package SL::Controller::Order;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use SL::Helper::Flash qw(flash_later);
use SL::HTML::Util;
use SL::Presenter::Tag qw(select_tag hidden_tag div_tag);
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::SessionFile::Random;
use SL::IMAPClient;
use SL::PriceSource;
use SL::Webdav;
use SL::File;
use SL::MIME;
use SL::Util qw(trim);
use SL::YAML;
use SL::DB::AdditionalBillingAddress;
use SL::DB::AuthUser;
use SL::DB::History;
use SL::DB::Order;
use SL::DB::OrderItem;
use SL::DB::Default;
use SL::DB::Unit;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::PartClassification;
use SL::DB::PartsGroup;
use SL::DB::Printer;
use SL::DB::Note;
use SL::DB::Language;
use SL::DB::Reclamation;
use SL::DB::RecordLink;
use SL::DB::Shipto;
use SL::DB::Translation;
use SL::DB::ValidityToken;
use SL::DB::Helper::RecordLink qw(set_record_link_conversions);
use SL::Model::Record;
use SL::Helper::CreatePDF qw(:all);
use SL::Helper::PrintOptions;
use SL::Helper::ShippedQty;
use SL::Helper::UserPreferences::DisplayPreferences;
use SL::Helper::UserPreferences::PositionsScrollbar;
use SL::Helper::UserPreferences::UpdatePositions;
use SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels;
use List::Util qw(first sum0);
use List::UtilsBy qw(sort_by uniq_by);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq any none pairwise first_index);
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
use Sort::Naturally;
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
scalar => [ qw(item_ids_to_delete is_custom_shipto_to_delete) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(order valid_types type cv p all_price_factors
search_cvpartnumber show_update_button
is_final_version) ],
# safety
except => [ qw(close_quotations) ]);
except => [ qw(edit show_customer_vendor_details_dialog price_popup load_second_rows close_quotations) ]);
# actions
# add a new order
sub action_add {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->order(SL::Model::Record->update_after_new($self->order, $self->type));
if (!$::form->{form_validity_token}) {
$::form->{form_validity_token} = SL::DB::ValidityToken->create(scope => SL::DB::ValidityToken::SCOPE_ORDER_SAVE())->token;
title => $self->get_title_for('add'),
sub action_add_from_reclamation {
my ($self) = @_;
my $reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new(id => $::form->{from_id})->load;
my %params;
my $target_type = $reclamation->is_sales ? 'sales_order'
: 'purchase_order';
my $order = SL::Model::Record->new_from_workflow($reclamation, $target_type);
$self->{converted_from_reclamation_id} = $::form->{from_id};
if (!$::form->{form_validity_token}) {
$::form->{form_validity_token} = SL::DB::ValidityToken->create(scope => SL::DB::ValidityToken::SCOPE_ORDER_SAVE())->token;
title => $self->get_title_for('edit'),
# edit an existing order
sub action_edit {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($::form->{id}) {
if ($self->order->is_sales) {
my $imap_client = SL::IMAPClient->new();
if ($imap_client) {
} else {
# this is to edit an order from an unsaved order object
# set item ids to new fake id, to identify them as new items
foreach my $item (@{$self->order->items_sorted}) {
$item->{new_fake_id} = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
# trigger rendering values for second row as hidden, because they
# are loaded only on demand. So we need to keep the values from
# the source.
$_->{render_second_row} = 1 for @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
if (!$::form->{form_validity_token}) {
$::form->{form_validity_token} = SL::DB::ValidityToken->create(scope => SL::DB::ValidityToken::SCOPE_ORDER_SAVE())->token;
title => $self->get_title_for('edit'),
# edit a collective order (consisting of one or more existing orders)
sub action_edit_collective {
my ($self) = @_;
# collect order ids
my @multi_ids = map {
$_ =~ m{^multi_id_(\d+)$} && $::form->{'multi_id_' . $1} && $::form->{'trans_id_' . $1} && $::form->{'trans_id_' . $1}
} grep { $_ =~ m{^multi_id_\d+$} } keys %$::form;
# fall back to add if no ids are given
if (scalar @multi_ids == 0) {
# fall back to save as new if only one id is given
if (scalar @multi_ids == 1) {
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new(id => $multi_ids[0])->load);
# make new order from given orders
my @multi_orders = map { SL::DB::Order->new(id => $_)->load } @multi_ids;
$self->{converted_from_oe_id} = join ' ', map { $_->id } @multi_orders;
my $target_type = "sales_order";
my $order = SL::Model::Record->new_from_workflow_multi(\@multi_orders, $target_type, sort_sources_by => 'transdate');
# delete the order
sub action_delete {
my ($self) = @_;
my %params = (history => { snumbers => $self->get_history_snumbers() });
SL::Model::Record->delete($self->order, %params);
my $text = $self->type eq sales_order_intake_type() ? $::locale->text('The order intake has been deleted')
: $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order confirmation has been deleted')
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been deleted')
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been deleted')
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been deleted')
: $self->type eq purchase_quotation_intake_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation intake has been deleted')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
my @redirect_params = (
action => 'add',
type => $self->type,
# save the order
sub action_save {
my ($self) = @_;
my $text = $self->type eq sales_order_intake_type() ? $::locale->text('The order intake has been saved')
: $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order confirmation has been saved')
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been saved')
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been saved')
: $self->type eq purchase_quotation_intake_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation intake has been saved')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
my @redirect_params;
if ($::form->{back_to_caller}) {
@redirect_params = $::form->{callback} ? ($::form->{callback})
: (controller => 'LoginScreen', action => 'user_login');
} else {
@redirect_params = (
action => 'edit',
type => $self->type,
id => $self->order->id,
callback => $::form->{callback},
# create new version and set version number
sub action_add_subversion {
my ($self) = @_;
sub {
$self->redirect_to(action => 'edit',
type => $self->type,
id => $self->order->id,
# save the order as new document and open it for edit
sub action_save_as_new {
my ($self) = @_;
my $order = $self->order;
if (!$order->id) {
$self->js->flash('error', t8('This object has not been saved yet.'));
return $self->js->render();
my $saved_order = SL::DB::Order->new(id => $order->id)->load;
# Create new record from current one
my $new_order = SL::Model::Record->clone_for_save_as_new($saved_order, $order);
# Warn on obsolete items
my @obsolete_positions = map { $_->position } grep { $_->part->obsolete } @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
flash_later('warning', t8('This record containts obsolete items at position #1', join ', ', @obsolete_positions)) if @obsolete_positions;
if (!$::form->{form_validity_token}) {
$::form->{form_validity_token} = SL::DB::ValidityToken->create(scope => SL::DB::ValidityToken::SCOPE_ORDER_SAVE())->token;
# save
# print the order
# This is called if "print" is pressed in the print dialog.
# If PDF creation was requested and succeeded, the pdf is offered for download
# via send_file (which uses ajax in this case).
sub action_print {
my ($self) = @_;
my $redirect_url = $self->url_for(
action => 'edit',
type => $self->type,
id => $self->order->id,
my $format = $::form->{print_options}->{format};
my $media = $::form->{print_options}->{media};
my $formname = $::form->{print_options}->{formname};
my $copies = $::form->{print_options}->{copies};
my $groupitems = $::form->{print_options}->{groupitems};
my $printer_id = $::form->{print_options}->{printer_id};
# only PDF, OpenDocument & HTML for now
if (none { $format eq $_ } qw(pdf opendocument opendocument_pdf html)) {
flash_later('error', t8('Format \'#1\' is not supported yet/anymore.', $format));
return $self->js->redirect_to($redirect_url)->render;
# only screen or printer by now
if (none { $media eq $_ } qw(screen printer)) {
flash_later('error', t8('Media \'#1\' is not supported yet/anymore.', $media));
return $self->js->redirect_to($redirect_url)->render;
# create a form for generate_attachment_filename
my $form = Form->new;
$form->{$self->nr_key()} = $self->order->number;
$form->{type} = $self->type;
$form->{format} = $format;
$form->{formname} = $formname;
$form->{language} = '_' . $self->order->language->template_code if $self->order->language;
my $doc_filename = $form->generate_attachment_filename();
my $doc;
my @errors = $self->generate_doc(\$doc, { media => $media,
format => $format,
formname => $formname,
language => $self->order->language,
printer_id => $printer_id,
groupitems => $groupitems });
if (scalar @errors) {
flash_later('error', t8('Generating the document failed: #1', $errors[0]));
return $self->js->redirect_to($redirect_url)->render;
if ($media eq 'screen') {
# screen/download
flash_later('info', t8('The document has been created.'));
type => SL::MIME->mime_type_from_ext($doc_filename),
name => $doc_filename,
js_no_render => 1,
} elsif ($media eq 'printer') {
# printer
my $printer_id = $::form->{print_options}->{printer_id};
SL::DB::Printer->new(id => $printer_id)->load->print_document(
copies => $copies,
content => $doc,
flash_later('info', t8('The document has been printed.'));
my @warnings = $self->store_doc_to_webdav_and_filemanagement($doc, $doc_filename, $formname);
if (scalar @warnings) {
flash_later('warning', $_) for @warnings;
sub action_preview_pdf {
my ($self) = @_;
my $redirect_url = $self->url_for(
action => 'edit',
type => $self->type,
id => $self->order->id,
my $format = 'pdf';
my $media = 'screen';
my $formname = $self->type;
# only pdf
# create a form for generate_attachment_filename
my $form = Form->new;
$form->{$self->nr_key()} = $self->order->number;
$form->{type} = $self->type;
$form->{format} = $format;
$form->{formname} = $formname;
$form->{language} = '_' . $self->order->language->template_code if $self->order->language;
my $pdf_filename = $form->generate_attachment_filename();
my $pdf;
my @errors = $self->generate_doc(\$pdf, { media => $media,
format => $format,
formname => $formname,
language => $self->order->language,
if (scalar @errors) {
flash_later('error', t8('Conversion to PDF failed: #1', $errors[0]));
return $self->js->redirect_to($redirect_url)->render;
flash_later('info', t8('The PDF has been previewed'));
# screen/download
type => SL::MIME->mime_type_from_ext($pdf_filename),
name => $pdf_filename,
js_no_render => 1,
# open the email dialog
sub action_save_and_show_email_dialog {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!$self->is_final_version) {
my $cv_method = $self->cv;
if (!$self->order->$cv_method) {
return $self->js->flash('error', $self->cv eq 'customer' ? t8('Cannot send E-mail without customer given') : t8('Cannot send E-mail without vendor given'))
my $email_form;
$email_form->{to} = $self->order->contact->cp_email if $self->order->contact;
$email_form->{to} ||= $self->order->$cv_method->email;
$email_form->{cc} = $self->order->$cv_method->cc;
$email_form->{bcc} = join ', ', grep $_, $self->order->$cv_method->bcc;
# Todo: get addresses from shipto, if any
my $form = Form->new;
$form->{$self->nr_key()} = $self->order->number;
$form->{cusordnumber} = $self->order->cusordnumber;
$form->{formname} = $self->type;
$form->{type} = $self->type;
$form->{language} = '_' . $self->order->language->template_code if $self->order->language;
$form->{language_id} = $self->order->language->id if $self->order->language;
$form->{format} = 'pdf';
$form->{cp_id} = $self->order->contact->cp_id if $self->order->contact;
$email_form->{subject} = $form->generate_email_subject();
$email_form->{attachment_filename} = $form->generate_attachment_filename();
$email_form->{message} = $form->generate_email_body();
$email_form->{js_send_function} = 'kivi.Order.send_email()';
my %files = $self->get_files_for_email_dialog();
my @employees_with_email = grep {
my $user = SL::DB::Manager::AuthUser->find_by(login => $_->login);
$user && !!trim($user->get_config_value('email'));
} @{ SL::DB::Manager::Employee->get_all_sorted(query => [ deleted => 0 ]) };
my $all_partner_email_addresses = $self->order->customervendor->get_all_email_addresses();
my $dialog_html = $self->render('common/_send_email_dialog', { output => 0 },
email_form => $email_form,
show_bcc => $::auth->assert('email_bcc', 'may fail'),
FILES => \%files,
is_customer => $self->cv eq 'customer',
ALL_EMPLOYEES => \@employees_with_email,
ALL_PARTNER_EMAIL_ADDRESSES => $all_partner_email_addresses,
is_final_version => $self->is_final_version,
->run('kivi.Order.show_email_dialog', $dialog_html)
# send email
sub action_send_email {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!$self->is_final_version) {
eval {
} or do {
my @redirect_params = (
action => 'edit',
type => $self->type,
id => $self->order->id,
# Set the error handler to reload the document and display errors later,
# because the document is already saved and saving can have some side effects
# such as generating a document number, project number or reocrd links,
# which will be up to date when the document is reloaded.
# Hint: Do not use "die" here and try to catch exceptions in subroutine
# calls. You should use "$::form->error" which respects the error handler.
local $::form->{__ERROR_HANDLER} = sub {
flash_later('error', $_[0]);
my $email_form = delete $::form->{email_form};
if ($email_form->{additional_to}) {
$email_form->{to} = join ', ', grep { $_ } $email_form->{to}, @{$email_form->{additional_to}};
delete $email_form->{additional_to};
my %field_names = (to => 'email');
$::form->{ $field_names{$_} // $_ } = $email_form->{$_} for keys %{ $email_form };
# for Form::cleanup which may be called in Form::send_email
$::form->{cwd} = getcwd();
$::form->{tmpdir} = $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{userspath};
$::form->{$_} = $::form->{print_options}->{$_} for keys %{ $::form->{print_options} };
$::form->{media} = 'email';
$::form->{attachment_policy} //= '';
# Is an old file version available?
my $attfile;
if ($::form->{attachment_policy} eq 'old_file') {
$attfile = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $self->order->id,
object_type => $self->type,
file_type => 'document',
print_variant => $::form->{formname});
if ($self->is_final_version && $::form->{attachment_policy} eq 'old_file' && !$attfile) {
$::form->error(t8('Re-sending a final version was requested, but the latest version of the document could not be found'));
if (!$self->is_final_version && $::form->{attachment_policy} ne 'no_file' && !($::form->{attachment_policy} eq 'old_file' && $attfile)) {
my $doc;
my @errors = $self->generate_doc(\$doc, {media => $::form->{media},
format => $::form->{print_options}->{format},
formname => $::form->{print_options}->{formname},
language => $self->order->language,
printer_id => $::form->{print_options}->{printer_id},
groupitems => $::form->{print_options}->{groupitems}});
if (scalar @errors) {
$::form->error(t8('Generating the document failed: #1', $errors[0]));
my @warnings = $self->store_doc_to_webdav_and_filemanagement($doc, $::form->{attachment_filename}, $::form->{formname});
if (scalar @warnings) {
flash_later('warning', $_) for @warnings;
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile::Random->new(mode => "w");
$::form->{tmpfile} = $sfile->file_name;
$::form->{tmpdir} = $sfile->get_path; # for Form::cleanup which may be called in Form::send_email
$::form->{id} = $self->order->id; # this is used in SL::Mailer to create a linked record to the mail
$::form->send_email(\%::myconfig, $::form->{print_options}->{format});
flash_later('info', t8('The email has been sent.'));
# internal notes unless no email journal
unless ($::instance_conf->get_email_journal) {
my $intnotes = $self->order->intnotes;
$intnotes .= "\n\n" if $self->order->intnotes;
$intnotes .= t8('[email]') . "\n";
$intnotes .= t8('Date') . ": " . $::locale->format_date_object(DateTime->now_local, precision => 'seconds') . "\n";
$intnotes .= t8('To (email)') . ": " . $::form->{email} . "\n";
$intnotes .= t8('Cc') . ": " . $::form->{cc} . "\n" if $::form->{cc};
$intnotes .= t8('Bcc') . ": " . $::form->{bcc} . "\n" if $::form->{bcc};
$intnotes .= t8('Subject') . ": " . $::form->{subject} . "\n\n";
$intnotes .= t8('Message') . ": " . SL::HTML::Util->strip($::form->{message});
$self->order->update_attributes(intnotes => $intnotes);
if ($::instance_conf->get_lock_oe_subversions && !$self->is_final_version) {
my $file_id;
if ($::instance_conf->get_doc_storage && $::form->{attachment_policy} ne 'no_file') {
# self is generated on the fly. form is a file from the dms
# TODO: for the case Filesystem and Webdav we want the real file from the filesystem
# for the nyi case DMS/CMIS we need a gloid or whatever the system offers (elo_id for ELO)
# DMS kivi version should have a record_link to email_journal
# the record link has to refer to the correct version -> helper table file <-> file_version
$file_id = $self->{file_id} || $::form->{file_id};
$::form->error("No file id") unless $file_id;
# email is sent -> set this version to final and link to journal and file
my $current_version = SL::DB::Manager::OrderVersion->get_all(where => [oe_id => $self->order->id, final_version => 0]);
$::form->error("Invalid version state") unless scalar @{ $current_version } == 1;
$current_version->[0]->update_attributes(file_id => $file_id,
email_journal_id => $::form->{email_journal_id},
final_version => 1);
# open the periodic invoices config dialog
# If there are values in the form (i.e. dialog was opened before),
# then use this values. Create new ones, else.
sub action_show_periodic_invoices_config_dialog {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = make_periodic_invoices_config_from_yaml(delete $::form->{config});
$config ||= SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->find_by(oe_id => $::form->{id}) if $::form->{id};
$config ||= SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->new(periodicity => 'm',
order_value_periodicity => 'p', # = same as periodicity
start_date_as_date => $::form->{transdate_as_date} || $::form->current_date,
extend_automatically_by => 12,
active => 1,
email_subject => GenericTranslations->get(
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type =>"preset_text_periodic_invoices_email_subject"),
email_body => GenericTranslations->get(
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type => "salutation_general")
. GenericTranslations->get(
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type => "salutation_punctuation_mark") . "\n\n"
. GenericTranslations->get(
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type =>"preset_text_periodic_invoices_email_body"),
# for older configs, replace email preset text if not yet set.
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type =>"preset_text_periodic_invoices_email_subject")
) unless $config->email_subject;
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type => "salutation_general")
. GenericTranslations->get(
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type => "salutation_punctuation_mark") . "\n\n"
. GenericTranslations->get(
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type =>"preset_text_periodic_invoices_email_body")
) unless $config->email_body;
$config->periodicity('m') if none { $_ eq $config->periodicity } @SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig::PERIODICITIES;
$config->order_value_periodicity('p') if none { $_ eq $config->order_value_periodicity } ('p', @SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig::ORDER_VALUE_PERIODICITIES);
$::form->get_lists(printers => "ALL_PRINTERS",
charts => { key => 'ALL_CHARTS',
transdate => 'current_date' });
$::form->{AR} = [ grep { $_->{link} =~ m/(?:^|:)AR(?::|$)/ } @{ $::form->{ALL_CHARTS} } ];
if ($::form->{customer_id}) {
$::form->{ALL_CONTACTS} = SL::DB::Manager::Contact->get_all_sorted(where => [ cp_cv_id => $::form->{customer_id} ]);
my $customer_object = SL::DB::Manager::Customer->find_by(id => $::form->{customer_id});
$::form->{postal_invoice} = $customer_object->postal_invoice;
$::form->{email_recipient_invoice_address} = $::form->{postal_invoice} ? '' : $customer_object->invoice_mail;
$config->send_email(0) if $::form->{postal_invoice};
$self->render('oe/edit_periodic_invoices_config', { layout => 0 },
popup_dialog => 1,
popup_js_close_function => 'kivi.Order.close_periodic_invoices_config_dialog()',
popup_js_assign_function => 'kivi.Order.assign_periodic_invoices_config()',
config => $config,
# assign the values of the periodic invoices config dialog
# as yaml in the hidden tag and set the status.
sub action_assign_periodic_invoices_config {
my ($self) = @_;
$::form->isblank('start_date_as_date', $::locale->text('The start date is missing.'));
my $config = { active => $::form->{active} ? 1 : 0,
terminated => $::form->{terminated} ? 1 : 0,
direct_debit => $::form->{direct_debit} ? 1 : 0,
periodicity => (any { $_ eq $::form->{periodicity} } @SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig::PERIODICITIES) ? $::form->{periodicity} : 'm',
order_value_periodicity => (any { $_ eq $::form->{order_value_periodicity} } ('p', @SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig::ORDER_VALUE_PERIODICITIES)) ? $::form->{order_value_periodicity} : 'p',
start_date_as_date => $::form->{start_date_as_date},
end_date_as_date => $::form->{end_date_as_date},
first_billing_date_as_date => $::form->{first_billing_date_as_date},
print => $::form->{print} ? 1 : 0,
printer_id => $::form->{print} ? $::form->{printer_id} * 1 : undef,
copies => $::form->{copies} * 1 ? $::form->{copies} : 1,
extend_automatically_by => $::form->{extend_automatically_by} * 1 || undef,
ar_chart_id => $::form->{ar_chart_id} * 1,
send_email => $::form->{send_email} ? 1 : 0,
email_recipient_contact_id => $::form->{email_recipient_contact_id} * 1 || undef,
email_recipient_address => $::form->{email_recipient_address},
email_sender => $::form->{email_sender},
email_subject => $::form->{email_subject},
email_body => $::form->{email_body},
my $periodic_invoices_config = SL::YAML::Dump($config);
my $status = $self->get_periodic_invoices_status($config);
->insertAfter(hidden_tag('order.periodic_invoices_config', $periodic_invoices_config), '#periodic_invoices_status')
->html('#periodic_invoices_status', $status)
->flash('info', t8('The periodic invoices config has been assigned.'))
sub action_get_has_active_periodic_invoices {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = make_periodic_invoices_config_from_yaml(delete $::form->{config});
$config ||= SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->find_by(oe_id => $::form->{id}) if $::form->{id};
my $has_active_periodic_invoices =
$self->type eq sales_order_type()
&& $config
&& $config->active
&& (!$config->end_date || ($config->end_date > DateTime->today_local))
&& $config->get_previous_billed_period_start_date;
$_[0]->render(\ !!$has_active_periodic_invoices, { type => 'text' });
# save the order and redirect to the frontend subroutine for a new
# delivery order
sub action_save_and_delivery_order {
my ($self) = @_;
my %params;
if ($::form->{convert_to_purchase_delivery_order_selected_items_only}) {
$params{only_items} = join(',', @{ $::form->{purchase_delivery_order_item_selection_indexes} || [] });
controller => 'oe.pl',
action => 'oe_delivery_order_from_order',
sub action_save_and_supplier_delivery_order {
my ($self) = @_;
controller => 'controller.pl',
action => 'DeliveryOrder/add_from_order',
type => 'supplier_delivery_order',
# save the order and redirect to the frontend subroutine for a new reclamation
sub action_save_and_reclamation {
my ($self) = @_;
# can't use save_and_redirect_to, because id is set!
my $to_type = $self->order->is_sales ? 'sales_reclamation'
: 'purchase_reclamation';
controller => 'Reclamation',
action => 'add_from_order',
type => $to_type,
from_id => $self->order->id,
# save the order and redirect to the frontend subroutine for a new
# invoice
sub action_save_and_invoice {
my ($self) = @_;
controller => 'oe.pl',
action => 'oe_invoice_from_order',
sub action_save_and_invoice_for_advance_payment {
my ($self) = @_;
controller => 'oe.pl',
action => 'oe_invoice_from_order',
new_invoice_type => 'invoice_for_advance_payment',
sub action_save_and_final_invoice {
my ($self) = @_;
controller => 'oe.pl',
action => 'oe_invoice_from_order',
new_invoice_type => 'final_invoice',
# workflows to all types of this controller
sub action_save_and_order_workflow {
action => 'order_workflow',
type => $_[0]->type,
to_type => $::form->{to_type},
use_shipto => $::form->{use_shipto},
# workflow from purchase order to ap transaction
sub action_save_and_ap_transaction {
my ($self) = @_;
controller => 'ap.pl',
action => 'add_from_purchase_order',
sub action_order_workflow {
my ($self) = @_;
my $destination_type = $::form->{to_type} ? $::form->{to_type} : '';
my $from_side = $self->order->is_sales ? 'sales' : 'purchase';
my $to_side = (any { $destination_type eq $_ } (sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type(), sales_quotation_type())) ? 'sales' : 'purchase';
# check for direct delivery
# copy shipto in custom shipto (custom shipto will be copied by new_from() in case)
my $custom_shipto;
if ( $from_side eq 'sales' && $to_side eq 'purchase'
&& $::form->{use_shipto} && $self->order->shipto) {
$custom_shipto = $self->order->shipto->clone('SL::DB::Order');
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new_from($self->order, destination_type => $destination_type));
# no linked records to quotations from the same side (sales -> sales or purchase -> purchase)
if ( (any { $destination_type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type()))
&& $from_side eq $to_side) {
delete $::form->{id};
delete $::form->{$_} for qw(converted_from_oe_id converted_from_orderitems_ids);
} else {
$self->{converted_from_oe_id} = delete $::form->{id};
# set item ids to new fake id, to identify them as new items
foreach my $item (@{$self->order->items_sorted}) {
$item->{new_fake_id} = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
if ($from_side eq 'sales' && $to_side eq 'purchase') {
if ($::form->{use_shipto}) {
$self->order->custom_shipto($custom_shipto) if $custom_shipto;
} else {
# remove any custom shipto if not wanted
$self->order->custom_shipto(SL::DB::Shipto->new(module => 'OE', custom_variables => []));
# change form type
$::form->{type} = $destination_type;
$self->cv ($self->init_cv);
# trigger rendering values for second row as hidden, because they
# are loaded only on demand. So we need to keep the values from the
# source.
$_->{render_second_row} = 1 for @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
if (!$::form->{form_validity_token}) {
$::form->{form_validity_token} = SL::DB::ValidityToken->create(scope => SL::DB::ValidityToken::SCOPE_ORDER_SAVE())->token;
title => $self->get_title_for('edit'),
# set form elements in respect to a changed customer or vendor
# This action is called on an change of the customer/vendor picker.
sub action_customer_vendor_changed {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cv_method = $self->cv;
if ($self->order->$cv_method->contacts && scalar @{ $self->order->$cv_method->contacts } > 0) {
} else {
if ($self->order->$cv_method->shipto && scalar @{ $self->order->$cv_method->shipto } > 0) {
} else {
if ($cv_method eq 'customer') {
my $show_hide = scalar @{ $self->order->customer->additional_billing_addresses } > 0 ? 'show' : 'hide';
$self->js->val( '#order_salesman_id', $self->order->salesman_id) if $self->order->is_sales;
->replaceWith('#order_cp_id', $self->build_contact_select)
->replaceWith('#order_shipto_id', $self->build_shipto_select)
->replaceWith('#shipto_inputs ', $self->build_shipto_inputs)
->replaceWith('#order_billing_address_id', $self->build_billing_address_select)
->replaceWith('#business_info_row', $self->build_business_info_row)
->val( '#order_taxzone_id', $self->order->taxzone_id)
->val( '#order_taxincluded', $self->order->taxincluded)
->val( '#order_currency_id', $self->order->currency_id)
->val( '#order_payment_id', $self->order->payment_id)
->val( '#order_delivery_term_id', $self->order->delivery_term_id)
->val( '#order_intnotes', $self->order->intnotes)
->val( '#order_language_id', $self->order->$cv_method->language_id)
->focus( '#order_' . $self->cv . '_id')
# open the dialog for customer/vendor details
sub action_show_customer_vendor_details_dialog {
my ($self) = @_;
my $is_customer = 'customer' eq $::form->{vc};
my $cv;
if ($is_customer) {
$cv = SL::DB::Customer->new(id => $::form->{vc_id})->load;
} else {
$cv = SL::DB::Vendor->new(id => $::form->{vc_id})->load;
my %details = map { $_ => $cv->$_ } @{$cv->meta->columns};
$details{discount_as_percent} = $cv->discount_as_percent;
$details{creditlimt} = $cv->creditlimit_as_number;
$details{business} = $cv->business->description if $cv->business;
$details{language} = $cv->language_obj->description if $cv->language_obj;
$details{delivery_terms} = $cv->delivery_term->description if $cv->delivery_term;
$details{payment_terms} = $cv->payment->description if $cv->payment;
$details{pricegroup} = $cv->pricegroup->pricegroup if $is_customer && $cv->pricegroup;
if ($is_customer) {
foreach my $entry (@{ $cv->additional_billing_addresses }) {
push @{ $details{ADDITIONAL_BILLING_ADDRESSES} }, { map { $_ => $entry->$_ } @{$entry->meta->columns} };
foreach my $entry (@{ $cv->shipto }) {
push @{ $details{SHIPTO} }, { map { $_ => $entry->$_ } @{$entry->meta->columns} };
foreach my $entry (@{ $cv->contacts }) {
push @{ $details{CONTACTS} }, { map { $_ => $entry->$_ } @{$entry->meta->columns} };
$_[0]->render('common/show_vc_details', { layout => 0 },
is_customer => $is_customer,
# called if a unit in an existing item row is changed
sub action_unit_changed {
my ($self) = @_;
my $idx = first_index { $_ eq $::form->{item_id} } @{ $::form->{orderitem_ids} };
my $item = $self->order->items_sorted->[$idx];
my $old_unit_obj = SL::DB::Unit->new(name => $::form->{old_unit})->load;
$item->sellprice($item->unit_obj->convert_to($item->sellprice, $old_unit_obj));
->run('kivi.Order.update_sellprice', $::form->{item_id}, $item->sellprice_as_number);
# update item input row when a part ist picked
sub action_update_item_input_row {
my ($self) = @_;
delete $::form->{add_item}->{$_} for qw(create_part_type sellprice_as_number discount_as_percent);
my $form_attr = $::form->{add_item};
return unless $form_attr->{parts_id};
my $record = $self->order;
my $item = SL::DB::OrderItem->new(%$form_attr);
$item->qty(1) if !$item->qty;
my ($price_src, $discount_src) = get_best_price_and_discount_source($record, $item, 0);
->val ('#add_item_unit', $item->unit)
->val ('#add_item_description', $item->part->description)
->val ('#add_item_sellprice_as_number', '')
->attr ('#add_item_sellprice_as_number', 'placeholder', $price_src->price_as_number)
->attr ('#add_item_sellprice_as_number', 'title', $price_src->source_description)
->val ('#add_item_discount_as_percent', '')
->attr ('#add_item_discount_as_percent', 'placeholder', $discount_src->discount_as_percent)
->attr ('#add_item_discount_as_percent', 'title', $discount_src->source_description)
# add an item row for a new item entered in the input row
sub action_add_item {
my ($self) = @_;
delete $::form->{add_item}->{create_part_type};
my $form_attr = $::form->{add_item};
return unless $form_attr->{parts_id};
my $item = new_item($self->order, $form_attr);
my $item_id = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
my $row_as_html = $self->p->render('order/tabs/_row',
ITEM => $item,
ID => $item_id,
SELF => $self,
if ($::form->{insert_before_item_id}) {
->before ('.row_entry:has(#item_' . $::form->{insert_before_item_id} . ')', $row_as_html);
} else {
->append('#row_table_id', $row_as_html);
if ( $item->part->is_assortment ) {
$form_attr->{qty_as_number} = 1 unless $form_attr->{qty_as_number};
foreach my $assortment_item ( @{$item->part->assortment_items} ) {
my $attr = { parts_id => $assortment_item->parts_id,
qty => $assortment_item->qty * $::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $form_attr->{qty_as_number}), # TODO $form_attr->{unit}
unit => $assortment_item->unit,
description => $assortment_item->part->description,
my $item = new_item($self->order, $attr);
# set discount to 100% if item isn't supposed to be charged, overwriting any customer discount
$item->discount(1) unless $assortment_item->charge;
$self->order->add_items( $item );
my $item_id = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
my $row_as_html = $self->p->render('order/tabs/_row',
ITEM => $item,
ID => $item_id,
SELF => $self,
if ($::form->{insert_before_item_id}) {
->before ('.row_entry:has(#item_' . $::form->{insert_before_item_id} . ')', $row_as_html);
} else {
->append('#row_table_id', $row_as_html);
->val('.add_item_input', '')
->attr('.add_item_input', 'placeholder', '')
->attr('.add_item_input', 'title', '')
->attr('#add_item_qty_as_number', 'placeholder', '1')
$self->js->run('kivi.Order.row_table_scroll_down') if !$::form->{insert_before_item_id};
# add item rows for multiple items at once
sub action_add_multi_items {
my ($self) = @_;
my @form_attr = grep { $_->{qty_as_number} } @{ $::form->{add_items} };
return $self->js->render() unless scalar @form_attr;
my @items;
foreach my $attr (@form_attr) {
my $item = new_item($self->order, $attr);
push @items, $item;
if ( $item->part->is_assortment ) {
foreach my $assortment_item ( @{$item->part->assortment_items} ) {
my $attr = { parts_id => $assortment_item->parts_id,
qty => $assortment_item->qty * $item->qty, # TODO $form_attr->{unit}
unit => $assortment_item->unit,
description => $assortment_item->part->description,
my $item = new_item($self->order, $attr);
# set discount to 100% if item isn't supposed to be charged, overwriting any customer discount
$item->discount(1) unless $assortment_item->charge;
push @items, $item;
foreach my $item (@items) {
my $item_id = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
my $row_as_html = $self->p->render('order/tabs/_row',
ITEM => $item,
ID => $item_id,
SELF => $self,
if ($::form->{insert_before_item_id}) {
->before ('.row_entry:has(#item_' . $::form->{insert_before_item_id} . ')', $row_as_html);
} else {
->append('#row_table_id', $row_as_html);
$self->js->run('kivi.Order.row_table_scroll_down') if !$::form->{insert_before_item_id};
# recalculate all linetotals, amounts and taxes and redisplay them
sub action_recalc_amounts_and_taxes {
my ($self) = @_;
sub action_update_exchangerate {
my ($self) = @_;
my $data = {
is_standard => $self->order->currency_id == $::instance_conf->get_currency_id,
currency_name => $self->order->currency->name,
exchangerate => $self->order->daily_exchangerate_as_null_number,
$self->render(\SL::JSON::to_json($data), { type => 'json', process => 0 });
# redisplay item rows if they are sorted by an attribute
sub action_reorder_items {
my ($self) = @_;
my %sort_keys = (
partnumber => sub { $_[0]->part->partnumber },
description => sub { $_[0]->description },
qty => sub { $_[0]->qty },
sellprice => sub { $_[0]->sellprice },
discount => sub { $_[0]->discount },
cvpartnumber => sub { $_[0]->{cvpartnumber} },
$self->get_item_cvpartnumber($_) for @{$self->order->items_sorted};
my $method = $sort_keys{$::form->{order_by}};
my @to_sort = map { { old_pos => $_->position, order_by => $method->($_) } } @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
if ($::form->{sort_dir}) {
if ( $::form->{order_by} =~ m/qty|sellprice|discount/ ){
@to_sort = sort { $a->{order_by} <=> $b->{order_by} } @to_sort;
} else {
@to_sort = sort { $a->{order_by} cmp $b->{order_by} } @to_sort;
} else {
if ( $::form->{order_by} =~ m/qty|sellprice|discount/ ){
@to_sort = sort { $b->{order_by} <=> $a->{order_by} } @to_sort;
} else {
@to_sort = sort { $b->{order_by} cmp $a->{order_by} } @to_sort;
->run('kivi.Order.redisplay_items', \@to_sort)
# show the popup to choose a price/discount source
sub action_price_popup {
my ($self) = @_;
my $idx = first_index { $_ eq $::form->{item_id} } @{ $::form->{orderitem_ids} };
my $item = $self->order->items_sorted->[$idx];
# save the order in a session variable and redirect to the part controller
sub action_create_part {
my ($self) = @_;
my $previousform = $::auth->save_form_in_session(non_scalars => 1);
my $callback = $self->url_for(
action => 'return_from_create_part',
type => $self->type, # type is needed for check_auth on return
previousform => $previousform,
flash_later('info', t8('You are adding a new part while you are editing another document. You will be redirected to your document when saving the new part or aborting this form.'));
my @redirect_params = (
controller => 'Part',
action => 'add',
part_type => $::form->{add_item}->{create_part_type},
callback => $callback,
inline_create => 1,
sub action_return_from_create_part {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{created_part} = SL::DB::Part->new(id => delete $::form->{new_parts_id})->load if $::form->{new_parts_id};
$::auth->restore_form_from_session(delete $::form->{previousform});
# set item ids to new fake id, to identify them as new items
foreach my $item (@{$self->order->items_sorted}) {
$item->{new_fake_id} = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
# trigger rendering values for second row/longdescription as hidden,
# because they are loaded only on demand. So we need to keep the values
# from the source.
$_->{render_second_row} = 1 for @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
$_->{render_longdescription} = 1 for @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
if (!$::form->{form_validity_token}) {
$::form->{form_validity_token} = SL::DB::ValidityToken->create(scope => SL::DB::ValidityToken::SCOPE_ORDER_SAVE())->token;
title => $self->get_title_for('edit'),
# load the second row for one or more items
# This action gets the html code for all items second rows by rendering a template for
# the second row and sets the html code via client js.
sub action_load_second_rows {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->recalc() if $self->order->is_sales; # for margin calculation
foreach my $item_id (@{ $::form->{item_ids} }) {
my $idx = first_index { $_ eq $item_id } @{ $::form->{orderitem_ids} };
my $item = $self->order->items_sorted->[$idx];
$self->js_load_second_row($item, $item_id, 0);
$self->js->run('kivi.Order.init_row_handlers') if $self->order->is_sales; # for lastcosts change-callback
# update description, notes and sellprice from master data
sub action_update_row_from_master_data {
my ($self) = @_;
foreach my $item_id (@{ $::form->{item_ids} }) {
my $idx = first_index { $_ eq $item_id } @{ $::form->{orderitem_ids} };
my $item = $self->order->items_sorted->[$idx];
my $texts = get_part_texts($item->part, $self->order->language_id);
my ($price_src, $discount_src) = get_best_price_and_discount_source($self->order, $item, 1);
my $price_editable = $self->order->is_sales ? $::auth->assert('sales_edit_prices', 1) : $::auth->assert('purchase_edit_prices', 1);
->run('kivi.Order.set_price_and_source_text', $item_id, $price_src ->source, $price_src ->source_description, $item->sellprice_as_number, $price_editable)
->run('kivi.Order.set_discount_and_source_text', $item_id, $discount_src->source, $discount_src->source_description, $item->discount_as_percent, $price_editable)
->html('.row_entry:has(#item_' . $item_id . ') [name = "partnumber"] a', $item->part->partnumber)
->val ('.row_entry:has(#item_' . $item_id . ') [name = "order.orderitems[].description"]', $item->description)
->val ('.row_entry:has(#item_' . $item_id . ') [name = "order.orderitems[].longdescription"]', $item->longdescription);
if ($self->search_cvpartnumber) {
$self->js->html('.row_entry:has(#item_' . $item_id . ') [name = "cvpartnumber"]', $item->{cvpartnumber});
sub action_save_phone_note {
my ($self) = @_;
my $phone_note = $self->parse_phone_note;
my $is_new = !$phone_note->id;
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new(id => $self->order->id)->load);
my $tab_as_html = $self->p->render('order/tabs/phone_notes', SELF => $self);
return $self->js
->replaceWith('#phone-notes', $tab_as_html)
->html('#num_phone_notes', (scalar @{$self->order->phone_notes}) ? ' (' . scalar @{$self->order->phone_notes} . ')' : '')
->flash('info', $is_new ? t8('Phone note has been created.') : t8('Phone note has been updated.'))
sub action_delete_phone_note {
my ($self) = @_;
my $phone_note = first { $_->id == $::form->{phone_note}->{id} } @{$self->order->phone_notes};
return $self->js->flash('error', t8('Phone note not found for this order.'))->render if !$phone_note;
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new(id => $self->order->id)->load);
my $tab_as_html = $self->p->render('order/tabs/phone_notes', SELF => $self);
return $self->js
->replaceWith('#phone-notes', $tab_as_html)
->html('#num_phone_notes', (scalar @{$self->order->phone_notes}) ? ' (' . scalar @{$self->order->phone_notes} . ')' : '')
->flash('info', t8('Phone note has been deleted.'))
sub action_close_quotations {
my ($self) = @_;
my @redirect_params = $::form->{callback} ? ($::form->{callback})
: (controller => 'LoginScreen', action => 'user_login');
if (!$::form->{ids} || !@{$::form->{ids}}) {
flash_later('info', t8('Nothing selected!'));
my $sales_quotations = SL::DB::Manager::Order->get_all(where => [id => $::form->{ids},
or => [closed => 0, closed => undef],
quotation => 1,
'!customer_id' => undef]);
my $request_quotations = SL::DB::Manager::Order->get_all(where => [id => $::form->{ids},
or => [closed => 0, closed => undef],
quotation => 1,
'!vendor_id' => undef]);
$::auth->assert('sales_quotation_edit') if scalar @$sales_quotations;
$::auth->assert('request_quotation_edit') if scalar @$request_quotations;
my $employee_id = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id;
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
SL::DB::Manager::Order->update_all(set => {closed => 1},
where => [id => $::form->{ids}]);
foreach my $quotation (@$sales_quotations, @$request_quotations) {
trans_id => $quotation->id,
employee_id => $employee_id,
what_done => $quotation->type,
snumbers => 'quonumber_' . $quotation->number,
addition => 'SAVED',
}) || do {
$::form->error(t8('Closing the selected quotations failed: #1', SL::DB->client->error));
flash_later('info', t8('The selected quotations where closed.'));
sub action_show_conversion_to_purchase_delivery_order_item_selection {
my ($self) = @_;
my @items = @{ $::form->{order}->{orderitems} // [] };
if (@items) {
my @part_ids = uniq map { $_->{parts_id} } @items;
my %parts_by_id = map { ($_->id => $_) } @{ SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all(where => [ id => \@part_ids ]) };
my %make_models_by_id = map { ($_->parts_id => $_->model) } @{
where => [
parts_id => \@part_ids,
make => $::form->{order}->{vendor_id},
foreach my $item (@items) {
$item->{partnumber} = $parts_by_id{ $item->{parts_id} }->partnumber;
$item->{vendor_partnumber} = $make_models_by_id{ $item->{parts_id} };
{ layout => 0 },
ITEMS => \@items,
sub js_load_second_row {
my ($self, $item, $item_id, $do_parse) = @_;
if ($do_parse) {
# Parse values from form (they are formated while rendering (template)).
# Workaround to pre-parse number-cvars (parse_custom_variable_values does not parse number values).
# This parsing is not necessary at all, if we assure that the second row/cvars are only loaded once.
foreach my $var (@{ $item->cvars_by_config }) {
$var->unparsed_value($::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $var->{__unparsed_value})) if ($var->config->type eq 'number' && exists($var->{__unparsed_value}));
my $row_as_html = $self->p->render('order/tabs/_second_row', ITEM => $item, TYPE => $self->type);
->html('#second_row_' . $item_id, $row_as_html)
->data('#second_row_' . $item_id, 'loaded', 1);
sub js_redisplay_line_values {
my ($self) = @_;
my $is_sales = $self->order->is_sales;
# sales orders with margins
my @data;
if ($is_sales) {
@data = map {
$::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $_->{linetotal}, 2, 0),
$::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $_->{marge_total}, 2, 0),
$::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $_->{marge_percent}, 2, 0),
]} @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
} else {
@data = map {
$::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $_->{linetotal}, 2, 0),
]} @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
->run('kivi.Order.redisplay_line_values', $is_sales, \@data);
sub js_redisplay_amounts_and_taxes {
my ($self) = @_;
if (scalar @{ $self->{taxes} }) {
} else {
if ($self->order->taxincluded) {
} else {
if ($self->order->is_sales) {
my $is_neg = $self->order->marge_total < 0;
->html('#marge_total_id', $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self->order->marge_total, 2))
->html('#marge_percent_id', $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self->order->marge_percent, 2))
->action_if( $is_neg, 'addClass', '#marge_total_id', 'plus0')
->action_if( $is_neg, 'addClass', '#marge_percent_id', 'plus0')
->action_if( $is_neg, 'addClass', '#marge_percent_sign_id', 'plus0')
->action_if(!$is_neg, 'removeClass', '#marge_total_id', 'plus0')
->action_if(!$is_neg, 'removeClass', '#marge_percent_id', 'plus0')
->action_if(!$is_neg, 'removeClass', '#marge_percent_sign_id', 'plus0');
->html('#netamount_id', $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self->order->netamount, -2))
->html('#amount_id', $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self->order->amount, -2))
->insertBefore($self->build_tax_rows, '#amount_row_id');
sub js_redisplay_cvpartnumbers {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->get_item_cvpartnumber($_) for @{$self->order->items_sorted};
my @data = map {[$_->{cvpartnumber}]} @{ $self->order->items_sorted };
->run('kivi.Order.redisplay_cvpartnumbers', \@data);
sub js_reset_order_and_item_ids_after_save {
my ($self) = @_;
->val('#id', $self->order->id)
->val('#converted_from_oe_id', '')
->val('#converted_from_reclamation_id', '')
->val('#order_' . $self->nr_key(), $self->order->number);
my $idx = 0;
foreach my $form_item_id (@{ $::form->{orderitem_ids} }) {
next if !$self->order->items_sorted->[$idx]->id;
next if $form_item_id !~ m{^new};
->val ('[name="orderitem_ids[+]"][value="' . $form_item_id . '"]', $self->order->items_sorted->[$idx]->id)
->val ('#item_' . $form_item_id, $self->order->items_sorted->[$idx]->id)
->attr('#item_' . $form_item_id, "id", 'item_' . $self->order->items_sorted->[$idx]->id);
} continue {
$self->js->val('[name="converted_from_orderitems_ids[+]"]', '');
$self->js->val('[name="converted_from_reclamation_items_ids[+]"]', '');
# helpers
sub init_valid_types {
[ sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type(), sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type() ];
sub init_type {
my ($self) = @_;
if (none { $::form->{type} eq $_ } @{$self->valid_types}) {
die "Not a valid type for order";
sub init_cv {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cv = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type(), sales_quotation_type())) ? 'customer'
: (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type(), request_quotation_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type())) ? 'vendor'
: die "Not a valid type for order";
return $cv;
sub init_search_cvpartnumber {
my ($self) = @_;
my $user_prefs = SL::Helper::UserPreferences::PartPickerSearch->new();
my $search_cvpartnumber;
$search_cvpartnumber = !!$user_prefs->get_sales_search_customer_partnumber() if $self->cv eq 'customer';
$search_cvpartnumber = !!$user_prefs->get_purchase_search_makemodel() if $self->cv eq 'vendor';
return $search_cvpartnumber;
sub init_show_update_button {
my ($self) = @_;
sub init_p {
sub init_order {
sub init_all_price_factors {
sub init_part_picker_classification_ids {
my ($self) = @_;
my $attribute = 'used_for_' . ($self->type =~ m{sales} ? 'sale' : 'purchase');
return [ map { $_->id } @{ SL::DB::Manager::PartClassification->get_all(where => [ $attribute => 1 ]) } ];
sub init_is_final_version {
# VALID States for current Sales Version
# 1. save create version without email_id -> open
# 2. send email set email_id for version 1 -> final
# 3. save and subversion new version without email_id -> open
# 4. send email set email_id for current subversion -> final
# for all versions > 1 set postfix -2 .. -n for recordnumber
return $::instance_conf->get_lock_oe_subversions ? # conf enabled
$_[0]->order->id ? # is saved
$_[0]->order->is_final_version : # is final
undef : # is not final
undef; # conf disabled
sub check_auth {
my ($self) = @_;
my $right_for = { map { $_ => $_.'_edit' . ' | ' . $_.'_view' } @{$self->valid_types} };
$right_for->{ sales_order_intake_type() } = 'sales_order_edit | sales_order_view';
$right_for->{ purchase_quotation_intake_type() } = 'request_quotation_edit | request_quotation_view';
my $right = $right_for->{ $self->type };
$right ||= 'DOES_NOT_EXIST';
sub check_auth_for_edit {
my ($self) = @_;
my $right_for = { map { $_ => $_.'_edit' } @{$self->valid_types} };
$right_for->{ sales_order_intake_type() } = 'sales_order_edit';
$right_for->{ purchase_quotation_intake_type() } = 'request_quotation_edit';
my $right = $right_for->{ $self->type };
$right ||= 'DOES_NOT_EXIST';
# build the selection box for contacts
# Needed, if customer/vendor changed.
sub build_contact_select {
my ($self) = @_;
select_tag('order.cp_id', [ $self->order->{$self->cv}->contacts ],
value_key => 'cp_id',
title_key => 'full_name_dep',
default => $self->order->cp_id,
with_empty => 1,
style => 'width: 300px',
# build the selection box for the additional billing address
# Needed, if customer/vendor changed.
sub build_billing_address_select {
my ($self) = @_;
return '' if $self->cv ne 'customer';
[ {displayable_id => '', id => ''}, $self->order->{$self->cv}->additional_billing_addresses ],
value_key => 'id',
title_key => 'displayable_id',
default => $self->order->billing_address_id,
with_empty => 0,
style => 'width: 300px',
# build the selection box for shiptos
# Needed, if customer/vendor changed.
sub build_shipto_select {
my ($self) = @_;
[ {displayable_id => t8("No/individual shipping address"), shipto_id => ''}, $self->order->{$self->cv}->shipto ],
value_key => 'shipto_id',
title_key => 'displayable_id',
default => $self->order->shipto_id,
with_empty => 0,
style => 'width: 300px',
# build the inputs for the cusom shipto dialog
# Needed, if customer/vendor changed.
sub build_shipto_inputs {
my ($self) = @_;
my $content = $self->p->render('common/_ship_to_dialog',
vc_obj => $self->order->customervendor,
cs_obj => $self->order->custom_shipto,
cvars => $self->order->custom_shipto->cvars_by_config,
id_selector => '#order_shipto_id');
div_tag($content, id => 'shipto_inputs');
# render the info line for business
# Needed, if customer/vendor changed.
sub build_business_info_row
$_[0]->p->render('order/tabs/_business_info_row', SELF => $_[0]);
# build the rows for displaying taxes
# Called if amounts where recalculated and redisplayed.
sub build_tax_rows {
my ($self) = @_;
my $rows_as_html;
foreach my $tax (sort { $a->{tax}->rate cmp $b->{tax}->rate } @{ $self->{taxes} }) {
$rows_as_html .= $self->p->render(
SELF => $self,
TAX => $tax,
TAXINCLUDED => $self->order->taxincluded,
QUOTATION => $self->order->quotation
return $rows_as_html;
sub render_price_dialog {
my ($self, $record_item) = @_;
my $price_source = SL::PriceSource->new(record_item => $record_item, record => $self->order);
t8('Available Prices'),
$self->render('order/tabs/_price_sources_dialog', { output => 0 }, price_source => $price_source)
# if (@errors) {
# $self->js->text('#dialog_flash_error_content', join ' ', @errors);
# $self->js->show('#dialog_flash_error');
# }
sub load_order {
my ($self) = @_;
return if !$::form->{id};
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new(id => $::form->{id})->load);
# Add an empty custom shipto to the order, so that the dialog can render the cvar inputs.
# You need a custom shipto object to call cvars_by_config to get the cvars.
$self->order->custom_shipto(SL::DB::Shipto->new(module => 'OE', custom_variables => [])) if !$self->order->custom_shipto;
return $self->order;
# load or create a new order object
# And assign changes from the form to this object.
# If the order is loaded from db, check if items are deleted in the form,
# remove them form the object and collect them for removing from db on saving.
# Then create/update items from form (via make_item) and add them.
sub make_order {
my ($self) = @_;
# add_items adds items to an order with no items for saving, but they cannot
# be retrieved via items until the order is saved. Adding empty items to new
# order here solves this problem.
my $order;
$order = SL::DB::Order->new(id => $::form->{id})->load(with => [ 'orderitems', 'orderitems.part' ]) if $::form->{id};
$order ||= SL::DB::Order->new(orderitems => [],
quotation => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type())),
intake => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_intake_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type())),
currency_id => $::instance_conf->get_currency_id(),);
my $cv_id_method = $self->cv . '_id';
if (!$::form->{id} && $::form->{$cv_id_method}) {
my $form_orderitems = delete $::form->{order}->{orderitems};
my $form_periodic_invoices_config = delete $::form->{order}->{periodic_invoices_config};
$self->setup_custom_shipto_from_form($order, $::form);
if (my $periodic_invoices_config_attrs = $form_periodic_invoices_config ? SL::YAML::Load($form_periodic_invoices_config) : undef) {
my $periodic_invoices_config = $order->periodic_invoices_config || $order->periodic_invoices_config(SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->new);
# remove deleted items
foreach my $idx (reverse 0..$#{$order->orderitems}) {
my $item = $order->orderitems->[$idx];
if (none { $item->id == $_->{id} } @{$form_orderitems}) {
splice @{$order->orderitems}, $idx, 1;
push @{$self->item_ids_to_delete}, $item->id;
my @items;
my $pos = 1;
foreach my $form_attr (@{$form_orderitems}) {
my $item = make_item($order, $form_attr);
push @items, $item;
$order->add_items(grep {!$_->id} @items);
return $order;
# create or update items from form
# Make item objects from form values. For items already existing read from db.
# Create a new item else. And assign attributes.
sub make_item {
my ($record, $attr) = @_;
my $item;
$item = first { $_->id == $attr->{id} } @{$record->items} if $attr->{id};
my $is_new = !$item;
# add_custom_variables adds cvars to an orderitem with no cvars for saving, but
# they cannot be retrieved via custom_variables until the order/orderitem is
# saved. Adding empty custom_variables to new orderitem here solves this problem.
$item ||= SL::DB::OrderItem->new(custom_variables => []);
if ($is_new) {
my $texts = get_part_texts($item->part, $record->language_id);
$item->longdescription($texts->{longdescription}) if !defined $attr->{longdescription};
$item->project_id($record->globalproject_id) if !defined $attr->{project_id};
$item->lastcost($record->is_sales ? $item->part->lastcost : 0) if !defined $attr->{lastcost_as_number};
return $item;
# create a new item
# This is used to add one item
sub new_item {
my ($record, $attr) = @_;
my $item = SL::DB::OrderItem->new;
# Remove attributes where the user left or set the inputs empty.
# So these attributes will be undefined and we can distinguish them
# from zero later on.
for (qw(qty_as_number sellprice_as_number discount_as_percent)) {
delete $attr->{$_} if $attr->{$_} eq '';
$item->qty(1.0) if !$item->qty;
$item->unit($item->part->unit) if !$item->unit;
my ($price_src, $discount_src) = get_best_price_and_discount_source($record, $item, 0);
my %new_attr;
$new_attr{description} = $item->part->description if ! $item->description;
$new_attr{qty} = 1.0 if ! $item->qty;
$new_attr{price_factor_id} = $item->part->price_factor_id if ! $item->price_factor_id;
$new_attr{sellprice} = $price_src->price;
$new_attr{discount} = $discount_src->discount;
$new_attr{active_price_source} = $price_src;
$new_attr{active_discount_source} = $discount_src;
$new_attr{longdescription} = $item->part->notes if ! defined $attr->{longdescription};
$new_attr{project_id} = $record->globalproject_id;
$new_attr{lastcost} = $record->is_sales ? $item->part->lastcost : 0;
# add_custom_variables adds cvars to an orderitem with no cvars for saving, but
# they cannot be retrieved via custom_variables until the order/orderitem is
# saved. Adding empty custom_variables to new orderitem here solves this problem.
$new_attr{custom_variables} = [];
my $texts = get_part_texts($item->part, $record->language_id, description => $new_attr{description}, longdescription => $new_attr{longdescription});
$item->assign_attributes(%new_attr, %{ $texts });
return $item;
sub setup_order_from_cv {
my ($order) = @_;
$order->$_($order->customervendor->$_) for (qw(taxzone_id payment_id delivery_term_id currency_id language_id));
return if !$order->is_sales;
$order->salesman_id($order->customer->salesman_id || SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id);
? $order->customer->taxincluded_checked
: $::myconfig{taxincluded_checked});
my $address = $order->customer->default_billing_address;;
$order->billing_address_id($address ? $address->id : undef);
# setup custom shipto from form
# The dialog returns form variables starting with 'shipto' and cvars starting
# with 'shiptocvar_'.
# Mark it to be deleted if a shipto from master data is selected
# (i.e. order has a shipto).
# Else, update or create a new custom shipto. If the fields are empty, it
# will not be saved on save.
sub setup_custom_shipto_from_form {
my ($self, $order, $form) = @_;
if ($order->shipto) {
} else {
my $custom_shipto = $order->custom_shipto || $order->custom_shipto(SL::DB::Shipto->new(module => 'OE', custom_variables => []));
my $shipto_cvars = {map { my ($key) = m{^shiptocvar_(.+)}; $key => delete $form->{$_}} grep { m{^shiptocvar_} } keys %$form};
my $shipto_attrs = {map { $_ => delete $form->{$_}} grep { m{^shipto} } keys %$form};
$custom_shipto->cvar_by_name($_)->value($shipto_cvars->{$_}) for keys %$shipto_cvars;
# recalculate prices and taxes
# Using the PriceTaxCalculator. Store linetotals in the item objects.
sub recalc {
my ($self) = @_;
my %pat = $self->order->calculate_prices_and_taxes();
$self->{taxes} = [];
foreach my $tax_id (keys %{ $pat{taxes_by_tax_id} }) {
my $netamount = sum0 map { $pat{amounts}->{$_}->{amount} } grep { $pat{amounts}->{$_}->{tax_id} == $tax_id } keys %{ $pat{amounts} };
push(@{ $self->{taxes} }, { amount => $pat{taxes_by_tax_id}->{$tax_id},
netamount => $netamount,
tax => SL::DB::Tax->new(id => $tax_id)->load });
pairwise { $a->{linetotal} = $b->{linetotal} } @{$self->order->items_sorted}, @{$pat{items}};
# get data for saving, printing, ..., that is not changed in the form
# Only cvars for now.
sub get_unalterable_data {
my ($self) = @_;
foreach my $item (@{ $self->order->items }) {
# autovivify all cvars that are not in the form (cvars_by_config can do it).
# workaround to pre-parse number-cvars (parse_custom_variable_values does not parse number values).
foreach my $var (@{ $item->cvars_by_config }) {
$var->unparsed_value($::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $var->{__unparsed_value})) if ($var->config->type eq 'number' && exists($var->{__unparsed_value}));
# parse new or updated phone note
# And put them into the order object.
sub parse_phone_note {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!$::form->{phone_note}->{subject} || !$::form->{phone_note}->{body}) {
die t8('Phone note needs a subject and a body.');
my $phone_note;
if ($::form->{phone_note}->{id}) {
$phone_note = first { $_->id == $::form->{phone_note}->{id} } @{$self->order->phone_notes};
die t8('Phone note not found for this order.') if !$phone_note;
$phone_note = SL::DB::Note->new() if !$phone_note;
my $is_new = !$phone_note->id;
$phone_note->assign_attributes(%{ $::form->{phone_note} },
trans_id => $self->order->id,
trans_module => 'oe',
employee => SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current);
$self->order->add_phone_notes($phone_note) if $is_new;
return $phone_note;
# save the order
# And delete items that are deleted in the form.
sub save {
my ($self) = @_;
if (scalar @{$self->order->items} == 0 && !grep { $self->type eq $_ } @{$::instance_conf->get_allowed_documents_with_no_positions() || []}) {
return [t8('The action you\'ve chosen has not been executed because the document does not contain any item yet.')];
$self->parse_phone_note if $::form->{phone_note}->{subject} || $::form->{phone_note}->{body};
# create first version if none exists
$self->order->add_order_version(SL::DB::OrderVersion->new(version => 1)) if !$self->order->order_version;
my @converted_from_oe_ids;
if ($::form->{converted_from_oe_id}) {
@converted_from_oe_ids = split ' ', $::form->{converted_from_oe_id};
'SL::DB::Order' => \@converted_from_oe_ids,
'SL::DB::OrderItem' => $::form->{converted_from_orderitems_ids},
if ($::form->{converted_from_reclamation_id}) {
my @converted_from_reclamation_ids = split ' ', $::form->{converted_from_reclamation_id};
'SL::DB::Reclamation' => \@converted_from_reclamation_ids,
'SL::DB::ReclamationItem' => $::form->{converted_from_reclamation_items_ids},
my $is_new = !$self->order->id;
my $objects_to_close = scalar @converted_from_oe_ids
? SL::DB::Manager::Order->get_all(where => [id => \@converted_from_oe_ids, quotation => 1])
: undef;
my $items_to_delete = scalar @{ $self->item_ids_to_delete || [] }
? SL::DB::Manager::OrderItem->get_all(where => [id => $self->item_ids_to_delete])
: undef;
calculate_prices_and_taxes => 1,
with_validity_token => { scope => SL::DB::ValidityToken::SCOPE_ORDER_SAVE(), token => $::form->{form_validity_token} },
delete_custom_shipto => $self->is_custom_shipto_to_delete || $self->order->custom_shipto->is_empty,
items_to_delete => $items_to_delete,
objects_to_close => $objects_to_close,
history => { snumbers => $self->get_history_snumbers() },
link_requirement_specs_linking_to_created_from_objects => \@converted_from_oe_ids,
set_project_in_linked_requirement_specs => 1,
if ($is_new && $self->order->is_sales) {
my $imap_client = SL::IMAPClient->new();
if ($imap_client) {
delete $::form->{form_validity_token};
sub pre_render {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{all_taxzones} = SL::DB::Manager::TaxZone->get_all_sorted();
$self->{all_currencies} = SL::DB::Manager::Currency->get_all_sorted();
$self->{all_departments} = SL::DB::Manager::Department->get_all_sorted();
$self->{all_languages} = SL::DB::Manager::Language->get_all_sorted( query => [ or => [ obsolete => 0, id => $self->order->language_id ] ] );
$self->{all_employees} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->get_all(where => [ or => [ id => $self->order->employee_id,
deleted => 0 ] ],
sort_by => 'name');
$self->{all_salesmen} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->get_all(where => [ or => [ id => $self->order->salesman_id,
deleted => 0 ] ],
sort_by => 'name');
$self->{all_payment_terms} = SL::DB::Manager::PaymentTerm->get_all_sorted(where => [ or => [ id => $self->order->payment_id,
obsolete => 0 ] ]);
$self->{all_delivery_terms} = SL::DB::Manager::DeliveryTerm->get_valid($self->order->delivery_term_id);
$self->{all_statuses} = SL::DB::Manager::OrderStatus->get_all_sorted(where => [ or => [ id => $self->order->order_status_id,
obsolete => 0, ] ] );
$self->{current_employee_id} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id;
$self->{periodic_invoices_status} = $self->get_periodic_invoices_status($self->order->periodic_invoices_config);
$self->{order_probabilities} = [ map { { title => ($_ * 10) . '%', id => $_ * 10 } } (0..10) ];
$self->{positions_scrollbar_height} = SL::Helper::UserPreferences::PositionsScrollbar->new()->get_height();
my $print_form = Form->new('');
$print_form->{type} = $self->type;
$print_form->{printers} = SL::DB::Manager::Printer->get_all_sorted;
$self->{print_options} = SL::Helper::PrintOptions->get_print_options(
form => $print_form,
options => {dialog_name_prefix => 'print_options.',
show_headers => 1,
no_queue => 1,
no_postscript => 1,
no_opendocument => 0,
no_html => 0},
foreach my $item (@{$self->order->orderitems}) {
my $price_source = SL::PriceSource->new(record_item => $item, record => $self->order);
$item->active_price_source( $price_source->price_from_source( $item->active_price_source ));
if (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type())) {
# Calculate shipped qtys here to prevent calling calculate for every item via the items method.
# Do not use write_to_objects to prevent order->delivered to be set, because this should be
# the value from db, which can be set manually or is set when linked delivery orders are saved.
if ($self->order->number && $::instance_conf->get_webdav) {
my $webdav = SL::Webdav->new(
type => $self->type,
number => $self->order->number,
my @all_objects = $webdav->get_all_objects;
@{ $self->{template_args}->{WEBDAV} } = map { { name => $_->filename,
type => t8('File'),
link => File::Spec->catfile($_->full_filedescriptor),
} } @all_objects;
if ( (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type()))
&& $::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id ) {
$self->{template_args}->{transport_cost_reminder_article} = SL::DB::Part->new(id => $::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id)->load;
$self->{template_args}->{longdescription_dialog_size_percentage} = SL::Helper::UserPreferences::DisplayPreferences->new()->get_longdescription_dialog_size_percentage();
$self->get_item_cvpartnumber($_) for @{$self->order->items_sorted};
$self->{template_args}->{num_phone_notes} = scalar @{ $self->order->phone_notes || [] };
$::request->{layout}->use_javascript("${_}.js") for qw(kivi.Validator kivi.SalesPurchase kivi.Order kivi.File
edit_periodic_invoices_config calculate_qty follow_up show_history);
sub setup_edit_action_bar {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $deletion_allowed = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type()))
|| (($self->type eq sales_order_type()) && $::instance_conf->get_sales_order_show_delete)
|| (($self->type eq sales_order_intake_type()) && $::instance_conf->get_sales_order_show_delete)
|| (($self->type eq purchase_order_type()) && $::instance_conf->get_purchase_order_show_delete);
my @req_trans_cost_art = qw(kivi.Order.check_transport_cost_article_presence) x!!$::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id;
my @req_cusordnumber = qw(kivi.Order.check_cusordnumber_presence) x(( any {$self->type eq $_} (sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type()) ) && $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_cusordnumber);
my $has_invoice_for_advance_payment;
if ($self->order->id && $self->type eq sales_order_type()) {
my $lr = $self->order->linked_records(direction => 'to', to => ['Invoice']);
$has_invoice_for_advance_payment = any {'SL::DB::Invoice' eq ref $_ && "invoice_for_advance_payment" eq $_->type} @$lr;
my $has_final_invoice;
if ($self->order->id && $self->type eq sales_order_type()) {
my $lr = $self->order->linked_records(direction => 'to', to => ['Invoice']);
$has_final_invoice = any {'SL::DB::Invoice' eq ref $_ && "final_invoice" eq $_->type} @$lr;
my $right_for = { map { $_ => $_.'_edit' } @{$self->valid_types} };
$right_for->{ sales_order_intake_type() } = 'sales_order_edit';
$right_for->{ purchase_quotation_intake_type() } = 'request_quotation_edit';
my $right = $right_for->{ $self->type };
$right ||= 'DOES_NOT_EXIST';
my $may_edit_create = $::auth->assert($right, 'may fail');
my $is_final_version = $self->is_final_version;
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
combobox => [
action => [
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
warn_on_reqdate => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_deliverydate },
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices', ['kivi.validate_form','#order_form'],
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $is_final_version ? t8('This record is the final version. Please create a new sub-version') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Close'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
warn_on_reqdate => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_deliverydate,
back_to_caller => 1 },
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices', ['kivi.validate_form','#order_form'],
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $is_final_version ? t8('This record is the final version. Please create a new sub-version') : undef,
action => [
t8('Create Sub-Version'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'add_subversion' }, ],
only_if => $::instance_conf->get_lock_oe_subversions,
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: !$is_final_version ? t8('This sub-version is not yet finalized')
: undef,
action => [
t8('Save as new'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save_as_new',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.')
: undef,
], # end of combobox "Save"
combobox => [
action => [
action => [
t8('Save and Quotation'),
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => sales_quotation_type()), '#order_form' ],
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type(), request_quotation_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and RFQ'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_check_for_direct_delivery', { to_type => request_quotation_type() } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type(), sales_quotation_type(), purchase_order_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Purchase Quotation Intake'),
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => purchase_quotation_intake_type()), '#order_form' ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (request_quotation_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Sales Order Intake'),
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => sales_order_intake_type()), '#order_form' ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Sales Order Confirmation'),
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => sales_order_type()), '#order_form' ],
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), sales_order_intake_type(), request_quotation_type(), purchase_order_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Purchase Order'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_check_for_direct_delivery', { to_type => purchase_order_type() } ],
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type(), request_quotation_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Delivery Order'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save_and_delivery_order',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
warn_on_reqdate => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_deliverydate },
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Delivery Order with item selection'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.convert_to_purchase_delivery_order_select_items',
{ action => 'save_and_delivery_order',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
warn_on_reqdate => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_deliverydate },
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Supplier Delivery Order'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save_and_supplier_delivery_order',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
warn_on_reqdate => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_deliverydate },
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Reclamation'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save_and_reclamation',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type()))
action => [
t8('Save and Invoice'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save_and_invoice',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
not_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_intake_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type())),
action => [
($has_invoice_for_advance_payment ? t8('Save and Further Invoice for Advance Payment') : t8('Save and Invoice for Advance Payment')),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save_and_invoice_for_advance_payment',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $has_final_invoice ? t8('This order has already a final invoice.')
: undef,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type())),
action => [
t8('Save and Final Invoice'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save_and_final_invoice',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $has_final_invoice ? t8('This order has already a final invoice.')
: undef,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type())) && $has_invoice_for_advance_payment,
action => [
t8('Save and AP Transaction'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save_and_ap_transaction',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
], # end of combobox "Workflow"
combobox => [
action => [
action => [
t8('Save and preview PDF'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'preview_pdf',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
warn_on_reqdate => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_deliverydate },
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber ],
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $is_final_version ? t8('This record is the final version. Please create a new sub-version') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and print'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.show_print_options', { warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
warn_on_reqdate => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_deliverydate },
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber ],
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $is_final_version ? t8('This record is the final version. Please create a new sub-version') : undef,
action => [
($is_final_version ? t8('E-mail') : t8('Save and E-mail')),
id => 'save_and_email_action',
call => [ 'kivi.Order.save', { action => 'save_and_show_email_dialog',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
warn_on_reqdate => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_deliverydate },
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.')
: undef,
action => [
t8('Download attachments of all parts'),
call => [ 'kivi.File.downloadOrderitemsFiles', $::form->{type}, $::form->{id} ],
disabled => !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.') : undef,
only_if => $::instance_conf->get_doc_storage,
], # end of combobox "Export"
action => [
call => [ 'kivi.Order.delete_order' ],
confirm => $::locale->text('Do you really want to delete this object?'),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.')
: undef,
only_if => $deletion_allowed,
combobox => [
action => [
action => [
call => [ 'set_history_window', $self->order->id, 'id' ],
disabled => !$self->order->id ? t8('This record has not been saved yet.') : undef,
action => [
call => [ 'kivi.Order.follow_up_window' ],
disabled => !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.') : undef,
only_if => $::auth->assert('productivity', 1),
], # end of combobox "more"
sub generate_doc {
my ($self, $doc_ref, $params) = @_;
my $order = $self->order;
my @errors = ();
my $print_form = Form->new('');
$print_form->{type} = $order->type;
$print_form->{formname} = $params->{formname} || $order->type;
$print_form->{format} = $params->{format} || 'pdf';
$print_form->{media} = $params->{media} || 'file';
$print_form->{groupitems} = $params->{groupitems};
$print_form->{printer_id} = $params->{printer_id};
$print_form->{media} = 'file' if $print_form->{media} eq 'screen';
$order->flatten_to_form($print_form, format_amounts => 1);
my $template_ext;
my $template_type;
if ($print_form->{format} =~ /(opendocument|oasis)/i) {
$template_ext = 'odt';
$template_type = 'OpenDocument';
} elsif ($print_form->{format} =~ m{html}i) {
$template_ext = 'html';
$template_type = 'HTML';
# search for the template
my ($template_file, @template_files) = SL::Helper::CreatePDF->find_template(
name => $print_form->{formname},
extension => $template_ext,
email => $print_form->{media} eq 'email',
language => $params->{language},
printer_id => $print_form->{printer_id},
if (!defined $template_file) {
push @errors, $::locale->text('Cannot find matching template for this print request. Please contact your template maintainer. I tried these: #1.', join ', ', map { "'$_'"} @template_files);
return @errors if scalar @errors;
$print_form->throw_on_error(sub {
eval {
$$doc_ref = SL::Helper::CreatePDF->create_pdf(
format => $print_form->{format},
template_type => $template_type,
template => $template_file,
variables => $print_form,
variable_content_types => {
longdescription => 'html',
partnotes => 'html',
notes => 'html',
} || push @errors, ref($EVAL_ERROR) eq 'SL::X::FormError' ? $EVAL_ERROR->error : $EVAL_ERROR;
return @errors;
sub get_files_for_email_dialog {
my ($self) = @_;
my %files = map { ($_ => []) } qw(versions files vc_files part_files);
return %files if !$::instance_conf->get_doc_storage;
if ($self->order->id) {
$files{versions} = [ SL::File->get_all_versions(object_id => $self->order->id, object_type => $self->order->type, file_type => 'document') ];
$files{files} = [ SL::File->get_all( object_id => $self->order->id, object_type => $self->order->type, file_type => 'attachment') ];
$files{vc_files} = [ SL::File->get_all( object_id => $self->order->{$self->cv}->id, object_type => $self->cv, file_type => 'attachment') ];
$files{project_files} = [ SL::File->get_all( object_id => $self->order->globalproject_id, object_type => 'project', file_type => 'attachment') ];
my @parts =
uniq_by { $_->{id} }
map {
+{ id => $_->part->id,
partnumber => $_->part->partnumber }
} @{$self->order->items_sorted};
foreach my $part (@parts) {
my @pfiles = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $part->{id}, object_type => 'part');
push @{ $files{part_files} }, map { +{ %{ $_ }, partnumber => $part->{partnumber} } } @pfiles;
foreach my $key (keys %files) {
$files{$key} = [ sort_by { lc $_->{db_file}->{file_name} } @{ $files{$key} } ];
return %files;
sub make_periodic_invoices_config_from_yaml {
my ($yaml_config) = @_;
return if !$yaml_config;
my $attr = SL::YAML::Load($yaml_config);
return if 'HASH' ne ref $attr;
return SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->new(%$attr);
sub get_periodic_invoices_status {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
return if $self->type ne sales_order_type();
return t8('not configured') if !$config;
my $active = ('HASH' eq ref $config) ? $config->{active}
: ('SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig' eq ref $config) ? $config->active
: die "Cannot get status of periodic invoices config";
return $active ? t8('active') : t8('inactive');
sub get_title_for {
my ($self, $action) = @_;
return '' if none { lc($action)} qw(add edit);
# for locales:
# $::locale->text("Add Sales Order Intake");
# $::locale->text("Add Sales Order");
# $::locale->text("Add Purchase Order");
# $::locale->text("Add Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Add Request for Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Add Purchase Quotation Intake");
# $::locale->text("Edit Sales Order Intake");
# $::locale->text("Edit Sales Order");
# $::locale->text("Edit Purchase Order");
# $::locale->text("Edit Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Edit Request for Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Edit Purchase Quotation Intake");
$action = ucfirst(lc($action));
return $self->type eq sales_order_intake_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Sales Order Intake")
: $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Sales Order")
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Purchase Order")
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Quotation")
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Request for Quotation")
: $self->type eq purchase_quotation_intake_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Purchase Quotation Intake")
: '';
sub get_item_cvpartnumber {
my ($self, $item) = @_;
return if !$self->search_cvpartnumber;
return if !$self->order->customervendor;
if ($self->cv eq 'vendor') {
my @mms = grep { $_->make eq $self->order->customervendor->id } @{$item->part->makemodels};
$item->{cvpartnumber} = $mms[0]->model if scalar @mms;
} elsif ($self->cv eq 'customer') {
my @cps = grep { $_->customer_id eq $self->order->customervendor->id } @{$item->part->customerprices};
$item->{cvpartnumber} = $cps[0]->customer_partnumber if scalar @cps;
sub get_part_texts {
my ($part_or_id, $language_or_id, %defaults) = @_;
my $part = ref($part_or_id) ? $part_or_id : SL::DB::Part->load_cached($part_or_id);
my $language_id = ref($language_or_id) ? $language_or_id->id : $language_or_id;
my $texts = {
description => $defaults{description} // $part->description,
longdescription => $defaults{longdescription} // $part->notes,
return $texts unless $language_id;
my $translation = SL::DB::Manager::Translation->get_first(
where => [
parts_id => $part->id,
language_id => $language_id,
$texts->{description} = $translation->translation if $translation && $translation->translation;
$texts->{longdescription} = $translation->longdescription if $translation && $translation->longdescription;
return $texts;
sub get_best_price_and_discount_source {
my ($record, $item, $ignore_given) = @_;
my $price_source = SL::PriceSource->new(record_item => $item, record => $record);
my $price_src;
if ( $item->part->is_assortment ) {
# add assortment items with price 0, as the components carry the price
$price_src = $price_source->price_from_source("");
} elsif (!$ignore_given && defined $item->sellprice) {
$price_src = $price_source->price_from_source("");
} else {
$price_src = $price_source->best_price
? $price_source->best_price
: $price_source->price_from_source("");
$price_src->price($::form->round_amount($price_src->price / $record->exchangerate, 5)) if $record->exchangerate;
$price_src->price(0) if !$price_source->best_price;
my $discount_src;
if (!$ignore_given && defined $item->discount) {
$discount_src = $price_source->discount_from_source("");
} else {
$discount_src = $price_source->best_discount
? $price_source->best_discount
: $price_source->discount_from_source("");
$discount_src->discount(0) if !$price_source->best_discount;
return ($price_src, $discount_src);
sub sales_order_intake_type {
sub sales_order_type {
sub purchase_order_type {
sub sales_quotation_type {
sub request_quotation_type {
sub purchase_quotation_intake_type {
sub nr_key {
return $_[0]->type eq sales_order_intake_type() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq sales_order_type() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq purchase_order_type() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? 'quonumber'
: $_[0]->type eq request_quotation_type() ? 'quonumber'
: $_[0]->type eq purchase_quotation_intake_type() ? 'quonumber'
: '';
sub save_and_redirect_to {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $text = $self->type eq sales_order_intake_type() ? $::locale->text('The order intake has been saved')
: $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order confirmation has been saved')
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been saved')
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been saved')
: $self->type eq purchase_quotation_intake_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation intake has been saved')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
$self->redirect_to(%params, id => $self->order->id);
sub get_history_snumbers {
my ($self) = @_;
my $number_type = $self->order->type =~ m{order} ? 'ordnumber' : 'quonumber';
my $snumbers = $number_type . '_' . $self->order->$number_type;
return $snumbers;
sub save_history {
my ($self, $addition) = @_;
trans_id => $self->order->id,
employee_id => SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id,
what_done => $self->order->type,
snumbers => $self->get_history_snumbers(),
addition => $addition,
sub store_doc_to_webdav_and_filemanagement {
my ($self, $content, $filename, $variant) = @_;
my $order = $self->order;
my @errors;
# copy file to webdav folder
if ($order->number && $::instance_conf->get_webdav_documents) {
my $webdav = SL::Webdav->new(
type => $order->type,
number => $order->number,
my $webdav_file = SL::Webdav::File->new(
webdav => $webdav,
filename => $filename,
eval {
$webdav_file->store(data => \$content);
} or do {
push @errors, t8('Storing the document to the WebDAV folder failed: #1', $@);
my $file_obj;
if ($order->id && $::instance_conf->get_doc_storage) {
eval {
$file_obj = SL::File->save(object_id => $order->id,
object_type => $order->type,
mime_type => SL::MIME->mime_type_from_ext($filename),
source => 'created',
file_type => 'document',
file_name => $filename,
file_contents => $content,
print_variant => $variant);
$self->{file_id} = $file_obj->id;
} or do {
push @errors, t8('Storing the document in the storage backend failed: #1', $@);
return @errors;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::Controller::Order - controller for orders
This is a new form to enter orders, completely rewritten with the use
of controller and java script techniques.
The aim is to provide the user a better experience and a faster workflow. Also
the code should be more readable, more reliable and better to maintain.
=head2 Key Features
=over 4
=item *
One input row, so that input happens every time at the same place.
=item *
Use of pickers where possible.
=item *
Possibility to enter more than one item at once.
=item *
Item list in a scrollable area, so that the workflow buttons stay at
the bottom.
=item *
Reordering item rows with drag and drop is possible. Sorting item rows is
possible (by partnumber, description, qty, sellprice and discount for now).
=item *
No C<update> is necessary. All entries and calculations are managed
with ajax-calls and the page only reloads on C<save>.
=item *
User can see changes immediately, because of the use of java script
and ajax.
=head1 CODE
=head2 Layout
=over 4
=item * C<SL/Controller/Order.pm>
the controller
=item * C<template/webpages/order/form.html>
main form
=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/basic_data.html>
Main tab for basic_data.
This is the only tab here for now. "linked records" and "webdav" tabs are
reused from generic code.
=over 4
=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_business_info_row.html>
For displaying information on business type
=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_item_input.html>
The input line for items
=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_row.html>
One row for already entered items
=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_tax_row.html>
Displaying tax information
=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_price_sources_dialog.html>
Dialog for selecting price and discount sources
=item * C<js/kivi.Order.js>
java script functions
=head1 TODO
=over 4
=item * testing
=item * price sources: little symbols showing better price / better discount
=item * select units in input row?
=item * check for direct delivery (workflow sales order -> purchase order)
=item * access rights
=item * display weights
=item * mtime check
=item * optional client/user behaviour
(transactions has to be set - department has to be set -
force project if enabled in client config)
=over 4
=item *
No indication that <shift>-up/down expands/collapses second row.
=item *
Table header is not sticky in the scrolling area.
=item *
Sorting does not include C<position>, neither does reordering.
This behavior was implemented intentionally. But we can discuss, which behavior
should be implemented.
=head1 To discuss / Nice to have
=over 4
=item *
How to expand/collapse second row. Now it can be done clicking the icon or
=item *
This controller uses a (changed) copy of the template for the PriceSource
dialog. Maybe there could be used one code source.
=item *
Rounding-differences between this controller (PriceTaxCalculator) and the old
form. This is not only a problem here, but also in all parts using the PTC.
There exists a ticket and a patch. This patch should be testet.
=item *
An indicator, if the actual inputs are saved (like in an
editor or on text processing application).
=item *
A warning when leaving the page without saving unchanged inputs.
=head1 AUTHOR
Bernd Bleßmann E<lt>bernd@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>