Revision a18cc3f5
Von Moritz Bunkus vor fast 17 Jahren hinzugefügt
modules/override/PDF/ | ||
# Disable header row into the table
my $header_props;
my $num_header_rows = 0;
my @header_rows;
my (@header_rows, @header_row_cell_props);
# Check if the user enabled it ?
if (defined $arg{'header_props'} and ref( $arg{'header_props'}) eq 'HASH') {
# Transfer the reference to local variable
... | ... | |
if (ref $data eq 'ARRAY') {
# Copy the header row if header is enabled
if (defined $header_props) {
map { push @header_rows, $$data[$_] } (0..$num_header_rows - 1);
map { push @header_rows, $$data[$_] } (0..$num_header_rows - 1);
map { push @header_row_cell_props, $$cell_props[$_] } (0..$num_header_rows - 1);
# Determine column widths based on content
... | ... | |
# the actual widths of the column/row intersection
my $row_props = [];
# An array ref with the widths of the header row
my @header_row_props;
my @header_row_widths;
# Scalars that hold sum of the maximum and minimum widths of all columns
my ( $max_col_w, $min_col_w ) = ( 0,0 );
... | ... | |
my $rows_counter = 0;
foreach $row ( @{$data} ) {
push(@header_row_props, []) if ($rows_counter < $num_header_rows);
push(@header_row_widths, []) if ($rows_counter < $num_header_rows);
my $column_widths = []; #holds the width of each column
for( my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@$row) ; $j++ ) {
... | ... | |
$row_props->[$rows_counter] = $column_widths;
# Copy the calculated row properties of header row.
if (($rows_counter < $num_header_rows) && $header_props) {
push(@header_row_props, [ @{ $column_widths } ]);
push(@header_row_widths, [ @{ $column_widths } ]);
$main::lxdebug->dump(0, "hrp", \@header_row_props);
# Calc real column widths and expand table width if needed.
my $calc_column_widths;
($calc_column_widths, $width) = $self->CalcColumnWidths( $col_props, $width );
... | ... | |
if ( ref $header_props and $header_props->{'repeat'}) {
foreach my $idx (0 .. $num_header_rows - 1) {
unshift @$data, [ @{ $header_rows[$idx] } ];
unshift @$row_props, [ @{ $header_row_props[$idx] } ];
unshift @$row_props, [ @{ $header_row_widths[$idx] } ];
$remaining_header_rows = $num_header_rows;
... | ... | |
my $this_width;
if (!$remaining_header_rows && $cell_props->[$row_cnt]->[$j]->{colspan}) {
$colspan = -1 == $cell_props->[$row_cnt]->[$j]->{colspan} ? $num_cols - $j : $cell_props->[$row_cnt]->[$j]->{colspan};
$colspan = $cell_props->[$row_cnt]->[$j]->{colspan};
} elsif ($remaining_header_rows && $header_row_cell_props[$num_header_rows - $remaining_header_rows]->[$j]->{colspan}) {
$colspan = $header_row_cell_props[$num_header_rows - $remaining_header_rows]->[$j]->{colspan};
if ($colspan) {
$colspan = $num_cols - $j if (-1 == $colspan);
my $last_idx = $j + $colspan - 1;
$this_width = sum @{ $calc_column_widths }[$j..$last_idx];
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
ReportGenerator: Unterstützung für das Verbinden von Tabellenzellen mit dem "colspan"-Attribut in der PDF-Ausgabe.