Revision a14a3ff5
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 18 Jahren hinzugefügt
bin/mozilla/ | ||
my @triggers = ();
$form->{paidaccounts}++ if ($form->{"paid_$form->{paidaccounts}"});
for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
print "
... | ... | |
qq|<td align=center><select name="AP_paid_$i">$form->{"selectAP_paid_$i"}</select></td>|;
$column_data{"exchangerate_$i"} = qq|<td align=center>$exchangerate</td>|;
$column_data{"datepaid_$i"} =
qq|<td align=center><input name="datepaid_$i" size=11 title="($myconfig{'dateformat'})" value=$form->{"datepaid_$i"}></td>|;
qq|<td align=center><input name="datepaid_$i" size=11 title="($myconfig{'dateformat'})" value=$form->{"datepaid_$i"}>
<input type="button" name="datepaid_$i" id="trigger_datepaid_$i" value="?"></td>|;
$column_data{"source_$i"} =
qq|<td align=center><input name="source_$i" size=11 value="$form->{"source_$i"}"></td>|;
$column_data{"memo_$i"} =
... | ... | |
print "
push(@triggers, "datepaid_$i", "BL", "trigger_datepaid_$i");
map { $form->{$_} =~ s/\"/"/g } qw(selectAP_paid);
print qq|
print $form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, scalar(@triggers) / 3, @triggers) .
<input type=hidden name=paidaccounts value=$form->{paidaccounts}>
<input type=hidden name=selectAP_paid value="$form->{selectAP_paid}">
bin/mozilla/ | ||
my @triggers = ();
$form->{paidaccounts}++ if ($form->{"paid_$form->{paidaccounts}"});
for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
print "
... | ... | |
qq|<td align=center><select name="AR_paid_$i">$form->{"selectAR_paid_$i"}</select></td>|;
$column_data{exchangerate} = qq|<td align=center>$exchangerate</td>|;
$column_data{datepaid} =
qq|<td align=center><input name="datepaid_$i" size=11 value=$form->{"datepaid_$i"}></td>|;
qq|<td align=center><input name="datepaid_$i" size=11 value=$form->{"datepaid_$i"}>
<input type="button" name="datepaid_$i" id="trigger_datepaid_$i" value="?"></td>|;
$column_data{source} =
qq|<td align=center><input name="source_$i" size=11 value="$form->{"source_$i"}"></td>|;
$column_data{memo} =
... | ... | |
print "
push(@triggers, "datepaid_$i", "BL", "trigger_datepaid_$i");
map { $form->{$_} =~ s/\"/"/g } qw(selectAR_paid);
print qq|
print $form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, scalar(@triggers) / 3, @triggers) .
<input type=hidden name=paidaccounts value=$form->{paidaccounts}>
<input type=hidden name=selectAR_paid value="$form->{selectAR_paid}">
bin/mozilla/ | ||
# $locale->text('Customer Number')
# $locale->text('Vendor Number')
$form->{fokus} = "ct.greeting";
$form->{jsscript} = 1;
print qq|
... | ... | |
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=from name=from size=10 maxlength=10 value="$form->{from}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Bis') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=to name=to size=10 maxlength=10 value="$form->{to}"></td>
<td><input id=from name=from size=10 maxlength=10 value="$form->{from}">
<input type="button" name="from" id="trigger_from" value="?"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('To (time)') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=to name=to size=10 maxlength=10 value="$form->{to}">
<input type="button" name="to" id="trigger_to" value="?"></td>
<td colspan=4>
... | ... | |
| . $form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, 2, "from", "BL", "trigger_from",
"to", "BL", "trigger_to");
bin/mozilla/ | ||
. $locale->text('III') . qq|</option>
<option value=4>|
. $locale->text('IV') . qq|</option>|;
$form->{"jsscript"} = 1;
print qq|
... | ... | |
<td align=left><input name=zeitraum class=radio type=radio value=zeit> </td><td align=left>|
. $locale->text('Datum von') . qq|</td>
<td align=left><input name=transdatefrom size=8></td>
<td align=left><input id=transdatefrom name=transdatefrom size=10>
<input type="button" name="transdatefrom" id="trigger_transdatefrom" value="?"></td>
<td align=left>| . $locale->text('bis') . qq|</td>
<td align=left><input name=transdateto size=8></td>
<td align=left><input id=transdateto name=transdateto size=10>
<input type="button" name="transdateto" id="trigger_transdateto" value="?"></td>
... | ... | |
| . $form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, 2,
"transdatefrom", "BL", "trigger_transdatefrom",
"transdateto", "BL", "trigger_transdateto") . qq|
<input type=hidden name=beraternr value="$form->{beraternr}">
<input type=hidden name=dfvkz value="$form->{dfvkz}">
<input type=hidden name=beratername value="$form->{beratername}">
bin/mozilla/ | ||
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('To (time)') . qq|</th>
bin/mozilla/ | ||
<td width=5%> </td>
<th>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th>
<th>| . $locale->text('To') . qq|</th>
<th>| . $locale->text('To (time)') . qq|</th>
... | ... | |
<th>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th>
<th>| . $locale->text('To') . qq|</th>
<th>| . $locale->text('To (time)') . qq|</th>
... | ... | |
if ($form->{transdateto}) {
$callback .= "&transdateto=$form->{transdateto}";
$option .= "\n<br>"
. $locale->text('To')
. $locale->text('To (time)')
. " "
. $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{transdateto}, 1);
bin/mozilla/ | ||
my @triggers = ();
$form->{paidaccounts}++ if ($form->{"paid_$form->{paidaccounts}"});
for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
... | ... | |
$column_data{"AP_paid_$i"} =
qq|<td align=center><select name="AP_paid_$i">$form->{"selectAP_paid_$i"}</select></td>|;
$column_data{"datepaid_$i"} =
qq|<td align=center><input name="datepaid_$i" size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value=$form->{"datepaid_$i"}></td>|;
qq|<td align=center><input name="datepaid_$i" size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value=$form->{"datepaid_$i"}>
<input type="button" name="datepaid_$i" id="trigger_datepaid_$i" value="?"></td>|;
$column_data{"source_$i"} =
qq|<td align=center><input name="source_$i" size=11 value=$form->{"source_$i"}></td>|;
$column_data{"memo_$i"} =
... | ... | |
print qq|
push(@triggers, "datepaid_$i", "BL", "trigger_datepaid_$i");
print qq|
... | ... | |
print qq|
print $form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, scalar(@triggers) / 3, @triggers) .
<input type=hidden name=rowcount value=$form->{rowcount}>
bin/mozilla/ | ||
my @triggers = ();
$form->{paidaccounts}++ if ($form->{"paid_$form->{paidaccounts}"});
for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
... | ... | |
$column_data{"AR_paid_$i"} =
qq|<td align=center><select name="AR_paid_$i">$form->{"selectAR_paid_$i"}</select></td>|;
$column_data{"datepaid_$i"} =
qq|<td align=center><input name="datepaid_$i" size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value=$form->{"datepaid_$i"}></td>|;
qq|<td align=center><input id="datepaid_$i" name="datepaid_$i" size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value=$form->{"datepaid_$i"}>
<input type="button" name="datepaid_$i" id="trigger_datepaid_$i" value="?"></td>|;
$column_data{"source_$i"} =
qq|<td align=center><input name="source_$i" size=11 value="$form->{"source_$i"}"></td>|;
$column_data{"memo_$i"} =
... | ... | |
map { print qq|$column_data{"${_}_$i"}\n| } @column_index;
print "
push(@triggers, "datepaid_$i", "BL", "trigger_datepaid_$i");
print qq|
... | ... | |
print qq|
print $form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, scalar(@triggers) / 3, @triggers) .
<input type=hidden name=rowcount value=$form->{rowcount}>
bin/mozilla/ | ||
sub form_header {
$form->{jsscript} = 1;
... | ... | |
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Valid until') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=validuntil value=\"|
. quot($form->{"validuntil"}) . qq|\"></td>
<td><input id=validuntil name=validuntil value=\"|
. quot($form->{"validuntil"}) . qq|\">
<input type="button" name="validuntil" id="trigger_validuntil" value="?"></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Quantity') . qq|</th>
... | ... | |
</table>| .
$form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, 1, "validuntil", "BL",
bin/mozilla/ | ||
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Reconciliation');
$form->{"jsscript"} = 1;
print qq|
... | ... | |
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=fromdate size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}"></td>
<td><input name=fromdate id=fromdate size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}">
<input type="button" name="fromdate" id="trigger_fromdate" value="?"></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Until') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=todate size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}"></td>
<td><input name=todate id=todate size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}">
<input type="button" name="todate" id="trigger_todate" value="?"></td>
... | ... | |
| . $form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, 2,
"fromdate", "BL", "trigger_fromdate",
"todate", "BL", "trigger_todate") . qq|
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=get_payments>
locale/de/all | ||
'This upgrade script tries to map all existing units in the database to the newly created units.' => 'Dieses Update-Script versucht, alle bestehenden Einheiten automatisch in die neuen Einheiten umzuwandeln.',
'Title' => 'Titel',
'To' => 'An',
'To (time)' => 'Bis',
'To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save. A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.' => 'Um einer Gruppe einen neuen Benutzer hinzuzuf?gen, ?ndern und speichern Sie am einfachsten einen bestehen den Zugriffsnamen. Unter dem neuen Namen wird dann ein Benutzer mit denselben Einstellungen angelegt.',
'Top (CSS)' => 'Oben (mit CSS)',
'Top (Javascript)' => 'Oben (mit Javascript)',
locale/de/ct | ||
'Bcc' => 'Bcc',
'Billing Address' => 'Rechnungsadresse',
'Birthday' => 'Geburtstag',
'Bis' => 'bis',
'Cannot delete customer!' => 'Kunde kann nicht gel?scht werden!',
'Cannot delete vendor!' => 'Lieferant kann nicht gel?scht werden!',
'Cc' => 'Cc',
... | ... | |
'Tax Number / SSN' => 'Steuernummer',
'Taxable' => 'Steuerpflichtig',
'Title' => 'Titel',
'To (time)' => 'Bis',
'Type of Business' => 'Kundentyp',
'USt-IdNr.' => 'USt-IdNr.',
'Unit' => 'Einheit',
locale/de/gl | ||
'Subtotal' => 'Zwischensumme',
'Tax' => 'Steuer',
'Taxkey' => 'Steuerschl?ssel',
'To (time)' => 'Bis',
'Transaction Date missing!' => 'Buchungsdatum fehlt!',
'Transaction deleted!' => 'Buchung gel?scht!',
'Update' => 'Erneuern',
locale/de/ic | ||
'TOP100' => 'Top 100',
'The formula needs the following syntax:<br>For regular article:<br>Variablename= Variable Unit;<br>Variablename2= Variable2 Unit2;<br>...<br>###<br>Variable + ( Variable2 / Variable )<br><b>Please be beware of the spaces in the formula</b><br>' => 'Die Formeln müssen in der folgenden Syntax eingegeben werden:<br>Bei normalen Artikeln:<br>Variablenname= Variable Einheit;<br>Variablenname2= Variable2 Einheit2;<br>...<br>###<br>Variable + Variable2 * ( Variable - Variable2 )<br>Bitte achten Sie auf die Leerzeichen in der Formel<br>Es muss jeweils die Gesamte Zeile eingegeben werden',
'To' => 'An',
'To (time)' => 'Bis',
'Top 100' => 'Top 100',
'Top 100 hinzufuegen' => 'Top 100 hinzuf?gen',
'Top Level' => 'Hauptartikelbezeichnung',
locale/de/menuv3 | ||
'acc_menu' => 'acc_menu',
'clock_line' => 'clock_line',
'display' => 'display',
'section_menu' => 'section_menu',
'my_length' => 'my_length',
'print_menu' => 'print_menu',
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Jede Menge Javascript-Kalender eingefügt, und an einigen Stellen die Beschriftung von Datumsfeldern von "an" in "bis" geändert.