kivitendo/SL/DB/Manager/ @ b8114b70
6a12a968 | Niclas Zimmermann | # This file has been auto-generated only because it didn't exist.
# Feel free to modify it at will; it will not be overwritten automatically.
package SL::DB::Manager::ReconciliationLink;
use strict;
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::DB::Helper::Manager;
use base qw(SL::DB::Helper::Manager);
sub object_class { 'SL::DB::ReconciliationLink' }
sub get_new_rec_group {
my $class = shift;
my $query = qq|SELECT max(rec_group) FROM reconciliation_links|;
my ($max) = selectfirst_array_query($::form, $class->object_class->init_db->dbh, $query);
c63ec91e | Bernd Bleßmann | return ($max // 0) + 1;
6a12a968 | Niclas Zimmermann | }