Martin Helmling E<lt>martin.helmling@opendynamic.deE<gt>
