package SL::Controller::YearEndTransactions;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use DateTime;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::ReportGenerator;
use SL::Helper::Flash;
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::DB::Chart;
use SL::DB::GLTransaction;
use SL::DB::AccTransaction;
use SL::DB::Helper::AccountingPeriod qw(get_balance_starting_date);
use SL::Presenter::Tag qw(checkbox_tag);
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(charts charts9000 cbob_chart cb_date cb_startdate ob_date cb_reference ob_reference cb_description ob_description) ],
sub action_filter {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->ob_date(DateTime->today->truncate(to => 'year')) if !$self->ob_date;
$self->cb_date(DateTime->today->truncate(to => 'year')->add(days => -1)) if !$self->cb_date;
$self->ob_reference(t8('OB Transaction')) if !$self->ob_reference;
$self->cb_reference(t8('CB Transaction')) if !$self->cb_reference;
$self->ob_description(t8('OB Transaction')) if !$self->ob_description;
$self->cb_description(t8('CB Transaction')) if !$self->cb_description;
title => t8('CB/OB Transactions'),
make_title_of_chart => sub { $_[0]->accno.' '.$_[0]->description }
sub action_list {
my ($self) = @_;
my $report = SL::ReportGenerator->new(\%::myconfig, $::form);
output_format => 'HTML',
raw_top_info_text => $::form->parse_html_template('gl/yearend_top', { SELF => $self }),
raw_bottom_info_text => $::form->parse_html_template('gl/yearend_bottom', { SELF => $self }),
allow_pdf_export => 0,
allow_csv_export => 0,
title => $::locale->text('CB/OB Transactions'),
sub action_generate {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->cb_date > $self->ob_date) {
flash ('error', $::locale->text('CB date #1 is higher than OB date #2. Please select again.', $self->cb_date, $self->ob_date));
} else {
my $cnt = $self->make_booking();
flash('info', $::locale->text('#1 CB transactions and #1 OB transactions generated.',$cnt)) if $cnt > 0;
sub check_auth {
# helpers
sub make_booking {
my ($self) = @_;
my @ids = map { $::form->{"multi_id_$_"} } grep { $::form->{"multi_id_$_"} } (1..$::form->{rowcount});
my $cnt = 0;
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(),"generate for ".$::form->{cbob_chart}." # ".scalar(@ids)." charts");
if (scalar(@ids) && $::form->{cbob_chart}) {
my $carryoverchart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_first( query => [ id => $::form->{cbob_chart} ] );
my $charts = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_all( query => [ id => \@ids ] );
foreach my $chart (@{ $charts }) {
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(),"chart_id=".$chart->id." accno=".$chart->accno);
my $balance = $self->get_balance($chart);
if ( $balance != 0 ) {
# SB
# EB
return $cnt;
sub prepare_report {
my ($self,$report) = @_;
my $idx = 1;
my %column_defs = (
'ids' => { raw_header_data => checkbox_tag("", id => "check_all",
checkall => "[data-checkall=1]"), 'align' => 'center' },
'chart' => { text => $::locale->text('Account'), },
'description' => { text => $::locale->text('Description'), },
'saldo' => { text => $::locale->text('Saldo'), 'align' => 'right'},
'sum_cb' => { text => $::locale->text('Sum CB Transactions'), 'align' => 'right'}, ##close == Schluss
'sum_ob' => { text => $::locale->text('Sum OB Transactions'), 'align' => 'right'}, ##open == Eingang
my @columns = qw(ids chart description saldo sum_cb sum_ob);
map { $column_defs{$_}->{visible} = 1 } @columns;
my $ob_next_date = $self->ob_date->clone();
$ob_next_date->add(years => 1)->add(days => -1);
my @custom_headers = ();
# Zeile 1:
push @custom_headers, [
{ 'text' => ' ', 'colspan' => 3 },
{ 'text' => $::locale->text("Timerange")."<br />".$self->cb_startdate->to_kivitendo." - ".$self->cb_date->to_kivitendo, 'colspan' => 2, 'align' => 'center'},
{ 'text' => $::locale->text("Timerange")."<br />".$self->ob_date->to_kivitendo." - ".$ob_next_date->to_kivitendo, 'align' => 'center'},
# Zeile 2:
my @line_2 = ();
map { push @line_2 , $column_defs{$_} } grep { $column_defs{$_}->{visible} } @columns;
push @custom_headers, [ @line_2 ];
my $chart9actual = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_first( query => [ id => $self->cbob_chart ] );
$self->{cbob_chartaccno} = $chart9actual->accno.' '.$chart9actual->description;
foreach my $chart (@{ $self->charts }) {
my $balance = $self->get_balance($chart);
if ( $balance != 0 ) {
my $chart_id = $chart->id;
my $row = { map { $_ => { 'data' => '' } } @columns };
$row->{ids} = {
'raw_data' => checkbox_tag("multi_id_${idx}", value => $chart_id, "data-checkall" => 1),
'valign' => 'center',
'align' => 'center',
$row->{chart}->{data} = $chart->accno;
$row->{description}->{data} = $chart->description;
if ( $balance > 0 ) {
$row->{saldo}->{data} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $balance, 2)." H";
} elsif ( $balance < 0 ) {
$row->{saldo}->{data} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,-$balance, 2)." S";
} else {
$row->{saldo}->{data} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,0, 2)." ";
my $sum_cb = 0;
foreach my $acc ( @{ SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ chart_id => $chart->id, cb_transaction => 't',
transdate => { ge => $self->cb_startdate},
transdate => { le => $self->cb_date }
]) }) {
$sum_cb += $acc->amount;
my $sum_ob = 0;
foreach my $acc ( @{ SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ chart_id => $chart->id, ob_transaction => 't',
transdate => { ge => $self->ob_date},
transdate => { le => $ob_next_date }
]) }) {
$sum_ob += $acc->amount;
if ( $sum_cb > 0 ) {
$row->{sum_cb}->{data} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $sum_cb, 2)." H";
} elsif ( $sum_cb < 0 ) {
$row->{sum_cb}->{data} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,-$sum_cb, 2)." S";
} else {
$row->{sum_cb}->{data} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,0, 2)." ";
if ( $sum_ob > 0 ) {
$row->{sum_ob}->{data} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $sum_ob, 2)." H";
} elsif ( $sum_ob < 0 ) {
$row->{sum_ob}->{data} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,-$sum_ob, 2)." S";
} else {
$row->{sum_ob}->{data} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,0, 2)." ";
$self->{row_count} = $idx;
sub get_balance {
my ($self,$chart) = @_;
#$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(),"get_balance from=".$self->cb_startdate->to_kivitendo." to=".$self->cb_date->to_kivitendo);
my $balance = $chart->get_balance(fromdate => $self->cb_startdate, todate => $self->cb_date);
return 0 if !defined $balance || $balance == 0;
return $balance;
sub gl_booking {
my ($self, $amount, $transdate, $reference, $description, $konto, $gegenkonto, $ob, $cb) = @_;
my $employee_id = $::form->{employee_id};
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(),"employee_id=".$employee_id." ob=".$ob." cb=".$cb);
my $gl_entry = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $employee_id,
transdate => $transdate,
reference => $reference,
description => $description,
ob_transaction => $ob,
cb_transaction => $cb,
my $kto_trans1 = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $gl_entry->id,
transdate => $transdate,
ob_transaction => $ob,
cb_transaction => $cb,
chart_id => $gegenkonto->id,
chart_link => $konto->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => $amount,
my $kto_trans2 = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $gl_entry->id,
transdate => $transdate,
ob_transaction => $ob,
cb_transaction => $cb,
chart_id => $konto->id,
chart_link => $konto->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => -$amount,
sub init_cbob_chart { $::form->{cbob_chart} }
sub init_ob_date { $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{ob_date}) }
sub init_ob_reference { $::form->{ob_reference} }
sub init_ob_description { $::form->{ob_description} }
sub init_cb_startdate { $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{cb_startdate}) }
sub init_cb_date { $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{cb_date}) }
sub init_cb_reference { $::form->{cb_reference} }
sub init_cb_description { $::form->{cb_description} }
sub init_charts9000 {
SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_all( query => [ accno => { like => '9%'}] );
sub init_charts {
# wie geht 'not like' in rose ?
SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_all( query => [ \ "accno not like '9%'"], sort_by => 'accno ASC' );
sub setup_filter_action_bar {
my ($self) = @_;
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#filter_form', { action => 'YearEndTransactions/list' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
sub setup_list_action_bar {
my ($self) = @_;
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => 'YearEndTransactions/generate' } ],
tooltip => t8('generate cb/ob transactions for selected charts'),
confirm => t8('Are you sure to generate cb/ob transactions?'),
accesskey => 'enter',
action => [
call => [ 'kivi.history_back' ],