Revision b21776d2
Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 8 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
scalar => [ qw(from to writer company location) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(files tempfiles export_ids tables) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(files tempfiles export_ids tables csv_headers) ],
# in this we find:
# key: table name
# name: short name, translated
# description: long description, translated
# transdate: column used to filter from/to, empty if table is filtered otherwise
# keep: arrayref of columns that should be saved for further referencing
# tables: arrayref with one column and one or many table.column references that were kept earlier
# columns: list of columns to export. export all columns if not present
# primary_key: override primary key
my %known_tables = (
chart => { name => t8('Charts'), description => t8('Chart of Accounts'), primary_key => 'accno', columns => [ qw(id accno description) ], },
customer => { name => t8('Customers'), description => t8('Customer Master Data'), columns => [ qw(id name department_1 department_2 street zipcode city country contact phone fax email notes customernumber taxnumber obsolete ustid) ] },
vendor => { name => t8('Vendors'), description => t8('Vendor Master Data'), columns => [ qw(id name department_1 department_2 street zipcode city country contact phone fax email notes customernumber taxnumber obsolete ustid) ] },
customer => { name => t8('Customers'), description => t8('Customer Master Data'), columns => [ qw(id customernumber name department_1 department_2 street zipcode city country contact phone fax email notes taxnumber obsolete ustid) ] },
vendor => { name => t8('Vendors'), description => t8('Vendor Master Data'), columns => [ qw(id vendornumber name department_1 department_2 street zipcode city country contact phone fax email notes taxnumber obsolete ustid) ] },
my %column_titles = (
chart => {
id => t8('ID'),
accno => t8('Account Number'),
description => t8('Description'),
customer_vendor => {
id => t8('ID'),
name => t8('Name'),
department_1 => t8('Department 1'),
department_2 => t8('Department 2'),
street => t8('Street'),
zipcode => t8('Zipcode'),
city => t8('City'),
country => t8('Country'),
contact => t8('Contact'),
phone => t8('Phone'),
fax => t8('Fax'),
email => t8('E-mail'),
notes => t8('Notes'),
customernumber => t8('Customer Number'),
vendornumber => t8('Vendor Number'),
taxnumber => t8('Tax Number'),
obsolete => t8('Obsolete'),
ustid => t8('Tax ID number'),
$column_titles{$_} = $column_titles{customer_vendor} for qw(customer vendor);
my %datev_column_defs = (
trans_id => { type => 'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Integer', text => t8('ID'), },
amount => { type => 'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Numeric', text => t8('Amount'), },
... | ... | |
->tag('DecimalSymbol', '.')
->tag('DigitGroupingSymbol', '|') # see CAVEATS in documentation
->tag('Range', sub { $self
->tag('From', $self->csv_headers ? 2 : 1)
->tag('VariableLength', sub { $self
->tag('ColumnDelimiter', ',') # see CAVEATS for missing RecordDelimiter
->tag('TextEncapsulator', '"')
... | ... | |
die "unknown col type @{[ ref $column ]}" unless $type;
$self->tag('VariablePrimaryKey', sub { $self
->tag('Name', $column->name);
->tag('Name', $column_titles{$table}{$column->name});
... | ... | |
die "unknown col type @{[ ref $column]}" unless $type;
$self->tag('VariableColumn', sub { $self
->tag('Name', $column->name);
->tag('Name', $column_titles{$table}{$column->name});
... | ... | |
$self->tag('ForeignKey', sub {
$_[0]->tag('Name', $_) for keys %key_columns;
$_[0]->tag('Name', $column_titles{$table}{$_}) for keys %key_columns;
$_[0]->tag('References', $rel->class->meta->table);
... | ... | |
->tag('DecimalSymbol', '.')
->tag('DigitGroupingSymbol', '|') # see CAVEATS in documentation
->tag('Range', sub { $self
->tag('From', $self->csv_headers ? 2 : 1)
->tag('VariableLength', sub { $self
->tag('ColumnDelimiter', ',') # see CAVEATS for missing RecordDelimiter
->tag('TextEncapsulator', '"')
... | ... | |
die "unknown col type @{[ $column ]}" unless $type;
$self->tag('VariablePrimaryKey', sub { $self
->tag('Name', $column);
->tag('Name', $datev_column_defs{$column}{text});
... | ... | |
die "unknown col type @{[ ref $column]}" unless $type;
$self->tag('VariableColumn', sub { $self
->tag('Name', $column);
->tag('Name', $datev_column_defs{$column}{text});
... | ... | |
my ($self) = @_;
# hard code weeee
$self->tag('ForeignKey', sub { $_[0]
->tag('Name', 'customer_id')
->tag('Name', $datev_column_defs{customer_id}{text})
->tag('References', 'customer')
$self->tag('ForeignKey', sub { $_[0]
->tag('Name', 'vendor_id')
->tag('Name', $datev_column_defs{vendor_id}{text})
->tag('References', 'vendor')
$self->tag('ForeignKey', sub { $_[0]
->tag('Name', $_)
->tag('Name', $datev_column_defs{$_}{text})
->tag('References', 'chart')
}) for qw(debit_accno credit_accno tax_accno);
... | ... | |
$self->files->{"transactions.csv"} = $filename;
push @{ $self->tempfiles }, $filename;
if ($self->csv_headers) {
$csv->print($fh, [ map { _normalize_cell($datev_column_defs{$_}{text}) } @datev_columns ]);
for my $transaction (@transactions) {
my $is_payment = any { $_->{link} =~ m{A[PR]_paid} } @{ $transaction };
... | ... | |
my @columns = (@{ $cols_by_primary_key{1} }, @{ $cols_by_primary_key{0} });
my %col_index = do { my $i = 0; map {; "$_" => $i++ } @columns };
if ($self->csv_headers) {
$csv->print($fh, [ map { _normalize_cell($column_titles{$table}{$_->name}) } @columns ]) or die $csv->error_diag;
# and normalize date stuff
my @select_tokens = map { (ref $_) =~ /Time/ ? $_->name . '::date' : $_->name } @columns;
... | ... | |
sub _normalize_cell {
$_[0] =~ s/\r\n/ /g;
$_[0] =~ s/,/;/g;
sub init_files { +{} }
sub init_export_ids { +{} }
sub init_tempfiles { [] }
sub init_tables { [ grep { $known_tables{$_} } @export_table_order ] }
sub init_csv_headers { 1 }
DateTime->new(year => 2002, month => 8, day => 14)->to_kivitendo;
... | ... | |
Will only include records in the specified date range. Data pulled from other
tables will be culled to match what is needed for these records.
=item csv_headers
Optional. If set, will include a header line in the exported CSV files. Default true.
=item tables
Ooptional list of tables to be exported. Defaults to all tables.
... | ... | |
Neither it is able to parse escaped C<ColumnDelimiter> in data. It just splits
on that symbol no matter what surrounds or preceeds it.
=item *
Despite the standard specifying UTF-8 as a valid encoding the IDEA software
will just downgrade everything to latin1.
=head2 Problems outside of the software
locale/de/all | ||
'Variable Description' => 'Datenfeldbezeichnung',
'Variable Name' => 'Datenfeldname (intern)',
'Vendor' => 'Lieferant',
'Vendor (database ID)' => '(Datenbank-ID)',
'Vendor (database ID)' => 'Lieferant (Datenbank-ID)',
'Vendor (name)' => 'Lieferant (Name)',
'Vendor Discount' => 'Lieferantenrabatt',
'Vendor Invoice' => 'Einkaufsrechnung',
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
GDPDU: lokalisierte Spaltennamen und CSV Header
- Vendor (database ID) war falsch lokalisiert
- vendor hat noch customernumber exportiert, exportiert jetzt
- Mehr Dokumentation