Revision c6043e02
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 11 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/CsvImport/ | ||
{ name => 'datatype', description => $self->_order_column },
{ name => 'closed', description => $::locale->text('Closed') },
{ name => 'currency', description => $::locale->text('Currency') },
{ name => 'currency_id', description => $::locale->text('Currency (database ID)') },
{ name => 'cusordnumber', description => $::locale->text('Customer Order Number') },
{ name => 'delivered', description => $::locale->text('Delivered') },
{ name => 'employee_id', description => $::locale->text('Employee (database ID)') },
{ name => 'intnotes', description => $::locale->text('Internal Notes') },
{ name => 'marge_percent', description => $::locale->text('Margepercent') },
{ name => 'marge_total', description => $::locale->text('Margetotal') },
{ name => 'notes', description => $::locale->text('Notes') },
{ name => 'ordnumber', description => $::locale->text('Order Number') },
{ name => 'quonumber', description => $::locale->text('Quotation Number') },
{ name => 'reqdate', description => $::locale->text('Reqdate') },
{ name => 'salesman_id', description => $::locale->text('Salesman (database ID)') },
{ name => 'shippingpoint', description => $::locale->text('Shipping Point') },
{ name => 'shipvia', description => $::locale->text('Ship via') },
{ name => 'transaction_description', description => $::locale->text('Transaction description') },
{ name => 'transdate', description => $::locale->text('Order Date') },
{ name => 'verify_amount', description => $::locale->text('Amount (for verification)') },
{ name => 'verify_netamount', description => $::locale->text('Net amount (for verification)') },
{ name => 'taxincluded', description => $::locale->text('Tax Included') },
{ name => 'customer', description => $::locale->text('Customer (name)') },
{ name => 'customernumber', description => $::locale->text('Customer Number') },
{ name => 'customer_id', description => $::locale->text('Customer (database ID)') },
{ name => 'vendor', description => $::locale->text('Vendor (name)') },
{ name => 'vendornumber', description => $::locale->text('Vendor Number') },
{ name => 'vendor_id', description => $::locale->text('Vendor (database ID)') },
{ name => 'language_id', description => $::locale->text('Language (database ID)') },
{ name => 'language', description => $::locale->text('Language (name)') },
{ name => 'payment_id', description => $::locale->text('Payment terms (database ID)') },
{ name => 'payment', description => $::locale->text('Payment terms (name)') },
{ name => 'taxzone_id', description => $::locale->text('Tax zone (database ID)') },
{ name => 'taxzone', description => $::locale->text('Tax zone (description)') },
{ name => 'cp_id', description => $::locale->text('Contact Person (database ID)') },
{ name => 'contact', description => $::locale->text('Contact Person (name)') },
{ name => 'department_id', description => $::locale->text('Department (database ID)') },
{ name => 'department', description => $::locale->text('Department (description)') },
{ name => 'globalproject_id', description => $::locale->text('Document Project (database ID)') },
{ name => 'globalprojectnumber', description => $::locale->text('Document Project (number)') },
{ name => 'globalproject', description => $::locale->text('Document Project (description)') },
{ name => 'shipto_id', description => $::locale->text('Ship to (database ID)') },
{ name => 'datatype', description => $self->_order_column . ' [1]' },
{ name => 'closed', description => $::locale->text('Closed') },
{ name => 'currency', description => $::locale->text('Currency') },
{ name => 'currency_id', description => $::locale->text('Currency (database ID)') },
{ name => 'cusordnumber', description => $::locale->text('Customer Order Number') },
{ name => 'delivered', description => $::locale->text('Delivered') },
{ name => 'employee_id', description => $::locale->text('Employee (database ID)') },
{ name => 'intnotes', description => $::locale->text('Internal Notes') },
{ name => 'marge_percent', description => $::locale->text('Margepercent') },
{ name => 'marge_total', description => $::locale->text('Margetotal') },
{ name => 'notes', description => $::locale->text('Notes') },
{ name => 'ordnumber', description => $::locale->text('Order Number') },
{ name => 'quonumber', description => $::locale->text('Quotation Number') },
{ name => 'reqdate', description => $::locale->text('Reqdate') },
{ name => 'salesman_id', description => $::locale->text('Salesman (database ID)') },
{ name => 'shippingpoint', description => $::locale->text('Shipping Point') },
{ name => 'shipvia', description => $::locale->text('Ship via') },
{ name => 'transaction_description', description => $::locale->text('Transaction description') },
{ name => 'transdate', description => $::locale->text('Order Date') },
{ name => 'verify_amount', description => $::locale->text('Amount (for verification)') . ' [2]' },
{ name => 'verify_netamount', description => $::locale->text('Net amount (for verification)') . ' [2]'},
{ name => 'taxincluded', description => $::locale->text('Tax Included') },
{ name => 'customer', description => $::locale->text('Customer (name)') },
{ name => 'customernumber', description => $::locale->text('Customer Number') },
{ name => 'customer_id', description => $::locale->text('Customer (database ID)') },
{ name => 'vendor', description => $::locale->text('Vendor (name)') },
{ name => 'vendornumber', description => $::locale->text('Vendor Number') },
{ name => 'vendor_id', description => $::locale->text('Vendor (database ID)') },
{ name => 'language_id', description => $::locale->text('Language (database ID)') },
{ name => 'language', description => $::locale->text('Language (name)') },
{ name => 'payment_id', description => $::locale->text('Payment terms (database ID)') },
{ name => 'payment', description => $::locale->text('Payment terms (name)') },
{ name => 'taxzone_id', description => $::locale->text('Tax zone (database ID)') },
{ name => 'taxzone', description => $::locale->text('Tax zone (description)') },
{ name => 'cp_id', description => $::locale->text('Contact Person (database ID)') },
{ name => 'contact', description => $::locale->text('Contact Person (name)') },
{ name => 'department_id', description => $::locale->text('Department (database ID)') },
{ name => 'department', description => $::locale->text('Department (description)') },
{ name => 'globalproject_id', description => $::locale->text('Document Project (database ID)') },
{ name => 'globalprojectnumber', description => $::locale->text('Document Project (number)') },
{ name => 'globalproject', description => $::locale->text('Document Project (description)') },
{ name => 'shipto_id', description => $::locale->text('Ship to (database ID)') },
{ name => 'datatype', description => $self->_item_column },
{ name => 'datatype', description => $self->_item_column . ' [1]' },
{ name => 'cusordnumber', description => $::locale->text('Customer Order Number') },
{ name => 'description', description => $::locale->text('Description') },
{ name => 'discount', description => $::locale->text('Discount') },
locale/de/all | ||
'II' => 'II',
'III' => 'III',
'IV' => 'IV',
'If amounts differ more than "Maximal amount difference" (settings), this item is marked as invalid.' => 'Weichen die Beträge mehr als die "maximale Betragsabweichung" in den Einstellungen ab, so wird diese Position als ungültig markiert.',
'If amounts differ more than "Maximal amount difference" (see settings), this item is marked as invalid.' => 'Weichen die Beträge mehr als die "maximale Betragsabweichung" (siehe Einstellungen) ab, so wird diese Position als ungültig markiert.',
'If checked the taxkey will not be exported in the DATEV Export, but only IF chart taxkeys differ from general ledger taxkeys' => 'Falls angehakt wird der DATEV-Steuerschlüssel bei Buchungen auf dieses Konto nicht beim DATEV-Export mitexportiert, allerdings nur wenn zusätzlich der Konto-Steuerschlüssel vom Buchungs (Hauptbuch) Steuerschlüssel abweicht',
'If configured this bin will be preselected for all new parts. Also this bin will be used as the master default bin, if default transfer out with master bin is activated.' => 'Falls konfiguriert, wird dieses Lager mit Lagerplatz für neu angelegte Waren vorausgewählt.',
'If the article type is set to \'mixed\' then a column called \'type\' must be present.' => 'Falls der Artikeltyp auf \'gemischt\' gestellt wird, muss eine Spalte namens \'type\' vorhanden sein.',
... | ... | |
'Order Number' => 'Auftragsnummer',
'Order Number missing!' => 'Auftragsnummer fehlt!',
'Order deleted!' => 'Auftrag gelöscht!',
'Order/Item columns' => 'Auftrag-/Positions-Spalten',
'Order/Item row name' => 'Name der Auftrag-/Positions-Zeilen',
'OrderItem' => 'Position',
'Ordered' => 'Von Kunden bestellt',
'Orders' => 'Aufträge',
... | ... | |
'The client has been created.' => 'Der Mandant wurde angelegt.',
'The client has been deleted.' => 'Der Mandant wurde gelöscht.',
'The client has been saved.' => 'Der Mandant wurde gespeichert.',
'The column "datatype" must be present and must be the first column. The values must be the row names (see settings) for order and item data respectively.' => 'Die Spalte "datatype" muss vorhanden sein und sie muss die erste Spalte sein. Die Werte in dieser Spalte müssen die Namen der Auftrag-/Positions-Zeilen (siehe Einstellungen) sein.',
'The column "make_X" can contain either a vendor\'s database ID, a vendor number or a vendor\'s name.' => 'Die Spalte "make_X" can entweder die Datenbank-ID des Lieferanten, eine Lieferantennummer oder einen Lieferantennamen enthalten.',
'The column triplets can occur multiple times with different numbers "X" each time (e.g. "make_1", "model_1", "lastcost_1", "make_2", "model_2", "lastcost_2", "make_3", "model_3", "lastcost_3" etc).' => 'Die Spalten-Dreiergruppen können mehrfach auftreten, sofern sie unterschiedliche Nummern "X" verwenden (z.B. "make_1", "model_1", "lastcost_1", "make_2", "model_2", "lastcost_2", "make_3", "model_3", "lastcost_3" etc).',
'The columns "Dunning Duedate", "Total Fees" and "Interest" show data for the previous dunning created for this invoice.' => 'Die Spalten "Zahlbar bis", "Kumulierte Gebühren" und "Zinsen" zeigen Daten der letzten für diese Rechnung erzeugten Mahnung.',
locale/en/all | ||
'II' => '',
'III' => '',
'IV' => '',
'If amounts differ more than "Maximal amount difference" (settings), this item is marked as invalid.' => '',
'If amounts differ more than "Maximal amount difference" (see settings), this item is marked as invalid.' => '',
'If checked the taxkey will not be exported in the DATEV Export, but only IF chart taxkeys differ from general ledger taxkeys' => '',
'If configured this bin will be preselected for all new parts. Also this bin will be used as the master default bin, if default transfer out with master bin is activated.' => '',
'If the article type is set to \'mixed\' then a column called \'type\' must be present.' => '',
... | ... | |
'Order Number' => '',
'Order Number missing!' => '',
'Order deleted!' => '',
'Order/Item columns' => '',
'Order/Item row name' => '',
'OrderItem' => '',
'Ordered' => '',
'Orders' => '',
... | ... | |
'The client has been created.' => '',
'The client has been deleted.' => '',
'The client has been saved.' => '',
'The column "datatype" must be present and must be the first column. The values must be the row names (see settings) for order and item data respectively.' => '',
'The column "make_X" can contain either a vendor\'s database ID, a vendor number or a vendor\'s name.' => '',
'The column triplets can occur multiple times with different numbers "X" each time (e.g. "make_1", "model_1", "lastcost_1", "make_2", "model_2", "lastcost_2", "make_3", "model_3", "lastcost_3" etc).' => '',
'The columns "Dunning Duedate", "Total Fees" and "Interest" show data for the previous dunning created for this invoice.' => '',
templates/webpages/csv_import/_form_orders.html | ||
[% USE LxERP %]
[% USE L %]
<th align="right">[%- LxERP.t8('Order/Item columns') %]:</th>
<th align="right">[%- LxERP.t8('Order/Item row name') %]:</th>
<td colspan="10">
[% L.input_tag('settings.order_column', SELF.profile.get('order_column'), size => "10") %]
[% L.input_tag('settings.item_column', SELF.profile.get('item_column'), size => "10") %]
templates/webpages/csv_import/form.html | ||
[%- ELSIF SELF.type == 'orders' %]
[%- LxERP.t8('Amount and net amount are calculated by kivitendo. "verify_amount" and "verify_netamount" can be used for sanity checks.') %]<br>
[%- LxERP.t8('If amounts differ more than "Maximal amount difference" (settings), this item is marked as invalid.') %]<br>
[% LxERP.t8('The column "datatype" must be present and must be the first column. The values must be the row names (see settings) for order and item data respectively.') %]
[%- LxERP.t8('Amount and net amount are calculated by kivitendo. "verify_amount" and "verify_netamount" can be used for sanity checks.') %]<br>
[%- LxERP.t8('If amounts differ more than "Maximal amount difference" (see settings), this item is marked as invalid.') %]<br>
[%- END %]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
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