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Revision ad7247ec

Von Sven Donath vor fast 14 Jahren hinzugefügt

(Installations-)Hilfe für Einsteiger eingebaut

Wenn in config/lx_office.conf bzw. config/lx_office.conf.default falsche Anmeldedaten
stehen, kommt eine Fehlermeldung. Diese bietet nun Unterstützung bei der Fehlersuche.
Man kann im Abschnitt "6 Benutzerauthentifizierung und Administratorpasswort" browsen
oder die ganze Installationsanleitung als PDF erhalten.

=== So sieht's aus ===


Die Authentifizierungsdatenbank kann momentan nicht erreicht werden. Entweder wurde sie noch nicht eingerichtet, oder der Datenbankserver antwortet
nicht. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator.

Wenn Sie die Authentifizierungsdatenbank selber einrichten wollen, so melden Sie sich an der Administrationsoberfläche an. Lx-Office wird dann die
Datenbank und die Tabellen für Sie anlegen.

Für weitere Informationen zu diesem Thema lesen Sie bitte: Lx-Office Installation
Oder laden Sie die komplette Installationsbeschreibung als PDF (110kB) herunter. Lx-Office_Installation_DE.pdf

Anmelden | Administration

Unterschiede anzeigen:

776 776
  'For AP transactions it will replace the sales taxkeys with input taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => 'Bei Kreditorenbuchungen werden die Umsatzsteuer-Steuerschlüssel durch Vorsteuer-Steuerschlüssel mit demselben Steuersatz ersetzt.',
777 777
  'For AR transactions it will replace the input taxkeys with sales taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => 'Bei Debitorenbuchungen werden die Vorsteuer-Steuerschlüssel durch Umsatzsteuer-Steuerschlüssel mit demselben Steuersatz ersetzt.',
778 778
  'For each unit there\'s either no or exactly one base unit. If you chose a base unit then you also have to chose a factor. That way the new unit will be defined as a multiple of the base unit. The base unit must be the "smaller" one. A factor may not be less than 1. Therefore you may define "kg" with the base unit "g" and a factor of "1", but not the other way round.' => 'Einheiten haben entweder keine oder genau eine Basiseinheit, von der sie ein Vielfaches sind. Wenn Sie eine Basiseinheit auswählen, dann müssen Sie auch einen Faktor eingeben. Sie müssen Einheiten als ein Vielfaches einer kleineren Einheit eingeben. So ist die Definition von "kg" mit der Basiseinheit "g" und dem Faktor 1000 zulässig, die Definition von "g" mit der Basiseinheit "kg" und dem Faktor "0,001" hingegen nicht.',
  'For further information read this:' => 'Für weitere Informationen zu diesem Thema lesen Sie bitte:',
779 780
  'Foreign Exchange Gain'       => 'Wechselkurserträge',
780 781
  'Foreign Exchange Loss'       => 'Wechselkursaufwendungen',
781 782
  'Foreign Expenses'            => 'Aufwand Ausland',
1153 1154
  'Openings'                    => 'Öffnungszeiten',
1154 1155
  'Optional comment'            => 'Optionaler Kommentar',
1155 1156
  'Options'                     => 'Optionen',
  'Or download the whole Installation Documentation as PDF (110kB) for off-line study (currently in German Language).' => 'Oder laden Sie die komplette Installationsbeschreibung als PDF (110kB) herunter.',
1156 1158
  'Order'                       => 'Auftrag',
1157 1159
  'Order Date'                  => 'Auftragsdatum',
1158 1160
  'Order Date missing!'         => 'Auftragsdatum fehlt!',
278 278
  'Bin From'                    => 'von Lagerplatz',
279 279
  'Bin List'                    => 'Lagerliste',
280 280
  'Bin To'                      => 'nach Lagerplatz',
  'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/' => 'Die Anmeldung am LDAP-Server als "#1" schlug fehl. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Angaben in config/',
  'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
282 282
  'Bins saved.'                 => 'Lagerplätze gespeichert.',
283 283
  'Bins that have been used in the past cannot be deleted anymore. For these bins there\'s no checkbox in the "Delete" column.' => 'Lagerplätze, die bereits benutzt wurden, können nicht mehr gelöscht werden. Deswegen fehlt bei ihnen die Checkbox in der Spalte "Löschen".',
284 284
  'Birthday'                    => 'Geburtstag',
776 776
  'For AP transactions it will replace the sales taxkeys with input taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => 'Bei Kreditorenbuchungen werden die Umsatzsteuer-Steuerschlüssel durch Vorsteuer-Steuerschlüssel mit demselben Steuersatz ersetzt.',
777 777
  'For AR transactions it will replace the input taxkeys with sales taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => 'Bei Debitorenbuchungen werden die Vorsteuer-Steuerschlüssel durch Umsatzsteuer-Steuerschlüssel mit demselben Steuersatz ersetzt.',
778 778
  'For each unit there\'s either no or exactly one base unit. If you chose a base unit then you also have to chose a factor. That way the new unit will be defined as a multiple of the base unit. The base unit must be the "smaller" one. A factor may not be less than 1. Therefore you may define "kg" with the base unit "g" and a factor of "1", but not the other way round.' => 'Einheiten haben entweder keine oder genau eine Basiseinheit, von der sie ein Vielfaches sind. Wenn Sie eine Basiseinheit auswählen, dann müssen Sie auch einen Faktor eingeben. Sie müssen Einheiten als ein Vielfaches einer kleineren Einheit eingeben. So ist die Definition von "kg" mit der Basiseinheit "g" und dem Faktor 1000 zulässig, die Definition von "g" mit der Basiseinheit "kg" und dem Faktor "0,001" hingegen nicht.',
  'For further information read this:' => 'Für weitere Informationen zu diesem Thema lesen Sie bitte:',
779 780
  'Foreign Exchange Gain'       => 'Wechselkurserträge',
780 781
  'Foreign Exchange Loss'       => 'Wechselkursaufwendungen',
781 782
  'Foreign Expenses'            => 'Aufwand Ausland',
839 840
  'If you chose to let Lx-Office do the migration then Lx-Office will also remove the old member file after creating a backup copy of it in the directory "#1".' => 'Falls Sie sich entscheiden, Lx-Office die Migration durchführen zu lassen, so wird Lx-Office ein Backup der alten Dateien im Verzeichnis "#1" erstellen und die Dateien anschließend löschen.',
840 841
  'If you enter values for the part number and / or part description then only those bins containing parts whose part number or part description match your input will be shown.' => 'Wenn Sie für die Artikelnummer und / oder die Beschreibung etwas eingeben, so werden nur die Lagerplätze angezeigt, in denen Waren eingelagert sind, die Ihre Suchbegriffe enthalten.',
841 842
  'If you see this message, you most likely just setup your LX-Office and haven\'t added any entry types. If this is the case, the option is accessible for administrators in the System menu.' => 'Wenn Sie diese Meldung sehen haben Sie wahrscheinlich ein frisches LX-Office Setup und noch keine Buchungsgruppen eingerichtet. Ein Administrator kann dies im Systemmenü erledigen.',
  'If you want to change any of these parameters then press the "Back" button, edit the file "config/" and login into the admin module again.' => 'Wenn Sie einen der Parameter ändern wollen, so drücken Sie auf den "Zurück"-Button, bearbeiten Sie die Datei "config/", und melden Sie sich erneut im Administrationsbereich an.',
  'If you want to change any of these parameters then press the "Back" button, edit the file "config/lx_office.conf" and login into the admin module again.' => '',
843 844
  'If you want to delete such a dataset you have to edit the user(s) that are using the dataset in question and have them use another dataset.' => 'Wenn Sie eine solche Datenbank löschen wollen, so müssen Sie zuerst die Benutzer bearbeiten, die die fragliche Datenbank benutzen, und sie so ändern, dass sie eine andere Datenbank benutzen.',
844 845
  'If you want to set up the authentication database yourself then log in to the administration panel. Lx-Office will then create the database and tables for you.' => 'Wenn Sie die Authentifizierungsdatenbank selber einrichten wollen, so melden Sie sich an der Administrationsoberfläche an. Lx-Office wird dann die Datenbank und die Tabellen für Sie anlegen.',
845 846
  'If you yourself want to upgrade the installation then please read the file "doc/UPGRADE" and follow the steps outlined in this file.' => 'Wenn Sie selber die Aktualisierung bzw. Einrichtung übernehmen wollen, so lesen Sie bitte die Datei "doc/UPGRADE" und folgen Sie den dort beschriebenen Schritten.',
1093 1094
  'No group has been selected, or the group does not exist anymore.' => 'Es wurde keine Gruppe ausgewählt, oder die Gruppe wurde in der Zwischenzeit gelöscht.',
1094 1095
  'No groups have been added yet.' => 'Es wurden noch keine Gruppen angelegt.',
1095 1096
  'No licenses were found that match the search criteria.' => 'Es wurden keine Lizenzen gefunden, auf die die Suchkriterien zutreffen.',
  'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/".' => 'Es wurde kein oder ein unbekanntes Authentifizierungsmodul in "config/" angegeben.',
  'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/lx_office.conf".' => '',
1097 1098
  'No part was found matching the search parameters.' => 'Es wurde kein Artikel gefunden, auf den die Suchparameter zutreffen.',
1098 1099
  'No prices will be updated because no prices have been entered.' => 'Es werden keine Preise aktualisiert, weil keine gültigen Preisänderungen eingegeben wurden.',
1099 1100
  'No problems were recognized.' => 'Es wurden keine Probleme gefunden.',
1153 1154
  'Openings'                    => 'Öffnungszeiten',
1154 1155
  'Optional comment'            => 'Optionaler Kommentar',
1155 1156
  'Options'                     => 'Optionen',
  'Or download the whole Installation Documentation as PDF (110kB) for off-line study (currently in German Language).' => 'Oder laden Sie die komplette Installationsbeschreibung als PDF (110kB) herunter.',
1156 1158
  'Order'                       => 'Auftrag',
1157 1159
  'Order Date'                  => 'Auftragsdatum',
1158 1160
  'Order Date missing!'         => 'Auftragsdatum fehlt!',
1604 1606
  'The AP transaction #1 has been deleted.' => 'Die Kreditorenbuchung #1 wurde gelöscht.',
1605 1607
  'The AR transaction #1 has been deleted.' => 'Die Debitorenbuchung #1 wurde gelöscht.',
1606 1608
  'The GL transaction #1 has been deleted.' => 'Die Dialogbuchung #1 wurde gelöscht.',
  'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/' => 'Der LDAP-Server "#1:#2" ist nicht erreichbar. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Angaben in config/',
  'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
1608 1610
  'The SEPA export has been created.' => 'Der SEPA-Export wurde erstellt',
1609 1611
  'The SEPA strings have been saved.' => 'Die bei SEPA-Überweisungen verwendeten Begriffe wurden gespeichert.',
1610 1612
  'The access rights have been saved.' => 'Die Zugriffsrechte wurden gespeichert.',
1612 1614
  'The account 3804 will not be added automatically.' => 'Das Konto 3804 wird nicht automatisch hinzugefÃŒgt.',
1613 1615
  'The assembly has been created.' => 'Das Erzeugnis wurde hergestellt.',
1614 1616
  'The assistant could not find anything wrong with #1. Maybe the problem has been solved in the meantime.' => 'Der Korrekturassistent konnte kein Problem bei #1 feststellen. Eventuell wurde das Problem in der Zwischenzeit bereits behoben.',
  'The authentication configuration file "config/" does not exist. This Lx-Office installation has probably not been updated correctly yet. Please contact your administrator.' => 'Die Konfigurationsdatei für die Authentifizierung "config/" wurde nicht gefunden. Diese Lx-Office-Installation wurde vermutlich noch nicht vollständig aktualisiert oder eingerichtet. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator.',
  'The authentication configuration file "config/lx_office.conf" does not exist. This Lx-Office installation has probably not been updated correctly yet. Please contact your administrator.' => '',
1616 1618
  'The authentication database is not reachable at the moment. Either it hasn\'t been set up yet or the database server might be down. Please contact your administrator.' => 'Die Authentifizierungsdatenbank kann momentan nicht erreicht werden. Entweder wurde sie noch nicht eingerichtet, oder der Datenbankserver antwortet nicht. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator.',
1617 1619
  'The available options depend on the varibale type:' => 'Die verfügbaren Optionen hängen vom Datenfeldtypen ab:',
1618 1620
  'The backup you upload here has to be a file created with "pg_dump -o -Ft".' => 'Die von Ihnen hochzuladende Sicherungsdatei muss mit dem Programm und den Parametern "pg_dump -o -Ft" erstellt worden sein.',
1621 1623
  'The base unit does not exist.' => 'Die Basiseinheit existiert nicht.',
1622 1624
  'The base unit relations must not contain loops (e.g. by saying that unit A\'s base unit is B, B\'s base unit is C and C\'s base unit is A) in row %d.' => 'Die Beziehungen der Einheiten dürfen keine Schleifen beinhalten (z.B. wenn gesagt wird, dass Einheit As Basiseinheit B, Bs Basiseinheit C und Cs Basiseinheit A ist) in Zeile %d.',
1623 1625
  'The columns "Dunning Duedate", "Total Fees" and "Interest" show data for the previous dunning created for this invoice.' => 'Die Spalten "Zahlbar bis", "Kumulierte Gebühren" und "Zinsen" zeigen Daten der letzten für diese Rechnung erzeugten Mahnung.',
  'The config file "config/" contained invalid Perl code:' => 'Die Konfigurationsdatei "config/" enthielt ungütigen Perl-Code:',
  'The config file "config/" was not found.' => 'Die Konfigurationsdatei "config/" wurde nicht gefunden.',
  'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/' => 'Die Verbindung zum LDAP-Server kann nicht verschlüsselt werden (Fehler bei SSL/TLS-Initialisierung). Bitte überprüfen Sie die Angaben in config/',
  'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
1627 1627
  'The connection to the authentication database failed:' => 'Die Verbindung zur Authentifizierungsdatenbank schlug fehl:',
1628 1628
  'The connection to the database could not be established.' => 'Die Verbindung zur Datenbank konnte nicht hergestellt werden.',
1629 1629
  'The connection to the template database failed:' => 'Die Verbindung zur Vorlagendatenbank schlug fehl:',
1992 1992
  'close'                       => 'schließen',
1993 1993
  'closed'                      => 'geschlossen',
1994 1994
  'companylogo_subtitle'        => 'Warenwirtschaft und Finanzbuchhaltung',
  'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Das Schlüsselwort "DB_config" fehlt.',
  'config/ Key "LDAP_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Der Schlüssel "LDAP_config" fehlt.',
  'config/ Missing parameters in "DB_config". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".' => 'config/ Fehlende Parameter in "DB_config". Benötigte Parameter sind "host", "db" und "user".',
  'config/ Missing parameters in "LDAP_config". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".' => 'config/ Fehlende Parameter in "LDAP_config". Benötigt werden "host", "attribute" und "base_dn".',
  'config/lx_office.conf: Key "DB_config" is missing.' => '',
  'config/lx_office.conf: Key "authentication/ldap" is missing.' => '',
  'config/lx_office.conf: Missing parameters in "authentication/database". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".' => '',
  'config/lx_office.conf: Missing parameters in "authentication/ldap". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".' => '',
1999 1999
  'continue'                    => 'weiter',
2000 2000
  'correction'                  => 'Korrektur',
2001 2001
  'cp_greeting to cp_gender migration' => 'Datenumwandlung von Titel nach Geschlecht (cp_greeting to cp_gender)',
38 38
  '4. Quarter'                  => '',
39 39
  '<b>What</b> do you want to look for?' => '',
40 40
  'A Buchungsgruppe consists of a descriptive name and the account numbers for the income and expense accounts for those four tax zones as well as the inventory account number.' => '',
  'A digit is required.'        => '',
41 42
  'A group named &quot;Full Access&quot; has been created.' => '',
42 43
  'A group with that name does already exist.' => '',
43 44
  'A lot of the usability of Lx-Office has been enhanced with javascript. Although it is currently possible to use every aspect of Lx-Office without javascript, we strongly recommend it. In a future version this may change and javascript may be necessary to access advanced features.' => '',
  'A lower-case character is required.' => '',
  'A special character is required (valid characters: #1).' => '',
44 47
  'A temporary directory could not be created:' => '',
45 48
  'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => '',
46 49
  'A temporary file could not be created:' => '',
180 183
  'Amount'                      => '',
181 184
  'Amount Due'                  => '',
182 185
  'Amount has to be greater then zero! Wrong row number: ' => '',
  'An invalid character was used (invalid characters: #1).' => '',
  'An invalid character was used (valid characters: #1).' => '',
  'An upper-case character is required.' => '',
183 189
  'Annotations'                 => '',
184 190
  'Another user with the login #1 does already exist.' => '',
185 191
  'Ap aging on %s'              => '',
272 278
  'Bin From'                    => '',
273 279
  'Bin List'                    => '',
274 280
  'Bin To'                      => '',
  'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/' => '',
  'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
276 282
  'Bins saved.'                 => '',
277 283
  'Bins that have been used in the past cannot be deleted anymore. For these bins there\'s no checkbox in the &quot;Delete&quot; column.' => '',
278 284
  'Birthday'                    => '',
383 389
  'Company Name'                => '',
384 390
  'Compare to'                  => '',
385 391
  'Configuration of individual TODO items' => '',
  'Configure'                   => '',
386 393
  'Confirm'                     => '',
387 394
  'Confirm!'                    => '',
388 395
  'Confirmation'                => '',
487 494
  'Database Host'               => '',
488 495
  'Database User'               => '',
489 496
  'Database User missing!'      => '',
  'Database backups and restorations are disabled in lx-erp.conf.' => '',
  'Database backups and restorations are disabled in the configuration.' => '',
491 498
  'Database name'               => '',
492 499
  'Database template'           => '',
493 500
  'Database update error:'      => '',
676 683
  'Edit rights'                 => '',
677 684
  'Edit templates'              => 'Templates, edit',
678 685
  'Edit the Delivery Order'     => '',
  'Edit the configuration for periodic invoices' => '',
679 687
  'Edit the membership of all users in all groups:' => '',
680 688
  'Edit the purchase_order'     => '',
681 689
  'Edit the request_quotation'  => '',
688 696
  'Element disabled'            => '',
689 697
  'Employee'                    => '',
690 698
  'Empty transaction!'          => '',
  'End date'                    => '',
691 700
  'Enter a description for this new draft.' => '',
692 701
  'Enter longdescription'       => '',
693 702
  'Enter the requested execution date or leave empty for the quickest possible execution:' => '',
734 743
  'Export date'                 => '',
735 744
  'Export date from'            => '',
736 745
  'Export date to'              => '',
  'Extend automatically by n months' => '',
737 747
  'Extended'                    => '',
738 748
  'Extension Of Time'           => '',
739 749
  'Factor'                      => '',
766 776
  'For AP transactions it will replace the sales taxkeys with input taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => '',
767 777
  'For AR transactions it will replace the input taxkeys with sales taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => '',
768 778
  'For each unit there\'s either no or exactly one base unit. If you chose a base unit then you also have to chose a factor. That way the new unit will be defined as a multiple of the base unit. The base unit must be the &quot;smaller&quot; one. A factor may not be less than 1. Therefore you may define &quot;kg&quot; with the base unit &quot;g&quot; and a factor of &quot;1&quot;, but not the other way round.' => '',
  'For further information read this:' => '',
769 780
  'Foreign Exchange Gain'       => '',
770 781
  'Foreign Exchange Loss'       => '',
771 782
  'Foreign Expenses'            => '',
812 823
  'Help Template Variables'     => '',
813 824
  'Here\'s an example command line:' => '',
814 825
  'Hide by default'             => '',
  'History'                     => '',
816 826
  'History Search'              => '',
817 827
  'History Search Engine'       => '',
818 828
  'Homepage'                    => '',
830 840
  'If you chose to let Lx-Office do the migration then Lx-Office will also remove the old member file after creating a backup copy of it in the directory &quot;#1&quot;.' => '',
831 841
  'If you enter values for the part number and / or part description then only those bins containing parts whose part number or part description match your input will be shown.' => '',
832 842
  'If you see this message, you most likely just setup your LX-Office and haven\'t added any entry types. If this is the case, the option is accessible for administrators in the System menu.' => '',
  'If you want to change any of these parameters then press the &quot;Back&quot; button, edit the file &quot;config/; and login into the admin module again.' => '',
  'If you want to change any of these parameters then press the &quot;Back&quot; button, edit the file &quot;config/lx_office.conf&quot; and login into the admin module again.' => '',
834 844
  'If you want to delete such a dataset you have to edit the user(s) that are using the dataset in question and have them use another dataset.' => '',
835 845
  'If you want to set up the authentication database yourself then log in to the administration panel. Lx-Office will then create the database and tables for you.' => '',
836 846
  'If you yourself want to upgrade the installation then please read the file &quot;doc/UPGRADE&quot; and follow the steps outlined in this file.' => '',
1084 1094
  'No group has been selected, or the group does not exist anymore.' => '',
1085 1095
  'No groups have been added yet.' => '',
1086 1096
  'No licenses were found that match the search criteria.' => '',
  'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/".' => '',
  'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/lx_office.conf".' => '',
1088 1098
  'No part was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
1089 1099
  'No prices will be updated because no prices have been entered.' => '',
1090 1100
  'No problems were recognized.' => '',
1144 1154
  'Openings'                    => '',
1145 1155
  'Optional comment'            => '',
1146 1156
  'Options'                     => '',
  'Or download the whole Installation Documentation as PDF (110kB) for off-line study (currently in German Language).' => '',
1147 1158
  'Order'                       => '',
1148 1159
  'Order Date'                  => '',
1149 1160
  'Order Date missing!'         => '',
1198 1209
  'Payment posted!'             => '',
1199 1210
  'Payment terms deleted!'      => '',
1200 1211
  'Payments'                    => '',
  'Per. Inv.'                   => '',
1201 1213
  'Period'                      => '',
1202 1214
  'Period:'                     => '',
  'Periodic Invoices'           => '',
  'Periodic invoices active'    => '',
  'Periodic invoices inactive'  => '',
  'Periodicity'                 => '',
1203 1219
  'Personal settings'           => '',
1204 1220
  'Pg Database Administration'  => '',
1205 1221
  'Phone'                       => '',
1265 1281
  'Pricegroups'                 => '',
1266 1282
  'Print'                       => '',
1267 1283
  'Print and Post'              => '',
  'Print automatically'         => '',
1268 1285
  'Print dunnings'              => '',
1269 1286
  'Print list'                  => '',
1270 1287
  'Print options'               => '',
1500 1517
  'Spoolfile'                   => '',
1501 1518
  'Start Dunning Process'       => '',
1502 1519
  'Start analysis'              => '',
  'Start date'                  => '',
1503 1521
  'Start the correction assistant' => '',
1504 1522
  'Startdate_coa'               => '',
1505 1523
  'Starting Balance'            => '',
1507 1525
  'Statement Balance'           => '',
1508 1526
  'Statement sent to'           => '',
1509 1527
  'Statements sent to printer!' => '',
  'Status'                      => '',
1510 1529
  'Step 1 of 3: Parts'          => '',
1511 1530
  'Step 2'                      => '',
1512 1531
  'Step 2 of 3: Services'       => '',
1586 1605
  'The AP transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
1587 1606
  'The AR transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
1588 1607
  'The GL transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
  'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/' => '',
  'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
1590 1609
  'The SEPA export has been created.' => '',
1591 1610
  'The SEPA strings have been saved.' => '',
1592 1611
  'The access rights have been saved.' => '',
1594 1613
  'The account 3804 will not be added automatically.' => '',
1595 1614
  'The assembly has been created.' => '',
1596 1615
  'The assistant could not find anything wrong with #1. Maybe the problem has been solved in the meantime.' => '',
  'The authentication configuration file &quot;config/; does not exist. This Lx-Office installation has probably not been updated correctly yet. Please contact your administrator.' => '',
  'The authentication configuration file &quot;config/lx_office.conf&quot; does not exist. This Lx-Office installation has probably not been updated correctly yet. Please contact your administrator.' => '',
1598 1617
  'The authentication database is not reachable at the moment. Either it hasn\'t been set up yet or the database server might be down. Please contact your administrator.' => '',
1599 1618
  'The available options depend on the varibale type:' => '',
1600 1619
  'The backup you upload here has to be a file created with &quot;pg_dump -o -Ft&quot;.' => '',
1603 1622
  'The base unit does not exist.' => '',
1604 1623
  'The base unit relations must not contain loops (e.g. by saying that unit A\'s base unit is B, B\'s base unit is C and C\'s base unit is A) in row %d.' => '',
1605 1624
  'The columns &quot;Dunning Duedate&quot;, &quot;Total Fees&quot; and &quot;Interest&quot; show data for the previous dunning created for this invoice.' => '',
  'The config file "config/" contained invalid Perl code:' => '',
  'The config file "config/" was not found.' => '',
  'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/' => '',
  'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
1609 1626
  'The connection to the authentication database failed:' => '',
1610 1627
  'The connection to the database could not be established.' => '',
1611 1628
  'The connection to the template database failed:' => '',
1631 1648
  'The dunning process started' => '',
1632 1649
  'The dunnings have been printed.' => '',
1633 1650
  'The email address is missing.' => '',
  'The end date is the last day for which invoices will possibly be created.' => '',
1634 1652
  'The factor is missing in row %d.' => '',
1635 1653
  'The factor is missing.'      => '',
1636 1654
  'The first reason is that Lx-Office contained a bug which resulted in the wrong taxkeys being recorded for transactions in which two entries are posted for the same chart with different taxkeys.' => '',
1651 1669
  'The group has been saved.'   => '',
1652 1670
  'The group memberships have been saved.' => '',
1653 1671
  'The group name is missing.'  => '',
  'The licensing module has been deactivated in lx-erp.conf.' => '',
  'The licensing module has been deactivated in the configuration.' => '',
1655 1673
  'The list has been printed.'  => '',
1656 1674
  'The login is missing.'       => '',
1657 1675
  'The name in row %d has already been used before.' => '',
1665 1683
  'The parts have been removed.' => '',
1666 1684
  'The parts have been stocked.' => '',
1667 1685
  'The parts have been transferred.' => '',
  'The password is too long (maximum length: #1).' => '',
  'The password is too short (minimum length: #1).' => '',
  'The password is weak (e.g. it can be found in a dictionary).' => '',
1668 1689
  'The payments have been posted.' => '',
1669 1690
  'The pg_dump process could not be started.' => '',
1670 1691
  'The pg_restore process could not be started.' => '',
1683 1704
  'The selected warehouse does not exist.' => '',
1684 1705
  'The selected warehouse is empty, or no stocked items where found that match the filter settings.' => '',
1685 1706
  'The session is invalid or has expired.' => '',
  'The settings were saved, but the password was not changed.' => '',
1686 1708
  'The source warehouse does not contain any bins.' => '',
  'The start date is missing.'  => '',
1687 1710
  'The subject is missing.'     => '',
1688 1711
  'The tables for user management and authentication do not exist. They will be created in the next step in the following database:' => '',
1689 1712
  'The tabulator character'     => '',
1944 1967
  '[email]'                     => '',
1945 1968
  'account_description'         => '',
1946 1969
  'accrual'                     => '',
  'active'                      => '',
1947 1971
  'all entries'                 => '',
1948 1972
  'ap_aging_list'               => '',
1949 1973
  'ar_aging_list'               => '',
1967 1991
  'close'                       => '',
1968 1992
  'closed'                      => '',
1969 1993
  'companylogo_subtitle'        => '',
  'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => '',
  'config/ Key "LDAP_config" is missing.' => '',
  'config/ Missing parameters in "DB_config". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".' => '',
  'config/ Missing parameters in "LDAP_config". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".' => '',
  'config/lx_office.conf: Key "DB_config" is missing.' => '',
  'config/lx_office.conf: Key "authentication/ldap" is missing.' => '',
  'config/lx_office.conf: Missing parameters in "authentication/database". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".' => '',
  'config/lx_office.conf: Missing parameters in "authentication/ldap". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".' => '',
1974 1998
  'continue'                    => '',
1975 1999
  'correction'                  => '',
1976 2000
  'cp_greeting to cp_gender migration' => '',
1998 2022
  'general_ledger_list'         => '',
1999 2023
  'history'                     => '',
2000 2024
  'history search engine'       => '',
  'inactive'                    => '',
2001 2026
  'invoice'                     => '',
2002 2027
  'invoice_list'                => '',
2003 2028
  'lead deleted!'               => '',
2011 2036
  'mark as paid'                => '',
2012 2037
  'missing'                     => '',
2013 2038
  'month'                       => '',
  'monthly'                     => '',
2014 2040
  'new Window'                  => '',
2015 2041
  'no'                          => '',
2016 2042
  'no bestbefore'               => '',
2017 2043
  'no chargenumber'             => '',
2018 2044
  'none (pricegroup)'           => '',
  'not configured'              => '',
2019 2046
  'not executed'                => '',
2020 2047
  'not transferred in yet'      => '',
2021 2048
  'not transferred out yet'     => '',
2040 2067
  'purchase_order'              => '',
2041 2068
  'purchase_order_list'         => '',
2042 2069
  'quarter'                     => '',
  'quarterly'                   => '',
2043 2071
  'quotation_list'              => '',
2044 2072
  'release_material'            => '',
2045 2073
  'report_generator_dispatch_to is not defined.' => '',
2069 2097
  'tax_taxdescription'          => '',
2070 2098
  'tax_taxkey'                  => '',
2071 2099
  'taxnumber'                   => '',
  'terminated'                  => '',
2072 2101
  'to (date)'                   => '',
2073 2102
  'to (time)'                   => '',
2074 2103
  'transfer'                    => '',
2085 2114
  'warehouse_journal_list'      => '',
2086 2115
  'warehouse_report_list'       => '',
2087 2116
  'wrongformat'                 => '',
  'yearly'                      => '',
2088 2118
  'yes'                         => '',
2089 2119
2090 2120

6 6
 <p>[%- 'The authentication database is not reachable at the moment. Either it hasn\'t been set up yet or the database server might be down. Please contact your administrator.' | $T8 %]</p>
7 7

8 8
 <p>[% 'If you want to set up the authentication database yourself then log in to the administration panel. Lx-Office will then create the database and tables for you.' | $T8 %]</p>

 <p>[% 'For further information read this:' | $T8 %] <a href="doc/INSTALL/Benutzerauthentifizierung-und-Administratorpasswort.html" target="_blank">Lx-Office Installation</a><br>
 [% 'Or download the whole Installation Documentation as PDF (110kB) for off-line study (currently in German Language).' | $T8 %] <a href="doc/Lx-Office_Installation_DE.pdf">Lx-Office_Installation_DE.pdf</a></p>
10 14
11 15
  <a href="" target="_top">[% 'Login' | $T8 %]</a> |
12 16
  <a href="" target="_top">[% 'Administration' | $T8 %]</a>

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