kivitendo/SL/ @ c7b0defb
11e50931 | Sven Schöling | package SL::GDPDU;
# translations
# optional: background jobable
use strict;
use utf8;
use parent qw(Rose::Object);
use Text::CSV_XS;
use XML::Writer;
use Archive::Zip;
use File::Temp ();
use File::Spec ();
use List::UtilsBy qw(partition_by);
use SL::DB::Helper::ALL; # since we work on meta data, we need everything
use SL::DB::Helper::Mappings;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
scalar => [ qw(from to tables writer company location) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(files tempfiles export_ids) ],
# in this we find:
# key: table name
# name: short name, translated
# description: long description, translated
# transdate: column used to filter from/to, empty if table is filtered otherwise
# keep: arrayref of columns that should be saved for further referencing
# tables: arrayref with one column and one or many table.column references that were kept earlier
my %known_tables = (
ar => { name => t8('Invoice'), description => t8('Sales Invoices and Accounts Receivables'), keep => [ qw(id customer_id vendor_id) ], transdate => 'transdate', },
ap => { name => t8('Purchase Invoice'), description => t8('Purchase Invoices and Accounts Payables'), keep => [ qw(id customer_id vendor_id) ], transdate => 'transdate', },
oe => { name => t8('Orders'), description => t8('Orders and Quotations, Sales and Purchase'), keep => [ qw(id customer_id vendor_id) ], transdate => 'transdate', },
delivery_orders => { name => t8('Delivery Orders'), description => t8('Delivery Orders'), keep => [ qw(id customer_id vendor_id) ], transdate => 'transdate', },
gl => { name => t8('General Ledger'), description => t8('General Ledger Entries'), keep => [ qw(id) ], transdate => 'transdate', },
invoice => { name => t8('Invoice Positions'), description => t8('Positions for all Invoices'), keep => [ qw(parts_id) ], tables => [ trans_id => "", "" ] },
orderitems => { name => t8('OrderItems'), description => t8('Positions for all Orders'), keep => [ qw(parts_id) ], tables => [ trans_id => "" ] },
delivery_order_items => { name => t8('Delivery Order Items'), description => t8('Positions for all Delivery Orders'), keep => [ qw(parts_id) ], tables => [ delivery_order_id => "" ] },
acc_trans => { name => t8('Transactions'), description => t8('All general ledger entries'), keep => [ qw(chart_id) ], tables => [ trans_id => "", "", "", "", "" ] },
chart => { name => t8('Charts'), description => t8('Chart of Accounts'), tables => [ id => "acc_trans.chart_id" ] },
customer => { name => t8('Customers'), description => t8('Customer Master Data'), tables => [ id => "ar.customer_id", "ap.customer_id", "oe.customer_id", "delivery_orders.customer_id" ] },
vendor => { name => t8('Vendors'), description => t8('Vendor Master Data'), tables => [ id => "ar.vendor_id", "ap.vendor_id", "oe.vendor_id", "delivery_orders.vendor_id" ] },
parts => { name => t8('Parts'), description => t8('Parts, Services, and Assemblies'), tables => [ id => "invoice.parts_id", "orderitems.parts_id", "delivery_order_items.parts_id" ] },
# rows in this listing are tiers.
# tables may depend on ids in a tier above them
my @export_table_order = qw(
ar ap gl oe delivery_orders
invoice orderitems delivery_order_items
customer vendor
# needed because the standard dbh sets datestyle german and we don't want to mess with that
my $date_format = 'DD.MM.YYYY';
# callbacks that produce the xml spec for these column types
my %column_types = (
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Integer' => sub { $_[0]->tag('Numeric', sub { $_[0]->tag('Accuracy', 0) }) },
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::BigInt' => sub { $_[0]->tag('Numeric', sub { $_[0]->tag('Accuracy', 0) }) },
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Text' => sub { $_[0]->tag('AlphaNumeric') },
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Varchar' => sub { $_[0]->tag('AlphaNumeric') },
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Character' => sub { $_[0]->tag('AlphaNumeric') },
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Numeric' => sub { $_[0]->tag('Numeric', sub { $_[0]->tag('Accuracy', 5) }) },
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Date' => sub { $_[0]->tag('Date', sub { $_[0]->tag('Format', $date_format) }) },
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Timestamp' => sub { $_[0]->tag('Date', sub { $_[0]->tag('Format', $date_format) }) },
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Float' => sub { $_[0]->tag('Numeric') },
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Boolean' => sub { $_[0]->tag('AlphaNumeric', sub { $_[0]
->tag('Map', sub { $_[0]
->tag('From', 1)
->tag('To', t8('true'))
->tag('Map', sub { $_[0]
->tag('From', 0)
->tag('To', t8('false'))
->tag('Map', sub { $_[0]
->tag('From', 0)
->tag('To', t8('false'))
}) },
sub generate_export {
my ($self) = @_;
# verify data
$self->from && 'DateTime' eq ref $self->from or die 'need from date';
$self->to && 'DateTime' eq ref $self->to or die 'need to date';
$self->from <= $self->to or die 'from date must be earlier or equal than to date';
$self->tables && @{ $self->tables } or die 'need tables';
for (@{ $self->tables }) {
next if $known_tables{$_};
die "unknown table '$_'";
# get data from those tables and save to csv
# for that we need to build queries that fetch all the columns
for ($self->sorted_tables) {
# write xml file
# add dtd
$self->files->{'gdpdu-01-08-2002.dtd'} = File::Spec->catfile('users', 'gdpdu-01-08-2002.dtd');
# make zip
my ($fh, $zipfile) = File::Temp::tempfile();
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new;
while (my ($name, $file) = each %{ $self->files }) {
$zip->addFile($file, $name);
$zip->writeToFileHandle($fh) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK() or die 'error writing zip file';
return $zipfile;
sub do_xml_file {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile();
binmode($fh, ':utf8');
$self->files->{'INDEX.XML'} = $filename;
push @{ $self->tempfiles }, $filename;
my $writer = XML::Writer->new(
OUTPUT => $fh,
$self->writer->doctype('DataSet', undef, "gdpdu-01-08-2002.dtd");
$self->tag('DataSet', sub { $self
->tag('Version', '1.0')
->tag('DataSupplier', sub { $self
->tag('Name', $self->client_name)
->tag('Location', $self->client_location)
->tag('Comment', $self->make_comment)
->tag('Media', sub { $self
->tag('Name', t8('DataSet #1', 1));
for (@{ $self->tables }) { $self
sub table {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
my $writer = $self->writer;
$self->tag('Table', sub { $self
->tag('URL', "$table.csv")
->tag('Name', $known_tables{$table}{name})
->tag('Description', $known_tables{$table}{description})
->tag('Validity', sub { $self
->tag('Range', sub { $self
->tag('From', $self->from->to_kivitendo(dateformat => ''))
->tag('To', $self->to->to_kivitendo(dateformat => ''))
->tag('Format', $date_format)
->tag('DecimalSymbol', '.')
->tag('DigitGroupingSymbol', '')
->tag('VariableLength', sub { $self
sub _table_columns {
my ($table) = @_;
my $package = SL::DB::Helper::Mappings::get_package_for_table($table);
# PrimaryKeys must come before regular columns, so partition first
partition_by { 1 * $_->is_primary_key_member } $package->meta->columns;
sub columns {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
my %cols_by_primary_key = _table_columns($table);
for my $column (@{ $cols_by_primary_key{1} }) {
my $type = $column_types{ ref $column };
die "unknown col type @{[ ref $column ]}" unless $type;
$self->tag('VariablePrimaryKey', sub { $self
->tag('Name', $column->name);
for my $column (@{ $cols_by_primary_key{0} }) {
my $type = $column_types{ ref $column };
die "unknown col type @{[ ref $column]}" unless $type;
$self->tag('VariableColumn', sub { $self
->tag('Name', $column->name);
sub foreign_keys {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
my $package = SL::DB::Helper::Mappings::get_package_for_table($table);
my %requested = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->tables };
for my $rel ($package->meta->foreign_keys) {
next unless $requested{ $rel->class->meta->table };
# ok, now extract the columns used as foreign key
my %key_columns = $rel->key_columns;
if (1 != keys %key_columns) {
die "multi keys? we don't support this currently. fix it please";
if ($table eq $rel->class->meta->table) {
# self referential foreign keys are a PITA to export correctly. skip!
$self->tag('ForeignKey', sub {
$_[0]->tag('Name', $_) for keys %key_columns;
$_[0]->tag('References', $rel->class->meta->table);
sub do_csv_export {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ binary => 1, eol => "\n", sep_char => ",", quote_char => '"' });
my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile();
binmode($fh, ':utf8');
$self->files->{"$table.csv"} = $filename;
push @{ $self->tempfiles }, $filename;
# in the right order (primary keys first)
my %cols_by_primary_key = _table_columns($table);
my @columns = (@{ $cols_by_primary_key{1} }, @{ $cols_by_primary_key{0} });
my %col_index = do { my $i = 0; map {; "$_" => $i++ } @columns };
# and normalize date stuff
my @select_tokens = map { (ref $_) =~ /Time/ ? $_->name . '::date' : $_->name } @columns;
my @where_tokens;
my @values;
if ($known_tables{$table}{transdate}) {
if ($self->from) {
push @where_tokens, "$known_tables{$table}{transdate} >= ?";
push @values, $self->from;
if ($self->to) {
push @where_tokens, "$known_tables{$table}{transdate} <= ?";
push @values, $self->to;
if ($known_tables{$table}{tables}) {
my ($col, @col_specs) = @{ $known_tables{$table}{tables} };
my %ids;
for (@col_specs) {
my ($ftable, $fkey) = split /\./, $_;
if (!exists $self->export_ids->{$ftable}{$fkey}) {
# check if we forgot to keep it
if (!grep { $_ eq $fkey } @{ $known_tables{$ftable}{keep} || [] }) {
die "unknown table spec '$_' for table $table, did you forget to keep $fkey in $ftable?"
} else {
# hmm, most likely just an empty set.
$self->export_ids->{$ftable}{$fkey} = {};
$ids{$_}++ for keys %{ $self->export_ids->{$ftable}{$fkey} };
if (keys %ids) {
push @where_tokens, "$col IN (@{[ join ',', ('?') x keys %ids ]})";
push @values, keys %ids;
} else {
push @where_tokens, '1=0';
my $where_clause = @where_tokens ? 'WHERE ' . join ' AND ', @where_tokens : '';
my $query = "SELECT " . join(', ', @select_tokens) . " FROM $table $where_clause";
my $sth = $::form->get_standard_dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute(@values) or die "error executing query $query: " . $sth->errstr;
while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
for my $keep_col (@{ $known_tables{$table}{keep} || [] }) {
next if !$row->[$col_index{$keep_col}];
$self->export_ids->{$table}{$keep_col} ||= {};
$csv->print($fh, $row) or $csv->error_diag;
sub tag {
my ($self, $tag, $content) = @_;
if ('CODE' eq ref $content) {
} else {
return $self;
sub make_comment {
my $gdpdu_version = API_VERSION();
my $kivi_version = $::form->read_version;
my $person = $::myconfig{name};
my $contact = join ', ',
(t8("Email") . ": $::myconfig{email}" ) x!! $::myconfig{email},
(t8("Tel") . ": $::myconfig{tel}" ) x!! $::myconfig{tel},
(t8("Fax") . ": $::myconfig{fax}" ) x!! $::myconfig{fax};
t8('DataSet for GDPdU version #1. Created with kivitendo #2 by #3 (#4)',
$gdpdu_version, $kivi_version, $person, $contact
sub client_name {
sub client_location {
sub sorted_tables {
my ($self) = @_;
my %given = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->tables };
grep { $given{$_} } @export_table_order;
sub all_tables {
my ($self, $yesno) = @_;
$self->tables(\@export_table_order) if $yesno;
sub init_files { +{} }
sub init_export_ids { +{} }
sub init_tempfiles { [] }
DateTime->new(year => 2002, month => 8, day => 14)->to_kivitendo;
unlink $_ for @{ $_[0]->tempfiles || [] };
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::GDPDU - IDEA export generator
=over 4
=item C<new PARAMS>
Create new export object. C<PARAMS> may contain:
=over 4
=item company
The name of the company, needed for the supplier header
=item location
Location of the company, needed for the suupplier header
=item from
=item to
Will only include records in the specified date range. Data pulled from other
tables will be culled to match what is needed for these records.
=item tables
A list of tables to be exported.
=item all_tables
Alternative to C<tables>, enables all known tables.
=item C<generate_export>
Do the work. Will return an absolut path to a temp file where all export files
are zipped together.
=head1 CAVEATS
=over 4
=item *
Date format is shit. The official docs state that only C<YY>, C<YYYY>, C<MM>,
and C<DD> are supported, timestamps do not exist.
=item *
Number pasing seems to be fragile. Official docs state that behaviour for too
low C<Accuracy> settings is undefined.
There is no dedicated integer type.
=item *
Currently C<ar> and C<ap> have a foreign key to themself with the name
C<storno_id>. If this foreign key is present in the C<INDEX.XML> then the
storno records have to be too. Since this is extremely awkward to code and
confusing for the examiner as to why there are records outside of the time
range, this export skips all self-referential foreign keys.
=item *
Documentation for foreign keys is extremely weird. Instead of giving column
maps it assumes that foreign keys map to the primary keys given for the target
table, and in that order. Foreign keys to keys that are not primary seems to be
impossible. Changing type is also not allowed (which actually makes sense).
Hopefully there are no bugs there.
=item *
It's currently disallowed to export the whole dataset. It's not clear if this
is wanted.
=head1 AUTHOR
Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>