Revision a46027e7
Von G. Richardson vor etwa 5 Jahren hinzugefügt
t/db_helper/payment.t | ||
use Test::Exception;
use List::Util qw(sum);
use SL::Dev::Record qw(create_invoice_item create_sales_invoice create_credit_note);
use SL::Dev::Record qw(create_invoice_item create_sales_invoice create_credit_note create_ap_transaction);
use SL::Dev::CustomerVendor qw(new_customer new_vendor);
use SL::Dev::Part qw(new_part);
use SL::DB::Buchungsgruppe;
... | ... | |
my ($transdate1, $transdate2, $transdate3, $transdate4, $currency, $exchangerate, $exchangerate2, $exchangerate3, $exchangerate4);
my ($ar_chart,$bank,$ar_amount_chart, $ap_chart, $ap_amount_chart, $fxloss_chart, $fxgain_chart);
my $purchase_invoice_counter = 0; # used for generating purchase invnumber
my $ap_transaction_counter = 0; # used for generating purchase invnumber
... | ... | |
... | ... | |
# test cases: with_skonto_pt
... | ... | |
$ap_amount_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( accno => '3400' ); # Wareneingang 19%
sub new_purchase_invoice {
# my %params = @_;
# manually create a Kreditorenbuchung from scratch, ap + acc_trans bookings, as no helper exists yet, like $invoice->post.
# arap-Booking must come last in the acc_trans order
sub new_ap_transaction {
my $purchase_invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
vendor_id => $vendor->id,
invnumber => 'newap ' . $purchase_invoice_counter ,
currency_id => $currency_id,
employee_id => $employee->id,
gldate => $transdate1,
taxzone_id => $taxzone->id,
transdate => $transdate1,
invoice => 0,
type => 'invoice',
my $ap_transaction = create_ap_transaction(
vendor => $vendor,
invnumber => 'newap ' . $ap_transaction_counter,
taxincluded => 0,
amount => '226',
netamount => '200',
paid => '0',
# %params,
my $expense_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '3400');
my $expense_chart_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $expense_chart->id,
chart_link => $expense_chart->link,
amount => '-100',
transdate => $transdate1,
source => '',
taxkey => 9,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9)->id);
my $tax_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '1576');
my $tax_chart_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $tax_chart->id,
chart_link => $tax_chart->link,
amount => '-19',
transdate => $transdate1,
source => '',
taxkey => 0,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9)->id);
$expense_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '3300');
$expense_chart_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $expense_chart->id,
chart_link => $expense_chart->link,
amount => '-100',
transdate => $transdate1,
source => '',
taxkey => 8,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8)->id);
$tax_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '1571');
$tax_chart_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $tax_chart->id,
chart_link => $tax_chart->link,
amount => '-7',
transdate => $transdate1,
source => '',
taxkey => 0,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8)->id);
my $arap_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '1600');
my $arap_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $arap_chart->id,
chart_link => $arap_chart->link,
amount => '226',
transdate => $transdate1,
source => '',
taxkey => 0,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
return $purchase_invoice;
gldate => $transdate1,
taxzone_id => $taxzone->id,
transdate => $transdate1,
bookings => [
chart => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '3400'),
amount => 100,
chart => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '3300'),
amount => 100,
return $ap_transaction;
sub number_of_payments {
... | ... | |
if ( $transaction->chart_link =~ /(AR_paid|AP_paid)/ ) {
$paid_amount += $transaction->amount ;
return ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount);
... | ... | |
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my $ap_transaction = new_ap_transaction();
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
... | ... | |
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my $ap_transaction = new_ap_transaction();
# default values
... | ... | |
# test 3 : two items, without skonto
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_without_skonto {
sub test_default_ap_transaction_two_charts_19_7_without_skonto {
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my $ap_transaction = new_ap_transaction();
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
... | ... | |
$params{amount} = '226'; # pass full amount
$params{payment_type} = 'without_skonto';
$purchase_invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
$ap_transaction->pay_invoice( %params );
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($ap_transaction);
my $total = total_amount($ap_transaction);
is($paid_amount, 226, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 1, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
... | ... | |
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_with_skonto {
sub test_default_ap_transaction_two_charts_19_7_with_skonto {
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my $ap_transaction = new_ap_transaction();
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
... | ... | |
# $params{amount} = '226'; # pass full amount
$params{payment_type} = 'with_skonto_pt';
$purchase_invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
$ap_transaction->pay_invoice( %params );
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($ap_transaction);
my $total = total_amount($ap_transaction);
is($paid_amount, 226, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
... | ... | |
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_tax_partial_unrounded_payment_without_skonto {
my $title = 'default purchase_invoice, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
sub test_default_ap_transaction_two_charts_19_7_tax_partial_unrounded_payment_without_skonto {
my $title = 'default ap_transaction, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
# check whether unrounded amounts passed via $params{amount} are rounded for without_skonto case
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
amount => ( $purchase_invoice->amount / 3 * 2),
my $ap_transaction = new_ap_transaction();
amount => ( $ap_transaction->amount / 3 * 2),
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($ap_transaction);
my $total = total_amount($ap_transaction);
is($paid_amount, 150.67, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 1, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
... | ... | |
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto {
my $title = 'default purchase_invoice, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
sub test_default_ap_transaction_two_charts_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto {
my $title = 'default ap_transaction, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my $ap_transaction = new_ap_transaction();
# pay 2/3 and 1/5, leaves 3.83% to be used as Skonto
amount => ( $purchase_invoice->amount / 3 * 2),
amount => ( $ap_transaction->amount / 3 * 2),
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
amount => ( $purchase_invoice->amount / 5 ),
amount => ( $ap_transaction->amount / 5 ),
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
payment_type => 'difference_as_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($ap_transaction);
my $total = total_amount($ap_transaction);
is($paid_amount, 226, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 4, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Payment Helper Test nutzt create_ap_transaction
create_ap_transaction benutzen, statt per acc_trans-Einträge manuell
zusammenzubauen. Außerdem purchase_invoice in ap_transaction umbenannt.