Revision ad04be0a
Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 3 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
use SL::Helper::UserPreferences::UpdatePositions;
use SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels;
use SL::Controller::DeliveryOrder::TypeData;
use List::Util qw(first sum0);
use List::UtilsBy qw(sort_by uniq_by);
... | ... | |
my ($self) = @_;
my $extra_days = $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_interval :
$self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval : 1;
if ( ($self->type eq sales_order_type() && $::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq sales_quotation_type() && $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_on)
&& (!$self->order->reqdate)) {
$self->order->reqdate(DateTime->today_local->next_workday(extra_days => $extra_days));
... | ... | |
return $self->js->render();
my $text = $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been deleted')
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been deleted')
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been deleted')
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been deleted')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
flash_later('info', $self->type_data->text("delete"));
my @redirect_params = (
action => 'add',
... | ... | |
return $self->js->render();
my $text = $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been saved')
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been saved')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
flash_later('info', $self->type_data->text("saved"));
my @redirect_params = (
action => 'edit',
... | ... | |
: $order->transdate;
# Set new reqdate unless changed if it is enabled in client config
if ($order->reqdate == $saved_order->reqdate) {
my $extra_days = $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_interval :
$self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval : 1;
if ( ($self->type eq sales_order_type() && !$::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq sales_quotation_type() && !$::instance_conf->get_reqdate_on)) {
$new_attrs{reqdate} = '';
} else {
$new_attrs{reqdate} = DateTime->today_local->next_workday(extra_days => $extra_days);
} else {
$new_attrs{reqdate} = $order->reqdate;
$new_attrs{reqdate} = $self->get_reqdate_by_type($order->reqdate, $saved_order->reqdate);
# Update employee
$new_attrs{employee} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current;
... | ... | |
# helpers
sub init_valid_types {
[ sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type(), sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type() ];
sub init_type {
my ($self) = @_;
... | ... | |
sub init_cv {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cv = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), sales_quotation_type())) ? 'customer'
: (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type(), request_quotation_type())) ? 'vendor'
: die "Not a valid type for order";
return $cv;
return $self->type_data->customervendor;
sub init_search_cvpartnumber {
... | ... | |
sub init_part_picker_classification_ids {
my ($self) = @_;
my $attribute = 'used_for_' . ($self->type =~ m{sales} ? 'sale' : 'purchase');
return [ map { $_->id } @{ SL::DB::Manager::PartClassification->get_all(where => [ $attribute => 1 ]) } ];
return [ map { $_->id } @{ SL::DB::Manager::PartClassification->get_all(where => $self->type_date->part_classification_query) } ];
sub check_auth {
my ($self) = @_;
my $right_for = { map { $_ => $_.'_edit' } @{$self->valid_types} };
my $right = $right_for->{ $self->type };
$right ||= 'DOES_NOT_EXIST';
$::auth->assert($self->type_data->access || 'DOES_NOT_EXIST');
# build the selection box for contacts
... | ... | |
my $order;
$order = SL::DB::DeliveryOrder->new(id => $::form->{id})->load(with => [ 'orderitems', 'orderitems.part' ]) if $::form->{id};
$order ||= SL::DB::DeliveryOrder->new(orderitems => [],
quotation => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type())),
quotation => $self->type_data->is_quotation,
currency_id => $::instance_conf->get_currency_id(),);
my $cv_id_method = $self->cv . '_id';
... | ... | |
return $self->js->render();
my $destination_type = $::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() ? sales_quotation_type() : request_quotation_type();
my $destination_type = $self->type_data->workflow("to_quotation_type");
$self->order(SL::DB::DeliveryOrder->new_from($self->order, destination_type => $destination_type));
$self->{converted_from_oe_id} = delete $::form->{id};
... | ... | |
return $self->js->render();
my $destination_type = $::form->{type} eq sales_quotation_type() ? sales_order_type()
: $::form->{type} eq request_quotation_type() ? purchase_order_type()
: $::form->{type} eq purchase_order_type() ? sales_order_type()
: $::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() ? purchase_order_type()
: '';
my $destination_type = $self->type_data->workflow("to_order_type");
# check for direct delivery
# copy shipto in custom shipto (custom shipto will be copied by new_from() in case)
my $custom_shipto;
if ( $::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() && $destination_type eq purchase_order_type()
&& $::form->{use_shipto} && $self->order->shipto) {
if ($self->type_data->workflow("to_order_copy_shipto") && $::form->{use_shipto} && $self->order->shipto) {
$custom_shipto = $self->order->shipto->clone('SL::DB::DeliveryOrder');
... | ... | |
$item->{new_fake_id} = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
if ($::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() && $destination_type eq purchase_order_type()) {
if ($self->type_data->workflow("to_order_copy_shipto")) {
if ($::form->{use_shipto}) {
$self->order->custom_shipto($custom_shipto) if $custom_shipto;
} else {
... | ... | |
if (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type())) {
# Calculate shipped qtys here to prevent calling calculate for every item via the items method.
# Do not use write_to_objects to prevent order->delivered to be set, because this should be
# the value from db, which can be set manually or is set when linked delivery orders are saved.
if ($self->order->number && $::instance_conf->get_webdav) {
my $webdav = SL::Webdav->new(
type => $self->type,
... | ... | |
sub setup_edit_action_bar {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $deletion_allowed = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type()))
|| (($self->type eq sales_order_type()) && $::instance_conf->get_sales_order_show_delete)
|| (($self->type eq purchase_order_type()) && $::instance_conf->get_purchase_order_show_delete);
my $deletion_allowed = $self->type_data->show_menu("delete");
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
... | ... | |
action => [
t8('Save and Quotation'),
submit => [ '#order_form', { action => "DeliveryOrder/sales_quotation" } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type())),
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu("save_and_quotation"),
action => [
t8('Save and RFQ'),
submit => [ '#order_form', { action => "DeliveryOrder/request_for_quotation" } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type())),
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu("save_and_rfq"),
action => [
t8('Save and Sales Order'),
submit => [ '#order_form', { action => "DeliveryOrder/sales_order" } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), purchase_order_type())),
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu("save_and_sales_order"),
action => [
t8('Save and Purchase Order'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_order_check_for_direct_delivery' ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), request_quotation_type())),
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu("save_and_purchase_order"),
action => [
t8('Save and Delivery Order'),
call => [ '', 'save_and_delivery_order', $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type()))
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu("save_and_delivery_order"),
action => [
t8('Save and Invoice'),
... | ... | |
action => [
t8('Save and AP Transaction'),
call => [ '', 'save_and_ap_transaction', $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type()))
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu("save_and_ap_transaction"),
], # end of combobox "Workflow"
... | ... | |
call => [ 'kivi.Order.delete_order' ],
confirm => $::locale->text('Do you really want to delete this object?'),
disabled => !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.') : undef,
only_if => $deletion_allowed,
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu("delete"),
combobox => [
... | ... | |
my ($self, $action) = @_;
return '' if none { lc($action)} qw(add edit);
# for locales:
# $::locale->text("Add Sales Order");
# $::locale->text("Add Purchase Order");
# $::locale->text("Add Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Add Request for Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Edit Sales Order");
# $::locale->text("Edit Purchase Order");
# $::locale->text("Edit Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Edit Request for Quotation");
$action = ucfirst(lc($action));
return $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Sales Order")
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Purchase Order")
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Quotation")
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Request for Quotation")
: '';
return $self->type_data->text($action);
sub get_item_cvpartnumber {
... | ... | |
return $texts;
sub sales_order_type {
sub purchase_order_type {
sub sales_quotation_type {
sub request_quotation_type {
sub nr_key {
return $_[0]->type eq sales_order_type() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq purchase_order_type() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? 'quonumber'
: $_[0]->type eq request_quotation_type() ? 'quonumber'
: '';
return $_[0]->type_data->nr_key;
sub save_and_redirect_to {
... | ... | |
return $self->js->render();
my $text = $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been saved')
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been saved')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
flash_later('info', $self->type_data->text("saved"));
$self->redirect_to(%params, id => $self->order->id);
... | ... | |
sub save_history {
my ($self, $addition) = @_;
my $number_type = $self->order->type =~ m{order} ? 'ordnumber' : 'quonumber';
my $number_type = $self->nr_key;
my $snumbers = $number_type . '_' . $self->order->$number_type;
... | ... | |
return @errors;
sub init_type_data {
sub init_valid_types {
SL/Controller/DeliveryOrder/ | ||
package SL::Controller::DeliveryOrder::TypeData;
use strict;
use Exporter qw(import);
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use constant {
SALES_ORDER_TYPE => 'sales_order',
PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE => 'purchase_order',
SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE => 'sales_quotation',
REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE => 'request_quotation'
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic scalar => [ qw(c) ];
my %type_data = (
text => {
delete => t8('The order has been deleted'),
saved => t8('The order has been saved'),
add => t8("Add Sales Order"),
edit => t8("Edit Sales Order"),
show_menu => {
save_and_quotation => 1,
save_and_rfq => 0,
save_and_sales_order => 0,
save_and_purchase_order => 1,
save_and_delivery_order => 1,
save_and_ap_transaction => 0,
delete => sub { $::instance_conf->get_sales_order_show_delete },
workflow => {
to_order_type => "purchase_order",
to_quotation_type => "sales_quotation",
to_order_copy_shipto => 1,
properties => {
customervendor => "customer",
is_quotation => 0,
nr_key => "ordnumber",
part_classification_query => [ "used_for_sale" => 1 ],
right => "sales_order_edit",
text =>{
delete => t8('The order has been deleted'),
saved => t8('The order has been saved'),
add => t8("Add Purchase Order"),
edit => t8("Edit Purchase Order"),
show_menu => {
save_and_quotation => 0,
save_and_rfq => 1,
save_and_sales_order => 1,
save_and_purchase_order => 0,
save_and_delivery_order => 1,
save_and_ap_transaction => 1,
delete => sub { $::instance_conf->get_purchase_order_show_delete },
workflow => {
to_order_type => "sales_order",
to_quotation_type => "request_quotation",
to_order_copy_shipto => 0,
properties => {
customervendor => "vendor",
is_quotation => 0,
nr_key => "ordnumber",
part_classification_query => [ "used_for_purchase" => 1 ],
right => "purchase_order_edit",
text => {
delete => t8('The quotation has been deleted'),
saved => t8('The quotation has been saved'),
add => t8("Add Quotation"),
edit => t8("Edit Quotation"),
show_menu => {
save_and_quotation => 0,
save_and_rfq => 0,
save_and_sales_order => 1,
save_and_purchase_order => 0,
save_and_delivery_order => 0,
save_and_ap_transaction => 0,
delete => 1,
workflow => {
to_order_type => "sales_order",
to_quotation_type => "request_quotation",
to_order_copy_shipto => 0,
properties => {
customervendor => "customer",
is_quotation => 1,
nr_key => "quonumber",
part_classification_query => [ "used_for_sale" => 1 ],
right => "sales_quotation_edit",
text => {
delete => t8('The rfq has been deleted'),
saved => t8('The rfq has been saved'),
add => t8("Add Request for Quotation"),
edit => t8("Edit Request for Quotation"),
show_menu => {
save_and_quotation => 0,
save_and_rfq => 0,
save_and_sales_order => 0,
save_and_purchase_order => 1,
save_and_delivery_order => 0,
save_and_ap_transaction => 0,
delete => 1,
workflow => {
to_order_type => "purchase_order",
to_quotation_type => "request_quotation",
to_order_copy_shipto => 0,
properties => {
customervendor => "vendor",
is_quotation => 1,
nr_key => "quonumber",
part_classification_query => [ "used_for_purchase" => 1 ],
right => "request_quotation_edit",
sub new {
my ($class, $controller) = @_;
my $o = bless {}, $class;
return $o;
sub valid_types {
sub type {
sub get {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
my $ret = $type_data{$self->type}->{$key} // die "unknown property '$key'";
ref $ret eq 'CODE'
? $ret->()
: $ret;
sub _get3 {
my ($self, $topic, $key) = @_;
my $ret = $type_data{$self->type}->{$topic}->{$key} // die "unknown property '$key' in topic '$topic'";
ref $ret eq 'CODE'
? $ret->()
: $ret;
sub text {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
_get3($self, "text", $string);
sub show_menu {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
_get3($self, "show_menu", $string);
sub workflow {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
_get3($self, "workflow", $string);
sub properties {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
_get3($self, "properties", $string);
sub is_valid_type {
!!exists $type_data{$_[1]};
sub type_data {
$type_data{ $_[0]->type } // die "unknown type";
sub access {
sub is_quotation {
_get3($_[0], "properties", "is_quotation");
sub customervendor {
_get3($_[0], "properties", "customervendor");
sub nr_key {
_get3($_[0], "properties", "nr_key");
sub part_classification_query {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
_get($self, "part_classification_query");
sub set_reqdate_by_type {
my ($self) = @_;
my $extra_days = $self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE ? $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_interval :
$self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval : 1;
if ( ($self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE && $::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE && $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_on)
&& (!$self->order->reqdate)) {
$self->c->order->reqdate(DateTime->today_local->next_workday(extra_days => $extra_days));
sub get_reqdate_by_type {
my ($self, $reqdate, $saved_reqdate) = @_;
if ($reqdate == $saved_reqdate) {
my $extra_days = $self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE ? $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_interval :
$self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval : 1;
if ( ($self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE && !$::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE && !$::instance_conf->get_reqdate_on)) {
return '';
} else {
return DateTime->today_local->next_workday(extra_days => $extra_days);
} else {
return $reqdate;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
DeliveryOrder: type data zentralisiert um das verhalten besser generalisieren zu können