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Revision b04c9926

Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 14 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID b04c9926825b62f740ee2027978b1c18cfc581d0
  • Vorgänger dd2cd96b
  • Nachfolger 321730c8

Automatisches Ergänzen von nicht aufgelisteten Werten bei Benutzung von Sorter

Damit muss "sub _sort_spec" für einfache Fälle nicht mehr angegeben

Unterschiede anzeigen:

sub make_sort_string {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
%sort_spec = $class->_sort_spec unless %sort_spec;
_make_sort_spec($class) unless %sort_spec;
my $sort_dir = defined($params{sort_dir}) ? $params{sort_dir} * 1 : $sort_spec{default}->[1];
my $sort_dir_str = $sort_dir ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
return $class->get_all(sort_by => $sort_str, %params);
sub _make_sort_spec {
my ($class) = @_;
%sort_spec = $class->_sort_spec if defined &{ "${class}::_sort_spec" };
my $meta = $class->object_class->meta;
if (!$sort_spec{default}) {
my @primary_keys = $meta->primary_key;
$sort_spec{default} = [ "" . $primary_keys[0], 0 ];
$sort_spec{columns} ||= { SIMPLE => [ map { "$_" } $meta->columns ] };
if ($sort_spec{columns}->{SIMPLE}) {
my $table = $meta->table;
if (!ref($sort_spec{columns}->{SIMPLE}) && ($sort_spec{columns}->{SIMPLE} eq 'ALL')) {
map { $sort_spec{columns}->{"$_"} ||= "${table}.${_}"} @{ $meta->columns };
delete $sort_spec{columns}->{SIMPLE};
} else {
map { $sort_spec{columns}->{$_} = "${table}.${_}" } @{ delete($sort_spec{columns}->{SIMPLE}) };
=item C<_sort_spec>
This method is actually not part of this package but must be provided
by the package this helper is mixed into.
This method is actually not part of this package but can be provided
by the package this helper is mixed into. If it isn't then all columns
of the corresponding table (as returned by the model's meta data) will
be eligible for sorting.
Returns a has with the following keys:
Returns a hash with the following keys:
=over 2
default => [ 'name', 1 ],
Defaults to the table's primary key column (the first column if the
primary key is composited).
=item C<columns>
A hash reference. Its keys are column names, and its values are SQL
strings by which to sort. Example:
columns => { transaction_description => 'oe.transaction_description',
columns => { SIMPLE => [ 'transaction_description', 'orddate' ],
the_date => 'CASE WHEN oe.quotation THEN oe.quodate ELSE oe.orddate END',
customer_name => 'lower(',
latter then both the sort direction as well as the null handling will
be appended to each of its members.
The special key C<SIMPLE> can be a scalar or an array reference. If it
is an array reference then it contains column names that are mapped
1:1 onto the table's columns. If it is the scalar 'ALL' then all
columns in that model's meta data are mapped 1:1 unless the C<columns>
hash already contains a key for that column.
If C<columns> is missing then all columns of the model will be
eligible for sorting. The list of columns is looked up in the model's
meta data.
=item C<nulls>
Either a scalar or a hash reference determining where C<NULL> values

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff