kivitendo/SL/BackgroundJob/ @ ad4ce1fa
907818a6 | Bernd Bleßmann | package SL::BackgroundJob::SendFollowUpReminder;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::BackgroundJob::Base);
use SL::DB::AuthUser;
use SL::DB::FollowUp;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::Mailer;
use SL::Presenter;
use SL::Util qw(trim);
use DateTime;
use File::Slurp qw(slurp);
use List::Util qw(any);
use Try::Tiny;
use URI;
sub create_job {
$_[0]->create_standard_job('7 6 1-5 * *'); # every workday at 06:07
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar' => [ qw(params) ],
# If job does not throw an error,
# success in background_job_histories is 'success'.
# It is 'failure' otherwise.
# Return value goes to result in background_job_histories.
sub run {
my ($self, $db_obj) = @_;
$self->{$_} = [] for qw(job_errors);
$self->initialize_params($db_obj->data_as_hash) if $db_obj;
my @follow_up_date_where = ();
push @follow_up_date_where, (follow_up_date => { ge => [ $self->params->{from_date} ]}) if $self->params->{from_date};
push @follow_up_date_where, (follow_up_date => { le => [ $self->params->{to_date} ]}) if $self->params->{to_date};
my $follow_ups = SL::DB::Manager::FollowUp->get_all(where => ['' => undef,
@follow_up_date_where, ],
with_objects => ['done'],
sort_by => ['follow_up_date']);
# Collect follow ups for users with e-mail-address.
my $mail_to_by_employee_id;
foreach my $follow_up (@$follow_ups) {
# add link
$follow_up->{link} = URI->new_abs('' . $follow_up->id, $::form->_get_request_uri);
foreach my $employee (@{ $follow_up->created_for_employees }) {
next if $employee->deleted;
if (!exists $mail_to_by_employee_id->{$employee->id}) {
my $user = SL::DB::Manager::AuthUser->find_by(login => $employee->login);
if ($user) {
my $mail_to = trim($user->get_config_value('email'));
next if !$mail_to;
$mail_to_by_employee_id->{$employee->id}->{mail_to} = $mail_to;
if (exists $mail_to_by_employee_id->{$employee->id}) {
push @{ $mail_to_by_employee_id->{$employee->id}->{follow_ups} }, $follow_up;
foreach (keys %$mail_to_by_employee_id) {
my ($message, $content_type) = $self->generate_message($mail_to_by_employee_id->{$_}->{follow_ups});
my $mail = Mailer->new;
$mail->{from} = $self->params->{email_from};
$mail->{to} = $mail_to_by_employee_id->{$_}->{mail_to};
$mail->{bcc} = SL::DB::Default->get->global_bcc;
$mail->{subject} = $self->params->{email_subject};
$mail->{message} = $message;
$mail->{content_type} = $content_type;
my $error = $mail->send;
if ($error) {
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $error;
my $msg = t8('Follow ups reminder sent.');
# die if errors exists
if (@{ $self->{job_errors} }) {
$msg .= t8('The following errors occurred:');
$msg .= join "\n", @{ $self->{job_errors} };
die $msg . "\n";
return $msg;
# helper
sub initialize_params {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
# valid parameters with default values
my %valid_params = (
from_date => undef,
to_date => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo,
email_from => $::lx_office_conf{follow_up_reminder}->{email_from},
email_subject => $::lx_office_conf{follow_up_reminder}->{email_subject},
email_template => $::lx_office_conf{follow_up_reminder}->{email_template},
# check user input param names
foreach my $param (keys %$data) {
die "Not a valid parameter: $param" unless exists $valid_params{$param};
# set defaults
{ map { ($_ => $data->{$_} // $valid_params{$_}) } keys %valid_params }
# convert date from string to object
my ($from_date, $to_date);
try {
if ($self->params->{from_date}) {
$from_date = DateTime->from_kivitendo($self->params->{from_date});
# Not undef and no other type.
die unless ref $from_date eq 'DateTime';
if ($self->params->{to_date}) {
$to_date = DateTime->from_kivitendo($self->params->{to_date});
# Not undef and no other type.
die unless ref $to_date eq 'DateTime';
} catch {
die t8("Cannot convert date.") ."\n" .
t8("Input from string: #1", $self->params->{from_date}) . "\n" .
t8("Input to string: #1", $self->params->{to_date}) . "\n" .
t8("Details: #1", $_);
$self->params->{from_date} = $from_date;
$self->params->{to_date} = $to_date;
$self->params->{email_from} = trim($self->params->{email_from});
die t8('No email sender address given.') if !$self->params->{email_from};
return $self->params;
sub generate_message {
my ($self, $follow_ups) = @_;
# Force scripts/ to parse this template:
# parse_html_template('fu/follow_up_reminder_mail')
my $email_template = $self->params->{email_template};
my $template = 'fu/follow_up_reminder_mail';
my $content_type = 'text/html';
my $render_type = 'html';
if ($email_template) {
my $content;
try {
$content = slurp $email_template;
} catch {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), 'Cannot read template file. Error: ' . $_);
return $self->generate_message_simple_text($follow_ups) if !$content;
$template = \$content;
$content_type = $email_template =~ m/.html$/ ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain';
$render_type = $email_template =~ m/.html$/ ? 'html' : 'text';
my $output = SL::Presenter->get->render($template,
{type => $render_type},
follow_ups => $follow_ups);
return ($output, $content_type);
sub generate_message_simple_text {
my ($self, $follow_ups) = @_;
my $output = t8('Unfinished follow-ups') . ":\n";
foreach my $follow_up (@$follow_ups) {
$output .= t8('Follow-Up Date') . ': ' . $follow_up->follow_up_date_as_date;
$output .= ': ' . $follow_up->note->subject;
$output .= ': (' . t8('by') . ' ' . $follow_up->created_by_employee->safe_name . ')';
$output .= ' (' . $follow_up->{link} . ')';
$output .= "\n";
$output .= "\n\n";
return ($output, 'text/plain');
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::BackgroundJob::SendFollowUpReminder - Send emails to employees to
remind them of due follow ups
Get all due follow ups. This are the ones that are not done yet and have a
follow up date until today (configurable, see below).
For each employee addreesed by this follow ups, an email is send (if the
employees email address is configured).
In the kivitendo configuration file (C<config/kivitendo.conf>) in the section
"follow_up_reminder" some settings can be made:
=over 4
=item C<email_from>
The senders email address. This information can be overwriten by
data provided to the background job.
=item C<email_subject>
The subject of the emails. This information can be overwriten by
data provided to the background job.
=item C<email_template>
A template file used to generate the emails content. It will be given an
array of the follow ups in the template variable C<follow_ups>.
You can provide a text or a html template.
If not given, it defaults to C<fu/follow_up_reminder_mail.html> in the
webpages directory.
If given, but not found, a simple text version will be generated as
This information can be overwriten by data provided to the background job.
Also some data can be provided to configure this backgroung job.
If there is data provided and it cannot be validated the background job
from_date: 01.01.2022
to_date: 01.07.2022
email_subject: To-Do
=over 4
=item C<from_date>
The date from which on follow ups not done yet should be collected. It defaults
undef which means from the beginning on.
Example (format depends on your settings):
from_date: 01.01.2022
=item C<to_date>
The date till which follow ups not done yet should be collected. It defaults
to today.
Example (format depends on your settings):
to_date: 01.07.2022
=item C<email_from>
The senders email address. It defaults to the one given in the kivitendo
configuration file (see above). This information must be provided some
=item C<email_subject>
The subject of the emails.
It defaults to the one given in the kvitendo configuration file (see above).
email_subject: To-Do
=item C<email_template>
A template file used to generate the emails content. It will be given an
array of the follow ups in the template variable C<follow_ups>. You can
provide a text or a html template.
It defaults to the one given in the kvitendo configuration file (see above).
email_template: templates/my_templates/my_reminder_template.txt
=head1 AUTHOR
Bernd Bleßmann E<lt>bernd@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>