kivitendo/css/less/style.less @ b8114b70
fb33dc99 | Hans Peter Schlaepfer | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Use this file for rendering the file ../style.css
// with the following command:
// lessc style.less ../style.css
// the cursor in your shell should be on /css/less/
// - Variables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variablen
// fuer die Anpassung des Erscheinungsbildes
// in dieser Datei koennen z.b. Farbvarianten eines Themes einfach erstellt werden
// Color Schemes
//@import 'variables_color_scheme.less' ; // Standard-Farbschema
//@import 'variables_color.less'; // use it for a special style
//@import 'variables_color_1.less'; // use it for a special style
@import 'variables_color_2.less'; // use it for a special style
// Standard-Variables
@import 'variables.less';
// Your custom LESS variables (new or overrides of the previous LESS variable stuff)
@import 'custom_variables.less';
// Basic Settings
@import 'common.less';
// Mixins (general & sitewide properties)
// IMPORTANT: edit this properties right after variables.less
@import 'mixins.less' ;
// Main areas and main boxes of the Kivitendo Webpage
@import 'scaffolding.less';
// jQuery Stuff
@import 'jquery-ui.less'; // jQuery-UI
// Original Standard jQuery Stuff (no overrides, )
@import 'jquery.autocomplete.less';
@import 'jquery.multiselect2side.less';
@import 'jquery.tooltipster.less';
@import 'jquery.tooltipster-light.less';
// Special jQuery Stuff
@import 'jquery.chartpicker.less';
// Overrides of all jquery stuff above
@import 'jquery-ui_overrides.less';
// Standard Kivitendo CSS_Stuff
@import 'main.less';
@import 'main_login.less';
// Menus
@import 'menu.less';
@import 'menu_actionbar.less';
@import 'menu_frame_header.less'; // Quick_Search, User/Mandatory, Logout
// Content
// Every HTML Stuff within the Element #content
@import 'messages.less';
@import 'tables.less';
@import 'lists.less';
@import 'forms.less';
@import 'buttons.less';
@import 'control_panels.less';
@import 'requirement_spec.less'; // Stupid non_generic stuff
@import 'specials.less';
// General overrides from the settings above
@import 'main_overrides.less';
// Admin_Stuff (Overrides)
@import 'admin.less';
// div. (necessary???)
@import 'icons16.less';
// Responsive & Print Stuff
@import 'responsive.less';
@import 'print.less';
// Your personal custom LESS stuff
@import 'custom.less';
// Developer stuff (don't hesitate to disable this')
@import 'developing.less';