Revision c1efeacb
Von Thomas Kasulke vor mehr als 17 Jahren hinzugefügt
lx-erp.conf | ||
96 | 96 |
# |
97 | 97 |
# Beipiel: |
98 | 98 |
# $LXDebug::global_level = LXDebug::TRACE | LXDebug::QUERY; |
99 |
$LXDebug::global_level = LXDebug::NONE;
99 |
$LXDebug::global_level = LXDebug::ALL;
100 | 100 |
101 | 101 |
# ?berwachung der Inhalte von $form aktiviert oder nicht? Wenn ja, |
102 | 102 |
# dann k?nnen einzelne Variablen mit |
t/selenium/AllTests.t | ||
61 | 61 |
# plan tests => 200; # Need to be cutomized |
62 | 62 |
# } |
63 | 63 |
sub init_server { |
64 |
my $singlefileonly = 0;
64 |
our $singlefileonly = 0;
65 | 65 |
if ($_[0] eq "singlefileonly") { |
66 | 66 |
$singlefileonly = 1; |
67 | 67 |
shift; |
... | ... | |
115 | 115 |
116 | 116 |
if(!$singlefileonly) { |
117 | 117 |
foreach my $scriptdir (@_) { |
118 |
opendir(SCRIPTS, 't/selenium/testscripts/' . $scriptdir); |
118 |
opendir(SCRIPTS, 't/selenium/testscripts/' . $scriptdir) or die "Can't open directory!" . $!;
119 | 119 |
foreach (sort readdir(SCRIPTS)) { |
120 | 120 |
require_ok("t/selenium/testscripts/". $scriptdir . "/" . $_) if ( $_ =~ /^\w\d\d\d.*\.t$/); |
121 | 121 |
} |
... | ... | |
131 | 131 |
$sel->stop(); |
132 | 132 |
} |
133 | 133 |
134 |
sub start_login() { |
135 |
require "t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t" if(!$sel->{_page_opened}); |
136 |
skip("Failed page to load pages!",) if(!$sel->{_page_opened}); |
137 |
138 |
if($sel->get_title() ne "Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}){ |
139 |
require "t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t"; |
140 |
} |
141 |
142 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
143 |
} |
144 |
134 | 145 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/begin/M001CreateCustomer.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Create first Customer"); |
7 |
8 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
9 |
require_ok("../../begin/B004Login.t"); |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
13 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen"); |
14 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
15 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
16 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("customernumber"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("customernumber", "001"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("greeting", "Firma"); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "Selenium-Testfirma1"); |
21 |
$sel->type_ok("department_1", "Einkauf"); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("department_2", "extern"); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Grummelburger 111"); |
24 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "37115"); |
25 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Musterstadt"); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Germany"); |
27 |
$sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000"); |
28 |
$sel->type_ok("discount", "5"); |
29 |
$sel->type_ok("account_number", "1"); |
30 |
$sel->select_ok("salesman_id", "label=Selenium"); |
31 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "keine Bemerkungen"); |
32 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse"); |
33 |
$sel->click_ok("shipto_id"); |
34 |
$sel->select_ok("shipto_id", "label=Alle"); |
35 |
$sel->click_ok("//tr[1]/td/select/option[2]"); |
36 |
$sel->click_ok("shiptoname"); |
37 |
$sel->click_ok("shiptodepartment_1"); |
38 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptodepartment_1", "Einkauf"); |
39 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptostreet", "Donnerburger 12"); |
40 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptozipcode", "37115"); |
41 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocity", "Musterstadt"); |
42 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocountry", "Germany"); |
43 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocontact", "Herr Mustermann"); |
44 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptophone", "0"); |
45 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptofax", "1"); |
46 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptoemail", "mustermann\"); |
47 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner"); |
48 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_greeting"); |
49 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_greeting", "Frau"); |
50 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dr."); |
51 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Verkauf"); |
52 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Mechtilde"); |
53 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Grosshaupt"); |
54 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "05528 111111111"); |
55 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_phone2", "05528 222222222"); |
56 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_fax", "05528 222222223"); |
57 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_mobile1", "05528 2222222224"); |
58 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_mobile2", "05528 2222222225"); |
59 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_satphone", "05528 2222222226"); |
60 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_satfax", "05528 2222222227"); |
61 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_project", "1"); |
62 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_email", "mustergrosshaupt\"); |
63 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_privatphone", "05528 2222222220"); |
64 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_privatemail", "keine\"); |
65 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "05.09.1982"); |
66 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen"); |
67 |
$sel->click_ok("delivery_id"); |
68 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
69 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
70 |
71 |
diag("Create second Customer"); |
72 |
$sel->title_is("Kunde erfassen - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
73 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
74 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen"); |
75 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
76 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
77 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse"); |
78 |
$sel->click_ok("customernumber"); |
79 |
$sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000"); |
80 |
$sel->type_ok("customernumber", "2"); |
81 |
$sel->click_ok("greeting"); |
82 |
$sel->type_ok("greeting", "Herr"); |
83 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestMann2"); |
84 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Goettingweg 3"); |
85 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "38100"); |
86 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Braunschweig"); |
87 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Germany"); |
88 |
$sel->type_ok("phone", "0531 010101010101"); |
89 |
$sel->type_ok("email", "testmann\"); |
90 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
91 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
92 |
93 |
diag("Create third Customer"); |
94 |
$sel->title_is("Kunde erfassen - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
95 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
96 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen"); |
97 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
98 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
99 |
$sel->click_ok("customernumber"); |
100 |
$sel->type_ok("customernumber", "3"); |
101 |
$sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000"); |
102 |
$sel->click_ok("greeting"); |
103 |
$sel->type_ok("greeting", "Frau"); |
104 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestFrau3"); |
105 |
$sel->type_ok("department_1", "Outsourced"); |
106 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Billigh?user 3444"); |
107 |
$sel->click_ok("street"); |
108 |
$sel->click_ok("zipcode"); |
109 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "67899"); |
110 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Brunnenberge"); |
111 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Austria"); |
112 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
113 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
13 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("customernumber"); |
15 |
$sel->type_ok("customernumber", "001"); |
16 |
$sel->type_ok("greeting", "Firma"); |
17 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "Selenium-Testfirma1"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("department_1", "Einkauf"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("department_2", "extern"); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Grummelburger 111"); |
21 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "37115"); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Musterstadt"); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Germany"); |
24 |
$sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000"); |
25 |
$sel->type_ok("discount", "5"); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("account_number", "1"); |
27 |
$sel->select_ok("salesman_id", "label=Selenium"); |
28 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "keine Bemerkungen"); |
29 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse"); |
30 |
$sel->click_ok("shipto_id"); |
31 |
$sel->select_ok("shipto_id", "label=Alle"); |
32 |
$sel->click_ok("//tr[1]/td/select/option[2]"); |
33 |
$sel->click_ok("shiptoname"); |
34 |
$sel->click_ok("shiptodepartment_1"); |
35 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptodepartment_1", "Einkauf"); |
36 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptostreet", "Donnerburger 12"); |
37 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptozipcode", "37115"); |
38 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocity", "Musterstadt"); |
39 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocountry", "Germany"); |
40 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocontact", "Herr Mustermann"); |
41 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptophone", "0"); |
42 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptofax", "1"); |
43 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptoemail", "mustermann\"); |
44 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner"); |
45 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_greeting"); |
46 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_greeting", "Frau"); |
47 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dr."); |
48 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Verkauf"); |
49 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Mechtilde"); |
50 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Grosshaupt"); |
51 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "05528 111111111"); |
52 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_phone2", "05528 222222222"); |
53 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_fax", "05528 222222223"); |
54 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_mobile1", "05528 2222222224"); |
55 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_mobile2", "05528 2222222225"); |
56 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_satphone", "05528 2222222226"); |
57 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_satfax", "05528 2222222227"); |
58 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_project", "1"); |
59 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_email", "mustergrosshaupt\"); |
60 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_privatphone", "05528 2222222220"); |
61 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_privatemail", "keine\"); |
62 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "05.09.1982"); |
63 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen"); |
64 |
$sel->click_ok("delivery_id"); |
65 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
66 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
67 |
68 |
diag("Create second Customer"); |
69 |
$sel->title_is("Kunde erfassen - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
70 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
71 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen"); |
72 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
73 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
74 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse"); |
75 |
$sel->click_ok("customernumber"); |
76 |
$sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000"); |
77 |
$sel->type_ok("customernumber", "2"); |
78 |
$sel->click_ok("greeting"); |
79 |
$sel->type_ok("greeting", "Herr"); |
80 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestMann2"); |
81 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Goettingweg 3"); |
82 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "38100"); |
83 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Braunschweig"); |
84 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Germany"); |
85 |
$sel->type_ok("phone", "0531 010101010101"); |
86 |
$sel->type_ok("email", "testmann\"); |
87 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
88 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
89 |
90 |
diag("Create third Customer"); |
91 |
$sel->title_is("Kunde erfassen - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
92 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
93 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen"); |
94 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
95 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
96 |
$sel->click_ok("customernumber"); |
97 |
$sel->type_ok("customernumber", "3"); |
98 |
$sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000"); |
99 |
$sel->click_ok("greeting"); |
100 |
$sel->type_ok("greeting", "Frau"); |
101 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestFrau3"); |
102 |
$sel->type_ok("department_1", "Outsourced"); |
103 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Billigh?user 3444"); |
104 |
$sel->click_ok("street"); |
105 |
$sel->click_ok("zipcode"); |
106 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "67899"); |
107 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Brunnenberge"); |
108 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Austria"); |
109 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
110 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
111 |
}; |
114 | 112 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/begin/M002CreateVendor.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Create vendor"); |
7 |
8 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
9 |
require_ok("../../begin/B004Login.t"); |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
13 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferant erfassen"); |
14 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
15 |
diag("Create first vendor"); |
16 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("vendornumber"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "1"); |
19 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting"); |
20 |
$sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma"); |
21 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[2]"); |
22 |
$sel->click_ok("name"); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestLieferant1"); |
24 |
$sel->type_ok("department_1", "GossAus"); |
25 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Berger 1"); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "11990"); |
27 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Drehmel"); |
28 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Germany"); |
29 |
$sel->type_ok("contact", "Herr Custom"); |
30 |
$sel->type_ok("phone", "01234 56787902"); |
31 |
$sel->type_ok("fax", "01234 567879023"); |
32 |
$sel->type_ok("email", "custom\"); |
33 |
$sel->type_ok("account_number", "2"); |
34 |
$sel->click_ok("obsolete"); |
35 |
$sel->click_ok("obsolete"); |
36 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "keine Bemerkungen"); |
37 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse"); |
38 |
$sel->click_ok("shipto_id"); |
39 |
$sel->select_ok("shipto_id", "label=Alle"); |
40 |
$sel->click_ok("//tr[1]/td/select/option[2]"); |
41 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner"); |
42 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_id"); |
43 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_id"); |
44 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_greeting"); |
45 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_cp_greeting"); |
46 |
$sel->select_ok("selected_cp_greeting", "label=Frau"); |
47 |
$sel->click_ok("//tr[2]/td/select/option[2]"); |
48 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_title"); |
49 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_cp_title"); |
50 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_title"); |
51 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Diplom Meterologin"); |
52 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_abteilung"); |
53 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dipl. Inf."); |
54 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_title"); |
55 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_title"); |
56 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dipl. Ing."); |
57 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_abteilung"); |
58 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Externes"); |
59 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Hildegunde"); |
60 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Riess"); |
61 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "0111 222333444 5"); |
62 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_birthday"); |
63 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "12.03.1964"); |
64 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen"); |
65 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
66 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
67 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse"); |
68 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
69 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
70 |
diag("Create second vendor"); |
71 |
$sel->click_ok("vendornumber"); |
72 |
$sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "2"); |
73 |
$sel->click_ok("greeting"); |
74 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting"); |
75 |
$sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma"); |
76 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[2]"); |
77 |
$sel->click_ok("name"); |
78 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestLieferant2"); |
79 |
$sel->type_ok("department_1", "Verkauf"); |
80 |
$sel->type_ok("department_2", "Orga"); |
81 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Wlkenweg 3"); |
82 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "09090"); |
83 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Brummbach"); |
84 |
$sel->click_ok("city"); |
85 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Markt Brummbach"); |
86 |
$sel->click_ok("country"); |
87 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Germany"); |
88 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
89 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
90 |
diag("Create third vendor"); |
91 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse"); |
92 |
$sel->click_ok("vendornumber"); |
93 |
$sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "3"); |
94 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting"); |
95 |
$sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma"); |
96 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[2]"); |
97 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestFirma3 GmbH"); |
98 |
$sel->type_ok("fax", "03232 7272727273"); |
99 |
$sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "50000"); |
100 |
$sel->type_ok("discount", "10"); |
101 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse"); |
102 |
$sel->click_ok("shiptoname"); |
103 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptoname", "TestFirma3 GmbH"); |
104 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptodepartment_1", "Vertrieb"); |
105 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptostreet", "Grummelsburger 1423"); |
106 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptozipcode", "40000"); |
107 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocity", "Hansastadt"); |
108 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocountry", "Germany"); |
109 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocontact", "Herr Baumann von Clausen"); |
110 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptophone", "03232 7272727272"); |
111 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptofax", "03232 7272727273"); |
112 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptoemail", "baumann\"); |
113 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner"); |
114 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_cp_greeting"); |
115 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_greeting"); |
116 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_greeting", "Herr"); |
117 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Vertrieb"); |
118 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Dietmar"); |
119 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Baumann von Clausen"); |
120 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "03232 7272727272"); |
121 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_fax", "03232 7272727273"); |
122 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "14.05.1971"); |
123 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen"); |
124 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
125 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferant erfassen"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
diag("Create first vendor"); |
13 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("vendornumber"); |
15 |
$sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "1"); |
16 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting"); |
17 |
$sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma"); |
18 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[2]"); |
19 |
$sel->click_ok("name"); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestLieferant1"); |
21 |
$sel->type_ok("department_1", "GossAus"); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Berger 1"); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "11990"); |
24 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Drehmel"); |
25 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Germany"); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("contact", "Herr Custom"); |
27 |
$sel->type_ok("phone", "01234 56787902"); |
28 |
$sel->type_ok("fax", "01234 567879023"); |
29 |
$sel->type_ok("email", "custom\"); |
30 |
$sel->type_ok("account_number", "2"); |
31 |
$sel->click_ok("obsolete"); |
32 |
$sel->click_ok("obsolete"); |
33 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "keine Bemerkungen"); |
34 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse"); |
35 |
$sel->click_ok("shipto_id"); |
36 |
$sel->select_ok("shipto_id", "label=Alle"); |
37 |
$sel->click_ok("//tr[1]/td/select/option[2]"); |
38 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner"); |
39 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_id"); |
40 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_id"); |
41 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_greeting"); |
42 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_cp_greeting"); |
43 |
$sel->select_ok("selected_cp_greeting", "label=Frau"); |
44 |
$sel->click_ok("//tr[2]/td/select/option[2]"); |
45 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_title"); |
46 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_cp_title"); |
47 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_title"); |
48 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Diplom Meterologin"); |
49 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_abteilung"); |
50 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dipl. Inf."); |
51 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_title"); |
52 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_title"); |
53 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dipl. Ing."); |
54 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_abteilung"); |
55 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Externes"); |
56 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Hildegunde"); |
57 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Riess"); |
58 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "0111 222333444 5"); |
59 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_birthday"); |
60 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "12.03.1964"); |
61 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen"); |
62 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
63 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
64 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse"); |
65 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
66 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
67 |
diag("Create second vendor"); |
68 |
$sel->click_ok("vendornumber"); |
69 |
$sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "2"); |
70 |
$sel->click_ok("greeting"); |
71 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting"); |
72 |
$sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma"); |
73 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[2]"); |
74 |
$sel->click_ok("name"); |
75 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestLieferant2"); |
76 |
$sel->type_ok("department_1", "Verkauf"); |
77 |
$sel->type_ok("department_2", "Orga"); |
78 |
$sel->type_ok("street", "Wlkenweg 3"); |
79 |
$sel->type_ok("zipcode", "09090"); |
80 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Brummbach"); |
81 |
$sel->click_ok("city"); |
82 |
$sel->type_ok("city", "Markt Brummbach"); |
83 |
$sel->click_ok("country"); |
84 |
$sel->type_ok("country", "Germany"); |
85 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
86 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
87 |
diag("Create third vendor"); |
88 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse"); |
89 |
$sel->click_ok("vendornumber"); |
90 |
$sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "3"); |
91 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting"); |
92 |
$sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma"); |
93 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[2]"); |
94 |
$sel->type_ok("name", "TestFirma3 GmbH"); |
95 |
$sel->type_ok("fax", "03232 7272727273"); |
96 |
$sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "50000"); |
97 |
$sel->type_ok("discount", "10"); |
98 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse"); |
99 |
$sel->click_ok("shiptoname"); |
100 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptoname", "TestFirma3 GmbH"); |
101 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptodepartment_1", "Vertrieb"); |
102 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptostreet", "Grummelsburger 1423"); |
103 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptozipcode", "40000"); |
104 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocity", "Hansastadt"); |
105 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocountry", "Germany"); |
106 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptocontact", "Herr Baumann von Clausen"); |
107 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptophone", "03232 7272727272"); |
108 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptofax", "03232 7272727273"); |
109 |
$sel->type_ok("shiptoemail", "baumann\"); |
110 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner"); |
111 |
$sel->click_ok("selected_cp_greeting"); |
112 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_greeting"); |
113 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_greeting", "Herr"); |
114 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Vertrieb"); |
115 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Dietmar"); |
116 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Baumann von Clausen"); |
117 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "03232 7272727272"); |
118 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_fax", "03232 7272727273"); |
119 |
$sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "14.05.1971"); |
120 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen"); |
121 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]"); |
122 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
123 |
}; |
126 | 124 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/begin/M003CreateGoods.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Create goods"); |
7 |
8 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
9 |
require_ok("../../begin/B004Login.t"); |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
13 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Ware erfassen"); |
15 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
16 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
17 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "1"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "TestWare1"); |
19 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe1"); |
20 |
$sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%"); |
21 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger1"); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "100,00"); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "150,00"); |
24 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", "50,00"); |
25 |
$sel->select_ok("price_factor_id", "label=pro 10"); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "Zu dieser Testware existiert keine Bemerkung"); |
27 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=kg"); |
28 |
$sel->type_ok("weight", "10"); |
29 |
$sel->type_ok("rop", "10"); |
30 |
$sel->type_ok("bin", "1"); |
31 |
$sel->type_ok("ve", "10"); |
32 |
$sel->click_ok("shop"); |
33 |
$sel->type_ok("microfiche", "27 drei 4tel"); |
34 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
35 |
# Spracheinstellungen m?ssen ?berarbeitet werden, bevor der Test laufen kann! |
36 |
# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
37 |
# $sel->wait_for_pop_up_ok("_new_generic", $lxtest->{timeout}); |
38 |
# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
39 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
40 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "115,00"); |
41 |
$sel->type_ok("price_2", "150,00"); |
42 |
$sel->type_ok("make_1", "TestFabrikant1"); |
43 |
$sel->type_ok("model_1", "TestWare1"); |
44 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
45 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
46 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
47 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
48 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "2"); |
49 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "TestWareSelenium2"); |
50 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "0,50"); |
51 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "1,00"); |
52 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", ",25"); |
53 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=kg"); |
54 |
$sel->type_ok("weight", "0,5"); |
55 |
$sel->type_ok("rop", "2"); |
56 |
$sel->type_ok("bin", "2"); |
57 |
$sel->click_ok("not_discountable"); |
58 |
$sel->type_ok("ve", "1"); |
59 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "Die ist Brot"); |
60 |
# Spracheinstellungen m?ssen ?berarbeitet werden, bevor der Test laufen kann! |
61 |
# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
62 |
# $sel->wait_for_pop_up_ok("_new_generic", $lxtest->{timeout}); |
63 |
# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
64 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
65 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
66 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
67 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
68 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
69 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Ware erfassen"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "1"); |
14 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "TestWare1"); |
15 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe1"); |
16 |
$sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%"); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger1"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "100,00"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "150,00"); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", "50,00"); |
21 |
$sel->select_ok("price_factor_id", "label=pro 10"); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "Zu dieser Testware existiert keine Bemerkung"); |
23 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=kg"); |
24 |
$sel->type_ok("weight", "10"); |
25 |
$sel->type_ok("rop", "10"); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("bin", "1"); |
27 |
$sel->type_ok("ve", "10"); |
28 |
$sel->click_ok("shop"); |
29 |
$sel->type_ok("microfiche", "27 drei 4tel"); |
30 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
31 |
# Spracheinstellungen m?ssen ?berarbeitet werden, bevor der Test laufen kann! |
32 |
# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
33 |
# $sel->wait_for_pop_up_ok("_new_generic", $lxtest->{timeout}); |
34 |
# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
35 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
36 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "115,00"); |
37 |
$sel->type_ok("price_2", "150,00"); |
38 |
$sel->type_ok("make_1", "TestFabrikant1"); |
39 |
$sel->type_ok("model_1", "TestWare1"); |
40 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
41 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
42 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
43 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
44 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "2"); |
45 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "TestWareSelenium2"); |
46 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "0,50"); |
47 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "1,00"); |
48 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", ",25"); |
49 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=kg"); |
50 |
$sel->type_ok("weight", "0,5"); |
51 |
$sel->type_ok("rop", "2"); |
52 |
$sel->type_ok("bin", "2"); |
53 |
$sel->click_ok("not_discountable"); |
54 |
$sel->type_ok("ve", "1"); |
55 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "Die ist Brot"); |
56 |
# Spracheinstellungen m?ssen ?berarbeitet werden, bevor der Test laufen kann! |
57 |
# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
58 |
# $sel->wait_for_pop_up_ok("_new_generic", $lxtest->{timeout}); |
59 |
# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
60 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
61 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
62 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
63 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
64 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
65 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
66 |
}; |
70 | 67 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/begin/M004AddService.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Add service"); |
7 |
8 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
9 |
require_ok("../../begin/B004Login.t"); |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
13 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistung erfassen"); |
15 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
16 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
17 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "999"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "Programmierstunde"); |
19 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3"); |
20 |
$sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%"); |
21 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "Eine Programmierstunde wird immer besser bezahlt"); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "50,00"); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "100"); |
24 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", "45"); |
25 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Std"); |
26 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
27 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "100"); |
28 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
29 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
30 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
31 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
32 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "998"); |
33 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "Telefonstunde"); |
34 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3"); |
35 |
$sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%"); |
36 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "gibt's beim Telekomunikator"); |
37 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "0,05"); |
38 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "0,10"); |
39 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", "0,02"); |
40 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=psch"); |
41 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
42 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "0,02"); |
43 |
$sel->type_ok("price_2", "0,1"); |
44 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "0,1"); |
45 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
46 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistung erfassen"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "999"); |
14 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "Programmierstunde"); |
15 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3"); |
16 |
$sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%"); |
17 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "Eine Programmierstunde wird immer besser bezahlt"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "50,00"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "100"); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", "45"); |
21 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Std"); |
22 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "100"); |
24 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
25 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
26 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
27 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
28 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "998"); |
29 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "Telefonstunde"); |
30 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3"); |
31 |
$sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%"); |
32 |
$sel->type_ok("notes", "gibt's beim Telekomunikator"); |
33 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "0,05"); |
34 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "0,10"); |
35 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", "0,02"); |
36 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=psch"); |
37 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
38 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "0,02"); |
39 |
$sel->type_ok("price_2", "0,1"); |
40 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "0,1"); |
41 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
42 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
43 |
}; |
47 | 44 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/begin/M005AddProduct.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Add product"); |
7 |
8 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
9 |
require_ok("../../begin/B004Login.t"); |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
13 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Erzeugnis erfassen"); |
15 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
16 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
17 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "991"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "Handykarten"); |
19 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe2"); |
20 |
$sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%"); |
21 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger1"); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "3,00"); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "30,00"); |
24 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Stck"); |
25 |
$sel->type_ok("stock", "100"); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("rop", "10"); |
27 |
$sel->type_ok("bin", "991"); |
28 |
$sel->click_ok("not_discountable"); |
29 |
$sel->click_ok("shop"); |
30 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "30,00"); |
31 |
$sel->type_ok("price_2", "30,00"); |
32 |
$sel->type_ok("make_1", "TCom"); |
33 |
$sel->type_ok("model_1", "standard"); |
34 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
35 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
36 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
37 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Erzeugnis erfassen"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber", "991"); |
14 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "Handykarten"); |
15 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe2"); |
16 |
$sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%"); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger1"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "3,00"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "30,00"); |
20 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Stck"); |
21 |
$sel->type_ok("stock", "100"); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("rop", "10"); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("bin", "991"); |
24 |
$sel->click_ok("not_discountable"); |
25 |
$sel->click_ok("shop"); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("price_1", "30,00"); |
27 |
$sel->type_ok("price_2", "30,00"); |
28 |
$sel->type_ok("make_1", "TCom"); |
29 |
$sel->type_ok("model_1", "standard"); |
30 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
31 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
32 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
33 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
34 |
}; |
38 | 35 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/begin/M006AddProject.t | ||
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
diag("Add project"); |
8 |
9 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
10 |
require_ok("../../begin/B004Login.t"); |
11 |
} |
12 |
13 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
14 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
15 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Projekt erfassen"); |
16 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
17 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("projectnumber", "1001"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "tausend und eine Nacht"); |
20 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
21 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
8 |
SKIP: { |
9 |
start_login(); |
10 |
11 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Projekt erfassen"); |
12 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
13 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
14 |
$sel->type_ok("projectnumber", "1001"); |
15 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "tausend und eine Nacht"); |
16 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
17 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
18 |
}; |
22 | 19 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/end/M995DeleteGoods.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Delete good"); |
7 |
8 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
9 |
require_ok("M000Login.t"); |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
13 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Erzeugnisse"); |
15 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
16 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Erzeugnisse"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
}; |
17 | 14 |
18 | 15 |
# an dieser Stelle muss noch ?berleegt werdne, wie der Zusaamenhang zwischen Lagerbestand und "L?schen" vern?nftigt gehandhabt werdne kann |
19 | 16 |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/end/M996DeleteProject.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Delete project"); |
7 |
8 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
9 |
require_ok("M000Login.t"); |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
13 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Projekte"); |
15 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
16 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
18 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
19 |
$sel->text_is("link=1001", "1001"); |
20 |
$sel->click_ok("link=1001"); |
21 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
22 |
TODO: { |
23 |
local $TODO= "Benutzte Projekte k?nnen nicht gel?scht werden!"; |
24 |
$sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]"); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Projekte"); |
25 | 11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
26 |
} |
27 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
14 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
15 |
$sel->text_is("link=1001", "1001"); |
16 |
$sel->click_ok("link=1001"); |
17 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
18 |
TODO: { |
19 |
local $TODO= "Benutzte Projekte k?nnen nicht gel?scht werden!"; |
20 |
# $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]"); |
21 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
22 |
} |
23 |
}; |
28 | 24 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/end/M997DeleteService.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Delete service"); |
7 |
8 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
9 |
require_ok("M000Login.t"); |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
13 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistungen"); |
15 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
16 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
18 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
19 |
$sel->text_is("link=999", "999"); |
20 |
$sel->text_is("link=998", "998"); |
21 |
$sel->text_is("link=Programmierstunde", "Programmierstunde"); |
22 |
$sel->text_is("link=Telefonstunde", "Telefonstunde"); |
23 |
$sel->click_ok("link=999"); |
24 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
25 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]"); |
26 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
27 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Telefonstunde"); |
28 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
29 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]"); |
30 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistungen"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
14 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
15 |
$sel->text_is("link=999", "999"); |
16 |
$sel->text_is("link=998", "998"); |
17 |
$sel->text_is("link=Programmierstunde", "Programmierstunde"); |
18 |
$sel->text_is("link=Telefonstunde", "Telefonstunde"); |
19 |
$sel->click_ok("link=999"); |
20 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
21 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]"); |
22 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
23 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Telefonstunde"); |
24 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
25 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]"); |
26 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
27 |
}; |
31 | 28 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/masterdata/end/M998DeleteProduct.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Delete product"); |
7 |
8 |
if(!$sel->get_title("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db})){ |
9 |
require_ok("M000Login.t"); |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
13 |
$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Waren"); |
15 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
16 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
18 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
19 |
$sel->text_is("link=TestWare1", "TestWare1"); |
20 |
$sel->text_is("link=TestWareSelenium2", "TestWareSelenium2"); |
21 |
$sel->text_is("link=1", "1"); |
22 |
$sel->text_is("link=2", "2"); |
23 |
TODO: { |
24 |
local $TODO = "Waren in Rechnungen k?nnen nicht gel?scht werden!"; |
25 |
$sel->click_ok("link=1"); |
26 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
27 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]"); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Waren"); |
28 | 11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
29 |
$sel->click_ok("link=TestWareSelenium2"); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
30 | 14 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
31 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]"); |
32 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
33 |
} |
15 |
$sel->text_is("link=TestWare1", "TestWare1"); |
16 |
$sel->text_is("link=TestWareSelenium2", "TestWareSelenium2"); |
17 |
$sel->text_is("link=1", "1"); |
18 |
$sel->text_is("link=2", "2"); |
19 |
TODO: { |
20 |
local $TODO = "Waren in Rechnungen k?nnen nicht gel?scht werden!"; |
21 |
# $sel->click_ok("link=1"); |
22 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
23 |
# $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]"); |
24 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
25 |
# $sel->click_ok("link=TestWareSelenium2"); |
26 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
27 |
# $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]"); |
28 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
29 |
} |
30 |
}; |
34 | 31 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/purchase/begin/P001CreateQuoteRequest.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Create quote request"); |
7 |
8 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
9 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Neue Preisanfrage"); |
10 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
11 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
12 |
$sel->click_ok("partnumber_1"); |
13 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
14 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
15 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
16 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
17 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
18 |
$sel->click_ok("quonumber"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1"); |
20 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_id"); |
21 |
$sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Baumann von Clausen (Vertrieb)"); |
22 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[\@value='905']"); |
23 |
$sel->click_ok("shipto_id"); |
24 |
$sel->click_ok("shipto_id"); |
25 |
$sel->click_ok("taxzone_id"); |
26 |
$sel->click_ok("taxzone_id"); |
27 |
$sel->click_ok("cb_show_details"); |
28 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
29 |
$sel->click_ok("payment_id"); |
30 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
31 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[\@value='886']"); |
32 |
$sel->click_ok("//tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr/td[3]"); |
33 |
$sel->click_ok("taxincluded"); |
34 |
$sel->click_ok("qty_1"); |
35 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "21"); |
36 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
37 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
38 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
39 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Neue Preisanfrage"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->click_ok("partnumber_1"); |
14 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
15 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
16 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
18 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
19 |
$sel->click_ok("quonumber"); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1"); |
21 |
$sel->click_ok("cp_id"); |
22 |
$sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Baumann von Clausen (Vertrieb)"); |
23 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[\@value='905']"); |
24 |
$sel->click_ok("shipto_id"); |
25 |
$sel->click_ok("shipto_id"); |
26 |
$sel->click_ok("taxzone_id"); |
27 |
$sel->click_ok("taxzone_id"); |
28 |
$sel->click_ok("cb_show_details"); |
29 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
30 |
$sel->click_ok("payment_id"); |
31 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
32 |
$sel->click_ok("//option[\@value='886']"); |
33 |
$sel->click_ok("//tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr/td[3]"); |
34 |
$sel->click_ok("taxincluded"); |
35 |
$sel->click_ok("qty_1"); |
36 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "21"); |
37 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
38 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
39 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
40 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
41 |
}; |
40 | 42 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/selling/begin/S001CreateOffers.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Create offers"); |
7 |
8 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
9 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Angebot erfassen"); |
10 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
11 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
12 |
$sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)"); |
13 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3"); |
14 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
15 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=Selenium-Testfirma1"); |
16 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
17 |
$sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("shipvia", "per pedes"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "alpha"); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1"); |
21 |
$sel->select_ok("globalproject_id", "label=1001"); |
22 |
$sel->click_ok("cb_show_details"); |
23 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
24 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
25 |
TODO: { |
26 |
local $TODO = "Popups werden von Selenium noch nicht unterst?tzt!"; |
27 |
$sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Angebot erfassen"); |
28 | 11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
29 |
} |
30 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
31 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
32 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
33 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
34 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
35 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
36 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[5]"); |
37 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
38 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
39 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
40 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3"); |
41 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
42 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "991"); |
43 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
44 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
45 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "5"); |
46 |
$sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1"); |
47 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
48 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
49 |
$sel->click_ok("taxincluded"); |
50 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
51 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
52 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
53 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
54 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
55 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestMann2"); |
56 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
57 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
58 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
59 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
60 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
61 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
62 |
$sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1"); |
63 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "19"); |
64 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
65 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
66 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
67 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
68 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)"); |
14 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3"); |
15 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
16 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=Selenium-Testfirma1"); |
17 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
18 |
$sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("shipvia", "per pedes"); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "alpha"); |
21 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1"); |
22 |
$sel->select_ok("globalproject_id", "label=1001"); |
23 |
$sel->click_ok("cb_show_details"); |
24 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
25 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
26 |
# TODO: { |
27 |
# local $TODO = "Popups werden von Selenium noch nicht unterst?tzt!"; |
28 |
# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']"); |
29 |
# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
30 |
# } |
31 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
32 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
33 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
34 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
35 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
36 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
37 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[5]"); |
38 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
39 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
40 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
41 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3"); |
42 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
43 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "991"); |
44 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
45 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
46 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "5"); |
47 |
$sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1"); |
48 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
49 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
50 |
$sel->click_ok("taxincluded"); |
51 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
52 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
53 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
54 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
55 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
56 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestMann2"); |
57 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
58 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
59 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
60 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
61 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
62 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
63 |
$sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1"); |
64 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "19"); |
65 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
66 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
67 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
68 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
69 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
70 |
}; |
69 | 71 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/selling/begin/S002CreateCharge.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Create charge"); |
7 |
8 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
9 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Auftrag erfassen"); |
10 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
11 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
12 |
$sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)"); |
13 |
$sel->type_ok("shippingpoint", "Braunschweig"); |
14 |
$sel->type_ok("shipvia", "LKW"); |
15 |
$sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "beta"); |
16 |
$sel->click_ok("delivered"); |
17 |
$sel->type_ok("ordnumber", "1"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("cusordnumber", "97862"); |
20 |
$sel->select_ok("globalproject_id", "label=1001"); |
21 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
22 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
23 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
24 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
25 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("ship_1", "20"); |
27 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "20"); |
28 |
$sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1"); |
29 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
30 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
31 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
32 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
33 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
34 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
35 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
36 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3"); |
37 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
38 |
$sel->type_ok("shippingpoint", "G?ttingen"); |
39 |
$sel->type_ok("shipvia", "PKW"); |
40 |
$sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "teta"); |
41 |
$sel->type_ok("ordnumber", "2"); |
42 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "2"); |
43 |
$sel->type_ok("cusordnumber", "23453666"); |
44 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "911"); |
45 |
$sel->type_ok("ship_1", "5"); |
46 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "5"); |
47 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
48 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
49 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
50 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
51 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "Handykarten D2"); |
52 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3"); |
53 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "10,00"); |
54 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "20,00"); |
55 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", "5,00"); |
56 |
$sel->select_ok("price_factor_id", "label=pro 10"); |
57 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Stck"); |
58 |
$sel->type_ok("bin", "911"); |
59 |
$sel->click_ok("not_discountable"); |
60 |
$sel->click_ok("shop"); |
61 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
62 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
63 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
64 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
65 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
66 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
67 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestMann2"); |
68 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
69 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "991"); |
70 |
$sel->type_ok("ship_1", "10"); |
71 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "10"); |
72 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
73 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
74 |
$sel->select_ok("price_factor_id_1", "label=pro 10"); |
75 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
76 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
77 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice_1", "1000"); |
78 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
79 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
80 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
81 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Auftrag erfassen"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)"); |
14 |
$sel->type_ok("shippingpoint", "Braunschweig"); |
15 |
$sel->type_ok("shipvia", "LKW"); |
16 |
$sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "beta"); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("delivered"); |
18 |
$sel->type_ok("ordnumber", "1"); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1"); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("cusordnumber", "97862"); |
21 |
$sel->select_ok("globalproject_id", "label=1001"); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
23 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
24 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
25 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
26 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
27 |
$sel->type_ok("ship_1", "20"); |
28 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "20"); |
29 |
$sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1"); |
30 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
31 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
32 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
33 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
34 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
35 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
36 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
37 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3"); |
38 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
39 |
$sel->type_ok("shippingpoint", "G?ttingen"); |
40 |
$sel->type_ok("shipvia", "PKW"); |
41 |
$sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "teta"); |
42 |
$sel->type_ok("ordnumber", "2"); |
43 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "2"); |
44 |
$sel->type_ok("cusordnumber", "23453666"); |
45 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "911"); |
46 |
$sel->type_ok("ship_1", "5"); |
47 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "5"); |
48 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
49 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
50 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
51 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
52 |
$sel->type_ok("description", "Handykarten D2"); |
53 |
$sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3"); |
54 |
$sel->type_ok("listprice", "10,00"); |
55 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice", "20,00"); |
56 |
$sel->type_ok("lastcost", "5,00"); |
57 |
$sel->select_ok("price_factor_id", "label=pro 10"); |
58 |
$sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Stck"); |
59 |
$sel->type_ok("bin", "911"); |
60 |
$sel->click_ok("not_discountable"); |
61 |
$sel->click_ok("shop"); |
62 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
63 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
64 |
$sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]"); |
65 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
66 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
67 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
68 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestMann2"); |
69 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
70 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "991"); |
71 |
$sel->type_ok("ship_1", "10"); |
72 |
$sel->type_ok("qty_1", "10"); |
73 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
74 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
75 |
$sel->select_ok("price_factor_id_1", "label=pro 10"); |
76 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
77 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
78 |
$sel->type_ok("sellprice_1", "1000"); |
79 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
80 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
81 |
$sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]"); |
82 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
83 |
}; |
84 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/selling/begin/S003CreateInvoice.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Create invoice"); |
7 |
8 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
9 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Rechnung erfassen"); |
10 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
11 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
12 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3"); |
13 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
14 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
15 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
16 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
17 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
18 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
19 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_2", "991"); |
20 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
21 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
22 |
$sel->type_ok("invnumber", "1"); |
23 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger3"); |
24 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger_orddate"); |
25 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "2"); |
26 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger_quodate"); |
27 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
28 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
29 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
30 |
$sel->click_ok("document.invoice.action[6]"); |
31 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
7 |
SKIP: { |
8 |
start_login(); |
9 |
10 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Rechnung erfassen"); |
11 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
12 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
13 |
$sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3"); |
14 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
15 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1"); |
16 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
17 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
18 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
19 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
20 |
$sel->type_ok("partnumber_2", "991"); |
21 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
22 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
23 |
$sel->type_ok("invnumber", "1"); |
24 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger3"); |
25 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger_orddate"); |
26 |
$sel->type_ok("quonumber", "2"); |
27 |
$sel->click_ok("trigger_quodate"); |
28 |
$sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto"); |
29 |
$sel->click_ok("update_button"); |
30 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
31 |
$sel->click_ok("document.invoice.action[6]"); |
32 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
33 |
}; |
34 |
1; |
t/selenium/testscripts/system/begin/S001CreateProductGroups.t | ||
4 | 4 |
exit(0); |
5 | 5 |
} |
6 | 6 |
diag("Create product groups"); |
7 |
8 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
9 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Warengruppe erfassen"); |
10 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
11 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
12 |
$sel->type_ok("partsgroup", "TestSeleniumWarengruppe1"); |
13 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
14 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
15 |
$sel->type_ok("partsgroup", "TestSeleniumWarengruppe2"); |
16 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
17 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
18 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up"); |
19 |
$sel->click_ok("link=Warengruppen anzeigen"); |
20 |
$sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout}); |
21 |
$sel->select_frame_ok("main_window"); |
22 |
$sel->click_ok("action"); |
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Umstellung von TODO auf SKIP und Verkürzung der Tests damit um mehr als 5 Minuten. Ausserdem Einführung von start(), welche eine einheitliche Startvorgabe ermöglicht.