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Revision b9442827

Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 8 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID b944282768f7d90bf6bdf8db576fe539bb88481d
  • Vorgänger 2df28e2b
  • Nachfolger 4812c084

IS: single-dbh

Unterschiede anzeigen:

use SL::DB::Tax;
use SL::DB::TaxZone;
use SL::TransNumber;
use SL::DB;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
sub post_invoice {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $provided_dbh, $payments_only) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_post_invoice, $self, $myconfig, $form, $provided_dbh, $payments_only);
return $rc;
sub _post_invoice {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $provided_dbh, $payments_only) = @_;
# connect to database, turn off autocommit
my $dbh = $provided_dbh ? $provided_dbh : $form->get_standard_dbh;
my $dbh = $provided_dbh || SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $restricter = SL::HTML::Restrict->create;
my ($query, $sth, $null, $project_id, @values);
$dbh->commit if !$provided_dbh;
if ($datev->errors) {
die join "\n", $::locale->text('DATEV check returned errors:'), $datev->errors;
my $rc = 1;
$dbh->commit if !$provided_dbh;
return $rc;
return 1;
sub transfer_out {
sub post_payment {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $locale) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_post_payment, $self, $myconfig, $form, $locale);
return $rc;
sub _post_payment {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $locale) = @_;
# connect to database, turn off autocommit
my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my (%payments, $old_form, $row, $item, $query, %keep_vars);
my $rc = $dbh->commit();
return $rc;
return 1;
sub process_assembly {
sub delete_invoice {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_delete_invoice, $self, $myconfig, $form);
return $rc;
sub _delete_invoice {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
&reverse_invoice($dbh, $form);
_delete_transfers($dbh, $form, $form->{id});
map { do_query($form, $dbh, $_, @values) } @queries;
my $rc = $dbh->commit;
my $spool = $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{spool};
map { unlink "$spool/$_" if -f "$spool/$_"; } @spoolfiles;
if ($rc) {
my $spool = $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{spool};
map { unlink "$spool/$_" if -f "$spool/$_"; } @spoolfiles;
return $rc;
return 1;
sub retrieve_invoice {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_retrieve_invoice, $self, $myconfig, $form);
return $rc;
sub _retrieve_invoice {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my ($sth, $ref, $query);
my $rc = $dbh->commit;
return $rc;
return 1;
sub get_customer {

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