kivitendo/templates/German-statement.tex @ c1dafb84
d319704a | Moritz Bunkus | \documentclass[twoside]{scrartcl}
38087e58 | Moritz Bunkus | \setlength{\textwidth}{17cm}
d319704a | Moritz Bunkus | \setlength{\textheight}{24.5cm}
38087e58 | Moritz Bunkus | \newlength{\descrwidth}\setlength{\descrwidth}{9cm}
d319704a | Moritz Bunkus | |||
Tel & <%tel%>\\
Fax & <%fax%>
\markboth{<%company%>\hfill <%statementdate%>}{\usebox{\hdr}}
%\thispagestyle{empty} use this with letterhead paper
<%pagebreak 90 27 48%>
\textbf{Subtotal} & \textbf{<%sumcarriedforward%>} \\
\markright{<%company%>\hfill <%statementdate%>}
\textbf{Invoice \#} & \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Due} &
\textbf{Current} & \textbf{30} & \textbf{60} & \textbf{90+} \\
carried forward from <%lastpage%> & & & & & & <%sumcarriedforward%> \\
<%end pagebreak%>
<%if customerphone%>
Tel: <%customerphone%>
<%end customerphone%>
<%if customerfax%>
Fax: <%customerfax%>
<%end customerfax%>
\textbf{S T A T E M E N T} \hfill
\hfill <%statementdate%>
\textbf{Invoice \#} & \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Due} &
\textbf{Current} & \textbf{30} & \textbf{60} & \textbf{90+} \\
<%foreach invnumber%>
<%invnumber%> & <%invdate%> & <%duedate%> &
<%c0%> & <%c30%> & <%c60%> & <%c90%> \\
<%end invnumber%>
\textbf{Subtotal} & & & <%c0total%> & <%c30total%> & <%c60total%> & <%c90total%>
\textbf{Total outstanding} & <%total%>
Please make check payable to <%company%>