


Herunterladen (20,5 KB) Statistiken
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# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web

package SimpleTemplate;

# Parameters:
# 1. The template's file name
# 2. A reference to the Form object
# 3. A reference to the myconfig hash
# Returns:
# A new template object
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $self = {};

bless($self, $type);

return $self;

sub _init {
my $self = shift;

$self->{"source"} = shift;
$self->{"form"} = shift;
$self->{"myconfig"} = shift;
$self->{"userspath"} = shift;

$self->{"error"} = undef;

sub cleanup {
my ($self) = @_;

# Parameters:
# 1. A typeglob for the file handle. The output will be written
# to this file handle.
# Returns:
# 1 on success and undef or 0 if there was an error. In the latter case
# the calling function can retrieve the error message via $obj->get_error()
sub parse {
my $self = $_[0];
local *OUT = $_[1];

print(OUT "Hallo!\n");

sub get_error {
my $self = shift;

return $self->{"error"};

sub uses_temp_file {
return 0;


#### LaTeXTemplate

package LaTeXTemplate;

use vars qw(@ISA);

@ISA = qw(SimpleTemplate);

sub new {
my $type = shift;

return $type->SUPER::new(@_);

sub format_string {
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
my $form = $self->{"form"};

my %replace =
('order' => [
'&', quotemeta("\n"),
'"', '\$', '%', '_', '#', quotemeta('^'),
'{', '}', '<', '>', '?', "\r"
'"' => "''",
'&' => '\&',
'\$' => '\$',
'%' => '\%',
'_' => '\_',
'#' => '\#',
'{' => '\{',
'}' => '\}',
'<' => '$<$',
'>' => '$>$',
'?' => '\pounds ',
"\r" => "",
quotemeta('^') => '\^\\',
quotemeta("\n") => '\newline '

map({ $variable =~ s/$_/$replace{$_}/g; } @{ $replace{"order"} });

# Allow some HTML markup to be converted into the output format's
# corresponding markup code, e.g. bold or italic.
my %markup_replace = ('b' => 'textbf',
'i' => 'textit',
'u' => 'underline');

foreach my $key (keys(%markup_replace)) {
my $new = $markup_replace{$key};
$variable =~ s/\$\<\$${key}\$\>\$(.*?)\$<\$\/${key}\$>\$/\\${new}\{$1\}/gi;

return $variable;

sub parse {
my $self = $_[0];
local *OUT = $_[1];
my ($form, $myconfig) = ($self->{"form"}, $self->{"myconfig"});

# Some variables used for page breaks
my ($chars_per_line, $lines_on_first_page, $lines_on_second_page) =
(0, 0, 0);
my ($current_page, $current_line, $current_row) = (1, 1, 0);
my ($pagebreak, $sum, $two_passes, $nodiscount_sum) = ("", 0, 0, 0);
my ($par, $var);

# Do we have to run LaTeX two times? This is needed if
# the template contains page references.
$two_passes = 0;

if (!open(IN, "$form->{templates}/$form->{IN}")) {
$self->{"error"} = "$!";
return 0;
@_ = <IN>;

# first we generate a tmpfile
# read file and replace <%variable%>
while ($_ = shift) {
$par = "";
$var = $_;

$two_passes = 1 if (/\\pageref/);

# detect pagebreak block and its parameters
if (/\s*<%pagebreak ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)%>/) {
$chars_per_line = $1;
$lines_on_first_page = $2;
$lines_on_second_page = $3;

while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end pagebreak%>/);
$pagebreak .= $_;

if (/\s*<%foreach /) {

# this one we need for the count
chomp $var;
$var =~ s/\s*<%foreach (.+?)%>/$1/;
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);

# store line in $par
$par .= $_;

# Count the number of "lines" for our variable. Also find the forced pagebreak entries.
my $num_entries = scalar(@{$form->{$var}});
my @forced_pagebreaks = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$form->{$var}}); $i++) {
if ($form->{$var}->[$i] =~ /<pagebreak>/) {
push(@forced_pagebreaks, $i);

$current_line = 1;
# display contents of $form->{number}[] array
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_entries; $i++) {
# Try to detect whether a manual page break is necessary
# but only if there was a <%pagebreak ...%> block before

if ($chars_per_line) {
my $lines =
int(length($form->{"description"}->[$i]) / $chars_per_line + 0.95);
my $lpp;

$form->{"description"}->[$i] =~ s/(\\newline\s?)*$//;
my $_description = $form->{"description"}->[$i];
while ($_description =~ /\\newline/) {
$_description =~ s/\\newline//;

if ($current_page == 1) {
$lpp = $lines_on_first_page;
} else {
$lpp = $lines_on_second_page;

# Yes we need a manual page break -- or the user has forced one
if ((($current_line + $lines) > $lpp) ||
grep(/^${current_row}$/, @forced_pagebreaks)) {
my $pb = $pagebreak;

# replace the special variables <%sumcarriedforward%>
# and <%lastpage%>

my $psum = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $sum, 2);
my $nodiscount_psum = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $nodiscount_sum, 2);
$pb =~ s/<%nodiscount_sumcarriedforward%>/$nodiscount_psum/g;
$pb =~ s/<%sumcarriedforward%>/$psum/g;
$pb =~ s/<%lastpage%>/$current_page/g;

# only "normal" variables are supported here
# (no <%if, no <%foreach, no <%include)

while ($pb =~ /<%(.*?)%>/) {
substr($pb, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]) =

# page break block is ready to rock
print(OUT $pb);
$current_line = 1;
$current_line += $lines;
$sum += $form->parse_amount($myconfig, $form->{"linetotal"}->[$i]);
$nodiscount_sum += $form->parse_amount($myconfig, $form->{"nodiscount_linetotal"}->[$i]);

# don't parse par, we need it for each line
$_ = $par;
while (/<%(.*?)%>/) {
substr($_, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]) =
print OUT;

# if not comes before if!
if (/\s*<%if not /) {

# check if it is not set and display
s/\s*<%if not (.+?)%>/$1/;

unless ($form->{$_}) {
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);

# store line in $par
$par .= $_;

$_ = $par;

} else {
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);

if (/\s*<%if /) {

# check if it is set and display
s/\s*<%if (.+?)%>/$1/;

if ($form->{$_}) {
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);

# store line in $par
$par .= $_;

$_ = $par;

} else {
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);

# check for <%include filename%>
if (/\s*<%include /) {

# get the filename
chomp $var;
$var =~ s/\s*<%include (.+?)%>/$1/;

# mangle filename
$var =~ s/(\/|\.\.)//g;

# prevent the infinite loop!
next if ($form->{"$var"});

open(INC, $form->{templates} . "/$var")
or $form->error($self->cleanup . $form->{templates} . "/$var : $!");
unshift(@_, <INC>);

$form->{"$var"} = 1;


while (/<%(.*?)%>/) {
substr($_, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]) = $self->format_string($form->{$1});
print OUT;

if ($form->{"format"} =~ /postscript/i) {
return $self->convert_to_postscript($two_passes);
} elsif ($form->{"format"} =~ /pdf/i) {
return $self->convert_to_pdf($two_passes);
} else {
return 1;

sub convert_to_postscript {
my ($self, $two_passes) = @_;
my ($form, $userspath) = ($self->{"form"}, $self->{"userspath"});

# Convert the tex file to postscript

if (!chdir("$userspath")) {
$self->{"error"} = "chdir : $!";
return 0;

$form->{tmpfile} =~ s/$userspath\///g;

system("latex --interaction=nonstopmode $form->{tmpfile} " .
"> $form->{tmpfile}.err");
if ($?) {
$self->{"error"} = $form->cleanup();
return 0;
if ($two_passes) {
system("latex --interaction=nonstopmode $form->{tmpfile} " .
"> $form->{tmpfile}.err");
if ($?) {
$self->{"error"} = $form->cleanup();
return 0;

$form->{tmpfile} =~ s/tex$/dvi/;

system("dvips $form->{tmpfile} -o -q > /dev/null");
if ($?) {
$self->{"error"} = "dvips : $!";
return 0;
$form->{tmpfile} =~ s/dvi$/ps/;


return 1;

sub convert_to_pdf {
my ($self, $two_passes) = @_;
my ($form, $userspath) = ($self->{"form"}, $self->{"userspath"});

# Convert the tex file to PDF

if (!chdir("$userspath")) {
$self->{"error"} = "chdir : $!";
return 0;

$form->{tmpfile} =~ s/$userspath\///g;

system("pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode $form->{tmpfile} " .
"> $form->{tmpfile}.err");
if ($?) {
$self->{"error"} = $form->cleanup();
return 0;

if ($two_passes) {
system("pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode $form->{tmpfile} " .
"> $form->{tmpfile}.err");
if ($?) {
$self->{"error"} = $form->cleanup();
return 0;

$form->{tmpfile} =~ s/tex$/pdf/;


sub get_mime_type() {
my ($self) = @_;

if ($self->{"form"}->{"format"} =~ /postscript/i) {
return "application/postscript";
} else {
return "application/pdf";

sub uses_temp_file {
return 1;

#### HTMLTemplate

package HTMLTemplate;

use vars qw(@ISA);

@ISA = qw(LaTeXTemplate);

sub new {
my $type = shift;

return $type->SUPER::new(@_);

sub format_string {
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
my $form = $self->{"form"};

my %replace =
('order' => ['<', '>', quotemeta("\n")],
'<' => '&lt;',
'>' => '&gt;',
quotemeta("\n") => '<br>',

map({ $variable =~ s/$_/$replace{$_}/g; } @{ $replace{"order"} });

# Allow some HTML markup to be converted into the output format's
# corresponding markup code, e.g. bold or italic.
my @markup_replace = ('b', 'i', 's', 'u');

foreach my $key (@markup_replace) {
$variable =~ s/\&lt;(\/?)${key}\&gt;/<$1${key}>/g;

return $variable;

sub get_mime_type() {
return "text/html";

sub uses_temp_file {
return 0;

#### HTMLTemplate

package OpenDocumentTemplate;

use vars qw(@ISA);

use Cwd;
# use File::Copy;
# use File::Spec;
# use File::Temp qw(:mktemp);
use IO::File;

@ISA = qw(SimpleTemplate);

sub new {
my $type = shift;

$self = $type->SUPER::new(@_);

foreach my $module (qw(Archive::Zip Text::Iconv)) {
eval("use ${module};");
if ($@) {
$self->{"form"}->error("The Perl module '${module}' could not be " .
"loaded. Support for OpenDocument templates " .
"does not work without it. Please install your " .
"distribution's package or get the module from " .
"CPAN ( ).");

$self->{"rnd"} = int(rand(1000000));
$self->{"iconv"} = Text::Iconv->new($main::dbcharset, "UTF-8");

return $self;

sub substitute_vars {
my ($self, $text, @indices) = @_;

my $form = $self->{"form"};

while ($text =~ /\&lt;\%(.*?)\%\&gt;/) {
my $value = $form->{$1};

for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@indices); $i++) {
last unless (ref($value) eq "ARRAY");
$value = $value->[$indices[$i]];
substr($text, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]) = $self->format_string($value);

return $text;

sub parse_foreach {
my ($self, $var, $text, $start_tag, $end_tag, @indices) = @_;

my ($form, $new_contents) = ($self->{"form"}, "");

my $ary = $form->{$var};
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@indices); $i++) {
last unless (ref($ary) eq "ARRAY");
$ary = $ary->[$indices[$i]];

for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$ary}); $i++) {
my $new_text = $self->parse_block($text, (@indices, $i));
return undef unless (defined($new_text));
$new_contents .= $start_tag . $new_text . $end_tag;

return $new_contents;

sub parse_block {

my ($self, $contents, @indices) = @_;

my $new_contents = "";

while ($contents ne "") {
if (substr($contents, 0, 1) eq "<") {
$contents =~ m|^<[^>]+>|;
my $tag = $&;
substr($contents, 0, length($&)) = "";

if ($tag =~ m|<table:table-row|) {
$contents =~ m|^(.*?)(</table:table-row[^>]*>)|;
my $table_row = $1;
my $end_tag = $2;
substr($contents, 0, length($1) + length($end_tag)) = "";

if ($table_row =~ m|\&lt;\%foreachrow\s+(.*?)\%\&gt;|) {
my $var = $1;

$table_row =~ s|\&lt;\%foreachrow .*?\%\&gt;||g;
$table_row =~ s!\&lt;\%end(for|foreach)?row\s+${var}\%\&gt;!!g;

my $new_text = $self->parse_foreach($var, $table_row, $tag, $end_tag, @indices);
return undef unless (defined($new_text));
$new_contents .= $new_text;

} else {
my $new_text = $self->parse_block($table_row, @indices);
return undef unless (defined($new_text));
$new_contents .= $tag . $new_text . $end_tag;

} else {
$new_contents .= $tag;

} else {
$contents =~ /^[^<]+/;
my $text = $&;

my $pos_if = index($text, '&lt;%if');
my $pos_foreach = index($text, '&lt;%foreach');

if ((-1 == $pos_if) && (-1 == $pos_foreach)) {
substr($contents, 0, length($text)) = "";
$new_contents .= $self->substitute_vars($text, @indices);

if ((-1 == $pos_if) || ((-1 != $pos_foreach) && ($pos_if > $pos_foreach))) {
$new_contents .= $self->substitute_vars(substr($contents, 0, $pos_foreach), @indices);
substr($contents, 0, $pos_foreach) = "";

if ($contents !~ m|^\&lt;\%foreach (.*?)\%\&gt;|) {
$self->{"error"} = "Malformed <\%foreach\%>.";
return undef;

my $var = $1;

substr($contents, 0, length($&)) = "";

if ($contents !~ m!\&lt;\%end\s*?(for)?\s+${var}\%\&gt;!) {
$self->{"error"} = "Unclosed <\%foreach\%>.";
return undef;

substr($contents, 0, length($`) + length($&)) = "";
my $new_text = $self->parse_foreach($var, $`, "", "", @indices);
return undef unless (defined($new_text));
$new_contents .= $new_text;

} else {
$new_contents .= $self->substitute_vars(substr($contents, 0, $pos_if), @indices);
substr($contents, 0, $pos_if) = "";

if ($contents !~ m|^\&lt;\%if(not)?\s+(.*?)\%\&gt;|) {
$self->{"error"} = "Malformed <\%if\%>.";
return undef;

my ($not, $var) = ($1, $2);

substr($contents, 0, length($&)) = "";

if ($contents !~ m!\&lt;\%endif${not}\s+${var}\%\&gt;!) {
$self->{"error"} = "Unclosed <\%if${not}\%>.";
return undef;

substr($contents, 0, length($`) + length($&)) = "";

my $value = $self->{"form"}->{$var};
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@indices); $i++) {
last unless (ref($value) eq "ARRAY");
$value = $value->[$indices[$i]];

if (($not && !$value) || (!$not && $value)) {
my $new_text = $self->parse_block($`, @indices);
return undef unless (defined($new_text));
$new_contents .= $new_text;

return $new_contents;

sub parse {

my $self = $_[0];
local *OUT = $_[1];
my $form = $self->{"form"};


my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
if (Archive::Zip::AZ_OK != $zip->read("$form->{templates}/$form->{IN}")) {
$self->{"error"} = "File not found/is not a OpenDocument file.";
return 0;

my $contents = $zip->contents("content.xml");
if (!$contents) {
$self->{"error"} = "File is not a OpenDocument file.";
return 0;

my $rnd = $self->{"rnd"};
my $new_styles = qq|<style:style style:name="TLXO${rnd}BOLD" style:family="text">
<style:text-properties fo:font-weight="bold" style:font-weight-asian="bold" style:font-weight-complex="bold"/>
<style:style style:name="TLXO${rnd}ITALIC" style:family="text">
<style:text-properties fo:font-style="italic" style:font-style-asian="italic" style:font-style-complex="italic"/>
<style:style style:name="TLXO${rnd}UNDERLINE" style:family="text">
<style:text-properties style:text-underline-style="solid" style:text-underline-width="auto" style:text-underline-color="font-color"/>
<style:style style:name="TLXO${rnd}STRIKETHROUGH" style:family="text">
<style:text-properties style:text-line-through-style="solid"/>

$contents =~ s|</office:automatic-styles>|${new_styles}</office:automatic-styles>|;
$contents =~ s|[\n\r]||gm;

my $new_contents = $self->parse_block($contents);
return 0 unless (defined($new_contents));

# $new_contents =~ s|>|>\n|g;

$zip->contents("content.xml", $new_contents);
$zip->writeToFileNamed($form->{"tmpfile"}, 1);

my $res = 1;
if ($form->{"format"} =~ /pdf/) {
$res = $self->convert_to_pdf();

return $res;

sub convert_to_pdf {
my ($self) = @_;

my $form = $self->{"form"};

my $filename = $form->{"tmpfile"};
$filename =~ s/.odt$//;
if (substr($filename, 0, 1) ne "/") {
$filename = getcwd() . "/${filename}";

if (substr($self->{"userspath"}, 0, 1) eq "/") {
$ENV{'HOME'} = $self->{"userspath"};
} else {
$ENV{'HOME'} = getcwd() . "/" . $self->{"userspath"};

my @cmdline = ($main::xvfb_run_bin, $main::openofficeorg_writer_bin,
"-minimized", "-norestore", "-nologo", "-nolockcheck",
"macro://" . (split('/', $filename))[-1] .


my $res = $?;
if (0 == $?) {
$form->{"tmpfile"} =~ s/odt$/pdf/;

unlink($filename . ".odt");

return 1;


unlink($filename . ".odt", $filename . ".pdf");
$self->{"error"} = "Conversion from OpenDocument to PDF failed. " .
"Exit code: $res";

return 0;

sub format_string {
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
my $form = $self->{"form"};
my $iconv = $self->{"iconv"};

my %replace =
('order' => ['<', '>', '"', "'",
'\x80', # Euro
quotemeta("\n"), quotemeta("\r"), '&'],
'<' => '&lt;',
'>' => '&gt;',
'"' => '&quot;',
"'" => '&apos;',
'&' => '&quot;',
'\x80' => chr(0xa4), # Euro
quotemeta("\n") => '<text:line-break/>',
quotemeta("\r") => '',

map({ $variable =~ s/$_/$replace{$_}/g; } @{ $replace{"order"} });

# Allow some HTML markup to be converted into the output format's
# corresponding markup code, e.g. bold or italic.
my $rnd = $self->{"rnd"};
my %markup_replace = ("b" => "BOLD", "i" => "ITALIC", "s" => "STRIKETHROUGH",
"u" => "UNDERLINE");

foreach my $key (keys(%markup_replace)) {
my $value = $markup_replace{$key};
$variable =~ s|\&lt;${key}\&gt;|<text:span text:style-name=\"TLXO${rnd}${value}\">|g;
$variable =~ s|\&lt;/${key}\&gt;|</text:span>|g;

return $iconv->convert($variable);

sub get_mime_type() {
if ($self->{"form"}->{"format"} =~ /pdf/) {
return "application/pdf";
} else {
return "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text";

sub uses_temp_file {
return 1;
