package SL::BackgroundJob::CsvImport;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::BackgroundJob::Base);
use YAML ();
use SL::JSON;
use SL::DB::CsvImportProfile;
use SL::SessionFile::Random;
sub create_job {
my ($self_or_class, %params) = @_;
my $package = ref($self_or_class) || $self_or_class;
$package =~ s/SL::BackgroundJob:://;
my $profile = delete $params{profile} || SL::DB::CsvImportProfile->new;
my $new_profile = $profile->clone_and_reset_deep;
my %data = (
profile_id => $new_profile->id,
session_id => $::auth->get_session_id,
my $job = SL::DB::BackgroundJob->new(
type => 'once',
active => 1,
package_name => $package,
data => YAML::Dump(\%data),
return $job;
sub profile {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!$self->{profile}) {
my $data = YAML::Load($self->{db_obj}->data);
$self->{profile} = SL::DB::Manager::CsvImportProfile->find_by(id => $data->{profile_id});
return $self->{profile};
sub run {
my $self = shift;
$self->{db_obj} = shift;
sub do_import {
my ($self) = @_;
require SL::Controller::CsvImport;
my $c = SL::Controller::CsvImport->new;
my $job = $self->{db_obj};
$c->mappings(SL::JSON::from_json($self->profile->get('json_mappings'))) if $self->profile->get('json_mappings');
$c->{employee_id} = $job->data_as_hash->{employee_id};
my $test = $job->data_as_hash->{test};
# $::locale->text('parsing csv')
# $::locale->text('building data')
# $::locale->text('saving data')
# $::locale->text('building report')
progress => 0,
plan => {
'parsing csv' => 1,
'building data' => 2,
( 'saving data' => 3, )x!$test,
'building report' => ($test ? 3 : 4),
num_phases => ($test ? 3 : 4),
my $session_id = $job->data_as_hash->{session_id};
$c->test_and_import(test => $test, session_id => $session_id);
my $result;
if ($c->errors) {
errors => $c->errors,
$result = $::locale->text('Import finished with errors.');
} else {
my $report_id = $c->save_report(session_id => $session_id, test => $test);
$job->set_data(report_id => $report_id)->save;
$c->track_progress(finished => 1);
$result = $::locale->text('Import finished without errors.');
return $result;
sub track_progress {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $data = $self->{db_obj}->data_as_hash;
my $progress = $data->{progress} || {};
$progress->{$_} = $params{$_} for keys %params;
$self->{db_obj}->set_data(progress => $progress);
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::Background::CsvImport - backend for automatic imports of csv data
use SL::BackgroundJob::CsvImport;
From a controller or external source:
my $job = SL::BackgroundJob::CsvImport->create_job(
file => $file,
=head1 BUGS
=head1 AUTHOR
Sven Schoeling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>