Revision b6185e74
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 7 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::Printer;
use SL::DB::Language;
use SL::DB::RecordLink;
use SL::Helper::CreatePDF qw(:all);
use SL::Helper::PrintOptions;
... | ... | |
title => $self->type eq _sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('Add Sales Order')
: $self->type eq _purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('Add Purchase Order')
: $self->type eq _sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('Add Quotation')
: $self->type eq _request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('Add Request for Quotation')
: '',
title => $self->_get_title_for('add'),
... | ... | |
title => $self->type eq _sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('Edit Sales Order')
: $self->type eq _purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('Edit Purchase Order')
: $self->type eq _sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('Edit Quotation')
: $self->type eq _request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('Edit Request for Quotation')
: '',
title => $self->_get_title_for('edit'),
... | ... | |
# workflow from sales quotation to sales order
sub action_sales_order {
# workflow from rfq to purchase order
sub action_purchase_order {
# set form elements in respect to a changed customer or vendor
# This action is called on an change of the customer/vendor picker.
... | ... | |
$item ||= SL::DB::OrderItem->new(custom_variables => []);
$item->longdescription($item->part->notes) if $is_new && !defined $attr->{longdescription};
$item->project_id($record->globalproject_id) if $is_new && !defined $attr->{project_id};
$item->lastcost($item->part->lastcost) if $is_new && !defined $attr->{lastcost_as_number};
$item->longdescription($item->part->notes) if $is_new && !defined $attr->{longdescription};
$item->project_id($record->globalproject_id) if $is_new && !defined $attr->{project_id};
$item->lastcost($record->is_sales ? $item->part->lastcost : 0) if $is_new && !defined $attr->{lastcost_as_number};
return $item;
... | ... | |
$new_attr{active_discount_source} = $discount_src;
$new_attr{longdescription} = $part->notes if ! defined $attr->{longdescription};
$new_attr{project_id} = $record->globalproject_id;
$new_attr{lastcost} = $part->lastcost;
$new_attr{lastcost} = $record->is_sales ? $part->lastcost : 0;
# add_custom_variables adds cvars to an orderitem with no cvars for saving, but
# they cannot be retrieved via custom_variables until the order/orderitem is
... | ... | |
$db->with_transaction(sub {
SL::DB::OrderItem->new(id => $_)->delete for @{$self->item_ids_to_delete};
$self->order->save(cascade => 1);
# link records
if ($::form->{converted_from_oe_id}) {
SL::DB::Order->new(id => $::form->{converted_from_oe_id})->load->link_to_record($self->order);
if (scalar @{ $::form->{converted_from_orderitems_ids} || [] }) {
my $idx = 0;
foreach (@{ $self->order->items_sorted }) {
my $from_id = $::form->{converted_from_orderitems_ids}->[$idx];
next if !$from_id;
SL::DB::RecordLink->new(from_table => 'orderitems',
from_id => $from_id,
to_table => 'orderitems',
to_id => $_->id
}) || push(@{$errors}, $db->error);
return $errors;
sub _workflow_sales_or_purchase_order {
my ($self) = @_;
my $destination_type = $::form->{type} eq _sales_quotation_type() ? _sales_order_type()
: $::form->{type} eq _request_quotation_type() ? _purchase_order_type()
: '';
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new_from($self->order, destination_type => $destination_type));
$self->{converted_from_oe_id} = delete $::form->{id};
# change form type
$::form->{type} = $destination_type;
# trigger rendering values for second row/longdescription as hidden,
# because they are loaded only on demand. So we need to keep the values
# from the source.
$_->{render_second_row} = 1 for @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
$_->{render_longdescription} = 1 for @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
title => $self->_get_title_for('edit'),
sub _pre_render {
my ($self) = @_;
... | ... | |
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save_and_invoice', $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts ],
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices' ],
], # end of combobox "Save"
combobox => [
action => [
action => [
t8('Sales Order'),
submit => [ '#order_form', { action => "Order/sales_order" } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (_sales_quotation_type())),
action => [
t8('Purchase Order'),
submit => [ '#order_form', { action => "Order/purchase_order" } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (_request_quotation_type())),
], # end of combobox "Workflow"
combobox => [
action => [
... | ... | |
return $active ? t8('active') : t8('inactive');
sub _get_title_for {
my ($self, $action) = @_;
return '' if none { lc($action)} qw(add edit);
# for locales:
# $::locale->text("Add Sales Order");
# $::locale->text("Add Purchase Order");
# $::locale->text("Add Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Add Request for Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Edit Sales Order");
# $::locale->text("Edit Purchase Order");
# $::locale->text("Edit Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Edit Request for Quotation");
$action = ucfirst(lc($action));
return $self->type eq _sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Sales Order")
: $self->type eq _purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Purchase Order")
: $self->type eq _sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Quotation")
: $self->type eq _request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Request for Quotation")
: '';
sub _sales_order_type {
templates/webpages/order/form.html | ||
<form method="post" action="" id="order_form">
[% L.hidden_tag('callback', FORM.callback) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('type', FORM.type) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('id', %]
[% L.hidden_tag('callback', FORM.callback) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('type', FORM.type) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('id', %]
[% L.hidden_tag('converted_from_oe_id', SELF.converted_from_oe_id) %]
[%- INCLUDE 'common/flash.html' %]
templates/webpages/order/tabs/_row.html | ||
alt=LxERP.t8('Show details'), title=LxERP.t8('Show details'), class="expand") %]
[%- END %]
[% L.hidden_tag("orderitem_ids[+]", ID) %]
[% L.hidden_tag("converted_from_orderitems_ids[+]", ITEM.converted_from_orderitems_id) %]
[% L.hidden_tag("order.orderitems[+].id",, id='item_' _ ID) %]
[% L.hidden_tag("order.orderitems[].parts_id", ITEM.parts_id) %]
... | ... | |
style='width: 300px') %]
[%- IF ITEM.render_longdescription -%]
[%- L.hidden_tag("order.orderitems[].longdescription", ITEM.longdescription) %]
[%- END -%]
[%- L.button_tag("kivi.Order.show_longdescription_dialog(this)", LxERP.t8("L")) %]
... | ... | |
<tr [%- IF !MYCONFIG.show_form_details -%]style="display:none"[%- END -%]>
<td colspan="100%">
[%- IF MYCONFIG.show_form_details %]
[%- IF MYCONFIG.show_form_details || ITEM.render_second_row %]
<div name="second_row" data-loaded="1">
[%- PROCESS order/tabs/_second_row.html ITEM=ITEM TYPE=TYPE %]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Auftrags-Controller: Workflow von Angebot nach Auftrag (Ein- und Verkauf).