kivitendo/t/demolx/ @ a298090f
4e8f112f | Udo Spallek | #=====================================================================
# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2006
# Web
# Author: Udo Spallek
# Email:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Selenium Cleanup Script
# To clean up all the messy databases and users while debugging testcases
no strict;
push @INC, ['/t/selenium'];
use vars qw( $lxdebug $lxtest $sel );
use strict;
use Carp;
use WWW::Selenium;
use IO::Socket;
my $cleanedupdb = '';
my $cleanedupusers = '';
eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
if ($@) {
print "No test configuration found in t/lxtest.conf.\n
Maybe you forget to copy t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf. Exit test...\n";
exit 0;
sub server_is_running {
return IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ENV{SRC_HOST} || $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
PeerPort => $ENV{SRC_PORT} || $lxtest->{seleniumport},
if (server_is_running) {
else {
exit 0;
$lxtest->{testuserlogin} = $lxtest->{testlogin};
$lxtest->{db} = $lxtest->{db};
$lxtest->{lxadmin} = $lxtest->{lxbaseurl} . "$lxtest->{path}&rpw=$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
eval { $sel = WWW::Selenium->new(
host => $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
port => $lxtest->{seleniumport},
browser => $lxtest->{seleniumbrowser},
browser_url => $lxtest->{lxadmin},
auto_stop => '0',
if ($@) {
print "No Selenium Server running, or wrong preferences\n\n";
exit 0;
print "\nStarting Testdebugging Cleanup...\n";
### Delete user
print "Cleanup all users '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}*'\n";
my @links= $sel->get_all_links();
my $testuserlogin = $lxtest->{testuserlogin};
foreach my $link (@links) {
if ($link =~ /$testuserlogin\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"L?schen\")]");
$cleanedupusers .= " $link\n";
print "Lock the system\n";
$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
print "Cleanup all test databasees: '$lxtest->{db}*'\n";
$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
$sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
$sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
$sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank l?schen\")]");
my $field = $sel->get_body_text();
my $database= $lxtest->{db};
my @fields = split(' ', $field);
foreach my $field (@fields) {
if ($field =~ /$database\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
$sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
$sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
$sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank l?schen\")]");
$sel->check("name=db value=$field");
$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
$cleanedupdb .= " $field\n";
print "Unlock the system\n";
$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
$cleanedupdb = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupdb eq '');
$cleanedupusers = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupusers eq '');
print "Ready. \nReport:\n--- Cleaned up Users:\n$cleanedupusers---Cleaned up Databases:\n$cleanedupdb";
exit 1;