


Herunterladen (54,5 KB) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web
# Veraendert 2005-01-05 - Marco Welter <> - Neue Optik #
# SQL-Ledger, Accounting
# Copyright (c) 1998-2002
# Author: Dieter Simader
# Email:
# Web:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# common routines used in is, ir, oe

# any custom scripts for this one
if (-f "$form->{path}/") {
eval { require "$form->{path}/"; };
if (-f "$form->{path}/$form->{login}") {
eval { require "$form->{path}/$form->{login}"; };


# end of main

# this is for our long dates
# $locale->text('January')
# $locale->text('February')
# $locale->text('March')
# $locale->text('April')
# $locale->text('May ')
# $locale->text('June')
# $locale->text('July')
# $locale->text('August')
# $locale->text('September')
# $locale->text('October')
# $locale->text('November')
# $locale->text('December')

# this is for our short month
# $locale->text('Jan')
# $locale->text('Feb')
# $locale->text('Mar')
# $locale->text('Apr')
# $locale->text('May')
# $locale->text('Jun')
# $locale->text('Jul')
# $locale->text('Aug')
# $locale->text('Sep')
# $locale->text('Oct')
# $locale->text('Nov')
# $locale->text('Dec')
195883fd Stephan Köhler
use SL::IS;
use SL::PE;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
use Data::Dumper;
# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #
sub display_row {
my $numrows = shift;
if ($lizenzen && $form->{vc} eq "customer") {
if ($form->{type} =~ /sales_order/) {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, ship, qty);
} elsif ($form->{type} =~ /sales_quotation/) {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, qty);
} else {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, qty);
} else {
if ( ($form->{type} =~ /purchase_order/)
|| ($form->{type} =~ /sales_order/)) {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, ship, qty);
} else {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, qty);
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################

195883fd Stephan Köhler
push @column_index, qw(unit);

#for pricegroups column
342c174c Stephan Köhler
if ( $form->{type} =~ (/sales_quotation/)
or (($form->{level} =~ /Sales/) and ($form->{type} =~ /invoice/))
or (($form->{level} eq undef) and ($form->{type} =~ /invoice/))
or ($form->{type} =~ /sales_order/)) {
195883fd Stephan Köhler
push @column_index, qw(sellprice_drag);

push @column_index, qw(sellprice);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{vc} eq 'customer') {
push @column_index, qw(discount);

push @column_index, "linetotal";

my $colspan = $#column_index + 1;

$form->{invsubtotal} = 0;
map { $form->{"${_}_base"} = 0 } (split / /, $form->{taxaccounts});

# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #
$column_data{runningnumber} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=5 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('No.')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{partnumber} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=12 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Number')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{description} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=30 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Part Description')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{ship} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=5 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Ship')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{qty} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=5 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Qty')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{unit} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=5 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Unit')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{license} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=10 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('License')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{serialnr} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=10 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Serial No.')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{projectnr} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=10 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Project')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{sellprice} =
195883fd Stephan Köhler
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=15 class=listheading>|
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
. $locale->text('Price')
. qq|</th>|;
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$column_data{sellprice_drag} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=15 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Pricegroup')
. qq|</th>|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$column_data{discount} =
qq|<th align=left class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Discount')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{linetotal} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=10 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Extended')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_data{bin} =
qq|<th align=left nowrap width=10 class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Bin')
. qq|</th>|;
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################

print qq|
<table width=100%>
<tr class=listheading>|;

map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @column_index;

print qq|

$runningnumber = $locale->text('No.');
$deliverydate = $locale->text('Delivery Date');
$serialnumber = $locale->text('Serial No.');
$projectnumber = $locale->text('Project');
$partsgroup = $locale->text('Group');
bdb99b0d Sven Schöling
$reqdate = $locale->text('Reqdate');
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$delvar = 'deliverydate';

if ($form->{type} =~ /_order$/ || $form->{type} =~ /_quotation$/) {
$deliverydate = $locale->text('Required by');
$delvar = 'reqdate';

for $i (1 .. $numrows) {

# undo formatting
map {
c103dedd Philip Reetz
$form->{"${_}_$i"} =
$form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"})
195883fd Stephan Köhler
} qw(qty ship discount sellprice price_new price_old);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
($dec) = ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$dec = length $dec;
$decimalplaces = ($dec > 2) ? $dec : 2;

$discount =
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100,
195883fd Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$linetotal =
$form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} - $discount, $decimalplaces);
$linetotal = $form->round_amount($linetotal * $form->{"qty_$i"}, 2);

# convert " to &quot;
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g }
qw(partnumber description unit);

# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #
$column_data{runningnumber} =
qq|<td><input name="runningnumber_$i" size=5 value=$i></td>|; # HuT
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################

$column_data{partnumber} =
qq|<td><input name="partnumber_$i" size=12 value="$form->{"partnumber_$i"}"></td>|;

if (($rows = $form->numtextrows($form->{"description_$i"}, 30, 6)) > 1) {
$column_data{description} =
qq|<td><textarea name="description_$i" rows=$rows cols=30 wrap=soft>$form->{"description_$i"}</textarea></td>|;
} else {
$column_data{description} =
qq|<td><input name="description_$i" size=30 value="$form->{"description_$i"}"></td>|;

58b14f96 Stephan Köhler
(my $qty_dec) = ($form->{"qty_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$qty_dec = length $qty_dec;
4a095dc9 Udo Spallek
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$column_data{qty} =
58b14f96 Stephan Köhler
qq|<td align=right><input name="qty_$i" size=5 value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"}, $qty_dec)
. qq|></td>|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$column_data{ship} =
qq|<td align=right><input name="ship_$i" size=5 value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"ship_$i"})
. qq|></td>|;
$column_data{unit} =
qq|<td><input name="unit_$i" size=5 value="$form->{"unit_$i"}"></td>|;
195883fd Stephan Köhler
# build in dragdrop for pricesgroups
if ($form->{"prices_$i"}) {
342c174c Stephan Köhler
$price_tmp =
$form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"price_new_$i"}, 2);
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$column_data{sellprice_drag} =
qq|<td align=right><select name="sellprice_drag_$i">$form->{"prices_$i"}</select></td>|;
$column_data{sellprice} =
qq|<td><input name="sellprice_$i" size=5 value=$price_tmp></td>|;
} else {
342c174c Stephan Köhler
195883fd Stephan Köhler
# for last row and report
# set pricegroup dragdrop from report menu
if ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} != 0) {
$prices =
342c174c Stephan Köhler
qq|<option value="$form->{"sellprice_$i"}--$form->{"pricegroup_id_$i"}" selected>$form->{"pricegroup_$i"}</option>\n|;
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$form->{"pricegroup_old_$i"} = $form->{"pricegroup_id_$i"};

$column_data{sellprice_drag} =
qq|<td align=right><select name="sellprice_drag_$i">$prices</select></td>|;

342c174c Stephan Köhler
} else {

# for last row
$column_data{sellprice_drag} =
qq|<td align=right><input name="sellprice_$i" size=9 value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"prices_$i"},
. qq|></td>|;
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$column_data{sellprice} =
qq|<td><input name="sellprice_$i" size=5 value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"},
. qq|></td>|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$column_data{discount} =
qq|<td align=right><input name="discount_$i" size=3 value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"discount_$i"})
. qq|></td>|;
$column_data{linetotal} =
qq|<td align=right>|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $linetotal, 2)
. qq|</td>|;
$column_data{bin} = qq|<td>$form->{"bin_$i"}</td>|;

# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #
# if ($lizenzen && $form->{type} eq "invoice" && $form->{vc} eq "customer") {
# $column_data{license} = qq|<td><select name="licensenumber_$i">$form->{"lizenzen_$i"}></select></td>|;
# }
# if ($form->{type} !~ /_quotation/) {
# $column_data{serialnr} = qq|<td><input name="serialnumber_$i" size=10 value="$form->{"serialnumber_$i"}"></td>|;
# }
# $column_data{projectnr} = qq|<td><input name="projectnumber_$i" size=10 value="$form->{"projectnumber_$i"}"></td>|;
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################

print qq|
<tr valign=top>|;

map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @column_index;

print qq|

<input type=hidden name="orderitems_id_$i" value=$form->{"orderitems_id_$i"}>
<input type=hidden name="bo_$i" value=$form->{"bo_$i"}>

195883fd Stephan Köhler
<input type=hidden name="pricegroup_old_$i" value=$form->{"pricegroup_old_$i"}>
<input type=hidden name="price_old_$i" value=$form->{"price_old_$i"}>
342c174c Stephan Köhler
<input type=hidden name="price_new_$i" value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"price_new_$i"}) . qq|>
195883fd Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
<input type=hidden name="id_$i" value=$form->{"id_$i"}>
<input type=hidden name="inventory_accno_$i" value=$form->{"inventory_accno_$i"}>
<input type=hidden name="bin_$i" value="$form->{"bin_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="partsgroup_$i" value="$form->{"partsgroup_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="partnotes_$i" value="$form->{"partnotes_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="income_accno_$i" value=$form->{"income_accno_$i"}>
<input type=hidden name="expense_accno_$i" value=$form->{"expense_accno_$i"}>
<input type=hidden name="listprice_$i" value="$form->{"listprice_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="assembly_$i" value="$form->{"assembly_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="taxaccounts_$i" value="$form->{"taxaccounts_$i"}">
0270c3d5 Sven Schöling
<input type=hidden name="ordnumber_$i" value="$form->{"ordnumber_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="transdate_$i" value="$form->{"transdate_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="cusordnumber_$i" value="$form->{"cusordnumber_$i"}">
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #
# print second row
print qq|
<td colspan=$colspan>
if ($lizenzen && $form->{type} eq "invoice" && $form->{vc} eq "customer") {
my $selected = $form->{"licensenumber_$i"};
my $lizenzen_quoted;
$form->{"lizenzen_$i"} =~ s/ selected//g;
$form->{"lizenzen_$i"} =~
s/value="${selected}"\>/value="${selected}" selected\>/;
$lizenzen_quoted = $form->{"lizenzen_$i"};
$lizenzen_quoted =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
print qq|
<b>Lizenz\#</b>&nbsp;<select name="licensenumber_$i" size=1>
<input type=hidden name="lizenzen_$i" value="${lizenzen_quoted}">
if ($form->{type} !~ /_quotation/) {
print qq|
<b>$serialnumber</b>&nbsp;<input name="serialnumber_$i" size=15 value="$form->{"serialnumber_$i"}">|;

print qq|
<b>$projectnumber</b>&nbsp;<input name="projectnumber_$i" size=10 value="$form->{"projectnumber_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="oldprojectnumber_$i" value="$form->{"oldprojectnumber_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="project_id_$i" value="$form->{"project_id_$i"}">
bdb99b0d Sven Schöling
if ($form->{type} eq 'invoice' or $form->{type} =~ /order/) {
my $reqdate_term = ($form->{type} eq 'invoice')?'deliverydate':'reqdate'; # invoice uses a different term for the same thing.
print qq|
<b>${$reqdate_term}</b>&nbsp;<input name="${reqdate_term}_$i" size=11 value="$form->{"${reqdate_term}_$i"}">
42fe7c92 Sven Schöling
bdb99b0d Sven Schöling
print qq|
d319704a Moritz Bunkus


############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################

map { $form->{"${_}_base"} += $linetotal }
(split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"});

$form->{invsubtotal} += $linetotal;

print qq|


195883fd Stephan Köhler
# build html-code for pricegroups in variable $form->{prices_$j}

sub set_pricegroup {
a8d9f325 Philip Reetz
my $rowcount = shift;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
a8d9f325 Philip Reetz
for $j (1 .. $rowcount) {
195883fd Stephan Köhler
my $pricegroup_old = $form->{"pricegroup_old_$i"};
342c174c Stephan Köhler
if ($form->{PRICES}{$j}) {
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$len = 0;
$prices = '';
342c174c Stephan Köhler
$price = 0;
foreach $item (@{ $form->{PRICES}{$j} }) {
1d827e31 Stephan Köhler
#$price = $form->round_amount($myconfig, $item->{price}, 5);
#$price = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $item->{price}, 2);
342c174c Stephan Köhler
$price = $item->{price};
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$pricegroup_id = $item->{pricegroup_id};
$pricegroup = $item->{pricegroup};
342c174c Stephan Köhler
195883fd Stephan Köhler
# build dragdrop for pricegroups
$prices .=
342c174c Stephan Köhler
qq|<option value="$price--$pricegroup_id"$item->{selected}>$pricegroup</option>\n|;
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$len += 1;
1d827e31 Stephan Köhler
# map {
# $form->{"${_}_$j"} =
# $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$j"})
# } qw(sellprice price_new price_old);
342c174c Stephan Köhler
195883fd Stephan Köhler
# set new selectedpricegroup_id and prices for "Preis"
59c5df71 Philip Reetz
if ($item->{selected} && ($pricegroup_id != 0)) {
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$form->{"pricegroup_old_$j"} = $pricegroup_id;
342c174c Stephan Köhler
$form->{"price_new_$j"} = $price;
$form->{"sellprice_$j"} = $price;
195883fd Stephan Köhler
59c5df71 Philip Reetz
if ($pricegroup_id == 0) {
$form->{"price_new_$j"} = $form->{"sellprice_$j"};
if ($len > 1) {
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$form->{"prices_$j"} = $prices;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
195883fd Stephan Köhler
sub select_item {
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
@column_index = qw(ndx partnumber description onhand sellprice);

$column_data{ndx} = qq|<th>&nbsp;</th>|;
$column_data{partnumber} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Number') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{description} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Part Description') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{sellprice} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Price') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{onhand} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Qty') . qq|</th>|;

# list items with radio button on a form

$title = $locale->text('Select from one of the items below');
$colspan = $#column_index + 1;

print qq|

<form method=post action=$form->{script}>

<table width=100%>
<th class=listtop colspan=$colspan>$title</th>
<tr height="5"></tr>
<tr class=listheading>|;

map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @column_index;

print qq|</tr>|;

my $i = 0;
foreach $ref (@{ $form->{item_list} }) {
$checked = ($i++) ? "" : "checked";

if ($lizenzen) {
if ($ref->{inventory_accno} > 0) {
$ref->{"lizenzen"} = qq|<option></option>|;
foreach $item (@{ $form->{LIZENZEN}{ $ref->{"id"} } }) {
$ref->{"lizenzen"} .=
qq|<option value=\"$item->{"id"}\">$item->{"licensenumber"}</option>|;
$ref->{"lizenzen"} .= qq|<option value=-1>Neue Lizenz</option>|;
$ref->{"lizenzen"} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;

map { $ref->{$_} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g } qw(partnumber description unit);
342c174c Stephan Köhler
#sk tradediscount
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$ref->{sellprice} =
$form->round_amount($ref->{sellprice} * (1 - $form->{tradediscount}), 2);
$column_data{ndx} =
qq|<td><input name=ndx class=radio type=radio value=$i $checked></td>|;
$column_data{partnumber} =
qq|<td><input name="new_partnumber_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{partnumber}">$ref->{partnumber}</td>|;
$column_data{description} =
qq|<td><input name="new_description_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{description}">$ref->{description}</td>|;
$column_data{sellprice} =
qq|<td align=right><input name="new_sellprice_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{sellprice}>|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{sellprice}, 2, "&nbsp;")
. qq|</td>|;
$column_data{onhand} =
qq|<td align=right><input name="new_onhand_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{onhand}>|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{onhand}, '', "&nbsp;")
. qq|</td>|;

$j %= 2;
print qq|
<tr class=listrow$j>|;

map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @column_index;

print qq|

<input name="new_bin_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{bin}">
<input name="new_listprice_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{listprice}>
<input name="new_inventory_accno_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{inventory_accno}>
<input name="new_income_accno_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{income_accno}>
<input name="new_expense_accno_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{expense_accno}>
<input name="new_unit_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{unit}">
<input name="new_weight_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{weight}">
<input name="new_assembly_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{assembly}">
<input name="new_taxaccounts_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{taxaccounts}">
<input name="new_partsgroup_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{partsgroup}">

<input name="new_id_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{id}>

if ($lizenzen) {
print qq|
<input name="new_lizenzen_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{lizenzen}">


print qq|
<tr><td colspan=8><hr size=3 noshade></td></tr>

<input name=lastndx type=hidden value=$i>


# delete action variable
map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(action item_list header);

# save all other form variables
foreach $key (keys %${form}) {
$form->{$key} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
print qq|<input name=$key type=hidden value="$form->{$key}">\n|;

print qq|
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=item_selected>

<input class=submit type=submit name=action value="|
. $locale->text('Continue') . qq|">



sub item_selected {
342c174c Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# replace the last row with the checked row
$i = $form->{rowcount};
$i = $form->{assembly_rows} if ($form->{item} eq 'assembly');

# index for new item
$j = $form->{ndx};

195883fd Stephan Köhler
#($form->{"sellprice_$i"},$form->{"$pricegroup_old_$i"}) = split /--/, $form->{"sellprice_$i"};
#$form->{"sellprice_$i"} = $form->{"sellprice_$i"};

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# if there was a price entered, override it
$sellprice = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"});

map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{"new_${_}_$j"} }
qw(id partnumber description sellprice listprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno bin unit weight assembly taxaccounts partsgroup);

if ($lizenzen) {
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{"new_${_}_$j"} } qw(lizenzen);

($dec) = ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$dec = length $dec;
$decimalplaces = ($dec > 2) ? $dec : 2;

if ($sellprice) {
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} = $sellprice;
} else {

# if there is an exchange rate adjust sellprice
if (($form->{exchangerate} * 1) != 0) {
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} /= $form->{exchangerate};
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} =
$form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"}, $decimalplaces);

map { $form->{$_} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}) }
qw(sellprice listprice weight);

$form->{sellprice} += ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"});
$form->{weight} += ($form->{"weight_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"});

$amount =
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} * (1 - $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100) *
map { $form->{"${_}_base"} += $amount }
(split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"});
map { $amount += ($form->{"${_}_base"} * $form->{"${_}_rate"}) } split / /,
if !$form->{taxincluded};

$form->{creditremaining} -= $amount;

$form->{"runningnumber_$i"} = $i;

# delete all the new_ variables
for $i (1 .. $form->{lastndx}) {
map { delete $form->{"new_${_}_$i"} }
qw(partnumber description sellprice bin listprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno unit assembly taxaccounts id);

map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(ndx lastndx nextsub);

# format amounts
map {
$form->{"${_}_$i"} =
$form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"}, $decimalplaces)
} qw(sellprice listprice) if $form->{item} ne 'assembly';

195883fd Stephan Köhler
# get pricegroups for parts
IS->get_pricegroups_for_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);

# build up html code for prices_$i
342c174c Stephan Köhler
195883fd Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus


sub new_item {

# change callback
$form->{old_callback} = $form->escape($form->{callback}, 1);
$form->{callback} = $form->escape("$form->{script}?action=display_form", 1);

# delete action
delete $form->{action};

# save all other form variables in a previousform variable
foreach $key (keys %$form) {

# escape ampersands
$form->{$key} =~ s/&/%26/g;
$previousform .= qq|$key=$form->{$key}&|;
chop $previousform;
$previousform = $form->escape($previousform, 1);

$i = $form->{rowcount};
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g } qw(partnumber description);


print qq|

<h4 class=error>| . $locale->text('Item not on file!') . qq|

| . $locale->text('What type of item is this?') . qq|</h4>

<form method=post>


<input class=radio type=radio name=item value=part checked>&nbsp;|
. $locale->text('Part') . qq|<br>
<input class=radio type=radio name=item value=service>&nbsp;|
. $locale->text('Service')

. qq|
<input type=hidden name=previousform value="$previousform">
<input type=hidden name=partnumber value="$form->{"partnumber_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name=description value="$form->{"description_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name=rowcount value=$form->{rowcount}>
<input type=hidden name=taxaccount2 value=$form->{taxaccounts}>
<input type=hidden name=vc value=$form->{vc}>

<input type=hidden name=path value=$form->{path}>
<input type=hidden name=login value=$form->{login}>
<input type=hidden name=password value=$form->{password}>

<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=add>

<input class=submit type=submit name=action value="|
. $locale->text('Continue') . qq|">



sub display_form {
a8d9f325 Philip Reetz
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# if we have a display_form
if ($form->{display_form}) {
cc63261c Philip Reetz
# if ( $form->{print_and_post}
# && $form->{second_run}
# && ($form->{action} eq "display_form")) {
# for (keys %$form) { $old_form->{$_} = $form->{$_} }
# $old_form->{rowcount}++;
# #$form->{rowcount}--;
# #$form->{rowcount}--;
# $form->{print_and_post} = 0;
# &print_form($old_form);
# exit;
# }
# $form->{action} = "";
# $form->{resubmit} = 0;
# if ($form->{print_and_post} && !$form->{second_run}) {
# $form->{second_run} = 1;
# $form->{action} = "display_form";
# $form->{rowcount}--;
# my $rowcount = $form->{rowcount};
# # get pricegroups for parts
# IS->get_pricegroups_for_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);
# # build up html code for prices_$i
# set_pricegroup($rowcount);
# $form->{resubmit} = 1;
# }
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

$numrows = ++$form->{rowcount};
$subroutine = "display_row";

if ($form->{item} eq 'part') {
342c174c Stephan Köhler
195883fd Stephan Köhler
#set preisgruppenanzahl
$numrows = $form->{price_rows};
$subroutine = "price_row";


d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$numrows = ++$form->{makemodel_rows};
$subroutine = "makemodel_row";
if ($form->{item} eq 'assembly') {
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$numrows = ++$form->{price_rows};
$subroutine = "price_row";


d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$numrows = ++$form->{makemodel_rows};
$subroutine = "makemodel_row";

# create makemodel rows

$numrows = ++$form->{assembly_rows};
$subroutine = "assembly_row";
if ($form->{item} eq 'service') {
3b70aa32 Sven Schöling
$numrows = $form->{price_rows};
195883fd Stephan Köhler
$subroutine = "price_row";


d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$numrows = 0;

# create rows
&{$subroutine}($numrows) if $numrows;



sub check_form {
my @a = ();
my $count = 0;
c103dedd Philip Reetz
my @flds = (
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
qw(id partnumber description qty ship sellprice unit discount inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno listprice taxaccounts bin assembly weight projectnumber project_id oldprojectnumber runningnumber serialnumber partsgroup)

# remove any makes or model rows
if ($form->{item} eq 'part') {
map { $form->{$_} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}) }
qw(listprice sellprice lastcost weight rop);

@flds = (make, model);
for my $i (1 .. ($form->{makemodel_rows})) {
if (($form->{"make_$i"} ne "") || ($form->{"model_$i"} ne "")) {
push @a, {};
my $j = $#a;

map { $a[$j]->{$_} = $form->{"${_}_$i"} } @flds;

$form->redo_rows(\@flds, \@a, $count, $form->{makemodel_rows});
$form->{makemodel_rows} = $count;

} elsif ($form->{item} eq 'assembly') {

$form->{sellprice} = 0;
$form->{weight} = 0;
map { $form->{$_} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}) }
qw(listprice rop stock);

@flds =
qw(id qty unit bom partnumber description sellprice weight runningnumber partsgroup);

for my $i (1 .. ($form->{assembly_rows} - 1)) {
if ($form->{"qty_$i"}) {
push @a, {};
my $j = $#a;

$form->{"qty_$i"} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"});

map { $a[$j]->{$_} = $form->{"${_}_$i"} } @flds;

195883fd Stephan Köhler
#($form->{"sellprice_$i"},$form->{"$pricegroup_old_$i"}) = split /--/, $form->{"sellprice_$i"};

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{sellprice} += ($form->{"qty_$i"} * $form->{"sellprice_$i"});
$form->{weight} += ($form->{"qty_$i"} * $form->{"weight_$i"});

$form->{sellprice} = $form->round_amount($form->{sellprice}, 2);

$form->redo_rows(\@flds, \@a, $count, $form->{assembly_rows});
$form->{assembly_rows} = $count;

$count = 0;
@flds = qw(make model);
@a = ();

for my $i (1 .. ($form->{makemodel_rows})) {
if (($form->{"make_$i"} ne "") || ($form->{"model_$i"} ne "")) {
push @a, {};
my $j = $#a;

map { $a[$j]->{$_} = $form->{"${_}_$i"} } @flds;

$form->redo_rows(\@flds, \@a, $count, $form->{makemodel_rows});
$form->{makemodel_rows} = $count;

} else {

# this section applies to invoices and orders
# remove any empty numbers
if ($form->{rowcount}) {
for my $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount} - 1) {
if ($form->{"partnumber_$i"}) {
push @a, {};
my $j = $#a;

map { $a[$j]->{$_} = $form->{"${_}_$i"} } @flds;
if ($lizenzen) {
if ($form->{"licensenumber_$i"} == -1) {

$form->redo_rows(\@flds, \@a, $count, $form->{rowcount});
$form->{rowcount} = $count;

$form->{creditremaining} -= &invoicetotal;

342c174c Stephan Köhler
195883fd Stephan Köhler
# if pricegroups
342c174c Stephan Köhler
if ( $form->{type} =~ (/sales_quotation/)
or (($form->{level} =~ /Sales/) and ($form->{type} =~ /invoice/))
or (($form->{level} eq undef) and ($form->{type} =~ /invoice/))
or ($form->{type} =~ /sales_order/)) {

# get pricegroups for parts
IS->get_pricegroups_for_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);

# build up html code for prices_$i
195883fd Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus


sub invoicetotal {

$form->{oldinvtotal} = 0;

# add all parts and deduct paid
map { $form->{"${_}_base"} = 0 } split / /, $form->{taxaccounts};

my ($amount, $sellprice, $discount, $qty);

for my $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
$sellprice = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"});
$discount = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"discount_$i"});
$qty = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"});

195883fd Stephan Köhler
#($form->{"sellprice_$i"}, $form->{"$pricegroup_old_$i"}) = split /--/, $form->{"sellprice_$i"};

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$amount = $sellprice * (1 - $discount / 100) * $qty;
map { $form->{"${_}_base"} += $amount }
(split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"});
$form->{oldinvtotal} += $amount;

map { $form->{oldinvtotal} += ($form->{"${_}_base"} * $form->{"${_}_rate"}) }
split / /, $form->{taxaccounts}
if !$form->{taxincluded};

$form->{oldtotalpaid} = 0;
for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
$form->{oldtotalpaid} += $form->{"paid_$i"};


# return total
return ($form->{oldinvtotal} - $form->{oldtotalpaid});

sub validate_items {
342c174c Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# check if items are valid
if ($form->{rowcount} == 1) {

for $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount} - 1) {
$locale->text('Number missing in Row') . " $i");


sub order {
a8d9f325 Philip Reetz
if ($form->{second_run}) {
$form->{print_and_post} = 0;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{ordnumber} = $form->{invnumber};

map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(id printed emailed queued);
if ($form->{script} eq '' || $form->{type} eq 'request_quotation') {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Purchase Order');
$form->{vc} = 'vendor';
$form->{type} = 'purchase_order';
$buysell = 'sell';
if ($form->{script} eq '' || $form->{type} eq 'sales_quotation') {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Sales Order');
$form->{vc} = 'customer';
$form->{type} = 'sales_order';
$buysell = 'buy';
$form->{script} = '';

$form->{shipto} = 1;


($null, $form->{cp_id}) = split /--/, $form->{contact};
$form->{cp_id} *= 1;

require "$form->{path}/$form->{script}";

map { $form->{"select$_"} = "" } ($form->{vc}, currency);

$currency = $form->{currency};


$form->{currency} = $currency;
$form->{exchangerate} = "";
$form->{forex} = "";
$form->{exchangerate} = $exchangerate
if (
$form->{forex} = (
$exchangerate =
\%myconfig, $form->{currency}, $form->{transdate}, $buysell



sub quotation {
a8d9f325 Philip Reetz
if ($form->{second_run}) {
$form->{print_and_post} = 0;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(id printed emailed queued);

if ($form->{script} eq '' || $form->{type} eq 'purchase_order') {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Request for Quotation');
$form->{vc} = 'vendor';
$form->{type} = 'request_quotation';
$buysell = 'sell';
if ($form->{script} eq '' || $form->{type} eq 'sales_order') {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Quotation');
$form->{vc} = 'customer';
$form->{type} = 'sales_quotation';
$buysell = 'buy';

($null, $form->{cp_id}) = split /--/, $form->{contact};
$form->{cp_id} *= 1;

$form->{script} = '';

$form->{shipto} = 1;


require "$form->{path}/$form->{script}";

map { $form->{"select$_"} = "" } ($form->{vc}, currency);

$currency = $form->{currency};


$form->{currency} = $currency;
$form->{exchangerate} = "";
$form->{forex} = "";
$form->{exchangerate} = $exchangerate
if (
$form->{forex} = (
$exchangerate =
\%myconfig, $form->{currency}, $form->{transdate}, $buysell



sub e_mail {
a8d9f325 Philip Reetz
if ($form->{second_run}) {
$form->{print_and_post} = 0;
342c174c Stephan Köhler
$form->{resubmit} = 0;
a8d9f325 Philip Reetz
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if ($myconfig{role} eq 'admin') {
$bcc = qq|
<th align=right nowrap=true>| . $locale->text('Bcc') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=bcc size=30 value="$form->{bcc}"></td>

if ($form->{formname} =~ /(pick|packing|bin)_list/) {
$form->{email} = $form->{shiptoemail} if $form->{shiptoemail};

$name = $form->{ $form->{vc} };
$name =~ s/--.*//g;
$title = $locale->text('E-mail') . " $name";

$form->{oldmedia} = $form->{media};
$form->{media} = "email";


print qq|

<form method=post action=$form->{script}>

<table width=100%>
<tr class=listtop>
<th class=listtop>$title</th>
<tr height="5"></tr>
<table width=100%>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('To') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=email size=30 value="$form->{email}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Cc') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=cc size=30 value="$form->{cc}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Subject') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=subject size=30 value="$form->{subject}"></td>
<table width=100%>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Message') . qq|</th>
<td><textarea name=message rows=15 cols=60 wrap=soft>$form->{message}</textarea></td>


map { delete $form->{$_} }
qw(action email cc bcc subject message formname sendmode format header override);

# save all other variables
foreach $key (keys %$form) {
$form->{$key} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=$key value="$form->{$key}">\n|;

print qq|
<td><hr size=3 noshade></td>

<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=send_email>

<input name=action class=submit type=submit value="|
. $locale->text('Continue') . qq|">



sub send_email {

$old_form = new Form;

map { $old_form->{$_} = $form->{$_} } keys %$form;
$old_form->{media} = $form->{oldmedia};



sub print_options {
$form->{sendmode} = "attachment";
$form->{copies} = 3 unless $form->{copies};

$form->{PD}{ $form->{formname} } = "selected";
cc63261c Philip Reetz
$form->{DF}{ $form->{format} } = "selected";
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{OP}{ $form->{media} } = "selected";
$form->{SM}{ $form->{sendmode} } = "selected";
cc63261c Philip Reetz
print(STDERR $form->{format} , " Format\n");
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{type} eq 'purchase_order') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=purchase_order $form->{PD}{purchase_order}>|
. $locale->text('Purchase Order') . qq|
<option value=bin_list $form->{PD}{bin_list}>|
. $locale->text('Bin List');

if ($form->{type} eq 'sales_order') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=sales_order $form->{PD}{sales_order}>|
. $locale->text('Confirmation') . qq|
<option value=pick_list $form->{PD}{pick_list}>|
. $locale->text('Pick List') . qq|
<option value=packing_list $form->{PD}{packing_list}>|
. $locale->text('Packing List');

if ($form->{type} =~ /_quotation$/) {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value="$`_quotation" $form->{PD}{"$`_quotation"}>|
. $locale->text('Quotation') . qq|

if ($form->{type} eq 'invoice') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=invoice $form->{PD}{invoice}>| . $locale->text('Invoice');

if ($form->{type} eq 'ship_order') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=pick_list $form->{PD}{pick_list}>|
. $locale->text('Pick List') . qq|
<option value=packing_list $form->{PD}{packing_list}>|
. $locale->text('Packing List');

if ($form->{type} eq 'receive_order') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=bin_list $form->{PD}{bin_list}>|
. $locale->text('Bin List');

if ($form->{media} eq 'email') {
$media = qq|<select name=sendmode>
<option value=attachment $form->{SM}{attachment}>|
. $locale->text('Attachment') . qq|
<option value=inline $form->{SM}{inline}>| . $locale->text('In-line');
} else {
$media = qq|<select name=media>
<option value=screen $form->{OP}{screen}>| . $locale->text('Screen');
if ($myconfig{printer} && $latex) {
$media .= qq|
<option value=printer $form->{OP}{printer}>|
. $locale->text('Printer');
if ($latex) {
$media .= qq|
<option value=queue $form->{OP}{queue}>| . $locale->text('Queue');

$format = qq|<select name=format>
<option value=html $form->{DF}{html}>html|;

if ($latex) {
$format = qq|<select name=format>
<option value=pdf $form->{DF}{pdf}>| . $locale->text('PDF') . qq|
<option value=html $form->{DF}{html}>html
<option value=postscript $form->{DF}{postscript}>|
. $locale->text('Postscript');

$language = qq|<select name=language>
<option value=""></option>|;
%lang = (de => "deutsch", en => "englisch", fr => "franz?sisch");
foreach $item (keys %lang) {
if ($form->{language} eq $item) {
$language .= qq|<option value="$item" selected>$lang{$item}</option>|;
} else {
$language .= qq|<option value="$item">$lang{$item}</option>|;

print qq|
<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>

if ($myconfig{printer} && $latex && $form->{media} ne 'email') {
print qq|
<td>| . $locale->text('Copies') . qq|
<input name=copies size=2 value=$form->{copies}></td>

$form->{groupitems} = "checked" if $form->{groupitems};

print qq|
<td>| . $locale->text('Group Items') . qq|</td>
<td><input name=groupitems type=checkbox class=checkbox $form->{groupitems}></td>
<td align=right>

if ($form->{printed} =~ /$form->{formname}/) {
print qq|
<th>\|| . $locale->text('Printed') . qq|\|</th>

if ($form->{emailed} =~ /$form->{formname}/) {
print qq|
<th>\|| . $locale->text('E-mailed') . qq|\|</th>

if ($form->{queued} =~ /$form->{formname}/) {
print qq|
<th>\|| . $locale->text('Queued') . qq|\|</th>

print qq|


sub print {
cc63261c Philip Reetz
342c174c Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# if this goes to the printer pass through
if ($form->{media} eq 'printer' || $form->{media} eq 'queue') {
$form->error($locale->text('Select postscript or PDF!'))
if ($form->{format} !~ /(postscript|pdf)/);

$old_form = new Form;
map { $old_form->{$_} = $form->{$_} } keys %$form;



sub print_form {
my ($old_form) = @_;
a8d9f325 Philip Reetz
342c174c Stephan Köhler
$inv = "inv";
$due = "due";
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$numberfld = "invnumber";

$display_form =
($form->{display_form}) ? $form->{display_form} : "display_form";

# $form->{"notes"} will be overridden by the customer's/vendor's "notes" field. So save it here.
$form->{ $form->{"formname"} . "notes" } = $form->{"notes"};

if ($form->{formname} eq "invoice") {
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Invoice');
if ($form->{formname} eq "packing_list") {

# this is from an invoice
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Packing List');
if ($form->{formname} eq 'sales_order') {
$inv = "ord";
$due = "req";
$form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Sales Order');
$numberfld = "sonumber";
$order = 1;
if ($form->{formname} eq 'packing_list' && $form->{type} ne 'invoice') {

# we use the same packing list as from an invoice
$inv = "ord";
$due = "req";
$form->{invdate} = $form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Packing List');
$order = 1;
if ($form->{formname} eq 'pick_list') {
$inv = "ord";
$due = "req";
$form->{"${inv}date"} =
($form->{transdate}) ? $form->{transdate} : $form->{invdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Pick List');
$order = 1 unless $form->{type} eq 'invoice';
if ($form->{formname} eq 'purchase_order') {
$inv = "ord";
$due = "req";
$form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Purchase Order');
$numberfld = "ponumber";
$order = 1;
if ($form->{formname} eq 'bin_list') {
$inv = "ord";
$due = "req";
$form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Bin List');
$order = 1;
if ($form->{formname} eq 'sales_quotation') {
$inv = "quo";
$due = "req";
$form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Quotation');
$numberfld = "sqnumber";
$order = 1;
if ($form->{formname} eq 'request_quotation') {
$inv = "quo";
$due = "req";
$form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Quotation');
$numberfld = "rfqnumber";
$order = 1;

$form->isblank("email", $locale->text('E-mail address missing!'))
if ($form->{media} eq 'email');
$locale->text($form->{label} . ' Date missing!'));

# $locale->text('Invoice Number missing!')
# $locale->text('Invoice Date missing!')
# $locale->text('Packing List Number missing!')
# $locale->text('Packing List Date missing!')
# $locale->text('Order Number missing!')
# $locale->text('Order Date missing!')
# $locale->text('Quotation Number missing!')
# $locale->text('Quotation Date missing!')

# assign number
c103dedd Philip Reetz
if (!$form->{"${inv}number"} && !$form->{preview}) {
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{"${inv}number"} = $form->update_defaults(\%myconfig, $numberfld);
if ($form->{media} ne 'email') {
195883fd Stephan Köhler
342c174c Stephan Köhler
# get pricegroups for parts
IS->get_pricegroups_for_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);

# build up html code for prices_$i
195883fd Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
195883fd Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus


# Save the email address given in the form because it should override the setting saved for the customer/vendor.
my ($saved_email, $saved_cc, $saved_bcc) =
($form->{"email"}, $form->{"cc"}, $form->{"bcc"});

$language = $form->{language};
$form->{language} = $language;

$form->{"email"} = $saved_email if ($saved_email);
$form->{"cc"} = $saved_cc if ($saved_cc);
$form->{"bcc"} = $saved_bcc if ($saved_bcc);

@a = ();
foreach $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
push @a,
("partnumber_$i", "description_$i",
"partsgroup_$i", "serialnumber_$i",
5f0d47eb Philip Reetz
"bin_$i", "unit_$i",
"transdate_$i", "ordnumber_$i");
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
map { push @a, "${_}_description" } split / /, $form->{taxaccounts};

$ARAP = ($form->{vc} eq 'customer') ? "AR" : "AP";
push @a, $ARAP;

# format payment dates
for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts} - 1) {
$form->{"datepaid_$i"} = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{"datepaid_$i"});
push @a, "${ARAP}_paid_$i", "source_$i", "memo_$i";


($form->{employee}) = split /--/, $form->{employee};
($form->{warehouse}, $form->{warehouse_id}) = split /--/, $form->{warehouse};

# create the form variables
if ($order) {
OE->order_details(\%myconfig, \%$form);
} else {
IS->invoice_details(\%myconfig, \%$form, $locale);

map { $form->{$_} = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}, 1) }
("${inv}date", "${due}date", "shippingdate");

@a = qw(name street zipcode city country);

$shipto = 1;

# if there is no shipto fill it in from billto
foreach $item (@a) {
if ($form->{"shipto$item"}) {
$shipto = 0;

if ($shipto) {
if ( $form->{formname} eq 'purchase_order'
|| $form->{formname} eq 'request_quotation') {
$form->{shiptoname} = $myconfig{company};
$form->{shiptostreet} = $myconfig{address};
} else {
map { $form->{"shipto$_"} = $form->{$_} } @a;

$form->{notes} =~ s/^\s+//g;

# some of the stuff could have umlauts so we translate them
push @a,
9f0d85c2 Philip Reetz
qw(shiptoname shiptostreet shiptozipcode shiptocity shiptocountry shiptoemail shippingpoint shipvia company address signature employee contact department_1 department_2);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
push @a, ("${inv}date", "${due}date", email, cc, bcc);


$form->{templates} = "$myconfig{templates}";
if ($form->{language} ne "") {
$form->{language} = "_" . $form->{language};

$form->{IN} = "$form->{formname}$form->{language}.html";
if ($form->{format} eq 'postscript') {
$form->{postscript} = 1;
$form->{IN} =~ s/html$/tex/;
if ($form->{format} eq 'pdf') {
$form->{pdf} = 1;
$form->{IN} =~ s/html$/tex/;

if ($form->{media} eq 'printer') {
$form->{OUT} = "| $myconfig{printer}";
$form->{printed} .= " $form->{formname}";
$form->{printed} =~ s/^ //;
$printed = $form->{printed};

if ($form->{media} eq 'email') {
$form->{subject} = qq|$form->{label} $form->{"${inv}number"}|
unless $form->{subject};

$form->{OUT} = "$sendmail";

$form->{emailed} .= " $form->{formname}";
$form->{emailed} =~ s/^ //;
$emailed = $form->{emailed};

if ($form->{media} eq 'queue') {
%queued = split / /, $form->{queued};

if ($filename = $queued{ $form->{formname} }) {
$form->{queued} =~ s/$form->{formname} $filename//;
unlink "$spool/$filename";
$filename =~ s/\..*$//g;
} else {
$filename = time;
$filename .= $$;

$filename .= ($form->{postscript}) ? '.ps' : '.pdf';
$form->{OUT} = ">$spool/$filename";

# add type
$form->{queued} .= " $form->{formname} $filename";

$form->{queued} =~ s/^ //;
$queued = $form->{queued};

$form->parse_template(\%myconfig, $userspath);

$form->{callback} = "";

if ($form->{media} eq 'email') {
$form->{message} = $locale->text('sent') unless $form->{message};
$message = $form->{message};

# if we got back here restore the previous form
if ($form->{media} =~ /(printer|email|queue)/) {

if ($form->{media} eq 'queue' && $form->{id});

if ($old_form) {

$old_form->{"${inv}number"} = $form->{"${inv}number"};

# restore and display form
map { $form->{$_} = $old_form->{$_} } keys %$old_form;

$form->{queued} = $queued;
$form->{printed} = $printed;
$form->{emailed} = $emailed;
$form->{message} = $message;

map { $form->{$_} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}) }
qw(exchangerate creditlimit creditremaining);

for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
map {
$form->{"${_}_$i"} =
$form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"})
} qw(paid exchangerate);


$msg =
($form->{media} eq 'printer')
? $locale->text('sent to printer')
: $locale->text('emailed to') . " $form->{email}";
$form->redirect(qq|$form->{label} $form->{"${inv}number"} $msg|);


sub customer_details {
IS->customer_details(\%myconfig, \%$form);

sub vendor_details {

IR->vendor_details(\%myconfig, \%$form);


sub post_as_new {

$form->{postasnew} = 1;
map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(printed emailed queued);



sub ship_to {
a8d9f325 Philip Reetz
if ($form->{second_run}) {
$form->{print_and_post} = 0;

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$title = $form->{title};
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Ship to');

map { $form->{$_} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}) }
qw(exchangerate creditlimit creditremaining);
195883fd Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# get details for name

$number =
($form->{vc} eq 'customer')
? $locale->text('Customer Number')
: $locale->text('Vendor Number');

195883fd Stephan Köhler
# get pricegroups for parts
IS->get_pricegroups_for_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);

# build up html code for prices_$i
342c174c Stephan Köhler
195883fd Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$nextsub = ($form->{display_form}) ? $form->{display_form} : "display_form";



print qq|

<form method=post action=$form->{script}>

<table width=100%>
<tr class=listheading>
<th class=listheading colspan=2 width=50%>|
c103dedd Philip Reetz
. $locale->text('Billing Address') . qq|</th>
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
<th class=listheading width=50%>|
c103dedd Philip Reetz
. $locale->text('Shipping Address') . qq|</th>
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
<tr height="5"></tr>
<th align=right nowrap>$number</th>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Company Name') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=shiptoname size=35 value="$form->{shiptoname}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Street') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=shiptostreet size=35 value="$form->{shiptostreet}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Zipcode') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=shiptozipcode size=35 value="$form->{shiptozipcode}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('City') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=shiptocity size=35 value="$form->{shiptocity}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Country') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=shiptocountry size=35 value="$form->{shiptocountry}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Contact') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=shiptocontact size=35 value="$form->{shiptocontact}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Phone') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=shiptophone size=20 value="$form->{shiptophone}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Fax') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=shiptofax size=20 value="$form->{shiptofax}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('E-mail') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=shiptoemail size=35 value="$form->{shiptoemail}"></td>

<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=$nextsub>

# delete shipto
map { delete $form->{$_} }
qw(shiptoname shiptostreet shiptozipcode shiptocity shiptocountry shiptocontact shiptophone shiptofax shiptoemail header);
$form->{title} = $title;

foreach $key (keys %$form) {
$form->{$key} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=$key value="$form->{$key}">\n|;

print qq|

<hr size=3 noshade>

<input class=submit type=submit name=action value="|
. $locale->text('Continue') . qq|">



sub new_license {

my $row = shift;

# change callback
$form->{old_callback} = $form->escape($form->{callback}, 1);
$form->{callback} = $form->escape("$form->{script}?action=display_form", 1);
$form->{old_callback} = $form->escape($form->{old_callback}, 1);

# delete action
delete $form->{action};
$customer = $form->{customer};
map { $form->{"old_$_"} = $form->{"${_}_$row"} } qw(partnumber description);

# save all other form variables in a previousform variable
$form->{row} = $row;
foreach $key (keys %$form) {

# escape ampersands
$form->{$key} =~ s/&/%26/g;
$previousform .= qq|$key=$form->{$key}&|;
chop $previousform;
$previousform = $form->escape($previousform, 1);

$form->{script} = "";

map { $form->{$_} = $form->{"old_$_"} } qw(partnumber description);
map { $form->{$_} = $form->escape($form->{$_}, 1) }
qw(partnumber description);
$form->{callback} =
