


Herunterladen (665 Bytes) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
11e6f144 Udo Spallek
;; This file was produced by lx-office
6ab3da45 Udo Spallek
;; for using in taxbird.
5e49b259 Udo Spallek
;; You probably don't want to touch this
;; file. In case you do want it anyway,
;; be warned: BE CAREFUL!!
'("Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung <%year%>" (
("vend-id" . "74931")
6ab3da45 Udo Spallek
("land-lieferant" . "<%elsterland%>")
5e49b259 Udo Spallek
("name-lieferant" . "<%company%>")
("berufsbez" . "")
("strasse-lieferant" . "<%co_street%>")
6ab3da45 Udo Spallek
("plz-lieferant" . "<%co_zip%> ")
5e49b259 Udo Spallek
("ort-lieferant" . "<%co_city%>")
6ab3da45 Udo Spallek
("vorwahl" . "<%co_phone_prefix%>")
5e49b259 Udo Spallek
("anschluss" . "<%co_phone%>")
6ab3da45 Udo Spallek
("land" . "<%taxbird_land_nr%>")
("zeitraum" . "<%taxbird_period%>")
("stnr" . "<%taxbird_steuernummer%>")
5e49b259 Udo Spallek
11e6f144 Udo Spallek
<%foreach id%>
("<%id%>" . "<%amount%>")<%end%>
5e49b259 Udo Spallek