


Herunterladen (4,36 KB) Statistiken
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use strict;
use Test::More;

use lib 't';

use_ok 'Support::TestSetup';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Part';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Warehouse';
use_ok 'SL::WH';



my $part = SL::DB::Part->new(unit => 'mg', description => 'TestObject');

is(ref($part), 'SL::DB::Part', 'loading a part to test with id ' . $part->id);

my $wh = SL::DB::Manager::Warehouse->get_first;
is(ref $wh, 'SL::DB::Warehouse', 'loading a warehouse to test with id ' . $wh->id);

my $bin1 = $wh->bins->[0];
is(ref $bin1, 'SL::DB::Bin', 'getting first bin to test with id ' . $bin1->id);

my $bin2 = $wh->bins->[1];
is(ref $bin2, 'SL::DB::Bin', 'getting another bin to test with id ' . $bin2->id);

my $report = sub {
$::form->{l_warehouseid} = 'Y';
$::form->{l_binid} = 'Y';
my ($result) = WH->get_warehouse_report(
warehouse_id => $wh->id,
bin_id => $bin1->id,
partsid => $part->id,
chargenumber => '',
$result->{qty} ||= 0;
return $result;

sub test (&@) {
my ($arg_sub, @transfers) = @_;
my $before = $report->();


my $after = $report->();
my @args = $arg_sub->($before, $after);

is $args[0], $args[1], $args[2];

test { shift->{qty}, shift->{qty} + 4, 'transfer one way' } {
transfer_type => 'transfer',
parts_id => $part->id,
src_warehouse_id => $wh->id,
dst_warehouse_id => $wh->id,
src_bin_id => $bin1->id,
dst_bin_id => $bin2->id,
qty => 4,
chargenumber => '',


test { shift->{qty}, shift->{qty} - 4, 'and back' } {
transfer_type => 'transfer',
parts_id => $part->id,
src_warehouse_id => $wh->id,
dst_warehouse_id => $wh->id,
src_bin_id => $bin2->id,
dst_bin_id => $bin1->id,
qty => 4,
chargenumber => '',


test {shift->{qty}, shift->{qty} + 4000000000, 'transfer one way with unit'} {
transfer_type => 'transfer',
parts_id => $part->id,
src_warehouse_id => $wh->id,
dst_warehouse_id => $wh->id,
src_bin_id => $bin1->id,
dst_bin_id => $bin2->id,
qty => 4,
unit => 't',
chargenumber => '',


use_ok 'SL::DB::TransferType';

# object interface test

test { shift->{qty}, shift->{qty} + 6.2, 'object transfer one way' } {
transfer_type => SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(description => 'transfer'),
parts => $part,
src_bin => $bin1,
dst_bin => $bin2,
qty => 6.2,
chargenumber => '',


test { shift->{qty}, shift->{qty} - 6.2, 'full object transfer back' } {
transfer_type => SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(description => 'transfer'),
parts => $part,
src_bin => $bin2,
src_warehouse => $wh,
dst_bin => $bin1,
dst_warehouse => $wh,
qty => 6.2,
chargenumber => '',


test { shift->{qty}, shift->{qty}, 'back and forth in one transaction' } {
transfer_type => SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(description => 'transfer'),
parts => $part,
src_bin => $bin2,
src_warehouse => $wh,
dst_bin => $bin1,
dst_warehouse => $wh,
qty => 1,
transfer_type => SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(description => 'transfer'),
parts => $part,
src_bin => $bin1,
src_warehouse => $wh,
dst_bin => $bin2,
dst_warehouse => $wh,
qty => 1,


test { shift->{qty}, shift->{qty}, 'warehouse reduced interface' } {
transfer_type => SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(description => 'transfer'),
parts => $part,
src_bin => $bin2,
dst_bin => $bin1,
qty => 1,
transfer_type => SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(description => 'transfer'),
parts => $part,
src_bin => $bin1,
dst_bin => $bin2,
qty => 1,

SL::DB::Manager::Inventory->delete_objects(where => [parts_id => $part->id]);


