kivitendo/SL/Helper/ @ ba486db5
963330cc | Sven Schöling | package SL::Helper::Object;
use strict;
sub import {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
my $caller = (caller)[0];
while (@args > 1) {
my $method = shift @args;
my $args = shift @args;
die "invalid method '$method' for $class" unless $class->can($method);
$class->$method($caller, $args);
my %args_string_by_key = (
none => '',
raw => '(@_)',
standard => '(@_[1..$#_])',
my %pre_context_by_key = (
void => '',
scalar => 'my $return =',
list => 'my @return =',
my %post_context_by_key = (
void => 'return',
scalar => '$return',
list => '@return',
my %known_delegate_args = map { $_ => 1 } qw(target_method args force_context class_function);
my $_ident = '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$';
my $_cident = '^[a-zA-Z0-9_:]+$';
sub delegate {
my ($class, $caller, $args) = @_;
die 'delegate needs an array ref of parameters' if 'ARRAY' ne ref $args;
die 'delegate needs an even number of args' if @$args % 2;
while (@$args > 1) {
my $target = shift @$args;
my $delegate_args = shift @$args;
my $params = 'HASH' eq ref $delegate_args->[0] ? $delegate_args->[0] : {};
$known_delegate_args{$_} || die "unknown parameter '$_'" for keys %$params;
die "delegate: target '$target' must match /$_cident/" if $target !~ /$_cident/;
die "delegate: target_method '$params->{target_method}' must match /$_ident/" if $params->{target_method} && $params->{target_method} !~ /$_ident/;
my $method_joiner = $params->{class_function} ? '::' : '->';
for my $method (@$delegate_args) {
next if ref $method;
die "delegate: method name '$method' must match /$_ident/" if $method !~ /$_ident/;
my $target_method = $params->{target_method} // $method;
my ($pre_context, $post_context) = ('', '');
if (exists $params->{force_context}) {
$pre_context = $pre_context_by_key { $params->{force_context} };
$post_context = $post_context_by_key{ $params->{force_context} };
die "invalid context '$params->{force_context}' to force" unless defined $pre_context && defined $post_context;
my $target_code = ucfirst($target) eq $target ? $target : "\$_[0]->$target";
my $args_string = $args_string_by_key{ $params->{args} // 'standard' };
die "invalid args handling '$params->{args}'" unless defined $target_code;
eval "
f7c3193b | Moritz Bunkus | sub ${caller}::$method {
963330cc | Sven Schöling | $pre_context $target_code$method_joiner$target_method$args_string; $post_context
e62747c3 | Sven Schöling | " or die "could not create ${caller}::$method: $@";
963330cc | Sven Schöling | }
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::Helper::Object - Meta Object Helper Mixin
use SL::Helper::Object (
delegate => [
$target => [ qw(method1 method2 method3 ...) ],
$target => [ { DELEGATE_OPTIONS }, qw(method1 method2 method3 ...) ],
02752d70 | Geoffrey Richardson | Sick of writing getter, setter? No because Rose::Object::MakeMethods has you covered.
963330cc | Sven Schöling | |||
02752d70 | Geoffrey Richardson | Sick of writing all the rest that Rose can't do? Put it here. Functionality in this
963330cc | Sven Schöling | mixin is passed as an include parameter, but are still described as functions:
=over 4
=item C<delegate PARAMS>
Creates a method that delegates to the target. If the target string starts with
a lower case character, the generated code will be called on an object found
within the calling object by calling an accessor. This way, it is possible to
delegate to an object:
delegate => [
backend_obj => [ qw(save) ],
will generate:
sub save {
If it starts with an upper case letter, it is assumed that it is a class name:
delegate => [
'Backend' => [ qw(save) ],
will generate:
sub save {
Possible delegate args are:
=over 4
=item * C<target_method>
Optional. If not given, the generated method will dispatch to the same method
in the target class. If this is not possible, this can be used to overwrite it.
=item * C<args>
Controls how the arguments are passed.
If set to C<none>, the generated code will not bother passing args. This has the benefit
of not needing to splice the caller class out of @_, or to touch @_ at all for that matter.
If set to C<raw>, the generated code will pass @_ without changes. This will
result in the calling class or object being left in the arg, but is fine if the
delegator is called as a function.
If set to C<standard> (which is also the default), the original caller will be
spliced out and replaced with the new calling context.
=item * C<force_context>
Forces the given context on the delegated method. Valid arguments can be
C<void>, C<scalar>, C<list>. Default behaviour simply puts the call at the end
of the sub so that context is propagated.
=item * C<class_function>
If true, the function will be called as a class function instead of a method call.
=head1 BUGS
None yet :)
=head1 AUTHOR
Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>