package SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels;
use strict;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(get_models_url_params get_callback get_models);
use constant PRIV => '__getmodelshelperpriv';
my $registered_handlers = {};
sub register_get_models_handlers {
my ($class, %additional_handlers) = @_;
my $only = delete($additional_handlers{ONLY}) || [];
$only = [ $only ] if !ref $only;
my %hook_params = @{ $only } ? ( only => $only ) : ();
$class->run_before(sub { $_[0]->{PRIV()} = { current_action => $_[1] }; }, %hook_params);
my $handlers = _registered_handlers($class);
map { push @{ $handlers->{$_} }, $additional_handlers{$_} if $additional_handlers{$_} } keys %$handlers;
sub get_models_url_params {
my ($class, $sub_name_or_code) = @_;
my $code = (ref($sub_name_or_code) || '') eq 'CODE' ? $sub_name_or_code : sub { shift->$sub_name_or_code(@_) };
my $callback = sub {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my @additional_params = $code->($self);
return (
(scalar(@additional_params) == 1) && (ref($additional_params[0]) eq 'HASH') ? %{ $additional_params[0] } : @additional_params,
push @{ _registered_handlers($class)->{callback} }, $callback;
sub get_callback {
my ($self, %override_params) = @_;
my %default_params = _run_handlers($self, 'callback', action => ($self->{PRIV()} || {})->{current_action});
return $self->url_for(%default_params, %override_params);
sub get_models {
my ($self, %override_params) = @_;
my %params = _run_handlers($self, 'get_models', %override_params);
my $model = delete($params{model}) || die "No 'model' to work on";
return "SL::DB::Manager::${model}"->get_all(%params);
# private/internal functions
sub _run_handlers {
my ($self, $handler_type, %params) = @_;
foreach my $sub (@{ _registered_handlers(ref $self)->{$handler_type} }) {
if (ref $sub eq 'CODE') {
%params = $sub->($self, %params);
} elsif ($self->can($sub)) {
%params = $self->$sub(%params);
} else {
die "SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels::get_callback: Cannot call $sub on " . ref($self) . ")";
return %params;
sub _registered_handlers {
$registered_handlers->{$_[0]} //= { callback => [], get_models => [] }
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels - Base mixin for controller helpers
dealing with semi-automatic handling of sorting and paginating lists
For a proper synopsis see L<SL::Controller::Helper::Sorted>.
For a generic overview see L<SL::Controller::Helper::Sorted>.
This base module is the interface between a controller and specialized
helper modules that handle things like sorting and paginating. The
specialized helpers register themselves with this module via a call to
L<register_get_models_handlers> during compilation time (e.g. in the
case of C<Sorted> this happens when the controller calls
A controller will later usually call the L<get_models>
function. Templates will call the L<get_callback> function. Both
functions run the registered handlers handing over control to the
specialized helpers so that they may inject their parameters into the
call chain.
The C<GetModels> helper hooks into the controller call to the action
via a C<run_before> hook. This is done so that it can remember the
action called by the user. This is used for constructing the callback
in L<get_callback>.
=over 4
=item C<get_models_url_params $class, $sub>
Register one of the controller's subs to be called whenever an URL has
to be generated (e.g. for sort and pagination links). This is a way
for the controller to add additional parameters to the URL (e.g. for
filter parameters).
The C<$sub> parameter can be either a code reference or the name of
one of the controller's functions.
The value returned by this C<$sub> must be either a single hash
reference or a hash of key/value pairs to add to the URL.
=item C<register_get_models_handlers $class, %handlers>
This function should only be called from other controller helpers like
C<Sorted> or C<Paginated>. It is not exported and must therefore be
called its full name. The first parameter C<$class> must be the actual
controller's class name.
If C<%handlers> contains a key C<ONLY> then it is passed to the hook
registration in L<SL::Controller::Base::run_before>.
The C<%handlers> register callback functions in the specialized
controller helpers that are called during invocation of
L<get_callback> or L<get_models>. Possible keys are C<callback> and
Each handler (the value in the hash) can be either a code reference
(in which case it is called directly) or the name of an instance
function callable on a controller instance. In both cases the handler
receives a hash of parameters built during this very call to
L<get_callback> or L<get_models> respectively. The handler's return
value must be the new hash to be used in calls to further handlers and
to the actual database model functions later on.
=over 4
=item C<get_callback [%params]>
Return an URL suitable for use as a callback parameter. It maps to the
current controller and action. All registered handlers of type
'callback' (e.g. the ones by C<Sorted> and C<Paginated>) can inject
the parameters they need so that the same list view as is currently
visible can be re-rendered.
Optional C<%params> passed to this function may override any parameter
set by the registered handlers.
=item C<get_models [%params]>
Query the model manager via C<get_all> and return its result. The
parameters to C<get_all> are constructed by calling all registered
handlers of type 'models' (e.g. the ones by C<Sorted> and
Optional C<%params> passed to this function may override any parameter
set by the registered handlers.
The return value is the an array reference of C<Rose> models.
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>