kivitendo/SL/DB/ @ babf7f54
6a12a968 | Niclas Zimmermann | # This file has been auto-generated only because it didn't exist.
# Feel free to modify it at will; it will not be overwritten automatically.
package SL::DB::BankTransaction;
use strict;
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::BankTransaction;
use SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction;
use SL::DB::Helper::LinkedRecords;
68ccd089 | Geoffrey Richardson | use Carp;
6a12a968 | Niclas Zimmermann | |||
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | require SL::DB::Invoice;
require SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
6a12a968 | Niclas Zimmermann | |||
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | __PACKAGE__->meta->initialize;
6a12a968 | Niclas Zimmermann | |||
# Creates get_all, get_all_count, get_all_iterator, delete_all and update_all.
sub compare_to {
my ($self, $other) = @_;
return 1 if $self->transdate && !$other->transdate;
return -1 if !$self->transdate && $other->transdate;
my $result = 0;
$result = $self->transdate <=> $other->transdate if $self->transdate;
return $result || ($self->id <=> $other->id);
sub linked_invoices {
my ($self) = @_;
#my $record_links = $self->linked_records(direction => 'both');
my @linked_invoices;
my $record_links = SL::DB::Manager::RecordLink->get_all(where => [ from_table => 'bank_transactions', from_id => $self->id ]);
foreach my $record_link (@{ $record_links }) {
4d250272 | Jan Büren | push @linked_invoices, SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(id => $record_link->to_id) if $record_link->to_table eq 'ar';
push @linked_invoices, SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by(id => $record_link->to_id) if $record_link->to_table eq 'ap';
push @linked_invoices, SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->find_by(id => $record_link->to_id) if $record_link->to_table eq 'gl';
6a12a968 | Niclas Zimmermann | }
return [ @linked_invoices ];
17f43ff5 | Geoffrey Richardson | sub is_batch_transaction {
a149d6a0 | Sven Schöling | ($_[0]->transaction_code // '') eq "191";
503fabbf | Martin Helmling | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | sub get_agreement_with_invoice {
ce4ec1a8 | Sven Schöling | my ($self, $invoice, %params) = @_;
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
68ccd089 | Geoffrey Richardson | carp "get_agreement_with_invoice needs an invoice object as its first argument"
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | unless ref($invoice) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice' or ref($invoice) eq 'SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice';
my %points = (
cust_vend_name_in_purpose => 1,
cust_vend_number_in_purpose => 1,
datebonus0 => 3,
datebonus14 => 2,
datebonus35 => 1,
datebonus120 => 0,
datebonus_negative => -1,
depositor_matches => 2,
exact_amount => 4,
exact_open_amount => 4,
3fe6ec98 | Martin Helmling | invoice_in_purpose => 2,
own_invoice_in_purpose => 5,
invnumber_in_purpose => 1,
own_invnumber_in_purpose => 4,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | # overpayment => -1, # either other invoice is more likely, or several invoices paid at once
payment_before_invoice => -2,
payment_within_30_days => 1,
remote_account_number => 3,
skonto_exact_amount => 5,
add79c20 | Jan Büren | wrong_sign => -4,
f36da7b6 | Geoffrey Richardson | sepa_export_item => 5,
17f43ff5 | Geoffrey Richardson | batch_sepa_transaction => 20,
99a94401 | Cem Aydin | qr_reference => 20,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | );
my ($agreement,$rule_matches);
17f43ff5 | Geoffrey Richardson | if ( $self->is_batch_transaction && $self->{sepa_export_ok}) {
$agreement += $points{batch_sepa_transaction};
$rule_matches .= 'batch_sepa_transaction(' . $points{'batch_sepa_transaction'} . ') ';
503fabbf | Martin Helmling | }
99a94401 | Cem Aydin | # check swiss qr reference if feature enabled
if ($::instance_conf->get_create_qrbill_invoices == 1) {
if ($self->{qr_reference} && $invoice->{qr_reference} &&
$self->{qr_reference} eq $invoice->{qr_reference}) {
$agreement += $points{qr_reference};
$rule_matches .= 'qr_reference(' . $points{'qr_reference'} . ') ';
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | # compare banking arrangements
my ($iban, $bank_code, $account_number);
$bank_code = $invoice->customer->bank_code if $invoice->is_sales;
$account_number = $invoice->customer->account_number if $invoice->is_sales;
$iban = $invoice->customer->iban if $invoice->is_sales;
$bank_code = $invoice->vendor->bank_code if ! $invoice->is_sales;
$iban = $invoice->vendor->iban if ! $invoice->is_sales;
$account_number = $invoice->vendor->account_number if ! $invoice->is_sales;
1b032ef4 | Jan Büren | |||
# check only valid remote_account_number (with some content)
if ($self->remote_account_number) {
if ($bank_code eq $self->remote_bank_code && $account_number eq $self->remote_account_number) {
$agreement += $points{remote_account_number};
$rule_matches .= 'remote_account_number(' . $points{'remote_account_number'} . ') ';
} elsif ($iban eq $self->remote_account_number) { # elsif -> do not add twice
$agreement += $points{remote_account_number};
$rule_matches .= 'remote_account_number(' . $points{'remote_account_number'} . ') ';
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $datediff = $self->transdate->{utc_rd_days} - $invoice->transdate->{utc_rd_days};
$invoice->{datediff} = $datediff;
# compare amount
a695cc30 | Martin Helmling | if (abs(abs($invoice->amount) - abs($self->amount)) < 0.01 &&
$::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,abs($invoice->amount),2) eq
) {
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | $agreement += $points{exact_amount};
$rule_matches .= 'exact_amount(' . $points{'exact_amount'} . ') ';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
# compare open amount, preventing double points when open amount = invoice amount
a695cc30 | Martin Helmling | if ( $invoice->amount != $invoice->open_amount && abs(abs($invoice->open_amount) - abs($self->amount)) < 0.01 &&
a4bbdc71 | Jan Büren | $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,abs($invoice->open_amount),2) eq
a695cc30 | Martin Helmling | $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,abs($self->amount),2)
) {
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | $agreement += $points{exact_open_amount};
$rule_matches .= 'exact_open_amount(' . $points{'exact_open_amount'} . ') ';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
a695cc30 | Martin Helmling | if ( $invoice->skonto_date && abs(abs($invoice->amount_less_skonto) - abs($self->amount)) < 0.01 &&
$::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,abs($invoice->amount_less_skonto),2) eq
) {
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | $agreement += $points{skonto_exact_amount};
$rule_matches .= 'skonto_exact_amount(' . $points{'skonto_exact_amount'} . ') ';
88d162cc | Martin Helmling | $invoice->{skonto_type} = 'with_skonto_pt';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
#search invoice number in purpose
my $invnumber = $invoice->invnumber;
f36da7b6 | Geoffrey Richardson | # invnumber has to have at least 3 characters
5d02d521 | Jan Büren | my $squashed_purpose = $self->purpose;
$squashed_purpose =~ s/ //g;
535d28fe | Jan Büren | if (length($invnumber) > 4 && $squashed_purpose =~ /\Q$invnumber/ && $invoice->is_sales){
3fe6ec98 | Martin Helmling | $agreement += $points{own_invoice_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'own_invoice_in_purpose(' . $points{'own_invoice_in_purpose'} . ') ';
535d28fe | Jan Büren | } elsif (length($invnumber) > 3 && $squashed_purpose =~ /\Q$invnumber/ ) {
3fe6ec98 | Martin Helmling | $agreement += $points{invoice_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'invoice_in_purpose(' . $points{'invoice_in_purpose'} . ') ';
} else {
# only check number part of invoice number
$invnumber =~ s/[A-Za-z_]+//g;
if (length($invnumber) > 4 && $squashed_purpose =~ /$invnumber/ && $invoice->is_sales){
$agreement += $points{own_invnumber_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'own_invnumber_in_purpose(' . $points{'own_invnumber_in_purpose'} . ') ';
} elsif (length($invnumber) > 3 && $squashed_purpose =~ /$invnumber/ ) {
$agreement += $points{invnumber_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'invnumber_in_purpose(' . $points{'invnumber_in_purpose'} . ') ';
5d02d521 | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
#check sign
add79c20 | Jan Büren | if (( $invoice->is_sales && $invoice->amount > 0 && $self->amount < 0 ) ||
( $invoice->is_sales && $invoice->amount < 0 && $self->amount > 0 ) ) { # sales credit note
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | $agreement += $points{wrong_sign};
$rule_matches .= 'wrong_sign(' . $points{'wrong_sign'} . ') ';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
b6f8a6b0 | Jan Büren | if (( !$invoice->is_sales && $invoice->amount > 0 && $self->amount > 0) ||
add79c20 | Jan Büren | ( !$invoice->is_sales && $invoice->amount < 0 && $self->amount < 0) ) { # purchase credit note
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | $agreement += $points{wrong_sign};
$rule_matches .= 'wrong_sign(' . $points{'wrong_sign'} . ') ';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
# search customer/vendor number in purpose
my $cvnumber;
$cvnumber = $invoice->customer->customernumber if $invoice->is_sales;
$cvnumber = $invoice->vendor->vendornumber if ! $invoice->is_sales;
if ( $cvnumber && $self->purpose =~ /\b$cvnumber\b/i ) {
$agreement += $points{cust_vend_number_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'cust_vend_number_in_purpose(' . $points{'cust_vend_number_in_purpose'} . ') ';
# search for customer/vendor name in purpose (may contain GMBH, CO KG, ...)
my $cvname;
$cvname = $invoice->customer->name if $invoice->is_sales;
$cvname = $invoice->vendor->name if ! $invoice->is_sales;
2d8fabfc | Peter Schulgin | if ( $cvname && $self->purpose =~ /\b\Q$cvname\E\b/i ) {
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | $agreement += $points{cust_vend_name_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'cust_vend_name_in_purpose(' . $points{'cust_vend_name_in_purpose'} . ') ';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
# compare depositorname, don't try to match empty depositors
my $depositorname;
$depositorname = $invoice->customer->depositor if $invoice->is_sales;
$depositorname = $invoice->vendor->depositor if ! $invoice->is_sales;
if ( $depositorname && $self->remote_name =~ /$depositorname/ ) {
$agreement += $points{depositor_matches};
$rule_matches .= 'depositor_matches(' . $points{'depositor_matches'} . ') ';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
#Check if words in remote_name appear in cvname
my $check_string_points = _check_string($self->remote_name,$cvname);
if ( $check_string_points ) {
$agreement += $check_string_points;
$rule_matches .= 'remote_name(' . $check_string_points . ') ';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
# transdate prefilter: compare transdate of bank_transaction with transdate of invoice
if ( $datediff < -5 ) { # this might conflict with advance payments
$agreement += $points{payment_before_invoice};
$rule_matches .= 'payment_before_invoice(' . $points{'payment_before_invoice'} . ') ';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | if ( $datediff < 30 ) {
$agreement += $points{payment_within_30_days};
$rule_matches .= 'payment_within_30_days(' . $points{'payment_within_30_days'} . ') ';
78078fbf | Jan Büren | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
# only if we already have a good agreement, let date further change value of agreement.
# this is so that if there are several plausible open invoices which are all equal
# (rent jan, rent feb...) the one with the best date match is chosen over
# the others
# another way around this is to just pre-filter by periods instead of matching everything
if ( $agreement > 5 ) {
if ( $datediff == 0 ) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus0};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus0(' . $points{'datebonus0'} . ') ';
} elsif ( $datediff > 0 and $datediff <= 14 ) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus14};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus14(' . $points{'datebonus14'} . ') ';
} elsif ( $datediff >14 and $datediff < 35) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus35};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus35(' . $points{'datebonus35'} . ') ';
} elsif ( $datediff >34 and $datediff < 120) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus120};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus120(' . $points{'datebonus120'} . ') ';
} elsif ( $datediff < 0 ) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus_negative};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus_negative(' . $points{'datebonus_negative'} . ') ';
} else {
78078fbf | Jan Büren | # e.g. datediff > 120
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
b269674b | Jan Büren | # if there is exactly one non-executed sepa_export_item for the invoice
ce4ec1a8 | Sven Schöling | my $seis = $params{sepa_export_items}
? [ grep { $invoice->id == ($invoice->is_sales ? $_->ar_id : $_->ap_id) } @{ $params{sepa_export_items} } ]
: $invoice->find_sepa_export_items({ executed => 0 });
if ($seis) {
338ffe02 | Jan Büren | if (scalar @$seis == 1) {
54ae2899 | Jan Büren | my $sei = $seis->[0];
338ffe02 | Jan Büren | # test for amount and id matching only, sepa transfer date and bank
# transaction date needn't match
if (abs($self->amount) == ($sei->amount) && $invoice->id == $sei->arap_id) {
b269674b | Jan Büren | $agreement += $points{sepa_export_item};
69bfa40a | Jan Büren | $rule_matches .= 'sepa_export_item(' . $points{'sepa_export_item'} . ') ';
54ae2899 | Jan Büren | } else {
# zero or more than one sepa_export_item, do nothing for this invoice
# zero: do nothing, no sepa_export_item exists, no match
# more than one: does this ever apply? Currently you can't create sepa
# exports for invoices that already have a non-executed sepa_export
b269674b | Jan Büren | # TODO: Catch the more than one case. User is allowed to split
# payments for one invoice item in one sepa export.
69bfa40a | Jan Büren | }
f36da7b6 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | return ($agreement,$rule_matches);
sub _check_string {
my $bankstring = shift;
my $namestring = shift;
return 0 unless $bankstring and $namestring;
my @bankwords = grep(/^\w+$/, split(/\b/,$bankstring));
my $match = 0;
foreach my $bankword ( @bankwords ) {
# only try to match strings with more than 2 characters
next unless length($bankword)>2;
if ( $namestring =~ /\b$bankword\b/i ) {
return $match;
c301c2b3 | Jan Büren | |||
sub not_assigned_amount {
my ($self) = @_;
my $not_assigned_amount = $self->amount - $self->invoice_amount;
die ("undefined state") if (abs($not_assigned_amount) > abs($self->amount));
return $not_assigned_amount;
25230b8c | Jan Büren | sub closed_period {
my ($self) = @_;
# check for closed period
croak t8('Illegal date') unless ref $self->valutadate eq 'DateTime';
my $closedto = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::instance_conf->get_closedto);
if ( ref $closedto && $self->valutadate < $closedto ) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
6a12a968 | Niclas Zimmermann | 1;
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
=head1 NAME
=over 4
=item C<get_agreement_with_invoice $invoice>
Using a point system this function checks whether the bank transaction matches
an invoices, using a variety of tests, such as
=over 2
=item * amount
=item * amount_less_skonto
=item * payment date
=item * invoice number in purpose
=item * customer or vendor name in purpose
=item * account number matches account number of customer or vendor
The total number of points, and the rules that matched, are returned.
my $bt = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => 522);
my $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(invnumber => '198');
my ($agreement,rule_matches) = $bt->get_agreement_with_invoice($invoice);
19c89dfd | Jan Büren | =item C<linked_invoices>
4d250272 | Jan Büren | Returns an array of record objects (invoices, debit, credit or gl objects)
19c89dfd | Jan Büren | which are linked for this bank transaction.
Returns an empty array ref if no links are found.
croak("No linked records at all") unless @{ $bt->linked_invoices() };
c301c2b3 | Jan Büren | =item C<not_assigned_amount>
Returns the not open amount of this bank transaction.
Dies if the return amount is higher than the original amount.
25230b8c | Jan Büren | =item C<closed_period>
Returns 1 if the bank transaction valutadate is in a closed period, 0 if the
valutadate of the bank transaction is not in a closed period.
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | =back
=head1 AUTHOR
G. Richardson E<lt><gt>