1 |
use Test::More tests => 29;
2 |
3 |
use strict;
4 |
5 |
use lib 't';
6 |
use utf8;
7 |
8 |
use Support::TestSetup;
9 |
10 |
use Carp;
11 |
use Data::Dumper;
12 |
use Support::TestSetup;
13 |
use Test::Exception;
14 |
use List::Util qw(max);
15 |
16 |
use SL::DB::Buchungsgruppe;
17 |
use SL::DB::Currency;
18 |
use SL::DB::Customer;
19 |
use SL::DB::Employee;
20 |
use SL::DB::Invoice;
21 |
use SL::DB::Order;
22 |
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder;
23 |
use SL::DB::Part;
24 |
use SL::DB::Unit;
25 |
use SL::DB::TaxZone;
26 |
27 |
my ($customer, $currency_id, $buchungsgruppe, $employee, $vendor, $taxzone, $buchungsgruppe7, $tax, $tax7,
28 |
$unit, @parts);
29 |
30 |
sub clear_up {
31 |
foreach (qw(DeliveryOrderItem DeliveryOrder InvoiceItem Invoice Part Customer Vendor Employee Department PaymentTerm)) {
32 |
"SL::DB::Manager::${_}"->delete_all(all => 1);
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
sub reset_state {
37 |
my %params = @_;
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
$buchungsgruppe = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 19%', %{ $params{buchungsgruppe} }) || croak "No accounting group 19\%";
42 |
$buchungsgruppe7 = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 7%', %{ $params{buchungsgruppe} }) || croak "No accounting group 7\%";
43 |
$taxzone = SL::DB::Manager::TaxZone->find_by( description => 'Inland') || croak "No taxzone";
44 |
$tax = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 3, rate => 0.19, %{ $params{tax} }) || croak "No tax for 19\%";
45 |
$tax7 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.07) || croak "No tax for 7\%";
46 |
$unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => 'kg', %{ $params{unit} }) || croak "No unit";
47 |
$currency_id = $::instance_conf->get_currency_id;
48 |
49 |
$customer = SL::DB::Customer->new(
50 |
name => '520484567dfaedc9e60fc',
51 |
currency_id => $currency_id,
52 |
taxzone_id => $taxzone->id,
53 |
%{ $params{customer} }
54 |
55 |
56 |
# some od.rnr real anonym data
57 |
my $employee_bk = SL::DB::Employee->new(
58 |
'id' => 31915,
59 |
'login' => 'barbuschka.kappes',
60 |
'name' => 'Barbuschka Kappes',
61 |
62 |
63 |
my $department_do = SL::DB::Department->new(
64 |
'description' => 'Maisenhaus-Versand',
65 |
'id' => 32149,
66 |
'itime' => undef,
67 |
'mtime' => undef
68 |
69 |
70 |
my $payment_do = SL::DB::PaymentTerm->new(
71 |
'description' => '14Tage 2%Skonto, 30Tage netto',
72 |
'description_long' => "Innerhalb von 14 Tagen abzüglich 2 % Skonto, innerhalb von 30 Tagen rein netto.|Bei einer Zahlung bis zum <%skonto_date%> gewähren wir 2 % Skonto (EUR <%skonto_amount%>) entspricht EUR <%total_wo_skonto%>.Bei einer Zahlung bis zum <%netto_date%> ist der fällige Betrag in Höhe von <%total%> <%currency%> zu überweisen.",
73 |
'id' => 11276,
74 |
'itime' => undef,
75 |
'mtime' => undef,
76 |
'percent_skonto' => '0.02',
77 |
'ranking' => undef,
78 |
'sortkey' => 4,
79 |
'terms_netto' => 30,
80 |
'auto_calculation' => undef,
81 |
'terms_skonto' => 14
82 |
83 |
84 |
# two real parts
85 |
@parts = ();
86 |
push @parts, SL::DB::Part->new(
87 |
'id' => 26321,
88 |
'image' => '',
89 |
'lastcost' => '49.95000',
90 |
'listprice' => '0.00000',
91 |
'onhand' => '5.00000',
92 |
'partnumber' => 'v-519160549',
93 |
#'partsgroup_id' => 111645,
94 |
'rop' => '0',
95 |
'sellprice' => '242.20000',
96 |
#'warehouse_id' => 64702,
97 |
'weight' => '0.79',
98 |
description => "Nussbaum, Gr.5, Unterfilz weinrot, genietet[[Aufschnittbreite: 11,0, Kernform: US]]\"" ,
99 |
buchungsgruppen_id => $buchungsgruppe->id,
100 |
unit => $unit->name,
101 |
id => 26321,
102 |
103 |
104 |
push @parts, SL::DB::Part->new(
105 |
'description' => "[[0640]]Flügel Hammerstiele bestehend aus:
106 |
70 Stielen Standard in Weißbuche und
107 |
20 Stielen Diskant abgekehlt in Weißbuche
108 |
mit Röllchen aus Synthetikleder,
109 |
Kapseln mit Yamaha Profil, Kerbenabstand 3,6 mm mit eingedrehten Abnickschrauben",
110 |
'id' => 25505,
111 |
'lastcost' => '153.00000',
112 |
'listprice' => '0.00000',
113 |
'onhand' => '9.00000',
114 |
'partnumber' => 'v-120160086',
115 |
# 'partsgroup_id' => 111639,
116 |
'rop' => '0',
117 |
'sellprice' => '344.30000',
118 |
'weight' => '0.9',
119 |
buchungsgruppen_id => $buchungsgruppe->id,
120 |
unit => $unit->name,
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
sub new_delivery_order {
125 |
my %params = @_;
126 |
127 |
return SL::DB::DeliveryOrder->new(
128 |
currency_id => $currency_id,
129 |
taxzone_id => $taxzone->id,
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
# we create L20199 with two items
139 |
my $do1 = new_delivery_order('department_id' => 32149,
140 |
'donumber' => 'L20199',
141 |
'employee_id' => 31915,
142 |
'intnotes' => 'Achtung: Neue Lieferadresse ab 16.02.2015 in der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str.32! 13.02.2015/MH
143 |
144 |
Steinway-Produkte (201...) immer plus 25% dazu rechnen / BK 13.02.2014',
145 |
'ordnumber' => 'A16399',
146 |
'payment_id' => 11276,
147 |
'salesman_id' => 31915,
148 |
'shippingpoint' => 'Maisenhaus',
149 |
# 'shipto_id' => 451463,
150 |
'is_sales' => 'true',
151 |
'shipvia' => 'DHL, Versand am 06.03.2015, 1 Paket 17,00 kg',
152 |
'taxzone_id' => 4,
153 |
'closed' => undef,
154 |
# 'currency_id' => 1,
155 |
'cusordnumber' => 'b84da',
156 |
'customer_id' => $customer->id,
157 |
'id' => 464003,
158 |
159 |
160 |
my $do1_item1 = SL::DB::DeliveryOrderItem->new('delivery_order_id' => 464003,
161 |
'description' => "Flügel Hammerkopf bestehend aus:
162 |
Bass/Diskant 26/65 Stück, Gesamtlänge 80/72, Bohrlänge 56/48
163 |
Nussbaum, Gr.5, Unterfilz weinrot, genietet[[Aufschnittbreite: 11,0, Kernform: US]]",
164 |
'discount' => '0.25',
165 |
'id' => 144736,
166 |
'lastcost' => '49.95000',
167 |
'longdescription' => '',
168 |
'marge_price_factor' => 1,
169 |
'mtime' => undef,
170 |
'ordnumber' => 'A16399',
171 |
'parts_id' => 26321,
172 |
'position' => 1,
173 |
'price_factor' => 1,
174 |
'qty' => '2.00000',
175 |
'sellprice' => '242.20000',
176 |
'transdate' => '06.03.2015',
177 |
'unit' => 'kg')->save;
178 |
179 |
my $do1_item2 = SL::DB::DeliveryOrderItem->new('delivery_order_id' => 464003,
180 |
'description' => "[[0640]]Flügel Hammerstiele bestehend aus:
181 |
70 Stielen Standard in Weißbuche und
182 |
20 Stielen Diskant abgekehlt in Weißbuche
183 |
mit Röllchen aus Synthetikleder,
184 |
Kapseln mit Yamaha Profil, Kerbenabstand 3,6 mm mit eingedrehten Abnickschrauben",
185 |
'discount' => '0.25',
186 |
'id' => 144737,
187 |
'itime' => undef,
188 |
'lastcost' => '153.00000',
189 |
'longdescription' => '',
190 |
'marge_price_factor' => 1,
191 |
'mtime' => undef,
192 |
'ordnumber' => 'A16399',
193 |
'parts_id' => 25505,
194 |
'position' => 2,
195 |
'price_factor' => 1,
196 |
'price_factor_id' => undef,
197 |
'pricegroup_id' => undef,
198 |
'project_id' => undef,
199 |
'qty' => '3.00000',
200 |
'reqdate' => undef,
201 |
'sellprice' => '344.30000',
202 |
'serialnumber' => '',
203 |
'transdate' => '06.03.2015',
204 |
'unit' => 'kg')->save;
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
# test delivery order before any conversion
210 |
ok($do1->donumber eq "L20199", 'Delivery Order Number created');
211 |
ok((not $do1->closed) , 'Delivery Order is not closed');
212 |
ok($do1_item1->parts_id eq '26321', 'doi linked with part');
213 |
ok($do1_item1->qty == 2, 'qty check doi');
214 |
ok($do1_item2->position == 2, 'doi2 position check');
215 |
ok(2 == scalar@{ SL::DB::Manager::DeliveryOrderItem->get_all(where => [ delivery_order_id => $do1->id ]) }, 'two doi linked');
216 |
217 |
218 |
# convert this do to invoice
219 |
my $invoice = $do1->convert_to_invoice();
220 |
221 |
# test invoice afterwards
222 |
223 |
ok ($invoice->shipvia eq "DHL, Versand am 06.03.2015, 1 Paket 17,00 kg", "ship via check");
224 |
ok ($invoice->shippingpoint eq "Maisenhaus", "shipping point check");
225 |
ok ($invoice->ordnumber eq "A16399", "ordnumber check");
226 |
ok ($invoice->donumber eq "L20199", "donumber check");
227 |
ok(($do1->closed) , 'Delivery Order is closed after conversion');
228 |
ok (SL::DB::PaymentTerm->new(id => $invoice->{payment_id})->load->description eq "14Tage 2%Skonto, 30Tage netto", 'payment term description check');
229 |
230 |
# some test data from original client invoice console (!)
231 |
# my $invoice3 = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by( ordnumber => 'A16399' );
232 |
# which will fail due to PTC Calculation differs from GUI-Calculation, see issue: http://redmine.kivitendo-premium.de/issues/82
233 |
# pp $invoice3
234 |
# values from gui should be:
235 |
#ok($invoice->amount == 1354.20000, 'amount check');
236 |
#ok($invoice->marge_percent == 50.88666, 'marge percent check');
237 |
#ok($invoice->marge_total == 579.08000, 'marge total check');
238 |
#ok($invoice->netamount == 1137.98000, 'netamount check');
239 |
240 |
241 |
# the values change if one reloads the object
242 |
# without reloading we get this failures
243 |
#not ok 17 - amount check
244 |
# Failed test 'amount check'
245 |
# at t/db_helper/convert_invoice.t line 272.
246 |
# got: '1354.17'
247 |
# expected: '1354.17000'
248 |
#not ok 18 - marge percent check
249 |
# Failed test 'marge percent check'
250 |
# at t/db_helper/convert_invoice.t line 273.
251 |
# got: '50.8857956342929'
252 |
# expected: '50.88580'
253 |
#not ok 19 - marge total check
254 |
# Failed test 'marge total check'
255 |
# at t/db_helper/convert_invoice.t line 274.
256 |
# got: '579.06'
257 |
# expected: '579.06000'
258 |
#not ok 20 - netamount check
259 |
# Failed test 'netamount check'
260 |
# at t/db_helper/convert_invoice.t line 275.
261 |
# got: '1137.96'
262 |
# expected: '1137.96000'
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
ok($invoice->currency_id eq '1', 'currency_id');
267 |
ok($invoice->cusordnumber eq 'b84da', 'cusordnumber check');
268 |
ok(SL::DB::Department->new(id => $invoice->{department_id})->load->description eq "Maisenhaus-Versand", 'department description');
269 |
is($invoice->amount, '1354.17000', 'amount check');
270 |
is($invoice->marge_percent, '50.88580', 'marge percent check');
271 |
is($invoice->marge_total, '579.06000', 'marge total check');
272 |
is($invoice->netamount, '1137.96000', 'netamount check');
273 |
274 |
# some item checks
275 |
ok(@ {$invoice->items_sorted}[0]->parts_id eq '26321', 'invoiceitem 1 linked with part');
276 |
ok(2 == scalar@{ $invoice->invoiceitems }, 'two invoice items linked with invoice');
277 |
is(@ {$invoice->items_sorted}[0]->position, 1, "position 1 order correct");
278 |
is(@ {$invoice->items_sorted}[1]->position, 2, "position 2 order correct");
279 |
is(@ {$invoice->items_sorted}[0]->part->partnumber, 'v-519160549', "partnumber 1 correct");
280 |
is(@ {$invoice->items_sorted}[1]->part->partnumber, 'v-120160086', "partnumber 2 correct");
281 |
is(@ {$invoice->items_sorted}[0]->qty, '2.00000', "pos 1 qty");
282 |
is(@ {$invoice->items_sorted}[1]->qty, '3.00000', "pos 2 qty");
283 |
is(@ {$invoice->items_sorted}[0]->discount, 0.25, "pos 1 discount");
284 |
is(@ {$invoice->items_sorted}[1]->discount, 0.25, "pos 2 discount");
285 |
286 |
# more ideas: check onhand, lastcost (parsed lastcost)
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
DeliveryOrder um convert_invoice erweitert
Diesselbe Idee wie bei SalesOrder->convert_invoice. Der ursprüngliche
Lieferschein wird geschlossen und das neue Objekt mittels record_links
Entsprechend Testfall mitgeliefert.