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Revision a1c4f3ce

Von Sven Schöling vor fast 15 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID a1c4f3ced1a73e63c94377051edbe32462eb521a
  • Vorgänger 56e57179
  • Nachfolger 8e3d1ea0

reqdate in warensuche/bsooqr/oe mode anzeigen.

PArtieller Fix für Bug 1291.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

) AS ioi ON ioi.parts_id =|,
apoe =>
SELECT id, transdate, 'ir' AS module, ordnumber, quonumber, invnumber, FALSE AS quotation, NULL AS customer_id, vendor_id, NULL AS deliverydate, 'invoice' AS ioi FROM ap UNION
SELECT id, transdate, 'is' AS module, ordnumber, quonumber, invnumber, FALSE AS quotation, customer_id, NULL AS vendor_id, deliverydate, 'invoice' AS ioi FROM ar UNION
SELECT id, transdate, 'oe' AS module, ordnumber, quonumber, NULL AS invnumber, quotation, customer_id, vendor_id, NULL AS deliverydate, 'orderitems' AS ioi FROM oe
SELECT id, transdate, 'ir' AS module, ordnumber, quonumber, invnumber, FALSE AS quotation, NULL AS customer_id, vendor_id, NULL AS deliverydate, 'invoice' AS ioi FROM ap UNION
SELECT id, transdate, 'is' AS module, ordnumber, quonumber, invnumber, FALSE AS quotation, customer_id, NULL AS vendor_id, deliverydate, 'invoice' AS ioi FROM ar UNION
SELECT id, transdate, 'oe' AS module, ordnumber, quonumber, NULL AS invnumber, quotation, customer_id, vendor_id, reqdate AS deliverydate, 'orderitems' AS ioi FROM oe
) AS apoe ON ((ioi.trans_id = AND (ioi.ioi = apoe.ioi))|,
cv =>
# special case for lastcost
if ($form->{ledgerchecks}){
# zumindestens für den haken 'gekauft' muss das verhalten
# so sein, das der Verkaufspreis nicht angezeigt
# wird. In der Backend-Funktion all_parts wird nur mit
# price gearbeitet
# ledgerchecks don't know about sellprice or lastcost. they just return a
# price. so rename sellprice to price, and drop lastcost.
$column_defs{sellprice}{text} = $locale->text('Price');
$form->{l_lastcost} = ""
$form->{l_lastcost} = ""
if ($form->{description}) {

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