Revision b31d0c56
Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 15 Jahren hinzugefügt
locale/en/Pg-upgrade- | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'Database update error:' => 'Database update error:',
$self->{subs} = {
'mydberror' => 'mydberror',
'mydoquery' => 'mydoquery',
'update_contacts_add_columns' => 'update_contacts_add_columns',
locale/en/Pg-upgrade- | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'Database update error:' => 'Database update error:',
$self->{subs} = {
'mydberror' => 'mydberror',
'mydoquery' => 'mydoquery',
'update_contacts_handle_department' => 'update_contacts_handle_department',
locale/en/Pg-upgrade- | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'A unit with this name does already exist.' => 'A unit with this name does already exist.',
'Database update error:' => 'Database update error:',
'The base unit does not exist.' => 'The base unit does not exist.',
'The factor is missing.' => 'The factor is missing.',
'The name is missing.' => 'The name is missing.',
'The unit has been saved.' => 'The unit has been saved.',
$self->{subs} = {
'get_base_unit' => 'get_base_unit',
'mydberror' => 'mydberror',
'myshowerror' => 'myshowerror',
'retrieve_units' => 'retrieve_units',
'unit_select_data' => 'unit_select_data',
'update_units' => 'update_units',
'update_units_add_unit' => 'update_units_add_unit',
'update_units_assign_known' => 'update_units_assign_known',
'update_units_assign_units' => 'update_units_assign_units',
'update_units_set_default' => 'update_units_set_default',
'update_units_step_3' => 'update_units_step_3',
'update_units_steps_1_2' => 'update_units_steps_1_2',
'add_unit' => 'add_unit',
'assign_units' => 'assign_units',
locale/en/Pg-upgrade- | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'Database update error:' => 'Database update error:',
$self->{subs} = {
'look_for_accno' => 'look_for_accno',
'mydberror' => 'mydberror',
'myshowerror' => 'myshowerror',
'update_defaults_add_coa' => 'update_defaults_add_coa',
'update_defaults_set_coa' => 'update_defaults_set_coa',
'update_guess_chart_of_accounts' => 'update_guess_chart_of_accounts',
'continue' => 'continue',
locale/en/Pg-upgrade- | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'Database update error:' => 'Database update error:',
$self->{subs} = {
'create_standard_buchungsgruppen' => 'create_standard_buchungsgruppen',
'create_standard_buchungsgruppen_skr03' => 'create_standard_buchungsgruppen_skr03',
'create_standard_buchungsgruppen_skr04' => 'create_standard_buchungsgruppen_skr04',
'fix_skr03' => 'fix_skr03',
'fix_skr04' => 'fix_skr04',
'mydberror' => 'mydberror',
'myshowerror' => 'myshowerror',
locale/en/Pg-upgrade- | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'Database update error:' => 'Database update error:',
$self->{subs} = {
'mydberror' => 'mydberror',
'myshowerror' => 'myshowerror',
'update_steuersaetze' => 'update_steuersaetze',
'update_steuersaetze_skr03' => 'update_steuersaetze_skr03',
'update_steuersaetze_skr04' => 'update_steuersaetze_skr04',
locale/en/Pg-upgrade- | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'Database update error:' => 'Database update error:',
$self->{subs} = {
'assign_buchungsgruppen_for_assemblies' => 'assign_buchungsgruppen_for_assemblies',
'create_buchungsgruppen' => 'create_buchungsgruppen',
'display_create_bgs_dialog' => 'display_create_bgs_dialog',
'do_update' => 'do_update',
'force_inventory_accno_id_for_parts' => 'force_inventory_accno_id_for_parts',
'mydberror' => 'mydberror',
'mydoquery' => 'mydoquery',
'retrieve_accounts' => 'retrieve_accounts',
'retrieve_buchungsgruppen' => 'retrieve_buchungsgruppen',
'retrieve_std_inventory_accno_id' => 'retrieve_std_inventory_accno_id',
'retrieve_unknown_accno_combinations' => 'retrieve_unknown_accno_combinations',
'set_ic_links' => 'set_ic_links',
'set_taxzone_ids' => 'set_taxzone_ids',
'update_known_buchungsgruppen' => 'update_known_buchungsgruppen',
'create_buchungsgruppen' => 'create_buchungsgruppen',
locale/en/Pg-upgrade- | ||
$self->{texts} = {
$self->{subs} = {
'do_update' => 'do_update',
locale/en/Pg-upgrade- | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'Could not copy %s to %s. Reason: %s' => 'Could not copy %s to %s. Reason: %s',
'Could not open the file users/members.' => 'Could not open the file users/members.',
'Could not rename %s to %s. Reason: %s' => 'Could not rename %s to %s. Reason: %s',
$self->{subs} = {
'do_update' => 'do_update',
'update_templates' => 'update_templates',
locale/en/USTVA_abstraction | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'Database update error:' => 'Database update error:',
$self->{subs} = {
'create_tables' => 'create_tables',
'do_copy' => 'do_copy',
'do_query' => 'do_query',
'mydberror' => 'mydberror',
locale/en/USTVA_at | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'Database update error:' => 'Database update error:',
$self->{subs} = {
'check_coa' => 'check_coa',
'clear_tables' => 'clear_tables',
'coa_is_empty' => 'coa_is_empty',
'do_copy_tax_report_structure' => 'do_copy_tax_report_structure',
'do_insert_buchungsgruppen' => 'do_insert_buchungsgruppen',
'do_insert_chart' => 'do_insert_chart',
'do_insert_tax' => 'do_insert_tax',
'do_insert_taxkeys' => 'do_insert_taxkeys',
'do_query' => 'do_query',
'mydberror' => 'mydberror',
locale/en/acctranscorrections | ||
$self->{texts} = {
'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => 'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.',
'AP' => 'Purchases',
'AP Transaction' => 'Purchase Transaction',
'AR' => 'Sales',
'AR Transaction' => 'Sales Transaction',
'Address' => 'Address',
'Advance turnover tax return' => 'Advance turnover tax return',
'All reports' => 'All reports',
'Assistant for general ledger corrections' => 'Assistant for general ledger corrections',
'Attempt to call an undefined sub named \'%s\'' => 'Attempt to call an undefined sub named \'%s\'',
'Bcc' => 'Bcc',
'Bin List' => 'Bin List',
'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/' => 'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/',
'CR' => 'CR',
'CRM admin' => 'CRM admin',
'CRM create customers, vendors and contacts' => 'CRM create customers, vendors and contacts',
'CRM follow up' => 'CRM follow up',
'CRM know how' => 'CRM know how',
'CRM notices' => 'CRM notices',
'CRM opportunity' => 'CRM opportunity',
'CRM optional software' => 'CRM optional software',
'CRM other' => 'CRM other',
'CRM search' => 'CRM search',
'CRM send email' => 'CRM send email',
'CRM services' => 'CRM services',
'CRM status' => 'CRM status',
'CRM termin' => 'CRM termin',
'CRM user' => 'CRM user',
'Cc' => 'Cc',
'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')' => 'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')',
'Confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'Contact' => 'Contact',
'Create and edit RFQs' => 'Create and edit RFQs',
'Create and edit customers and vendors' => 'Create and edit customers and vendors',
'Create and edit dunnings' => 'Create and edit dunnings',
'Create and edit invoices and credit notes' => 'Create and edit invoices and credit notes',
'Create and edit parts, services, assemblies' => 'Create and edit parts, services, assemblies',
'Create and edit projects' => 'Create and edit projects',
'Create and edit purchase delivery orders' => 'Create and edit purchase delivery orders',
'Create and edit purchase orders' => 'Create and edit purchase orders',
'Create and edit sales delivery orders' => 'Create and edit sales delivery orders',
'Create and edit sales orders' => 'Create and edit sales orders',
'Create and edit sales quotations' => 'Create and edit sales quotations',
'Create and edit vendor invoices' => 'Create and edit vendor invoices',
'Credit Note' => 'Credit Note',
'Customer Number' => 'Customer Number',
'Customer details' => 'Customer details',
'DATEV Export' => 'DATEV Export',
'DR' => 'DR',
'Dataset upgrade' => 'Dataset upgrade',
'Date' => 'Date',
'Delete transaction' => 'Delete transaction',
'Delivery Order' => 'Delivery Order',
'Dependency loop detected:' => 'Dependency loop detected:',
'Directory' => 'Directory',
'Dunning' => 'Dunning',
'ELSE' => 'ELSE',
'Enter longdescription' => 'Enter longdescription',
'Error in database control file \'%s\': %s' => 'Error in database control file \'%s\': %s',
'File' => 'File',
'General Ledger Transaction' => 'General Ledger Transaction',
'General ledger and cash' => 'General ledger and cash',
'General ledger corrections' => 'General ledger corrections',
'History' => 'History',
'Invoice' => 'Invoice',
'Manage license keys' => 'Manage license keys',
'Mark as paid?' => 'Mark as paid?',
'Marked as paid' => 'Marked as paid',
'Master Data' => 'Master Data',
'May set the BCC field when sending emails' => 'May set the BCC field when sending emails',
'Message' => 'Message',
'Missing \'description\' field.' => 'Missing \'description\' field.',
'Missing \'tag\' field.' => 'Missing \'tag\' field.',
'Missing parameter #1 in call to sub #2.' => 'Missing parameter #1 in call to sub #2.',
'Missing parameter (at least one of #1) in call to sub #2.' => 'Missing parameter (at least one of #1) in call to sub #2.',
'More than one control file with the tag \'%s\' exist.' => 'More than one control file with the tag \'%s\' exist.',
'Name' => 'Name',
'No %s was found matching the search parameters.' => 'No %s was found matching the search parameters.',
'No Customer was found matching the search parameters.' => 'No Customer was found matching the search parameters.',
'No Vendor was found matching the search parameters.' => 'No Vendor was found matching the search parameters.',
'No action defined.' => 'No action defined.',
'No customer has been selected yet.' => 'No customer has been selected yet.',
'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/".' => 'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/".',
'No part was found matching the search parameters.' => 'No part was found matching the search parameters.',
'No problems were recognized.' => 'No problems were recognized.',
'No vendor has been selected yet.' => 'No vendor has been selected yet.',
'Others' => 'Others',
'Packing List' => 'Packing List',
'Part Number' => 'Part Number',
'Part description' => 'Part description',
'Pick List' => 'Pick List',
'Please enter values' => 'Please enter values',
'Preview' => 'Preview',
'Proforma Invoice' => 'Proforma Invoice',
'Purchase Order' => 'Purchase Order',
'Quotation' => 'Quotation',
'RFQ' => 'RFQ',
'Receipt, payment, reconciliation' => 'Receipt, payment, reconciliation',
'Reports' => 'Reports',
'Select a Customer' => 'Select a Customer',
'Select a customer' => 'Select a customer',
'Select a part' => 'Select a part',
'Select a vendor' => 'Select a vendor',
'Storno Invoice' => 'Storno Invoice',
'Storno Packing List' => 'Storno Packing List',
'Subject' => 'Subject',
'The \'tag\' field must only consist of alphanumeric characters or the carachters - _ ( )' => 'The \'tag\' field must only consist of alphanumeric characters or the carachters - _ ( )',
'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/' => 'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/',
'The assistant could not find anything wrong with #1. Maybe the problem has been solved in the meantime.' => 'The assistant could not find anything wrong with #1. Maybe the problem has been solved in the meantime.',
'The config file "config/" contained invalid Perl code:' => 'The config file "config/" contained invalid Perl code:',
'The config file "config/" was not found.' => 'The config file "config/" was not found.',
'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/' => 'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/',
'The connection to the authentication database failed:' => 'The connection to the authentication database failed:',
'The connection to the template database failed:' => 'The connection to the template database failed:',
'The creation of the authentication database failed:' => 'The creation of the authentication database failed:',
'To (email)' => 'To (email)',
'Transaction ID missing.' => 'Transaction ID missing.',
'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions' => 'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions',
'Trying to call a sub without a name' => 'Trying to call a sub without a name',
'Unit' => 'Unit',
'Unknown dependency \'%s\'.' => 'Unknown dependency \'%s\'.',
'Unknown problem type.' => 'Unknown problem type.',
'Value' => 'Value',
'Variable' => 'Variable',
'Vendor details' => 'Vendor details',
'View warehouse content' => 'View warehouse content',
'Warehouse management' => 'Warehouse management',
'You do not have the permissions to access this function.' => 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.',
'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => 'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.',
'[email]' => '[email]',
'bin_list' => 'bin_list',
'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.',
'config/ Key "LDAP_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Key "LDAP_config" is missing.',
'config/ Missing parameters in "DB_config". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".' => 'config/ Missing parameters in "DB_config". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".',
'config/ Missing parameters in "LDAP_config". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".' => 'config/ Missing parameters in "LDAP_config". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".',
'customer' => 'customer',
'invoice' => 'invoice',
'no' => 'no',
'packing_list' => 'packing_list',
'pick_list' => 'pick_list',
'proforma' => 'proforma',
'purchase_order' => 'purchase_order',
'request_quotation' => 'request_quotation',
'sales_order' => 'sales_order',
'sales_quotation' => 'sales_quotation',
'vendor' => 'vendor',
'yes' => 'yes',
$self->{subs} = {
'E' => 'E',
'H' => 'H',
'NTI' => 'NTI',
'Q' => 'Q',
'analyze' => 'analyze',
'analyze_filter' => 'analyze_filter',
'ap_transaction' => 'ap_transaction',
'ar_transaction' => 'ar_transaction',
'assistant' => 'assistant',
'assistant_for_ap_ar_wrong_taxkeys' => 'assistant_for_ap_ar_wrong_taxkeys',
'assistant_for_invoice_inventory_with_taxkeys' => 'assistant_for_invoice_inventory_with_taxkeys',
'assistant_for_wrong_taxes' => 'assistant_for_wrong_taxes',
'assistant_for_wrong_taxkeys' => 'assistant_for_wrong_taxkeys',
'build_std_url' => 'build_std_url',
'calculate_qty' => 'calculate_qty',
'call_sub' => 'call_sub',
'cov_selection_internal' => 'cov_selection_internal',
'delete_transaction' => 'delete_transaction',
'delivery_customer_selection' => 'delivery_customer_selection',
'dispatcher' => 'dispatcher',
'fix_ap_ar_wrong_taxkeys' => 'fix_ap_ar_wrong_taxkeys',
'fix_invoice_inventory_with_taxkeys' => 'fix_invoice_inventory_with_taxkeys',
'fix_wrong_taxkeys' => 'fix_wrong_taxkeys',
'format_dates' => 'format_dates',
'gl_transaction' => 'gl_transaction',
'mark_as_paid_common' => 'mark_as_paid_common',
'part_selection_internal' => 'part_selection_internal',
'redirect' => 'redirect',
'reformat_numbers' => 'reformat_numbers',
'retrieve_partunits' => 'retrieve_partunits',
'sales_invoice' => 'sales_invoice',
'select_part' => 'select_part',
'select_part_internal' => 'select_part_internal',
'set_longdescription' => 'set_longdescription',
'show_history' => 'show_history',
'show_vc_details' => 'show_vc_details',
'vendor_invoice' => 'vendor_invoice',
'vendor_selection' => 'vendor_selection',
'close' => 'close',
'continue' => 'continue',
'delete_transaction' => 'delete_transaction',
'fix_transaction' => 'fix_transaction',
'fix_transactions' => 'fix_transactions',
'new_part' => 'new_part',
're_run_analysis' => 're_run_analysis',
'start_analysis' => 'start_analysis',
'yes' => 'yes',
locale/en/admin | ||
$self{texts} = {
'Access Control' => 'Access Control',
'Accounting' => 'Accounting',
$self->{texts} = {
'A group with that name does already exist.' => 'A group with that name does already exist.',
'A temporary directory could not be created:' => 'A temporary directory could not be created:',
'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => 'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.',
'A temporary file could not be created:' => 'A temporary file could not be created:',
'AP' => 'Purchases',
'AR' => 'Sales',
'Add User' => 'Add User',
'Address' => 'Address',
'Administration' => 'Administration',
'Administrator' => 'Administrator',
'All Datasets up to date!' => 'All Datasets up to date!',
'Change Admin Password' => 'Change Admin Password',
'Change Password' => 'Change Password',
'Character Set' => 'Character Set',
'Click on login name to edit!' => 'Click on login name to edit!',
'Company' => 'Company',
'Connect to' => 'Connect to',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'Create Chart of Accounts' => 'Create Chart of Accounts',
'Advance turnover tax return' => 'Advance turnover tax return',
'All reports' => 'All reports',
'Another user with the login #1 does already exist.' => 'Another user with the login #1 does already exist.',
'Attempt to call an undefined sub named \'%s\'' => 'Attempt to call an undefined sub named \'%s\'',
'Authentification database creation' => 'Authentification database creation',
'Authentification tables creation' => 'Authentification tables creation',
'Backup Dataset' => 'Backup Dataset',
'Bcc' => 'Bcc',
'Bin List' => 'Bin List',
'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/' => 'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/',
'CR' => 'CR',
'CRM admin' => 'CRM admin',
'CRM create customers, vendors and contacts' => 'CRM create customers, vendors and contacts',
'CRM follow up' => 'CRM follow up',
'CRM know how' => 'CRM know how',
'CRM notices' => 'CRM notices',
'CRM opportunity' => 'CRM opportunity',
'CRM optional software' => 'CRM optional software',
'CRM other' => 'CRM other',
'CRM search' => 'CRM search',
'CRM send email' => 'CRM send email',
'CRM services' => 'CRM services',
'CRM status' => 'CRM status',
'CRM termin' => 'CRM termin',
'CRM user' => 'CRM user',
'Cannot create Lock!' => 'Cannot create Lock!',
'Cc' => 'Cc',
'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')' => 'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')',
'Confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'Contact' => 'Contact',
'Could not open the old memberfile.' => 'Could not open the old memberfile.',
'Create Dataset' => 'Create Dataset',
'DBI not installed!' => 'DBI not installed!',
'Database' => 'Database',
'Create a standard group' => 'Create a standard group',
'Create and edit RFQs' => 'Create and edit RFQs',
'Create and edit customers and vendors' => 'Create and edit customers and vendors',
'Create and edit dunnings' => 'Create and edit dunnings',
'Create and edit invoices and credit notes' => 'Create and edit invoices and credit notes',
'Create and edit parts, services, assemblies' => 'Create and edit parts, services, assemblies',
'Create and edit projects' => 'Create and edit projects',
'Create and edit purchase delivery orders' => 'Create and edit purchase delivery orders',
'Create and edit purchase orders' => 'Create and edit purchase orders',
'Create and edit sales delivery orders' => 'Create and edit sales delivery orders',
'Create and edit sales orders' => 'Create and edit sales orders',
'Create and edit sales quotations' => 'Create and edit sales quotations',
'Create and edit vendor invoices' => 'Create and edit vendor invoices',
'Credit Note' => 'Credit Note',
'Customer Number' => 'Customer Number',
'Customer details' => 'Customer details',
'DATEV Export' => 'DATEV Export',
'DR' => 'DR',
'Database Administration' => 'Database Administration',
'Database Driver not checked!' => 'Database Driver not checked!',
'Database Connection Test' => 'Database Connection Test',
'Database User missing!' => 'Database User missing!',
'Dataset' => 'Dataset',
'Database backups and restorations are disabled in lx-erp.conf.' => 'Database backups and restorations are disabled in lx-erp.conf.',
'Dataset missing!' => 'Dataset missing!',
'Dataset updated!' => 'Dataset updated!',
'Date Format' => 'Date Format',
'Delete' => 'Delete',
'Dataset upgrade' => 'Dataset upgrade',
'Date' => 'Date',
'Delete Dataset' => 'Delete Dataset',
'Delivery Order' => 'Delivery Order',
'Dependency loop detected:' => 'Dependency loop detected:',
'Directory' => 'Directory',
'Driver' => 'Driver',
'Dropdown Limit' => 'Dropdown Limit',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'Dunning' => 'Dunning',
'ELSE' => 'ELSE',
'Edit User' => 'Edit User',
'Existing Datasets' => 'Existing Datasets',
'Fax' => 'Fax',
'Host' => 'Host',
'Hostname missing!' => 'Hostname missing!',
'Edit group membership' => 'Edit group membership',
'Enter longdescription' => 'Enter longdescription',
'Error in database control file \'%s\': %s' => 'Error in database control file \'%s\': %s',
'File' => 'File',
'Full Access' => 'Full Access',
'Full access to all functions' => 'Full access to all functions',
'General ledger and cash' => 'General ledger and cash',
'History' => 'History',
'Incorrect Password!' => 'Incorrect Password!',
'Language' => 'Language',
'Leave host and port field empty unless you want to make a remote connection.' => 'Leave host and port field empty unless you want to make a remote connection.',
'Login' => 'Login',
'Multibyte Encoding' => 'Multibyte Encoding',
'Invoice' => 'Invoice',
'Lockfile created!' => 'Lockfile created!',
'Lockfile removed!' => 'Lockfile removed!',
'Login name missing!' => 'Login name missing!',
'Manage license keys' => 'Manage license keys',
'Mark as paid?' => 'Mark as paid?',
'Marked as paid' => 'Marked as paid',
'Master Data' => 'Master Data',
'May set the BCC field when sending emails' => 'May set the BCC field when sending emails',
'Message' => 'Message',
'Missing \'description\' field.' => 'Missing \'description\' field.',
'Missing \'tag\' field.' => 'Missing \'tag\' field.',
'Missing parameter #1 in call to sub #2.' => 'Missing parameter #1 in call to sub #2.',
'Missing parameter (at least one of #1) in call to sub #2.' => 'Missing parameter (at least one of #1) in call to sub #2.',
'More than one control file with the tag \'%s\' exist.' => 'More than one control file with the tag \'%s\' exist.',
'Name' => 'Name',
'New Templates' => 'New Templates',
'No %s was found matching the search parameters.' => 'No %s was found matching the search parameters.',
'No Customer was found matching the search parameters.' => 'No Customer was found matching the search parameters.',
'No Database Drivers available!' => 'No Database Drivers available!',
'No Dataset selected!' => 'No Dataset selected!',
'No Vendor was found matching the search parameters.' => 'No Vendor was found matching the search parameters.',
'No action defined.' => 'No action defined.',
'No backup file has been uploaded.' => 'No backup file has been uploaded.',
'No customer has been selected yet.' => 'No customer has been selected yet.',
'No group has been selected, or the group does not exist anymore.' => 'No group has been selected, or the group does not exist anymore.',
'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/".' => 'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/".',
'No part was found matching the search parameters.' => 'No part was found matching the search parameters.',
'No user has been selected.' => 'No user has been selected.',
'No vendor has been selected yet.' => 'No vendor has been selected yet.',
'Nothing to delete!' => 'Nothing to delete!',
'Number Format' => 'Number Format',
'Oracle Database Administration' => 'Oracle Database Administration',
'Password' => 'Password',
'Password changed!' => 'Password changed!',
'Pg Database Administration' => 'Pg Database Administration',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
'Port' => 'Port',
'Port missing!' => 'Port missing!',
'Printer' => 'Printer',
'Save' => 'Save',
'Select a Dataset to delete and press "Continue"' => 'Select a Dataset to delete and press "Continue"',
'Setup Templates' => 'Setup Templates',
'Ship via' => 'Ship via',
'Signature' => 'Signature',
'Stylesheet' => 'Stylesheet',
'Templates' => 'Templates',
'The following Datasets are not in use and can be deleted' => 'The following Datasets are not in use and can be deleted',
'The following Datasets need to be updated' => 'The following Datasets need to be updated',
'This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!' => 'This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!',
'To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save. A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.' => 'To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save. A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.',
'Others' => 'Others',
'Packing List' => 'Packing List',
'Part Number' => 'Part Number',
'Part description' => 'Part description',
'Pick List' => 'Pick List',
'Please enter values' => 'Please enter values',
'Preview' => 'Preview',
'Proforma Invoice' => 'Proforma Invoice',
'Purchase Order' => 'Purchase Order',
'Quotation' => 'Quotation',
'RFQ' => 'RFQ',
'Receipt, payment, reconciliation' => 'Receipt, payment, reconciliation',
'Reports' => 'Reports',
'Restore Dataset' => 'Restore Dataset',
'Select a Customer' => 'Select a Customer',
'Select a customer' => 'Select a customer',
'Select a part' => 'Select a part',
'Select a vendor' => 'Select a vendor',
'Storno Invoice' => 'Storno Invoice',
'Storno Packing List' => 'Storno Packing List',
'Subject' => 'Subject',
'The \'tag\' field must only consist of alphanumeric characters or the carachters - _ ( )' => 'The \'tag\' field must only consist of alphanumeric characters or the carachters - _ ( )',
'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/' => 'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/',
'The config file "config/" contained invalid Perl code:' => 'The config file "config/" contained invalid Perl code:',
'The config file "config/" was not found.' => 'The config file "config/" was not found.',
'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/' => 'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/',
'The connection to the authentication database failed:' => 'The connection to the authentication database failed:',
'The connection to the template database failed:' => 'The connection to the template database failed:',
'The creation of the authentication database failed:' => 'The creation of the authentication database failed:',
'The dataset name is missing.' => 'The dataset name is missing.',
'The directory "%s" could not be created:\n%s' => 'The directory "%s" could not be created:\n%s',
'The directory %s does not exist.' => 'The directory %s does not exist.',
'The email address is missing.' => 'The email address is missing.',
'The group has been added.' => 'The group has been added.',
'The group has been deleted.' => 'The group has been deleted.',
'The group has been saved.' => 'The group has been saved.',
'The group memberships have been saved.' => 'The group memberships have been saved.',
'The group name is missing.' => 'The group name is missing.',
'The login is missing.' => 'The login is missing.',
'The pg_dump process could not be started.' => 'The pg_dump process could not be started.',
'The pg_restore process could not be started.' => 'The pg_restore process could not be started.',
'The selected PostgreSQL installation uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => 'The selected PostgreSQL installation uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.',
'The user has been added to this group.' => 'The user has been added to this group.',
'The user has been removed from this group.' => 'The user has been removed from this group.',
'To (email)' => 'To (email)',
'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions' => 'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions',
'Trying to call a sub without a name' => 'Trying to call a sub without a name',
'Unit' => 'Unit',
'Unknown dependency \'%s\'.' => 'Unknown dependency \'%s\'.',
'Update Dataset' => 'Update Dataset',
'Use Templates' => 'Use Templates',
'User' => 'User',
'User data migration' => 'User data migration',
'User deleted!' => 'User deleted!',
'User migration complete' => 'User migration complete',
'User saved!' => 'User saved!',
'Version' => 'Version',
'You must enter a host and port for local and remote connections!' => 'You must enter a host and port for local and remote connections!',
'does not exist' => 'does not exist',
'is already a member!' => 'is already a member!',
'localhost' => 'localhost',
'locked!' => 'locked!',
'successfully created!' => 'successfully created!',
'successfully deleted!' => 'successfully deleted!',
'website' => 'website',
'Value' => 'Value',
'Variable' => 'Variable',
'Vendor details' => 'Vendor details',
'View warehouse content' => 'View warehouse content',
'Warehouse management' => 'Warehouse management',
'You do not have the permissions to access this function.' => 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.',
'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => 'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.',
'[email]' => '[email]',
'bin_list' => 'bin_list',
'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.',
'config/ Key "LDAP_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Key "LDAP_config" is missing.',
'config/ Missing parameters in "DB_config". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".' => 'config/ Missing parameters in "DB_config". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".',
'config/ Missing parameters in "LDAP_config". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".' => 'config/ Missing parameters in "LDAP_config". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".',
'customer' => 'customer',
'invoice' => 'invoice',
'no' => 'no',
'packing_list' => 'packing_list',
'pick_list' => 'pick_list',
'proforma' => 'proforma',
'purchase_order' => 'purchase_order',
'request_quotation' => 'request_quotation',
'sales_order' => 'sales_order',
'sales_quotation' => 'sales_quotation',
'vendor' => 'vendor',
'yes' => 'yes',
$self{subs} = {
$self->{subs} = {
'E' => 'E',
'H' => 'H',
'NTI' => 'NTI',
'Q' => 'Q',
'add' => 'add',
'add_group' => 'add_group',
'add_to_group' => 'add_to_group',
'add_user' => 'add_user',
'adminlogin' => 'adminlogin',
'change_admin_password' => 'change_admin_password',
'change_password' => 'change_password',
'check_password' => 'check_password',
'ap_transaction' => 'ap_transaction',
'ar_transaction' => 'ar_transaction',
'back' => 'back',
'backup_dataset' => 'backup_dataset',
'backup_dataset_start' => 'backup_dataset_start',
'build_std_url' => 'build_std_url',
'calculate_qty' => 'calculate_qty',
'call_sub' => 'call_sub',
'check_auth_db_and_tables' => 'check_auth_db_and_tables',
'continue' => 'continue',
'cov_selection_internal' => 'cov_selection_internal',
'create_auth_db' => 'create_auth_db',
'create_auth_tables' => 'create_auth_tables',
'create_dataset' => 'create_dataset',
'create_standard_group' => 'create_standard_group',
'create_standard_group_ask' => 'create_standard_group_ask',
'dbcreate' => 'dbcreate',
'dbdelete' => 'dbdelete',
'dbdriver_defaults' => 'dbdriver_defaults',
'dbselect_source' => 'dbselect_source',
'dbupdate' => 'dbupdate',
'delete' => 'delete',
'delete_dataset' => 'delete_dataset',
'delete_group' => 'delete_group',
'delete_user' => 'delete_user',
'delivery_customer_selection' => 'delivery_customer_selection',
'dispatcher' => 'dispatcher',
'dont_create_standard_group' => 'dont_create_standard_group',
'edit' => 'edit',
'form_footer' => 'form_footer',
'form_header' => 'form_header',
'edit_group' => 'edit_group',
'edit_group_membership' => 'edit_group_membership',
'edit_groups' => 'edit_groups',
'edit_user' => 'edit_user',
'edit_user_form' => 'edit_user_form',
'format_dates' => 'format_dates',
'get_value' => 'get_value',
'gl_transaction' => 'gl_transaction',
'list_users' => 'list_users',
'lock_system' => 'lock_system',
'login' => 'login',
'login_name' => 'login_name',
'oracle_database_administration' => 'oracle_database_administration',
'logout' => 'logout',
'mark_as_paid_common' => 'mark_as_paid_common',
'migrate_users' => 'migrate_users',
'no' => 'no',
'part_selection_internal' => 'part_selection_internal',
'pg_database_administration' => 'pg_database_administration',
'reformat_numbers' => 'reformat_numbers',
'remove_from_group' => 'remove_from_group',
'restore_dataset' => 'restore_dataset',
'restore_dataset_start' => 'restore_dataset_start',
'retrieve_partunits' => 'retrieve_partunits',
'sales_invoice' => 'sales_invoice',
'save' => 'save',
'save_group' => 'save_group',
'save_group_membership' => 'save_group_membership',
'save_user' => 'save_user',
'save_user_as_new' => 'save_user_as_new',
'select_part' => 'select_part',
'select_part_internal' => 'select_part_internal',
'set_longdescription' => 'set_longdescription',
'show_history' => 'show_history',
'show_vc_details' => 'show_vc_details',
'test_db_connection' => 'test_db_connection',
'unlock_system' => 'unlock_system',
'update_dataset' => 'update_dataset',
'user_migration_complete' => 'user_migration_complete',
'vendor_invoice' => 'vendor_invoice',
'vendor_selection' => 'vendor_selection',
'yes' => 'yes',
'add' => 'add',
'add_user' => 'add_user',
'change_admin_password' => 'change_admin_password',
'change_password' => 'change_password',
'add_to_group' => 'add_to_group',
'back' => 'back',
'backup_dataset' => 'backup_dataset',
'close' => 'close',
'continue' => 'continue',
'create_dataset' => 'create_dataset',
'create_tables' => 'create_tables',
'delete' => 'delete',
'delete_dataset' => 'delete_dataset',
'edit' => 'edit',
'edit_groups' => 'edit_groups',
'lock_system' => 'lock_system',
'login' => 'login',
'oracle_database_administration' => 'oracle_database_administration',
'logout' => 'logout',
'new_part' => 'new_part',
'no' => 'no',
'pg_database_administration' => 'pg_database_administration',
'remove_from_group' => 'remove_from_group',
'restore_dataset' => 'restore_dataset',
'save' => 'save',
'unlock_system' => 'unlock_system',
'update_dataset' => 'update_dataset',
'yes' => 'yes',
locale/en/all | ||
# These are all the texts to build the translations files.
# The file has the form of 'english text' => 'foreign text',
# you can add the translation in this file or in the 'missing' file
# run from this directory to rebuild the translation files
$self{texts} = {
$self->{texts} = {
' Date missing!' => '',
' Part Number missing!' => '',
' missing!' => '',
'#1 prices were updated.' => '',
'<%account_number%> -- Your account number' => '',
'<%bank%> -- Your bank' => '',
'<%bank_code%> -- Your bank code' => '',
'<%currency%> -- The selected currency' => '',
'<%invtotal%> -- Invoice total' => '',
'<%invtotal_wo_skonto%> -- Invoice total less discount' => '',
'<%netto_date%> -- Date the payment is due in full' => '',
'<%skonto_amount%> -- The deductible amount' => '',
'<%skonto_date%> -- Date the payment is due with discount' => '',
'<%terms_netto%> -- The number of days for full payment' => '',
'<%total%> -- Amount payable' => '',
'<%total_wo_skonto%> -- Amount payable less discount' => '',
'*/' => '',
'---please select---' => '',
'...after loggin in' => '',
'...done' => '',
'...on the TODO list' => '',
'1. Quarter' => '',
'2. Quarter' => '',
'3. Quarter' => '',
'4. Quarter' => '',
'<b>What</b> do you want to look for?' => '',
'A Buchungsgruppe consists of a descriptive name and the account numbers for the income and expense accounts for those four tax zones as well as the inventory account number.' => '',
'A group named "Full Access" has been created.' => '',
'A group with that name does already exist.' => '',
'A lot of the usability of Lx-Office has been enhanced with javascript. Although it is currently possible to use every aspect of Lx-Office without javascript, we strongly recommend it. In a future version this may change and javascript may be necessary to access advanced features.' => '',
'A temporary directory could not be created:' => '',
'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => '',
'A temporary file could not be created:' => '',
'A unit with this name does already exist.' => '',
'A variable marked as \'editable\' can be changed in each quotation, order, invoice etc.' => '',
'ADDED' => '',
'AP' => 'Purchases',
'AP Aging' => 'Creditor Aging',
'AP Transaction' => 'Purchase Transaction',
'AP Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transaction Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transaction with Storno (abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transactions' => 'Purchase Transactions',
'AP transactions with sales taxkeys and/or AR transactions with input taxkeys' => '',
'AR' => 'Sales',
'AR Aging' => 'Debtor Aging',
'AR Transaction' => 'Sales Transaction',
'AR Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
'AR Transactions' => 'Sales Transactions',
'ASSETS' => '',
'About' => '',
'Access Control' => '',
'Abrechnungsnummer' => '',
'Abteilung' => '',
'Account' => '',
'Account Category A' => '',
'Account Category C' => '',
'Account Category E' => '',
'Account Category G' => '',
'Account Category I' => '',
'Account Category L' => '',
'Account Category Q' => '',
'Account Description missing!' => '',
'Account Link AP' => '',
'Account Link AP_amount' => '',
'Account Link AP_paid' => '',
'Account Link AP_tax' => '',
'Account Link AR' => '',
'Account Link AR_amount' => '',
'Account Link AR_paid' => '',
'Account Link AR_tax' => '',
'Account Link CT_tax' => '',
'Account Link IC' => '',
'Account Link IC_cogs' => '',
'Account Link IC_expense' => '',
'Account Link IC_income' => '',
'Account Link IC_sale' => '',
'Account Link IC_taxpart' => '',
'Account Link IC_taxservice' => '',
'Account Number' => '',
'Account Number already used!' => '',
'Account Number missing!' => '',
'Account Nummer' => '',
'Account Type' => '',
'Account Type missing!' => '',
'Account deleted!' => '',
'Account for fees' => '',
'Account for interest' => '',
'Account saved!' => '',
'Accounting' => '',
'Accounting Group deleted!' => '',
'Accounting Group saved!' => '',
'Accounting Menu' => '',
'Accounts' => '',
'Accrual' => '',
'Active' => '',
'Active?' => '',
'Add' => '',
'Add ' => '',
'Add AP Transaction' => '',
'Add AR Transaction' => '',
'Add Account' => '',
'Add Accounting Group' => '',
'Add Accounts Payables Transaction' => 'Add Purchase Transaction',
'Add Accounts Receivables Transaction' => 'Add Sales Transaction',
'Add Assembly' => '',
'Add Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Add Business' => '',
'Add Credit Note' => '',
'Add Customer' => '',
'Add GIFI' => '',
'Add Delivery Order' => '',
'Add Department' => '',
'Add Dunning' => '',
'Add Exchangerate' => '',
'Add Follow-Up' => '',
'Add Follow-Up for #1' => '',
'Add General Ledger Transaction' => '',
'Add Group' => '',
'Add Language' => '',
'Add Lead' => '',
'Add License' => '',
'Add Part' => '',
'Add Payment Terms' => '',
'Add Price Factor' => '',
'Add Pricegroup' => '',
'Add Printer' => '',
'Add Project' => '',
'Add Purchase Delivery Order' => '',
'Add Purchase Order' => '',
'Add Quotation' => '',
'Add RFQ' => '',
'Add Request for Quotation' => '',
'Add Sales Delivery Order' => '',
'Add Sales Invoice' => '',
'Add Sales Order' => '',
'Add Service' => '',
'Add Storno Credit Note' => '',
'Add Transaction' => '',
'Add User' => '',
'Add Vendor' => '',
'Add Vendor Invoice' => '',
'Add Warehouse' => '',
'Add a new group' => '',
'Add and edit units' => '',
'Add custom variable' => '',
'Add note' => '',
'Add to group' => '',
'Add unit' => '',
'Address' => '',
'Administration' => '',
'Administrator' => '',
'Administration area' => '',
'Advance turnover tax return' => '',
'Aktion' => '',
'All' => '',
'All Accounts' => '',
'All Datasets up to date!' => '',
'All changes in that file have been reverted.' => '',
'All database upgrades have been applied.' => '',
'All general ledger entries' => '',
'All reports' => '',
'Allow access' => '',
'Allow the following users access to my follow-ups:' => '',
'Alternatively you can create a new part which will then be selected.' => '',
'Alternatively you can skip this step and create groups yourself.' => '',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return' => '',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return (Nr. 10)' => '',
'Amount' => '',
'Amount Due' => '',
'Amount does not equal applied!' => '',
'Amount missing!' => '',
'Applied' => '',
'Annotations' => '',
'Another user with the login #1 does already exist.' => '',
'Ansprechpartner' => '',
'Ap aging on %s' => '',
'Application Error. No Format given' => '',
'Application Error. Wrong Format' => '',
'Applying [% HTML.escape(file) %]:' => '',
'Approximately #1 prices will be updated.' => '',
'Apr' => '',
'April' => '',
'Ar aging on %s' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Delivery Order Number #1?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Order Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Quotation Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Transaction' => '',
'Are you sure you want to remove the marked entries from the queue?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to update the prices' => '',
'Article Code' => '',
'Article Code missing!' => '',
'As a result, the saved onhand values of the present goods can be stored into a warehouse designated by you, or will be reset for a proper warehouse tracking' => '',
'Assemblies' => '',
'Assemblies restocked!' => '',
'Assembly Description' => '',
'Assembly Number' => '',
'Assembly Number missing!' => '',
'Asset' => '',
'Assets' => '',
'Assign new units' => '',
'Assign units' => '',
'Assistant for general ledger corrections' => '',
'Assume Tax Consultant Data in Tax Computation?' => '',
'At least' => '',
'At least one Perl module that Lx-Office ERP requires for running is not installed on your system.' => '',
'At most' => '',
'At the moment the transaction looks like this:' => '',
'Attach PDF:' => '',
'Attachment' => '',
'Attachment name' => '',
'Attempt to call an undefined sub named \'%s\'' => '',
'Audit Control' => '',
'Aug' => '',
'August' => '',
'Authentification database creation' => '',
'Authentification tables creation' => '',
'Auto Send?' => '',
'Automatically created invoice for fee and interest for dunning %s' => '',
'Available qty' => '',
'BIC' => '',
'BOM' => '',
'Backup' => '',
'Backup sent to' => '',
'BWA' => '',
'Back' => '',
'Backup Dataset' => '',
'Backup file' => '',
'Backup of dataset' => '',
'Balance' => '',
'Balance Sheet' => '',
'Bank' => '',
'Bank Code' => '',
'Bank Code (long)' => '',
'Bank Code Number' => '',
'Bank Connection Tax Office' => '',
'Bank Connections' => '',
'Base unit' => '',
'Basic data' => '',
'Batch Printing' => '',
'Bcc' => '',
'Belegnummer' => '',
'Beratername' => '',
'Beraternummer' => '',
'Bestandskonto' => '',
'Bilanz' => '',
'Billing Address' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (city)' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (street)' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (zipcode)' => '',
'Bin' => '',
'Bin From' => '',
'Bin List' => '',
'Bin To' => '',
'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/' => '',
'Bins saved.' => '',
'Bins that have been used in the past cannot be deleted anymore. For these bins there\'s no checkbox in the "Delete" column.' => '',
'Birthday' => '',
'Bis' => '',
'Bis Konto: ' => '',
'Body' => '',
'Body:' => '',
'Books are open' => '',
'Books closed up to' => '',
'Boolean variables: If the default value is non-empty then the checkbox will be checked by default and unchecked otherwise.' => '',
'Both' => '',
'Bottom' => '',
'Bought' => '',
'Buchungsdatum' => '',
'Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Buchungskonto' => '',
'Buchungsnummer' => '',
'Business Number' => '',
'C' => '',
'COGS' => '',
'Business Volume' => '',
'Business deleted!' => '',
'Business saved!' => '',
'CANCELED' => '',
'CB Transaction' => '',
'CR' => '',
'CRM admin' => '',
'CRM create customers, vendors and contacts' => '',
'CRM follow up' => '',
'CRM know how' => '',
'CRM notices' => '',
'CRM opportunity' => '',
'CRM optional software' => '',
'CRM other' => '',
'CRM search' => '',
'CRM send email' => '',
'CRM services' => '',
'CRM status' => '',
'CRM termin' => '',
'CRM user' => '',
'CSV export -- options' => '',
'Calculate' => '',
'Can not create that quantity with current stock' => '',
'Cancel' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Payables Transaction' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Receivables Transaction' => '',
'Cannot create Lock!' => '',
'Cannot delete account!' => '',
'Cannot delete customer!' => '',
'Cannot delete default account!' => '',
'Cannot delete delivery order!' => '',
'Cannot delete invoice!' => '',
'Cannot delete item!' => '',
'Cannot delete order!' => '',
'Cannot delete quotation!' => '',
'Cannot delete transaction!' => '',
'Cannot delete vendor!' => '',
'Cannot have a value in both Debit and Credit!' => '',
'Cannot post Payment!' => '',
'Cannot post Receipt!' => '',
'Cannot post a transaction without a value!' => '',
'Cannot post invoice for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post invoice!' => '',
'Cannot post payment for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post payment!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction with a debit and credit entry for the same account!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction!' => '',
'Cannot process payment for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot remove files!' => '',
'Cannot save account!' => '',
'Cannot save order!' => '',
'Cannot save preferences!' => '',
'Cannot stock assemblies!' => '',
'Cannot save quotation!' => '',
'Cannot storno storno invoice!' => '',
'Carry over shipping address' => '',
'Cash' => '',
'Cash based' => '',
'Cc' => '',
'Change Admin Password' => '',
'Change Password' => '',
'Character Set' => '',
'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')' => '',
'Charge Number' => '',
'Charge number' => '',
'Chart Type' => '',
'Chart balance' => '',
'Chart of Accounts' => '',
'Chart of accounts' => '',
'Chartaccounts connected to this Tax:' => '',
'Check' => 'Cheque',
'Check printed!' => '',
'Check printing failed!' => '',
'Check Details' => '',
'Checks' => '',
'Choose Customer' => '',
'Choose Outputformat' => '',
'Choose Vendor' => '',
'Choose a Tax Number' => '',
'City' => '',
'Cleared Balance' => '',
'Clearing Tax Received (No 71)' => '',
'Click on login name to edit!' => '',
'Close' => '',
'Close Books up to' => '',
'Close Window' => '',
'Closed' => '',
'Collective Orders only work for orders from one customer!' => '',
'Comment' => '',
'Company' => '',
'Company Name' => '',
'Compare to' => '',
'Configuration of individual TODO items' => '',
'Confirm' => '',
'Confirm!' => '',
'Connect to' => '',
'Confirmation' => '',
'Contact' => '',
'Contact Person' => '',
'Contact person (surname)' => '',
'Contacts' => '',
'Continue' => '',
'Contra' => '',
'Copies' => '',
'Copy to COA' => '',
'Correct taxkey' => '',
'Corrections' => '',
'Cost Center' => '',
'Costs' => '',
'Could not copy %s to %s. Reason: %s' => '',
'Could not open the file users/members.' => '',
'Could not open the old memberfile.' => '',
'Could not print dunning.' => '',
'Could not rename %s to %s. Reason: %s' => '',
'Could not spawn ghostscript.' => '',
'Could not spawn the printer command.' => '',
'Could not update prices!' => '',
'Country' => '',
'Create Assembly' => '',
'Create Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Create Chart of Accounts' => '',
'Create Dataset' => '',
'Create Date' => '',
'Create a standard group' => '',
'Create and edit RFQs' => '',
'Create and edit customers and vendors' => '',
'Create and edit dunnings' => '',
'Create and edit invoices and credit notes' => '',
'Create and edit parts, services, assemblies' => '',
'Create and edit projects' => '',
'Create and edit purchase delivery orders' => '',
'Create and edit purchase orders' => '',
'Create and edit sales delivery orders' => '',
'Create and edit sales orders' => '',
'Create and edit sales quotations' => '',
'Create and edit vendor invoices' => '',
'Create invoice?' => '',
'Create new' => '',
'Create tables' => '',
'Created by' => '',
'Created for' => '',
'Created on' => '',
'Credit' => '',
'Credit (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Credit Account' => '',
'Credit Limit' => '',
'Credit Limit exceeded!!!' => '',
'Credit Note' => '',
'Credit Note Date' => '',
'Credit Note Number' => '',
'Credit Starting Balance' => '',
'Credit Tax' => '',
'Credit Tax Account' => '',
'Credit note (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Curr' => '',
'Currencies' => '',
'Currency' => '',
'Current' => '',
'Current / Next Level' => '',
'Current Earnings' => '',
'Current unit' => '',
'Current value:' => '',
'Custom Variables' => '',
'Custom variables for module' => '',
'Customer' => '',
'Customer Number' => '',
'Customer Order Number' => '',
'Customer deleted!' => '',
'Customer details' => '',
'Customer missing!' => '',
'Customer not on file or locked!' => '',
'Customer not on file!' => '',
'Customer saved!' => '',
'Customer type' => '',
'Customername' => '',
'Customernumberinit' => '',
'Customers' => '',
'DBI not installed!' => '',
'Customers and vendors' => '',
'Customized Report' => '',
'DATEV - Export Assistent' => '',
'DATEV Angaben' => '',
'DATEV Export' => '',
'DATEX - Export Assistent' => '',
'DELETED' => '',
'DFV-Kennzeichen' => '',
'DR' => '',
'DUNS-Nr' => '',
'Database' => '',
'Database Administration' => '',
'Database Driver not checked!' => '',
'Database Connection Test' => '',
'Database Host' => '',
'Database User missing!' => '',
'Database backups and restorations are disabled in lx-erp.conf.' => '',
'Database name' => '',
'Database template' => '',
'Database update error:' => '',
'Dataset' => '',
'Dataset missing!' => '',
'Dataset updated!' => '',
'Dataset name' => '',
'Dataset upgrade' => '',
'Date' => '',
'Date Format' => '',
'Date Paid' => '',
'Date and timestamp variables: If the default value equals \'NOW\' then the current date/current timestamp will be used. Otherwise the default value is copied as-is.' => '',
'Date missing!' => '',
'Datevautomatik' => '',
'Datum von' => '',
'Debit' => '',
'Debit (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Debit Account' => '',
'Debit Starting Balance' => '',
'Debit Tax' => '',
'Debit Tax Account' => '',
'Debit and credit out of balance!' => '',
'Dec' => '',
'December' => '',
'Decimalplaces' => '',
'Decrease' => '',
'Default (no language selected)' => '',
'Default Accounts' => '',
'Default output medium' => '',
'Default printer' => '',
'Default template format' => '',
'Default value' => '',
'Defaults saved.' => '',
'Delete' => '',
'Delete Account' => '',
'Delete Contact' => '',
'Delete Dataset' => '',
'Delete Shipto' => '',
'Delete delivery order' => '',
'Delete drafts' => '',
'Delete group' => '',
'Delete transaction' => '',
'Delivered' => '',
'Delivery Date' => '',
'Delivery Order' => '',
'Delivery Order Date' => '',
'Delivery Order Date missing!' => '',
'Delivery Order Number' => '',
'Delivery Order deleted!' => '',
'Delivery Orders' => '',
'Department' => '',
'Department deleted!' => '',
'Department saved!' => '',
'Departments' => '',
'Dependency loop detected:' => '',
'Deposit' => '',
'Description' => '',
'Description (Click on Description for details)' => '',
'Description missing!' => '',
'Description must not be empty!' => '',
'Destination bin' => '',
'Destination warehouse' => '',
'Destination warehouse and bin' => '',
'Details (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Difference' => '',
'Dimension unit' => '',
'Directory' => '',
'Discount' => '',
'Display' => '',
'Display file' => '',
'Display options' => '',
'Do you really want to delete AP transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete AR transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete GL transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this group:' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this warehouse?' => '',
'Do you want Lx-Office to create a group for access to all functions?' => '',
'Do you want to <b>limit</b> your search?' => '',
'Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?' => '',
'Do you want to store the existing onhand values into a new warehouse?' => '',
'Document' => '',
'Documents in the WebDAV repository' => '',
'Done' => '',
'Download the backup' => '',
'Draft saved.' => '',
'Drawing' => '',
'Driver' => '',
'Dropdown Limit' => '',
'Due' => '',
'Due Date' => '',
'Due Date missing!' => '',
'Duedate +Days' => '',
'Dunning' => '',
'Dunning Amount' => '',
'Dunning Date' => '',
'Dunning Date from' => '',
'Dunning Description' => '',
'Dunning Description missing in row ' => '',
'Dunning Duedate' => '',
'Dunning Level' => '',
'Dunning Level missing in row ' => '',
'Dunning Process Config saved!' => '',
'Dunning Process started for selected invoices!' => '',
'Dunning number' => '',
'Dunning overview' => '',
'Dunnings' => '',
'During this user migration Lx-Office can create such a group for you and grant all users access to all of Lx-Office\'s functions.' => '',
'E-mail' => '',
'E-mail Statement to' => '',
'E-mail address missing!' => '',
'EAN' => '',
'EAN-Code' => '',
'EB-Wert' => '',
'EK' => '',
'ELSE' => '',
'ELSTER Export (Taxbird)' => '',
'ELSTER Export (Winston)' => '',
'ELSTER Export nach Winston' => '',
'ELSTER Tax Number' => '',
'EQUITY' => '',
'EU with VAT ID' => '',
'EU without VAT ID' => '',
'EUER' => '',
'EUR' => '',
'Earlier versions of Lx-Office contained bugs which might have led to wrong entries in the general ledger.' => '',
'Edit' => '',
'Edit ' => '',
'Edit Access Rights' => '',
'Edit Access Rights for Follow-Ups' => '',
'Edit Account' => '',
'Edit Accounting Group' => '',
'Edit Accounts Payables Transaction' => 'Edit Creditor Transaction',
'Edit Accounts Receivables Transaction' => 'Edit Debtor Transaction',
'Edit Assembly' => '',
'Edit Bins' => '',
'Edit Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Edit Business' => '',
'Edit Credit Note' => '',
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff von nach locale/en kopiert und dort ausgeführt.