Revision c4ae9ae1
Von Hans P. Schlaepfer vor etwa 4 Jahren hinzugefügt
templates/webpages/am/edit_tax.html | ||
<h1>[% 'Tax-O-Matic' | $T8 %] [% title %]</h1>
<form method="post" action="" id="form">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[% HTML.escape(id) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="tax">
<table width="100%">
<td>[% 'tax_taxkey' | $T8 %]</td>
<td>[% IF tax_already_used %]<p>[% HTML.escape(taxkey) %]</p>
<input type="hidden" name="taxkey" size="2" value="[% HTML.escape(taxkey) %]">
[% ELSE %]<input name="taxkey" size="2" value="[% HTML.escape(taxkey) %]">
[% END %]</td>
<td>[% 'tax_taxdescription' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="taxdescription" size="60" value="[% HTML.escape(taxdescription) %]"></td>
[%- FOREACH language = LANGUAGES %]
<form method="post" action="" id="form">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[% HTML.escape(id) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="tax">
<div class="wrapper cols">
<table class="tbl-horizontal col">
<caption>[% 'Tax' | $T8 %]</caption>
<th>[% 'tax_taxkey' | $T8 %]</th>
[% IF tax_already_used %]
[% HTML.escape(taxkey) %]
<input type="hidden" name="taxkey" value="[% HTML.escape(taxkey) %]">
[% ELSE %]
<input name="taxkey" value="[% HTML.escape(taxkey) %]" class="wi-tinynumber" type="text">
[% END %]
<th>[% 'tax_taxdescription' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name="taxdescription" value="[% HTML.escape(taxdescription) %]" class="wi-verywide" type="text"></td>
[% FOREACH language = LANGUAGES %]
<th>[% HTML.escape(language.description) %] ([% LxERP.t8('Translation') %])</th>
<td><input name="translation_[% %]" value="[% HTML.escape(TAX.translated_attribute('taxdescription', language, 1)) %]" class="wi-verywide" type="text"></td>
[% END %]
<th>[% 'tax_percent' | $T8 %]</th>
[% IF tax_already_used %]
[% HTML.escape(rate) %]%
<input type="hidden" name="rate" value="[% HTML.escape(rate) %]">
[% ELSE %]
<input name="rate" value="[% HTML.escape(rate) %]" class="wi-tinynumber" type="text">%
[% END %]
<th>[% 'tax_chartaccno' | $T8 %]</th>
<select name="chart_id" class="wi-verywide">
<option value="">[% 'None' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="[% HTML.escape( %]"[% IF row.selected %] selected[% END %]>[% HTML.escape(row.taxaccount) %]</option>
[% END %]
<th>[% 'Automatic skonto chart sales' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('skonto_sales_chart_id', AR_PAID, value_title_sub = \skontochart_value_title_sub, with_empty = 1, default = skonto_sales_chart_id, class='wi-verywide') %]</td>
<th>[% 'Automatic skonto chart purchase' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('skonto_purchase_chart_id', AP_PAID, value_title_sub = \skontochart_value_title_sub, with_empty = 1, default = skonto_purchase_chart_id class='wi-verywide') %]</td>
<td>[%- HTML.escape(language.description) %] ([%- LxERP.t8('Translation') %])</td>
<input name="translation_[% %]" value="[%- HTML.escape(TAX.translated_attribute('taxdescription', language, 1)) %]" size="60">
<th>[% 'Account categories' | $T8 %]</th>
[% IF asset %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('asset', value => 1, checked => 1) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('asset', value => 1, checked => 0) %]
[% END %]
[% 'Asset' | $T8 %] (A) <br>
[% IF liability %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('liability', value => 1, checked => 1) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('liability', value => 1, checked => 0) %]
[% END %]
[% 'Liability' | $T8 %] (L) <br>
[% IF equity %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('equity', value => 1, checked => 1) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('equity', value => 1, checked => 0) %]
[% END %]
[% 'Equity' | $T8 %] (Q) <br>
[% IF revenue %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('revenue', value => 1, checked => 1) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('revenue', value => 1, checked => 0) %]
[% END %]
[% 'Revenue' | $T8 %] (I) <br>
[% IF expense %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('expense', value => 1, checked => 1) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('expense', value => 1, checked => 0) %]
[% END %]
[% 'Expense' | $T8 %] (E) <br>
[% IF costs %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('costs', value => 1, checked => 1) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('costs', value => 1, checked => 0) %]
[% END %]
[% 'Costs' | $T8 %] (C)
[%- END %]
<td>[% 'tax_percent' | $T8 %]</td>
<td>[% IF tax_already_used %]<p>[% HTML.escape(rate) %] %</p>
<input type="hidden" name="rate" size="10" value="[% HTML.escape(rate) %]">
[% ELSE %]<input name="rate" size="10" value="[% HTML.escape(rate) %]"> %
[% END %]</td>
<td>[% 'tax_chartaccno' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><select name="chart_id"><option value="">[% 'None' | $T8 %]</option>[% FOREACH row = ACCOUNTS %]<option value="[% HTML.escape( %]" [% IF row.selected %]selected[% END %]>[% HTML.escape(row.taxaccount) %]</option>[% END %]</select></td>
<td>[% 'Automatic skonto chart sales' | $T8 %]</td>
<td> [% L.select_tag('skonto_sales_chart_id', AR_PAID, value_title_sub = \skontochart_value_title_sub, with_empty = 1, default = skonto_sales_chart_id) %]</td>
<td>[% 'Automatic skonto chart purchase' | $T8 %]</td>
<td> [% L.select_tag('skonto_purchase_chart_id', AP_PAID, value_title_sub = \skontochart_value_title_sub, with_empty = 1, default = skonto_purchase_chart_id) %]</td>
<td>[% 'Account categories' | $T8 %]</td>
<col width="10">
<col width="130">
<col width="10">
<col width="130">
<col width="10">
<col width="130">
<col width="10">
<col width="130">
<col width="10">
<col width="130">
<col width="10">
<col width="130">
<td align="right">[% IF asset %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('asset', value => 1, checked => 1, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('asset', value => 1, checked => 0, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% END %]
<td align="left">[% 'Asset' | $T8 %] (A)</td>
<td align="right">[% IF liability %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('liability', value => 1, checked => 1, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('liability', value => 1, checked => 0, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% END %]
<td align="left">[% 'Liability' | $T8 %] (L)</td>
<td align="right">[% IF equity %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('equity', value => 1, checked => 1, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('equity', value => 1, checked => 0, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% END %]
<td align="left">[% 'Equity' | $T8 %] (Q)</td>
<td align="right">[% IF revenue %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('revenue', value => 1, checked => 1, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('revenue', value => 1, checked => 0, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% END %]
<td align="left">[% 'Revenue' | $T8 %] (I)</td>
<td align="right">[% IF expense %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('expense', value => 1, checked => 1, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('expense', value => 1, checked => 0, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% END %]
<td align="left">[% 'Expense' | $T8 %] (E)</td>
<td align="right">[% IF costs %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('costs', value => 1, checked => 1, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.checkbox_tag('costs', value => 1, checked => 0, class => 'checkbox') %]
[% END %]
<td align="left">[% 'Costs' | $T8 %] (C)</td>
[% UNLESS orphaned %]
<br />
[% 'Chartaccounts connected to this Tax:' | $T8 %]
<a href="[% HTML.url( %]&callback=[% HTML.url(callback) %]">[% HTML.escape(row.accno) %]</a>
[% END %]
<br />
[% END %]
<input type="hidden" name="callback" value="[% HTML.escape(callback) %]">
[% UNLESS orphaned %]
<div class="col">
<h3 class="caption">[% 'Chartaccounts connected to this Tax:' | $T8 %]</h3>
<li><a href="[% HTML.url( %]&callback=[% HTML.url(callback) %]">[% HTML.escape(row.accno) %]</a></li>
[% END %]
[% END %]
<input type="hidden" name="callback" value="[% #HTML.escape(callback) %]">
</div><!-- /.wrapper -->
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Neues Design 2019 Standard-Code templates/webpages/am/edit_tax.html