kivitendo/SL/Controller/ @ b52b09d8
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | package SL::Controller::EmailJournal;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::DB::EmailJournal;
use SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment;
use SL::Helper::Flash;
use SL::Locale::String;
use SL::System::TaskServer;
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
scalar => [ qw(entry) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(models can_view_all filter_summary) ],
# actions
sub action_list {
my ($self) = @_;
58c266ea | Martin Helmling | $::auth->assert('email_journal');
687f2d96 | Martin Helmling | if ( $::instance_conf->get_email_journal == 0 ) {
47e66090 | Moritz Bunkus | flash('info', $::locale->text('Storing the emails in the journal is currently disabled in the client configuration.'));
687f2d96 | Martin Helmling | }
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | $self->render('email_journal/list',
title => $::locale->text('Email journal'),
ENTRIES => $self->models->get,
MODELS => $self->models);
sub action_show {
my ($self) = @_;
58c266ea | Martin Helmling | $::auth->assert('email_journal');
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | my $back_to = $::form->{back_to} || $self->url_for(action => 'list');
$self->entry(SL::DB::EmailJournal->new(id => $::form->{id})->load);
8a43a317 | Moritz Bunkus | if (!$self->can_view_all && ($self->entry->sender_id != SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id)) {
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | $::form->error(t8('You do not have permission to access this entry.'));
title => $::locale->text('View sent email'),
back_to => $back_to);
sub action_download_attachment {
my ($self) = @_;
58c266ea | Martin Helmling | $::auth->assert('email_journal');
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | my $attachment = SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment->new(id => $::form->{id})->load;
8a43a317 | Moritz Bunkus | if (!$self->can_view_all && ($attachment->email_journal->sender_id != SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id)) {
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | $::form->error(t8('You do not have permission to access this entry.'));
a40f0c2f | Martin Helmling | my $ref = \$attachment->content;
if ( $attachment->file_id > 0 ) {
my $file = SL::File->get(id => $attachment->file_id );
568004ba | Martin Helmling | $ref = $file->get_content if $file;
a40f0c2f | Martin Helmling | }
$self->send_file($ref, name => $attachment->name, type => $attachment->mime_type);
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | }
# filters
sub add_stylesheet {
# helpers
58c266ea | Martin Helmling | sub init_can_view_all { $::auth->assert('email_employee_readall', 1) }
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
sub init_models {
my ($self) = @_;
my @where;
push @where, (sender_id => SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id) if !$self->can_view_all;
controller => $self,
query => \@where,
with_objects => [ 'sender' ],
sorted => {
sender => t8('Sender'),
from => t8('From'),
recipients => t8('Recipients'),
subject => t8('Subject'),
sent_on => t8('Sent on'),
status => t8('Status'),
extended_status => t8('Extended status'),
sub init_filter_summary {
my ($self) = @_;
my $filter = $::form->{filter} || {};
my @filters = (
[ "from:substr::ilike", $::locale->text('From') ],
[ "recipients:substr::ilike", $::locale->text('Recipients') ],
[ "sent_on:date::ge", $::locale->text('Sent on') . " " . $::locale->text('From Date') ],
[ "sent_on:date::le", $::locale->text('Sent on') . " " . $::locale->text('To Date') ],
my @filter_strings = grep { $_ }
map { $filter->{ $_->[0] } ? $_->[1] . ' ' . $filter->{ $_->[0] } : undef }
my %status = (
failed => $::locale->text('failed'),
ok => $::locale->text('succeeded'),
push @filter_strings, $status{ $filter->{'status:eq_ignore_empty'} } if $filter->{'status:eq_ignore_empty'};
return join ', ', @filter_strings;