kivitendo/SL/File/Backend/ @ a9ebf4e6
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | package SL::File::Backend::Filesystem;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::File::Backend);
use SL::DB::File;
0b39fe88 | Tamino Steinert | use SL::DB::FileVersion;
fe681ce4 | Jan Büren | |||
378828e9 | Tamino Steinert | use Carp;
use List::Util qw(first);
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | use File::Copy;
use File::Slurp;
c5057972 | Bernd Bleßmann | use File::stat;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | use File::Path qw(make_path);
fe681ce4 | Jan Büren | use UUID::Tiny ':std';
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | |||
# public methods
sub delete {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
56371b77 | Martin Helmling | die "no dbfile in backend delete" unless $params{dbfile};
378828e9 | Tamino Steinert | |||
my @versions_to_delete;
ca10be4b | Tamino Steinert | if ($params{file_version}) {
croak "file_version has to be of type SL::DB::FileVersion"
unless ref $params{file_version} eq 'SL::DB::FileVersion';
@versions_to_delete = ($params{file_version});
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | } else {
ca10be4b | Tamino Steinert | my @versions = @{$params{dbfile}->file_versions_sorted};
if ($params{last}) {
my $last = pop @versions;
@versions_to_delete = ($last);
} elsif ($params{all_but_notlast}) {
pop @versions; # remove last
@versions_to_delete = @versions;
} else {
@versions_to_delete = @versions;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | }
378828e9 | Tamino Steinert | foreach my $version (@versions_to_delete) {
return 1;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | }
6da526ef | Tamino Steinert | sub rename {
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | sub save {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
e823b5d6 | Jan Büren | |||
die 'dbfile not exists' unless ref $params{dbfile} eq 'SL::DB::File';
die 'no file contents' unless $params{file_path} || $params{file_contents};
my $dbfile = delete $params{dbfile};
c5057972 | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
# Do not save and do not create a new version of the document if file size of last version is the same.
if ($dbfile->source eq 'created' && $self->get_version_count(dbfile => $dbfile)) {
my $new_file_size = $params{file_path} ? stat($params{file_path})->size : length($params{file_contents});
my $last_file_size = stat($self->_filesystem_path($dbfile))->size;
return 1 if $last_file_size == $new_file_size;
378828e9 | Tamino Steinert | my @versions = @{$dbfile->file_versions_sorted};
my $new_version_number = scalar @versions ? $versions[-1]->version + 1 : 1;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | |||
378828e9 | Tamino Steinert | my $tofile = $self->_filesystem_path($dbfile, $new_version_number);
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | if ($params{file_path} && -f $params{file_path}) {
File::Copy::copy($params{file_path}, $tofile);
e823b5d6 | Jan Büren | } elsif ($params{file_contents}) {
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | open(OUT, "> " . $tofile);
print OUT $params{file_contents};
0b39fe88 | Tamino Steinert | |||
# save file version
fe681ce4 | Jan Büren | my $doc_path = $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{document_path};
my $rel_file = $tofile;
$rel_file =~ s/$doc_path//;
my $fv = SL::DB::FileVersion->new(
0b39fe88 | Tamino Steinert | file_id => $dbfile->id,
378828e9 | Tamino Steinert | version => $new_version_number,
0b39fe88 | Tamino Steinert | file_location => $rel_file,
doc_path => $doc_path,
backend => 'Filesystem',
guid => create_uuid_as_string(UUID_V4),
74d8dd6f | Martin Helmling | if ($params{mtime}) {
utime($params{mtime}, $params{mtime}, $tofile);
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | return 1;
sub get_version_count {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
die "no dbfile" unless $params{dbfile};
378828e9 | Tamino Steinert | my $file_id = $params{dbfile}->id;
return 0 unless defined $file_id;
return SL::DB::Manager::FileVersion->get_all_count(where => [file_id => $file_id]);
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | }
sub get_mtime {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
378828e9 | Tamino Steinert | my $path = $self->get_filepath(%params);
c5dc4974 | Jan Büren | |||
c5057972 | Bernd Bleßmann | my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => stat($path)->mtime, time_zone => $::locale->get_local_time_zone()->name, locale => $::lx_office_conf{system}->{language})->clone();
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | return $dt;
sub get_filepath {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
die "no dbfile" unless $params{dbfile};
my $path = $self->_filesystem_path($params{dbfile},$params{version});
2329b45d | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
die "No file found at $path. Expected: $params{dbfile}{file_name}, $params{dbfile}{id}" if !-f $path;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | return $path;
sub get_content {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $path = $self->get_filepath(%params);
return "" unless $path;
my $contents = File::Slurp::read_file($path);
return \$contents;
sub enabled {
bf980f4c | Martin Helmling | return 0 unless $::instance_conf->get_doc_files;
return 0 unless $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{document_path};
return 0 unless -d $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{document_path};
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | return 1;
cff4d333 | Martin Helmling | sub sync_from_backend {
378828e9 | Tamino Steinert | die "Not implemented";
cff4d333 | Martin Helmling | }
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | |||
# internals
sub _filesystem_path {
my ($self, $dbfile, $version) = @_;
bf980f4c | Martin Helmling | die "No files backend enabled" unless $::instance_conf->get_doc_files || $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{document_path};
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | |||
ee33f8a4 | Tamino Steinert | unless ($version) {
my $file_version = SL::DB::Manager::FileVersion->get_first(
where => [file_id => $dbfile->id],
sort_by => 'version DESC'
) or die "Could not find a file version for file with id " . $dbfile->id;
$version = $file_version->version;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | # use filesystem with depth 3
my $iddir = sprintf("%04d", $dbfile->id % 1000);
bf980f4c | Martin Helmling | my $path = File::Spec->catdir($::lx_office_conf{paths}->{document_path}, $::auth->client->{id}, $iddir, $dbfile->id);
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | if (!-d $path) {
File::Path::make_path($path, { chmod => 0770 });
return File::Spec->catdir($path, $dbfile->id . '_' . $version);
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::File::Backend::Filesystem - Filesystem class for file storage backend
See the synopsis of L<SL::File::Backend>.
This specific storage backend use a Filesystem which is only accessed by this interface.
This is the big difference to the Webdav backend where the files can be accessed without the control of that backend.
This backend use the database id of the SL::DB::File object as filename. The filesystem has up to 1000 subdirectories
to store the files not to flat in the filesystem. In this Subdirectories for each file an additional subdirectory exists
for the versions of this file.
The Versioning is done via a Versionnumber which is incremented by one for each version.
So the Version 2 of the file with the database id 4 is stored as path {root}/0004/4/4_2.
=head1 METHODS
See methods of L<SL::File::Backend>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Helmling E<lt>martin.helmling@opendynamic.deE<gt>