Revision ab4fd70d
Von Moritz Bunkus vor fast 8 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$self->render('bankimport/form', title => $::locale->text('MT940 import'), profile => $self->profile ? 1 : 0);
$self->render('bankimport/form', title => $::locale->text('Import statement (MT940 format)'), profile => $self->profile ? 1 : 0);
sub action_import_mt940 {
... | ... | |
submit => [ '#form', { action => 'BankImport/import_mt940' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
combobox => [
action => [ t8('Account') ],
link => [
t8('Post Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankTransaction', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Reconciliation with bank'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'Reconciliation', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Manual Reconciliation'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => '', action => 'reconciliation'),
SL/Controller/ | ||
title => t8('Post Bank Statement'),
BANK_ACCOUNTS => $bank_accounts);
... | ... | |
$self->report_generator_list_objects(report => $self->{report}, objects => $self->models->get);
report => $self->{report},
objects => $self->models->get,
options => {
action_bar_setup_hook => sub { $self->setup_list_all_action_bar(report_generator_actions => \@_) },
sub action_list {
... | ... | |
$bank_transactions = [ sort { $b->{agreement} <=> $a->{agreement} } @{ $bank_transactions } ] if $::form->{sort_by} eq 'proposal' and $::form->{sort_dir} == 0;
title => t8('Bank transactions MT940'),
BANK_TRANSACTIONS => $bank_transactions,
... | ... | |
std_column_visibility => 1,
controller_class => 'BankTransaction',
output_format => 'HTML',
top_info_text => $::locale->text('Bank transactions'),
title => $::locale->text('Bank transactions'),
top_info_text => $::locale->text('Show account movements'),
title => $::locale->text('Show account movements'),
allow_pdf_export => 1,
allow_csv_export => 1,
... | ... | |
submit => [ '#search_form', { action => 'BankTransaction/list' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
combobox => [
action => [ t8('Account') ],
link => [
t8('Import Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankImport', action => 'upload_mt940'),
link => [
t8('Reconciliation with bank'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'Reconciliation', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Manual Reconciliation'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => '', action => 'reconciliation'),
sub setup_list_action_bar {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
combobox => [
action => [ t8('Save') ],
action => [
t8('Save assigned invoices'),
submit => [ '#list_all_form', { action => 'BankTransaction/save_invoices' } ],
action => [
t8('Save selected proposals'),
submit => [ '#list_automatic_form', { action => 'BankTransaction/save_proposals' } ],
], # end of combobox "Save"
combobox => [
action => [ t8('Account') ],
link => [
t8('Import Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankImport', action => 'upload_mt940'),
link => [
t8('Reconciliation with bank'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'Reconciliation', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Manual Reconciliation'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => '', action => 'reconciliation'),
], # end of combobox "Account"
... | ... | |
submit => [ '#filter_form', { action => 'BankTransaction/list_all' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
@{ $params{report_generator_actions} },
combobox => [
action => [ t8('Account') ],
link => [
t8('Import Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankImport', action => 'upload_mt940'),
link => [
t8('Post Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankTransaction', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Reconciliation with bank'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'Reconciliation', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Manual Reconciliation'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => '', action => 'reconciliation'),
SL/Controller/ | ||
id => 'action_import',
if ($self->profile && ($self->profile->{type} eq 'bank_transactions')) {
combobox => [
action => [ t8('Account') ],
link => [
t8('Post Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankTransaction', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Reconciliation with bank'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'Reconciliation', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Manual Reconciliation'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => '', action => 'reconciliation'),
SL/Controller/ | ||
ui_tab => scalar(@{$self->{PROPOSALS}}) > 0?1:0,
title => t8('Reconciliation'));
title => t8('Reconciliation with bank'));
sub action_load_overview {
... | ... | |
submit => [ '#search_form', { action => 'Reconciliation/reconciliation' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
combobox => [
action => [ t8('Account') ],
link => [
t8('Import Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankImport', action => 'upload_mt940'),
link => [
t8('Post Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankTransaction', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Manual Reconciliation'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => '', action => 'reconciliation'),
... | ... | |
call => [ 'filter_table' ],
accesskey => 'enter',
combobox => [
action => [ t8('Account') ],
link => [
t8('Import Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankImport', action => 'upload_mt940'),
link => [
t8('Post Bank Statement'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => 'BankTransaction', action => 'search'),
link => [
t8('Manual Reconciliation'),
link => $self->url_for(controller => '', action => 'reconciliation'),
SL/Presenter/ | ||
return $self->record_list(
title => $::locale->text('Bank transactions'),
title => $::locale->text('Account movements'),
type => 'bank_transactions',
columns => [
[ $::locale->text('Transdate'), 'transdate' ],
bin/mozilla/ | ||
submit => [ '#form', { action => "get_payments" } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
combobox => [
action => [ t8('Account') ],
link => [
t8('Import Bank Statement'),
link => '',
link => [
t8('Post Bank Statement'),
link => '',
link => [
t8('Reconciliation with bank'),
link => '',
locale/de/all | ||
'Account deleted!' => 'Konto gelöscht!',
'Account for fees' => 'Konto für Gebühren',
'Account for interest' => 'Konto für Zinsen',
'Account movements' => 'Kontobewegungen',
'Account number' => 'Kontonummer',
'Account number not unique!' => 'Kontonummer bereits vorhanden!',
'Account number of the goal/source' => 'Ziel- oder Quellkonto',
... | ... | |
'Bank Code Number' => 'Bankleitzahl',
'Bank Connection Tax Office' => 'Bankverbindung des Finanzamts',
'Bank Connections' => 'Bankverbindungen',
'Bank Import' => 'Kontoauszug importieren',
'Bank Transaction' => 'Bankkonto',
'Bank account' => 'Bankkonto',
'Bank accounts' => 'Bankkonten',
... | ... | |
'Import' => 'Import',
'Import AP from Scanner or Email' => 'Einkaufsbelege importieren vom Scanner oder von Email',
'Import AR from Scanner or Email' => 'Verkaufsbelege importieren vom Scanner oder von Email',
'Import Bank Statement' => 'Kontoauszug importieren',
'Import CSV' => 'CSV-Import',
'Import Status' => 'Import Status',
'Import a MT940 file:' => 'Laden Sie eine MT940 Datei hoch:',
... | ... | |
'Import profiles' => 'Import-Profil',
'Import result' => 'Import-Ergebnis',
'Import scanned documents' => 'Importiere gescannte Dateien',
'Import statement (MT940 format)' => 'Kontoauszug importieren (MT940-Format)',
'In order to do that hit the button "Delete transaction".' => 'Drücken Sie dafür auf den Button "Buchung löschen".',
'In order to migrate the old folder structure into the new structure you have to chose which client the old structure will be assigned to.' => 'Um die alte Ordnerstruktur in die neue Struktur zu migrieren, müssen Sie festlegen, welchem Mandanten die bisherige Struktur zugewiesen wird.',
'In order to use kivitendo you have to create at least a client, a user and a group.' => 'Um kivitendo zu nutzen, müssen Sie mindestens einen Mandanten, einen Benutzer und eine Gruppe anlegen.',
... | ... | |
'MAILED' => 'Gesendet',
'MD' => 'PT',
'MIME type' => 'MIME-Typ',
'MT940 import' => 'MT940 Import',
'Main Preferences' => 'Grundeinstellungen',
'Main sorting' => 'Hauptsortierung',
'Make' => 'Lieferant',
... | ... | |
'Mandate Date of Signature' => 'Mandat-Unterschriftsdatum',
'Mandator ID' => 'Mandanten-ID',
'Mandatory Departments' => 'Benutzer muss Abteilungen vergeben',
'Manual Reconciliation' => 'Manueller Kontenabgleich',
'Manually sent E-Mails will have their BCC field appended with this address. Will not trigger for employees without the right to send bcc, and will not apply to mails sent by automated jobs.' => 'Diese Mailadresse wird automatisch in das BCC Feld bei Mailversand kopiert. Hat keine Auswirkungen für Mitarbeiter ohne das Recht BCC zu versenden, und ignoriert wenn Mails automatisch versendet werden.',
'Map' => 'Karte',
'Mappings (csv_import)' => 'Spaltenzuordnungen',
... | ... | |
'Portrait' => 'Hochformat',
'Position type in quotation/order' => 'Positionstyp in Angebot/Auftrag',
'Post' => 'Buchen',
'Post Bank Statement' => 'Kontoauszug verbuchen',
'Post Outgoing Payment' => 'Zahlungsausgang verbuchen',
'Post Payment' => 'Zahlung buchen',
'Post Receipt' => 'Zahlungseingang verbuchen',
... | ... | |
'Save and keep open' => 'Speichern und geöffnet lassen',
'Save as a new draft.' => 'Als neuen Entwurf speichern',
'Save as new' => 'Als neu speichern',
'Save assigned invoices' => 'Zugewiesene Rechnungen speichern',
'Save document in WebDAV repository' => 'Dokument in WebDAV-Ablage speichern',
'Save draft' => 'Entwurf speichern',
'Save invoices' => 'Rechnungen speichern',
'Save profile' => 'Profil speichern',
'Save proposals' => 'Vorschläge speichern',
'Save selected proposals' => 'Ausgewählte Vorschläge speichern',
'Save settings as' => 'Einstellungen speichern unter',
'Saving failed. Error message from the database: #1' => 'Speichern schlug fehl. Fehlermeldung der Datenbank: #1',
'Saving the file \'%s\' failed. OS error message: %s' => 'Das Speichern der Datei \'%s\' schlug fehl. Fehlermeldung des Betriebssystems: %s',
... | ... | |
'Search' => 'Suchen',
'Search AP Aging' => 'Offene Verbindlichkeiten',
'Search AR Aging' => 'Offene Forderungen',
'Search bank transactions' => 'Filter für Bankbuchungen',
'Search contacts' => 'Personensuche',
'Search projects' => 'Projektsuche',
'Search term' => 'Suchbegriff',
... | ... | |
'Show Stornos' => 'Stornos anzeigen',
'Show TODO list' => 'Aufgabenliste anzeigen',
'Show Transfer via default' => 'Ein- / Auslagern über Standardlagerplatz anzeigen (zusätzlicher Knopf in Beleg Lieferschein)',
'Show account movements' => 'Kontobewegungen anzeigen',
'Show administration link' => 'Link zur Administration anzeigen',
'Show all details' => 'Alle Details anzeigen',
'Show all parts' => 'Alle Artikel anzeigen',
menus/user/00-erp.yaml | ||
action: bank_transfer_search
vc: vendor
- parent: cash
id: cash_bank_import
name: Bank Import
order: 500
access: bank_transaction
action: BankImport/upload_mt940
- parent: cash
id: cash_bank_transactions_mt940
name: Bank transactions MT940
order: 600
access: bank_transaction
action: BankTransaction/search
- parent: cash
id: cash_reconciliation_with_bank
name: Reconciliation with bank
order: 700
access: bank_transaction
action: Reconciliation/search
- parent: cash
id: cash_reconciliation
name: Reconciliation
icon: reconcilliation
order: 800
access: cash
action: reconciliation
- parent: cash
id: cash_reports
name: Reports
icon: cash_report
order: 900
- parent: cash_reports
id: cash_reports_bank_transactions
name: Bank transactions
id: cash_bank_transactions
name: Account movements
order: 500
access: bank_transaction
templates/webpages/bank_transactions/search.html | ||
[%- INCLUDE 'common/flash.html' %]
<form method="post" action="" id="search_form">
<h1>[% title %]</h1>
<div class="listtop">[% 'Search bank transactions' | $T8 %]</div>
<form method="post" action="" id="search_form">
templates/webpages/bank_transactions/tabs/all.html | ||
[% L.hidden_tag('filter.bank_account', FORM.filter.bank_account) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('filter.fromdate', FORM.filter.fromdate) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('filter.todate', FORM.filter.todate) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('action', 'BankTransaction/dispatch') %]
[% L.hidden_tag('ui_tab', ui_tab) %]
<table id="bt_list">
... | ... | |
[% L.submit_tag('action_save_invoices', LxERP.t8('Save invoices')) %]
[% L.button_tag('kivi.BankTransaction.show_set_all_sources_memos_dialog("#list_all_form [name^=\\"sources_\\"]:visible", "#list_all_form [name^=\\"memos_\\"]:visible")', LxERP.t8('Set all source and memo fields')) %]
templates/webpages/bank_transactions/tabs/automatic.html | ||
[% L.hidden_tag('filter.bank_account', FORM.filter.bank_account) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('filter.fromdate', FORM.filter.fromdate) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('filter.todate', FORM.filter.todate) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('action', 'BankTransaction/dispatch') %]
[% L.hidden_tag('ui_tab', ui_tab) %]
<table id="bank_transactions_proposals">
... | ... | |
[% L.submit_tag('action_save_proposals', LxERP.t8('Save proposals')) %]
[% L.button_tag('kivi.BankTransaction.show_set_all_sources_memos_dialog("#list_automatic_form [name^=\\"sources.\\"]", "#list_automatic_form [name^=\\"memos.\\"]")', LxERP.t8('Set all source and memo fields')) %]
templates/webpages/rc/step1.html | ||
[%- USE HTML %]
[%- USE L %]
[%- USE LxERP %]
<h1>[% 'Reconciliation' | $T8 %]</h1>
<h1>[% 'Manual Reconciliation' | $T8 %]</h1>
<form method="post" action="" id="form">
templates/webpages/rc/step2.html | ||
[%- USE T8 %]
[%- USE LxERP %]
<h1>[% accno | html %]--[% account | html %]</h1>
<h1>[% LxERP.t8('Manual Reconciliation') %] — [% accno | html %] — [% account | html %]</h1>
<p>[% FOREACH row IN option %][% row %][% ', ' UNLESS loop.last %][% END %]</p>
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Menüvereinheitlichung: »Zahlungsverkehr« → »Kontobewegungen/Auszugsimport/Verbuchen/Abgleich« umgestellt