


Herunterladen (95,2 KB) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
# -*- coding: ISO-8859-15; -*-
# vim: fenc=ISO-8859-15

# These are all the texts to build the translations files.
# The file has the form of 'english text' => 'foreign text',
# you can add the translation in this file or in the 'missing' file
# run from this directory to rebuild the translation files

$self->{texts} = {
' Date missing!' => '',
' Part Number missing!' => '',
' missing!' => '',
'#1 prices were updated.' => '',
'<%account_number%> -- Your account number' => '',
'<%bank%> -- Your bank' => '',
'<%bank_code%> -- Your bank code' => '',
'<%currency%> -- The selected currency' => '',
'<%invtotal%> -- Invoice total' => '',
'<%invtotal_wo_skonto%> -- Invoice total less discount' => '',
'<%netto_date%> -- Date the payment is due in full' => '',
'<%skonto_amount%> -- The deductible amount' => '',
'<%skonto_date%> -- Date the payment is due with discount' => '',
'<%skonto_in_percent%> -- The discount in percent' => '',
'<%terms_netto%> -- The number of days for full payment' => '',
'<%total%> -- Amount payable' => '',
'<%total_wo_skonto%> -- Amount payable less discount' => '',
'*/' => '',
'---please select---' => '',
'...after loggin in' => '',
'...done' => '',
'...on the TODO list' => '',
'1. Quarter' => '',
'2. Quarter' => '',
'3. Quarter' => '',
'4. Quarter' => '',
'<b>What</b> do you want to look for?' => '',
'A Buchungsgruppe consists of a descriptive name and the account numbers for the income and expense accounts for those four tax zones as well as the inventory account number.' => '',
'A group named &quot;Full Access&quot; has been created.' => '',
'A group with that name does already exist.' => '',
'A lot of the usability of Lx-Office has been enhanced with javascript. Although it is currently possible to use every aspect of Lx-Office without javascript, we strongly recommend it. In a future version this may change and javascript may be necessary to access advanced features.' => '',
'A temporary directory could not be created:' => '',
'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => '',
'A temporary file could not be created:' => '',
'A unit with this name does already exist.' => '',
'A variable marked as \'editable\' can be changed in each quotation, order, invoice etc.' => '',
'ADDED' => '',
'AP' => 'Purchases',
'AP Aging' => 'Creditor Aging',
'AP Transaction' => 'Purchase Transaction',
'AP Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transaction Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transaction with Storno (abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transactions' => 'Purchase Transactions',
'AP transactions with sales taxkeys and/or AR transactions with input taxkeys' => '',
'AR' => 'Sales',
'AR Aging' => 'Debtor Aging',
'AR Transaction' => 'Sales Transaction',
'AR Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
'AR Transactions' => 'Sales Transactions',
'ASSETS' => '',
'Abrechnungsnummer' => '',
'Abteilung' => '',
'Account' => '',
'Account Category A' => '',
'Account Category C' => '',
'Account Category E' => '',
'Account Category G' => '',
'Account Category I' => '',
'Account Category L' => '',
'Account Category Q' => '',
'Account Description missing!' => '',
'Account Link AP' => '',
'Account Link AP_amount' => '',
'Account Link AP_paid' => '',
'Account Link AP_tax' => '',
'Account Link AR' => '',
'Account Link AR_amount' => '',
'Account Link AR_paid' => '',
'Account Link AR_tax' => '',
'Account Link CT_tax' => '',
'Account Link IC' => '',
'Account Link IC_cogs' => '',
'Account Link IC_expense' => '',
'Account Link IC_income' => '',
'Account Link IC_sale' => '',
'Account Link IC_taxpart' => '',
'Account Link IC_taxservice' => '',
'Account Number' => '',
'Account Number already used!' => '',
'Account Number missing!' => '',
'Account Nummer' => '',
'Account Type' => '',
'Account Type missing!' => '',
'Account deleted!' => '',
'Account for fees' => '',
'Account for interest' => '',
'Account number' => '',
'Account number #1, bank code #2, #3' => '',
'Account saved!' => '',
'Accounting Group deleted!' => '',
'Accounting Group saved!' => '',
'Accrual' => '',
'Active' => '',
'Active?' => '',
'Add' => '',
'Add AP Transaction' => '',
'Add AR Transaction' => '',
'Add Account' => '',
'Add Accounting Group' => '',
'Add Accounts Payables Transaction' => 'Add Purchase Transaction',
'Add Accounts Receivables Transaction' => 'Add Sales Transaction',
'Add Assembly' => '',
'Add Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Add Business' => '',
'Add Credit Note' => '',
'Add Customer' => '',
'Add Delivery Order' => '',
'Add Department' => '',
'Add Dunning' => '',
'Add Exchangerate' => '',
'Add Follow-Up' => '',
'Add Follow-Up for #1' => '',
'Add General Ledger Transaction' => '',
'Add Group' => '',
'Add Language' => '',
'Add Lead' => '',
'Add License' => '',
'Add Part' => '',
'Add Payment Terms' => '',
'Add Price Factor' => '',
'Add Pricegroup' => '',
'Add Printer' => '',
'Add Project' => '',
'Add Purchase Delivery Order' => '',
'Add Purchase Order' => '',
'Add Quotation' => '',
'Add RFQ' => '',
'Add Request for Quotation' => '',
'Add Sales Delivery Order' => '',
'Add Sales Invoice' => '',
'Add Sales Order' => '',
'Add Service' => '',
'Add Storno Credit Note' => '',
'Add Transaction' => '',
'Add User' => '',
'Add Vendor' => '',
'Add Vendor Invoice' => '',
'Add Warehouse' => '',
'Add a new group' => '',
'Add and edit units' => '',
'Add bank account' => '',
'Add custom variable' => '',
'Add note' => '',
'Add to group' => '',
'Add unit' => '',
'Address' => '',
'Administration' => '',
'Administration area' => '',
'Advance turnover tax return' => '',
'Aktion' => '',
'All' => '',
'All Accounts' => '',
'All Datasets up to date!' => '',
'All changes in that file have been reverted.' => '',
'All database upgrades have been applied.' => '',
'All general ledger entries' => '',
'All of the exports you have selected were already closed.' => '',
'All reports' => '',
'All the selected exports have already been closed, or all of their items have already been executed.' => '',
'Allow access' => '',
'Allow the following users access to my follow-ups:' => '',
'Alternatively you can create a new part which will then be selected.' => '',
'Alternatively you can skip this step and create groups yourself.' => '',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return' => '',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return (Nr. 10)' => '',
'Amount' => '',
'Amount Due' => '',
'Annotations' => '',
'Another user with the login #1 does already exist.' => '',
'Ansprechpartner' => '',
'Ap aging on %s' => '',
'Application Error. No Format given' => '',
'Application Error. Wrong Format' => '',
'Applying #1:' => '',
'Approximately #1 prices will be updated.' => '',
'Apr' => '',
'April' => '',
'Ar aging on %s' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Delivery Order Number #1?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Order Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Quotation Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Transaction' => '',
'Are you sure you want to remove the marked entries from the queue?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to update the prices' => '',
'Article Code' => '',
'Article Code missing!' => '',
'As a result, the saved onhand values of the present goods can be stored into a warehouse designated by you, or will be reset for a proper warehouse tracking' => '',
'Assemblies' => '',
'Assembly Description' => '',
'Assembly Number' => '',
'Assembly Number missing!' => '',
'Asset' => '',
'Assets' => '',
'Assign new units' => '',
'Assign units' => '',
'Assistant for general ledger corrections' => '',
'Assume Tax Consultant Data in Tax Computation?' => '',
'At least' => '',
'At least one Perl module that Lx-Office ERP requires for running is not installed on your system.' => '',
'At most' => '',
'At the moment the transaction looks like this:' => '',
'Attach PDF:' => '',
'Attachment' => '',
'Attachment name' => '',
'Attempt to call an undefined sub named \'%s\'' => '',
'Audit Control' => '',
'Aug' => '',
'August' => '',
'Authentification database creation' => '',
'Authentification tables creation' => '',
'Auto Send?' => '',
'Automatically created invoice for fee and interest for dunning %s' => '',
'Available qty' => '',
'BIC' => '',
'BOM' => '',
'BWA' => '',
'Back' => '',
'Backup Dataset' => '',
'Backup file' => '',
'Backup of dataset' => '',
'Balance' => '',
'Balance Sheet' => '',
'Bank' => '',
'Bank Code' => '',
'Bank Code (long)' => '',
'Bank Code Number' => '',
'Bank Connection Tax Office' => '',
'Bank Connections' => '',
'Bank accounts' => '',
'Bank code' => '',
'Bank transfer amount' => '',
'Bank transfer payment list for export #1' => '',
'Bank transfer via SEPA' => '',
'Bank transfers via SEPA' => '',
'Base unit' => '',
'Basic data' => '',
'Batch Printing' => '',
'Bcc' => '',
'Belegnummer' => '',
'Beratername' => '',
'Beraternummer' => '',
'Best Before' => '',
'Bestandskonto' => '',
'Bilanz' => '',
'Billing Address' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (city)' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (street)' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (zipcode)' => '',
'Bin' => '',
'Bin From' => '',
'Bin List' => '',
'Bin To' => '',
'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/' => '',
'Bins saved.' => '',
'Bins that have been used in the past cannot be deleted anymore. For these bins there\'s no checkbox in the &quot;Delete&quot; column.' => '',
'Birthday' => '',
'Bis' => '',
'Bis Konto: ' => '',
'Body' => '',
'Body:' => '',
'Books are open' => '',
'Books closed up to' => '',
'Boolean variables: If the default value is non-empty then the checkbox will be checked by default and unchecked otherwise.' => '',
'Both' => '',
'Bottom' => '',
'Bought' => '',
'Buchungsdatum' => '',
'Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Buchungskonto' => '',
'Buchungsnummer' => '',
'Business Number' => '',
'Business Volume' => '',
'Business deleted!' => '',
'Business saved!' => '',
'CANCELED' => '',
'CB Transaction' => '',
'CR' => '',
'CRM admin' => '',
'CRM create customers, vendors and contacts' => '',
'CRM follow up' => '',
'CRM know how' => '',
'CRM notices' => '',
'CRM opportunity' => '',
'CRM optional software' => '',
'CRM other' => '',
'CRM search' => '',
'CRM send email' => '',
'CRM services' => '',
'CRM status' => '',
'CRM termin' => '',
'CRM user' => '',
'CSV export -- options' => '',
'Calculate' => '',
'Can not create that quantity with current stock' => '',
'Cancel' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Payables Transaction' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Receivables Transaction' => '',
'Cannot create Lock!' => '',
'Cannot delete account!' => '',
'Cannot delete customer!' => '',
'Cannot delete default account!' => '',
'Cannot delete delivery order!' => '',
'Cannot delete invoice!' => '',
'Cannot delete item!' => '',
'Cannot delete order!' => '',
'Cannot delete quotation!' => '',
'Cannot delete transaction!' => '',
'Cannot delete vendor!' => '',
'Cannot have a value in both Debit and Credit!' => '',
'Cannot post Payment!' => '',
'Cannot post Receipt!' => '',
'Cannot post a transaction without a value!' => '',
'Cannot post invoice for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post invoice!' => '',
'Cannot post payment for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post payment!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction with a debit and credit entry for the same account!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction!' => '',
'Cannot process payment for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot remove files!' => '',
'Cannot save account!' => '',
'Cannot save order!' => '',
'Cannot save preferences!' => '',
'Cannot save quotation!' => '',
'Cannot storno storno invoice!' => '',
'Carry over shipping address' => '',
'Cash' => '',
'Cc' => '',
'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')' => '',
'Change representative to' => '',
'Charge Number' => '',
'Charge number' => '',
'Chart' => '',
'Chart Type' => '',
'Chart balance' => '',
'Chart of Accounts' => '',
'Chart of accounts' => '',
'Chartaccounts connected to this Tax:' => '',
'Check' => 'Cheque',
'Check Details' => '',
'Checks' => '',
'Choose Customer' => '',
'Choose Outputformat' => '',
'Choose Vendor' => '',
'Choose a Tax Number' => '',
'City' => '',
'Cleared Balance' => '',
'Clearing Tax Received (No 71)' => '',
'Click on login name to edit!' => '',
'Close' => '',
'Close Books up to' => '',
'Close SEPA exports' => '',
'Close Window' => '',
'Closed' => '',
'Collective Orders only work for orders from one customer!' => '',
'Comment' => '',
'Company' => '',
'Company Name' => '',
'Compare to' => '',
'Configuration of individual TODO items' => '',
'Confirm' => '',
'Confirm!' => '',
'Confirmation' => '',
'Contact' => '',
'Contact Person' => '',
'Contact person (surname)' => '',
'Contacts' => '',
'Continue' => '',
'Contra' => '',
'Copies' => '',
'Correct taxkey' => '',
'Corrections' => '',
'Cost Center' => '',
'Costs' => '',
'Could not copy %s to %s. Reason: %s' => '',
'Could not open the file users/members.' => '',
'Could not open the old memberfile.' => '',
'Could not print dunning.' => '',
'Could not rename %s to %s. Reason: %s' => '',
'Could not spawn ghostscript.' => '',
'Could not spawn the printer command.' => '',
'Could not update prices!' => '',
'Country' => '',
'Create Assembly' => '',
'Create Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Create Chart of Accounts' => '',
'Create Dataset' => '',
'Create Date' => '',
'Create a standard group' => '',
'Create and edit RFQs' => '',
'Create and edit customers and vendors' => '',
'Create and edit dunnings' => '',
'Create and edit invoices and credit notes' => '',
'Create and edit parts, services, assemblies' => '',
'Create and edit projects' => '',
'Create and edit purchase delivery orders' => '',
'Create and edit purchase orders' => '',
'Create and edit sales delivery orders' => '',
'Create and edit sales orders' => '',
'Create and edit sales quotations' => '',
'Create and edit vendor invoices' => '',
'Create bank transfer' => '',
'Create bank transfer via SEPA XML' => '',
'Create invoice?' => '',
'Create new' => '',
'Create tables' => '',
'Created by' => '',
'Created for' => '',
'Created on' => '',
'Credit' => '',
'Credit (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Credit Account' => '',
'Credit Limit' => '',
'Credit Limit exceeded!!!' => '',
'Credit Note' => '',
'Credit Note Date' => '',
'Credit Note Number' => '',
'Credit Starting Balance' => '',
'Credit Tax' => '',
'Credit Tax Account' => '',
'Credit note (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Curr' => '',
'Currencies' => '',
'Currency' => '',
'Current / Next Level' => '',
'Current Earnings' => '',
'Current unit' => '',
'Current value:' => '',
'Custom Variables' => '',
'Custom variables for module' => '',
'Customer' => '',
'Customer Name' => '',
'Customer Number' => '',
'Customer Order Number' => '',
'Customer deleted!' => '',
'Customer details' => '',
'Customer missing!' => '',
'Customer not on file or locked!' => '',
'Customer not on file!' => '',
'Customer saved!' => '',
'Customer type' => '',
'Customername' => '',
'Customernumberinit' => '',
'Customers' => '',
'Customers and vendors' => '',
'Customized Report' => '',
'DATEV - Export Assistent' => '',
'DATEV Angaben' => '',
'DATEV Export' => '',
'DATEX - Export Assistent' => '',
'DELETED' => '',
'DFV-Kennzeichen' => '',
'DR' => '',
'DUNS-Nr' => '',
'Database' => '',
'Database Administration' => '',
'Database Connection Test' => '',
'Database Host' => '',
'Database User missing!' => '',
'Database backups and restorations are disabled in lx-erp.conf.' => '',
'Database name' => '',
'Database template' => '',
'Database update error:' => '',
'Dataset' => '',
'Dataset missing!' => '',
'Dataset name' => '',
'Dataset upgrade' => '',
'Date' => '',
'Date Format' => '',
'Date Paid' => '',
'Date and timestamp variables: If the default value equals \'NOW\' then the current date/current timestamp will be used. Otherwise the default value is copied as-is.' => '',
'Date missing!' => '',
'Datevautomatik' => '',
'Datum von' => '',
'Debit' => '',
'Debit (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Debit Account' => '',
'Debit Starting Balance' => '',
'Debit Tax' => '',
'Debit Tax Account' => '',
'Debit and credit out of balance!' => '',
'Dec' => '',
'December' => '',
'Decimalplaces' => '',
'Decrease' => '',
'Default (no language selected)' => '',
'Default Accounts' => '',
'Default output medium' => '',
'Default printer' => '',
'Default template format' => '',
'Default value' => '',
'Defaults saved.' => '',
'Delete' => '',
'Delete Account' => '',
'Delete Contact' => '',
'Delete Dataset' => '',
'Delete Shipto' => '',
'Delete delivery order' => '',
'Delete drafts' => '',
'Delete group' => '',
'Delete transaction' => '',
'Delivered' => '',
'Delivery Date' => '',
'Delivery Order' => '',
'Delivery Order Date' => '',
'Delivery Order Date missing!' => '',
'Delivery Order Number' => '',
'Delivery Order deleted!' => '',
'Delivery Orders' => '',
'Department' => '',
'Department deleted!' => '',
'Department saved!' => '',
'Departments' => '',
'Dependency loop detected:' => '',
'Deposit' => '',
'Description' => '',
'Description (Click on Description for details)' => '',
'Description missing!' => '',
'Description must not be empty!' => '',
'Destination BIC' => '',
'Destination IBAN' => '',
'Destination bin' => '',
'Destination warehouse' => '',
'Destination warehouse and bin' => '',
'Details (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Difference' => '',
'Dimension unit' => '',
'Directory' => '',
'Discount' => '',
'Display' => '',
'Display file' => '',
'Display options' => '',
'Do you really want to close the following SEPA exports? No payment will be recorded for bank transfers that haven\'t been marked as executed yet.' => '',
'Do you really want to delete AP transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete AR transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete GL transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this group:' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this warehouse?' => '',
'Do you want Lx-Office to create a group for access to all functions?' => '',
'Do you want to <b>limit</b> your search?' => '',
'Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?' => '',
'Do you want to store the existing onhand values into a new warehouse?' => '',
'Document' => '',
'Documents in the WebDAV repository' => '',
'Done' => '',
'Download SEPA XML export file' => '',
'Download the backup' => '',
'Draft saved.' => '',
'Drawing' => '',
'Driver' => '',
'Dropdown Limit' => '',
'Due' => '',
'Due Date' => '',
'Due Date missing!' => '',
'Duedate +Days' => '',
'Dunning' => '',
'Dunning Amount' => '',
'Dunning Date' => '',
'Dunning Date from' => '',
'Dunning Description' => '',
'Dunning Description missing in row ' => '',
'Dunning Duedate' => '',
'Dunning Level' => '',
'Dunning Level missing in row ' => '',
'Dunning Process Config saved!' => '',
'Dunning Process started for selected invoices!' => '',
'Dunning number' => '',
'Dunning overview' => '',
'Dunnings' => '',
'During this user migration Lx-Office can create such a group for you and grant all users access to all of Lx-Office\'s functions.' => '',
'E-mail' => '',
'E-mail Statement to' => '',
'E-mail address missing!' => '',
'EAN' => '',
'EAN-Code' => '',
'EB-Wert' => '',
'EK' => '',
'ELSE' => '',
'ELSTER Export (Taxbird)' => '',
'ELSTER Export (Winston)' => '',
'ELSTER Export nach Winston' => '',
'ELSTER Tax Number' => '',
'EQUITY' => '',
'EU with VAT ID' => '',
'EU without VAT ID' => '',
'EUER' => '',
'EUR' => '',
'Earlier versions of Lx-Office contained bugs which might have led to wrong entries in the general ledger.' => '',
'Edit' => '',
'Edit Access Rights' => '',
'Edit Access Rights for Follow-Ups' => '',
'Edit Account' => '',
'Edit Accounting Group' => '',
'Edit Accounts Payables Transaction' => 'Edit Creditor Transaction',
'Edit Accounts Receivables Transaction' => 'Edit Debtor Transaction',
'Edit Assembly' => '',
'Edit Bins' => '',
'Edit Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Edit Business' => '',
'Edit Credit Note' => '',
'Edit Customer' => '',
'Edit Department' => '',
'Edit Dunning' => '',
'Edit Dunning Process Config' => '',
'Edit Follow-Up' => '',
'Edit Follow-Up for #1' => '',
'Edit General Ledger Transaction' => '',
'Edit Group' => '',
'Edit Language' => '',
'Edit Lead' => '',
'Edit Part' => '',
'Edit Payment Terms' => '',
'Edit Preferences for #1' => '',
'Edit Price Factor' => '',
'Edit Pricegroup' => '',
'Edit Printer' => '',
'Edit Project' => '',
'Edit Purchase Delivery Order' => '',
'Edit Purchase Order' => '',
'Edit Quotation' => '',
'Edit Request for Quotation' => '',
'Edit Sales Delivery Order' => '',
'Edit Sales Invoice' => '',
'Edit Sales Order' => '',
'Edit Service' => '',
'Edit Storno Credit Note' => '',
'Edit Storno Invoice' => '',
'Edit User' => '',
'Edit Vendor' => '',
'Edit Vendor Invoice' => '',
'Edit Warehouse' => '',
'Edit and delete a group' => '',
'Edit bank account' => '',
'Edit custom variable' => '',
'Edit file' => '',
'Edit greetings' => '',
'Edit group ' => '',
'Edit group membership' => '',
'Edit groups' => '',
'Edit note' => '',
'Edit rights' => '',
'Edit templates' => '',
'Edit the Delivery Order' => '',
'Edit the membership of all users in all groups:' => '',
'Edit the purchase_order' => '',
'Edit the request_quotation' => '',
'Edit the sales_order' => '',
'Edit the sales_quotation' => '',
'Edit the stylesheet' => '',
'Edit units' => '',
'Editable' => '',
'Either there are no open invoices, or you have already initiated bank transfers with the open amounts for those that are still open.' => '',
'Element disabled' => '',
'Employee' => '',
'Empty transaction!' => '',
'Enter a description for this new draft.' => '',
'Enter longdescription' => '',
'Enter the requested execution date or leave empty for the quickest possible execution:' => '',
'Enter up to 3 letters separated by a colon (i.e CAD:USD:EUR) for your native and foreign currencies' => '',
'Equity' => '',
'Error' => '',
'Error in database control file \'%s\': %s' => '',
'Error in position #1: You must either assign no stock at all or the full quantity of #2 #3.' => '',
'Error in position #1: You must either assign no transfer at all or the full quantity of #2 #3.' => '',
'Error in row #1: The quantity you entered is bigger than the stocked quantity.' => '',
'Error message from the database driver:' => '',
'Error!' => '',
'Ertrag' => '',
'Ertrag prozentual' => '',
'Escape character' => '',
'Exact' => '',
'Excel' => '',
'Exch' => '',
'Exchangerate' => '',
'Exchangerate Difference' => '',
'Exchangerate for payment missing!' => '',
'Exchangerate missing!' => '',
'Executed' => '',
'Execution date' => '',
'Execution date from' => '',
'Execution date to' => '',
'Existing Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Existing Datasets' => '',
'Existing pending follow-ups for this item' => '',
'Expected Tax' => '',
'Expense' => '',
'Expense Account' => '',
'Expense accno' => '',
'Expense/Asset' => '',
'Expenses EU with UStId' => '',
'Expenses EU without UStId' => '',
'Expired licenses' => '',
'Expiring in x month(s)' => '',
'Export Buchungsdaten' => '',
'Export Stammdaten' => '',
'Export as CSV' => '',
'Export as PDF' => '',
'Export date' => '',
'Export date from' => '',
'Export date to' => '',
'Extended' => '',
'Extension Of Time' => '',
'Factor' => '',
'Factor missing!' => '',
'Falsches Datumsformat!' => '',
'Favorites' => '',
'Fax' => '',
'Feb' => '',
'February' => '',
'Fee' => '',
'File' => '',
'File name' => '',
'Files created by Lx-Office\'s &quot;Backup Dataset&quot; function are such files.' => '',
'Filter' => '',
'Finish' => '',
'Fix transaction' => '',
'Fix transactions' => '',
'Folgekonto' => '',
'Follow-Up' => '',
'Follow-Up Date' => '',
'Follow-Up On' => '',
'Follow-Up done' => '',
'Follow-Up for' => '',
'Follow-Up for user' => '',
'Follow-Up saved.' => '',
'Follow-Ups' => '',
'Follow-up for' => '',
'Font' => '',
'Font size' => '',
'For AP transactions it will replace the sales taxkeys with input taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => '',
'For AR transactions it will replace the input taxkeys with sales taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => '',
'For each unit there\'s either no or exactly one base unit. If you chose a base unit then you also have to chose a factor. That way the new unit will be defined as a multiple of the base unit. The base unit must be the &quot;smaller&quot; one. A factor may not be less than 1. Therefore you may define &quot;kg&quot; with the base unit &quot;g&quot; and a factor of &quot;1&quot;, but not the other way round.' => '',
'Foreign Exchange Gain' => '',
'Foreign Exchange Loss' => '',
'Foreign Expenses' => '',
'Foreign Revenues' => '',
'Form details (second row)' => '',
'Formula' => '',
'Free report period' => '',
'Free-form text' => '',
'Fristsetzung' => '',
'From' => '',
'From Date' => '',
'Full Access' => '',
'Full access to all functions' => '',
'Fwd' => 'Forward',
'GL Transaction' => '',
'Gegenkonto' => '',
'Gender' => '',
'General Ledger' => '',
'General Ledger Corrections' => '',
'General Ledger Transaction' => '',
'General ledger and cash' => '',
'General ledger corrections' => '',
'Generic Tax Report' => '',
'Given Name' => '',
'Go one step back' => '',
'Go one step forward' => '',
'Greeting' => '',
'Greetings' => '',
'Group' => '',
'Group Invoices' => '',
'Group Items' => '',
'Group deleted!' => '',
'Group membership' => '',
'Group missing!' => '',
'Group saved!' => '',
'Groups' => '',
'HTML' => '',
'HTML Templates' => '',
'Hardcopy' => '',
'Has serial number' => '',
'Header' => '',
'Heading' => '',
'Help' => '',
'Here\'s an example command line:' => '',
'Hide by default' => '',
'History' => '',
'History Search' => '',
'History Search Engine' => '',
'Homepage' => '',
'Host' => '',
'However, you can create a new part which will then be selected.' => '',
'I' => '',
'IBAN' => '',
'ID' => '',
'ID-Nummer' => '',
'II' => '',
'III' => '',
'IV' => '',
'If the automatic creation of invoices for fees and interest is switched on for a dunning level then the following accounts will be used for the invoice.' => '',
'If the database user listed above does not have the right to create a database then enter the name and password of the superuser below:' => '',
'If you chose to let Lx-Office do the migration then Lx-Office will also remove the old member file after creating a backup copy of it in the directory &quot;#1&quot;.' => '',
'If you enter values for the part number and / or part description then only those bins containing parts whose part number or part description match your input will be shown.' => '',
'If you see this message, you most likely just setup your LX-Office and haven\'t added any entry types. If this is the case, the option is accessible for administrators in the System menu.' => '',
'If you want to change any of these parameters then press the &quot;Back&quot; button, edit the file &quot;config/; and login into the admin module again.' => '',
'If you want to delete such a dataset you have to edit the user(s) that are using the dataset in question and have them use another dataset.' => '',
'If you want to set up the authentication database yourself then log in to the administration panel. Lx-Office will then create the database and tables for you.' => '',
'If you yourself want to upgrade the installation then please read the file &quot;doc/UPGRADE&quot; and follow the steps outlined in this file.' => '',
'Image' => '',
'Import CSV' => '',
'In Lx-Office 2.4.0 the administrator has to enter a list of units in the administrative section.' => '',
'In order to do that hit the button "Delete transaction".' => '',
'In the latter case the tables needed by Lx-Office will be created in that database.' => '',
'In-line' => '',
'Inactive' => '',
'Include Exchangerate Difference' => '',
'Include column headings' => '',
'Include empty bins' => '',
'Include in Report' => '',
'Include in drop-down menus' => '',
'Includeable in reports' => '',
'Income Statement' => '',
'Income accno' => '',
'Incoming Payments' => '',
'Incoming invoice number' => '',
'Incorrect Password!' => '',
'Incorrect username or password!' => '',
'Increase' => '',
'Individual Items' => '',
'Information' => '',
'Interest' => '',
'Interest Rate' => '',
'Internal Notes' => '',
'International' => '',
'Internet' => '',
'Introduction of Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Introduction of units' => '',
'Inv. Duedate' => '',
'Invalid' => '',
'Invalid follow-up ID.' => '',
'Invalid quantity.' => '',
'Invdate' => '',
'Invdate from' => '',
'Inventory' => '',
'Inventory Account' => '',
'Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this assembly obsolete!' => '',
'Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this part obsolete!' => '',
'Invno.' => '',
'Invnumber' => '',
'Invnumber missing!' => '',
'Invoice' => '',
'Invoice (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Invoice Date' => '',
'Invoice Date missing!' => '',
'Invoice Duedate' => '',
'Invoice Number' => '',
'Invoice Number missing!' => '',
'Invoice deleted!' => '',
'Invoice for fees' => '',
'Invoice has already been storno\'d!' => '',
'Invoice number' => '',
'Invoice with Storno (abbreviation)' => '',
'Invoices' => '',
'Is this a summary account to record' => '',
'It is possible that even after such a correction there is something wrong with this transaction (e.g. taxes that don\'t match the selected taxkey). Therefore you should re-run the general ledger analysis.' => '',
'It is possible to do this automatically for some Buchungsgruppen, but not for all.' => '',
'It is possible to do this automatically for some units, but for others the user has to chose the new unit.' => '',
'It may optionally be compressed with &quot;gzip&quot;.' => '',
'It will simply set the taxkey to 0 (meaning "no taxes") which is the correct value for such inventory transactions.' => '',
'Item deleted!' => '',
'Item not on file!' => '',
'Jahresverkehrszahlen neu' => '',
'Jan' => '',
'January' => '',
'Journal' => '',
'Jul' => '',
'July' => '',
'Jump to' => '',
'Jun' => '',
'June' => '',
'KNE-Export erfolgreich!' => '',
'KNr. beim Kunden' => '',
'Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden!' => '',
'Konten' => '',
'Kontonummernerweiterung (KNE)' => '',
'L' => '',
'LP' => '',
'LaTeX Templates' => '',
'Landscape' => '',
'Language' => '',
'Language Values' => '',
'Language deleted!' => '',
'Language missing!' => '',
'Language saved!' => '',
'Languages' => '',
'Last Article Number' => '',
'Last Cost' => '',
'Last Credit Note Number' => '',
'Last Customer Number' => '',
'Last Invoice Number' => '',
'Last Purchase Delivery Order Number' => '',
'Last Purchase Order Number' => '',
'Last RFQ Number' => '',
'Last Sales Delivery Order Number' => '',
'Last Sales Order Number' => '',
'Last Sales Quotation Number' => '',
'Last Service Number' => '',
'Last Transaction' => '',
'Last Vendor Number' => '',
'Lead' => '',
'Leave host and port field empty unless you want to make a remote connection.' => '',
'Left' => '',
'Liability' => '',
'License' => '',
'License key' => '',
'Licensed to' => '',
'Licenses' => '',
'Limit part selection' => '',
'Line Total' => '',
'Line endings' => '',
'List' => '',
'List Accounting Groups' => '',
'List Accounts' => '',
'List Businesses' => '',
'List Departments' => '',
'List Groups' => '',
'List Languages' => '',
'List Lead' => '',
'List Payment Terms' => '',
'List Price' => '',
'List Price Factors' => '',
'List Pricegroups' => '',
'List Printer' => '',
'List Tax' => '',
'List Transactions' => '',
'List Warehouses' => '',
'List bank accounts' => '',
'List export' => '',
'List of bank accounts' => '',
'List of bank transfers' => '',
'List of custom variables' => '',
'List open SEPA exports' => '',
'Load draft' => '',
'Local Tax Office Preferences' => '',
'Lock System' => '',
'Lockfile created!' => '',
'Lockfile removed!' => '',
'Login' => '',
'Login Name' => '',
'Login name missing!' => '',
'Logout' => '',
'Logout now' => '',
'Long Dates' => '',
'Long Description' => '',
'Lx-Office' => '',
'Lx-Office 2.4.0 introduces two new concepts: tax zones and Buchungsgruppen.' => '',
'Lx-Office can fix these problems automatically.' => '',
'Lx-Office has been switched to group-based access restrictions.' => '',
'Lx-Office has found one or more problems in the general ledger.' => '',
'Lx-Office is about to update the database <b>#1</b>.' => '',
'Lx-Office is now able to manage warehouses instead of just tracking the amount of goods in your system.' => '',
'Lx-Office website' => '',
'MAILED' => '',
'Main Preferences' => '',
'Make' => '',
'Manage license keys' => '',
'Mandantennummer' => '',
'Mandatory Departments' => '',
'Mar' => '',
'March' => '',
'Margins' => '',
'Mark as closed' => '',
'Mark as paid?' => '',
'Mark closed' => '',
'Marked as paid' => '',
'Marked entries printed!' => '',
'Master Data' => '',
'Max. Dunning Level' => '',
'May' => '',
'May ' => '',
'May set the BCC field when sending emails' => '',
'Medium Number' => '',
'Memo' => '',
'Menu' => '',
'Message' => '',
'Method' => '',
'Microfiche' => '',
'Minimum Amount' => '',
'Miscellaneous' => '',
'Missing \'description\' field.' => '',
'Missing \'tag\' field.' => '',
'Missing Method!' => '',
'Missing Tax Authoritys Preferences' => '',
'Missing amount' => '',
'Missing parameter #1 in call to sub #2.' => '',
'Missing parameter (at least one of #1) in call to sub #2.' => '',
'Missing taxkeys in invoices with taxes.' => '',
'Mitarbeiter' => '',
'Mobile1' => '',
'Mobile2' => '',
'Model' => '',
'Module' => '',
'Module home page' => '',
'Module name' => '',
'Monat' => '',
'Monthly' => '',
'More than one #1 found matching, please be more specific.' => '',
'More than one control file with the tag \'%s\' exist.' => '',
'Multi mode not supported.' => '',
'Multibyte Encoding' => '',
'MwSt. inkl.' => '',
'Name' => '',
'Name missing!' => '',
'National' => '',
'National Expenses' => '',
'National Revenues' => '',
'Netto Terms' => '',
'New Buchungsgruppe #1' => '',
'New Templates' => '',
'New Win/Tab' => '',
'New assembly' => '',
'New bank account' => '',
'New contact' => '',
'New customer' => '',
'New invoice' => '',
'New part' => '',
'New sales order' => '',
'New service' => '',
'New unit' => '',
'New vendor' => '',
'Next Dunning Level' => '',
'No' => '',
'No %s was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No Company Address given' => '',
'No Company Name given' => '',
'No Customer was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No Database Drivers available!' => '',
'No Dataset selected!' => '',
'No Vendor was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No action defined.' => '',
'No backup file has been uploaded.' => '',
'No bank information has been entered in this vendor\'s master data entry. You cannot create bank transfers unless you enter bank information.' => '',
'No bins have been added to this warehouse yet.' => '',
'No customer has been selected yet.' => '',
'No data was found.' => '',
'No databases have been found on this server.' => '',
'No datasets have been selected.' => '',
'No dunnings have been selected for printing.' => '',
'No entries were found which had no unit assigned to them.' => '',
'No group has been selected, or the group does not exist anymore.' => '',
'No groups have been added yet.' => '',
'No licenses were found that match the search criteria.' => '',
'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/".' => '',
'No part was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No prices will be updated because no prices have been entered.' => '',
'No problems were recognized.' => '',
'No transfers were executed in this export.' => '',
'No unknown units where found.' => '',
'No user has been selected.' => '',
'No valid number entered for pricegroup "#1".' => '',
'No vendor has been selected yet.' => '',
'No warehouse has been created yet or the quantity of the bins is not configured yet.' => '',
'No.' => '',
'Non-taxable Purchases' => '',
'Non-taxable Sales' => '',
'None' => '',
'Not Discountable' => '',
'Not delivered' => '',
'Not done yet' => '',
'Not obsolete' => '',
'Note' => '',
'Note: Taxkeys must have a "valid from" date, and will not be in effect otherwise.' => '',
'Notes' => '',
'Nothing has been selected for removal.' => '',
'Nothing has been selected for transfer.' => '',
'Nothing selected!' => '',
'Nothing to delete!' => '',
'Nov' => '',
'November' => '',
'Now the user must select a single Buchungsgruppe for each part instead of three distinct accounts.' => '',
'Number' => '',
'Number Format' => '',
'Number missing in Row' => '',
'Number of bins' => '',
'Number of copies' => '',
'Number of entries changed: #1' => '',
'Number of new bins' => '',
'Number pages' => '',
'Number variables: \'PRECISION=n\' forces numbers to be shown with exactly n decimal places.' => '',
'OB Transaction' => '',
'OBE-Export erfolgreich!' => '',
'Obsolete' => '',
'Oct' => '',
'October' => '',
'Off' => '',
'Old (on the side)' => '',
'On' => '',
'On Hand' => '',
'On Order' => '',
'One or more Perl modules missing' => '',
'Only due follow-ups' => '',
'Open' => '',
'Open Amount' => '',
'Open a further Lx-Office Window or Tab' => '',
'Open amount' => '',
'OpenDocument/OASIS' => '',
'Openings' => '',
'Optional comment' => '',
'Options' => '',
'Order' => '',
'Order Date' => '',
'Order Date missing!' => '',
'Order Number' => '',
'Order Number missing!' => '',
'Order deleted!' => '',
'Ordered' => '',
'Orientation' => '',
'Orphaned' => '',
'Other users\' follow-ups' => '',
'Other values are ignored.' => '',
'Others' => '',
'Otherwise all users will only have access to their own settings.' => '',
'Otherwise the variable is only available for printing.' => '',
'Out of balance transaction!' => '',
'Out of balance!' => '',
'Output Number Format' => '',
'Outputformat' => '',
'Overdue sales quotations and requests for quotations' => '',
'Own Product' => '',
'PDF' => '',
'PDF (OpenDocument/OASIS)' => '',
'PDF export -- options' => '',
'POSTED' => '',
'POSTED AS NEW' => '',
'PRINTED' => '',
'Packing List' => '',
'Packing List Date missing!' => '',
'Packing List Number missing!' => '',
'Packing Lists' => '',
'Page #1/#2' => '',
'Paid' => '',
'Part' => '',
'Part Description' => '',
'Part Description missing!' => '',
'Part Number' => '',
'Part Number missing!' => '',
'Part description' => '',
'Partnumber must not be set to empty!' => '',
'Partnumber not unique!' => '',
'Parts' => '',
'Parts Inventory' => '',
'Parts must have an entry type.' => '',
'Parts, services and assemblies' => '',
'Password' => '',
'Payables' => '',
'Payment' => '',
'Payment Reminder' => '',
'Payment Terms' => '',
'Payment Terms missing in row ' => '',
'Payment Terms saved!' => '',
'Payment date missing!' => '',
'Payment list as PDF' => '',
'Payment posted!' => '',
'Payment terms deleted!' => '',
'Payments' => '',
'Period' => '',
'Period:' => '',
'Personal settings' => '',
'Pg Database Administration' => '',
'Phone' => '',
'Phone1' => '',
'Phone2' => '',
'Pick List' => '',
'Please Check the bank information for each vendor:' => '',
'Please ask your administrator to create warehouses and bins.' => '',
'Please enter a license key.' => '',
'Please enter a number of licenses.' => '',
'Please enter the login for the new user.' => '',
'Please enter the name of the database that will be used as the template for the new database:' => '',
'Please enter the name of the dataset you want to restore the backup in.' => '',
'Please enter the taxnumber in the administration menu user preferences' => '',
'Please enter values' => '',
'Please insert object dimensions below.' => '',
'Please insert your language values below' => '',
'Please insert your longdescription below' => '',
'Please install the below listed modules or ask your system administrator to.' => '',
'Please re-run the analysis for broken general ledger entries by clicking this button:' => '',
'Please read the file' => '',
'Please select a customer from the list below.' => '',
'Please select a part from the list below.' => '',
'Please select a vendor from the list below.' => '',
'Please select the chart of accounts this installation is using from the list below.' => '',
'Please select the database you want to backup' => '',
'Please select the source bank account for the transfers:' => '',
'Please seletct the dataset you want to delete:' => '',
'Please specify a description for the warehouse designated for these goods.' => '',
'Plural' => '',
'Port' => '',
'Portrait' => '',
'Post' => '',
'Post Payment' => '',
'Post payments' => '',
'Postscript' => '',
'Posustva_coa' => '',
'Preferences' => '',
'Preferences saved!' => '',
'Prefix for the new bins\' names' => '',
'Preis' => '',
'Preisgruppe' => '',
'Preisklasse' => '',
'Prepare bank transfer via SEPA XML' => '',
'Prepayment' => '',
'Preview' => '',
'Previous transdate text' => '',
'Previous transnumber text' => '',
'Price' => '',
'Price Factor' => '',
'Price Factors' => '',
'Price factor deleted!' => '',
'Price factor saved!' => '',
'Pricegroup' => '',
'Pricegroup deleted!' => '',
'Pricegroup missing!' => '',
'Pricegroup saved!' => '',
'Pricegroups' => '',
'Print' => '',
'Print and Post' => '',
'Print dunnings' => '',
'Print list' => '',
'Print options' => '',
'Printer' => '',
'Printer Command' => '',
'Printer Command missing!' => '',
'Printer Description' => '',
'Printer deleted!' => '',
'Printer saved!' => '',
'Printing ... ' => '',
'Prior to Lx-Office v2.4.0 the user could enter arbitrary strings as units for parts, services and in invoices, sales quotations etc.' => '',
'Prior to Lx-Office v2.4.0 the user had to chose the accounts for each part and service.' => '',
'Private E-mail' => '',
'Private Phone' => '',
'Problem' => '',
'Produce Assembly' => '',
'Productivity' => '',
'Profit Center' => '',
'Proforma Invoice' => '',
'Program' => '',
'Project' => '',
'Project Number' => '',
'Project Number missing!' => '',
'Project Numbers' => '',
'Project Transactions' => '',
'Project deleted!' => '',
'Project not on file!' => '',
'Project saved!' => '',
'Projects' => '',
'Projecttransactions' => '',
'Prozentual/Absolut' => '',
'Purchase Invoice' => '',
'Purchase Order' => '',
'Purchase Orders' => '',
'Purchase Price' => '',
'Purchase Prices' => '',
'Purchase delivery order' => '',
'Purchase invoices' => '',
'Purpose' => '',
'Qty' => '',
'Qty according to delivery order' => '',
'Qty in stock' => '',
'Quantity' => '',
'Quantity missing.' => '',
'Quartal' => '',
'Quarter' => '',
'Quarterly' => '',
'Queue' => '',
'Quotation' => '',
'Quotation Date' => '',
'Quotation Date missing!' => '',
'Quotation Number' => '',
'Quotation Number missing!' => '',
'Quotation deleted!' => '',
'Quotations' => '',
'Quote chararacter' => '',
'Quoted' => '',
'RFQ' => '',
'RFQ Number' => '',
'RFQs' => '',
'ROP' => '',
'Ranges of numbers' => '',
'Ranges of numbers and default accounts' => '',
'Re-run analysis' => '',
'Receipt' => '',
'Receipt posted!' => '',
'Receipt, payment, reconciliation' => '',
'Receipts' => '',
'Receivables' => '',
'Rechnungsnummer' => '',
'Reconciliation' => '',
'Record in' => '',
'Recorded Tax' => '',
'Recorded taxkey' => '',
'Reference' => '',
'Reference missing!' => '',
'Release From Stock' => '',
'Remaining' => '',
'Removal' => '',
'Removal from Warehouse' => '',
'Removal from warehouse' => '',
'Removal qty' => '',
'Remove' => '',
'Remove Draft' => '',
'Remove draft when posting' => '',
'Remove from group' => '',
'Removed spoolfiles!' => '',
'Removing marked entries from queue ...' => '',
'Rename the group' => '',
'Report Positions' => '',
'Report about warehouse contents' => '',
'Report about warehouse transactions' => '',
'Report and misc. Preferences' => '',
'Report for' => '',
'Reports' => '',
'Representative' => '',
'Reqdate' => '',
'Request for Quotation' => '',
'Request for Quotations' => '',
'Request quotation' => '',
'Requested execution date' => '',
'Requested execution date from' => '',
'Requested execution date to' => '',
'Required by' => '',
'Restore Dataset' => '',
'Revenue' => '',
'Revenue Account' => '',
'Revenues EU with UStId' => '',
'Revenues EU without UStId' => '',
'Right' => '',
'SAVED' => '',
'SCREENED' => '',
'SEPA XML download' => '',
'SEPA exports:' => '',
'Saldo Credit' => '',
'Saldo Debit' => '',
'Saldo neu' => '',
'Saldo per' => '',
'Sale Prices' => '',
'Sales Invoice' => '',
'Sales Invoices' => '',
'Sales Order' => '',
'Sales Orders' => '',
'Sales and purchase invoices with inventory transactions with taxkeys' => '',
'Sales delivery order' => '',
'Sales invoice number' => '',
'Sales invoices' => '',
'Sales quotation' => '',
'Salesman' => '',
'Salesperson' => '',
'Same as the quote character' => '',
'Sat. Fax' => '',
'Sat. Phone' => '',
'Satz %' => '',
'Save' => '',
'Save Draft' => '',
'Save account first to insert taxkeys' => '',
'Save and AP Transaction' => '',
'Save and AR Transaction' => '',
'Save and Close' => '',
'Save and Invoice' => '',
'Save and Order' => '',
'Save and Quotation' => '',
'Save and RFQ' => '',
'Save and close' => '',
'Save as new' => '',
'Save draft' => '',
'Saving the file \'%s\' failed. OS error message: %s' => '',
'Screen' => '',
'Searchable' => '',
'Select' => '',
'Select a Customer' => '',
'Select a customer' => '',
'Select a part' => '',
'Select a part or assembly' => '',
'Select a period' => '',
'Select a vendor' => '',
'Select all' => '',
'Select federal state...' => '',
'Select from one of the items below' => '',
'Select from one of the names below' => '',
'Select from one of the projects below' => '',
'Select postscript or PDF!' => '',
'Select tax office...' => '',
'Select the chart of accounts in use' => '',
'Select the checkboxes that match users to the groups they should belong to.' => '',
'Select type of removal' => '',
'Select type of transfer' => '',
'Selection' => '',
'Selection fields: The option field must contain the available options for the selection. Options are separated by \'##\', for example \'Early##Normal##Late\'.' => '',
'Sell Price' => '',
'Send the backup via Email' => '',
'Sep' => '',
'Separator chararacter' => '',
'September' => '',
'Serial No.' => '',
'Serial Number' => '',
'Service' => '',
'Service Items' => '',
'Service Number missing!' => '',
'Service unit' => '',
'Services' => '',
'Set Language Values' => '',
'Set eMail text' => '',
'Setup Menu' => '',
'Setup Templates' => '',
'Ship to' => '',
'Ship via' => '',
'Shipping Address' => '',
'Shipping Point' => '',
'Shipto' => '',
'Shopartikel' => '',
'Short' => '',
'Show' => '',
'Show Salesman' => '',
'Show TODO list' => '',
'Show by default' => '',
'Show custom variable search inputs' => '',
'Show details' => '',
'Show follow ups...' => '',
'Show old dunnings' => '',
'Show overdue sales quotations and requests for quotations...' => '',
'Show your TODO list after loggin in' => '',
'Signature' => '',
'Since bin is not enforced in the parts data, please specify a bin where goods without a specified bin will be put.' => '',
'Skip' => '',
'Skonto' => '',
'Skonto Terms' => '',
'Sold' => '',
'Solution' => '',
'Source' => '',
'Source BIC' => '',
'Source IBAN' => '',
'Source bank account' => '',
'Source bin' => '',
'Spoolfile' => '',
'Start Dunning Process' => '',
'Start analysis' => '',
'Start the correction assistant' => '',
'Startdate_coa' => '',
'Starting Balance' => '',
'Statement' => '',
'Statement Balance' => '',
'Statement sent to' => '',
'Statements sent to printer!' => '',
'Step 1 of 3: Parts' => '',
'Step 2' => '',
'Step 2 of 3: Services' => '',
'Step 3 of 3: Assemblies' => '',
'Step 3 of 3: Default units' => '',
'Steuersatz' => '',
'Stock' => '',
'Stock value' => '',
'Storno' => '',
'Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Storno Invoice' => '',
'Storno Packing List' => '',
'Street' => '',
'Stylesheet' => '',
'Subject' => '',
'Subject:' => '',
'Subtotal' => '',
'Such entries cannot be exported into the DATEV format and have to be fixed as well.' => '',
'Sum Credit' => '',
'Sum Debit' => '',
'Sum for' => '',
'Sum per' => '',
'Summen- und Saldenliste' => '',
'Superuser name' => '',
'Supplies' => '',
'Switch Menu on / off' => '',
'System' => '',
'TODO list' => '',
'TODO list options' => '',
'TOP100' => '',
'TOTAL' => '',
'Target bank account' => '',
'Tax' => '',
'Tax Consultant' => '',
'Tax Included' => '',
'Tax Number' => '',
'Tax Number / SSN' => '',
'Tax Office' => '',
'Tax Office Preferences' => '',
'Tax Percent is a number between 0 and 100' => '',
'Tax Period' => '',
'Tax Position' => '',
'Tax collected' => '',
'Tax deleted!' => '',
'Tax number' => '',
'Tax paid' => '',
'Tax saved!' => '',
'Tax-O-Matic' => '',
'Tax-o-matic Account' => '',
'Taxaccount_coa' => '',
'Taxation' => '',
'Taxdescription missing!' => '',
'Taxdescription_coa' => '',
'Taxes' => '',
'Taxkey' => '',
'Taxkey missing!' => '',
'Taxkey_coa' => '',
'Taxkeys and Taxreport Preferences' => '',
'Taxlink_coa' => '',
'Taxnumber' => '',
'Taxrate missing!' => '',
'Tel' => '',
'Tel.' => '',
'Telephone' => '',
'Template' => '',
'Template Code' => '',
'Template Code missing!' => '',
'Template database' => '',
'Templates' => '',
'Terms missing in row ' => '',
'Test connection' => '',
'Text field' => '',
'Text field variables: \'WIDTH=w HEIGHT=h\' sets the width and height of the text field. They default to 30 and 5 respectively.' => '',
'Text variables: \'MAXLENGTH=n\' sets the maximum entry length to \'n\'.' => '',
'Text, text field and number variables: The default value will be used as-is.' => '',
'That export does not exist.' => '',
'The \'tag\' field must only consist of alphanumeric characters or the carachters - _ ( )' => '',
'The AP transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
'The AR transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
'The GL transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/' => '',
'The SEPA export has been created.' => '',
'The access rights have been saved.' => '',
'The account 3804 already exists, the update will be skipped.' => '',
'The account 3804 will not be added automatically.' => '',
'The assembly has been created.' => '',
'The assistant could not find anything wrong with #1. Maybe the problem has been solved in the meantime.' => '',
'The authentication configuration file &quot;config/; does not exist. This Lx-Office installation has probably not been updated correctly yet. Please contact your administrator.' => '',
'The authentication database is not reachable at the moment. Either it hasn\'t been set up yet or the database server might be down. Please contact your administrator.' => '',
'The available options depend on the varibale type:' => '',
'The backup you upload here has to be a file created with &quot;pg_dump -o -Ft&quot;.' => '',
'The bank information must not be empty.' => '',
'The base unit does not exist or it is about to be deleted in row %d.' => '',
'The base unit does not exist.' => '',
'The base unit relations must not contain loops (e.g. by saying that unit A\'s base unit is B, B\'s base unit is C and C\'s base unit is A) in row %d.' => '',
'The columns &quot;Dunning Duedate&quot;, &quot;Total Fees&quot; and &quot;Interest&quot; show data for the previous dunning created for this invoice.' => '',
'The config file "config/" contained invalid Perl code:' => '',
'The config file "config/" was not found.' => '',
'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/' => '',
'The connection to the authentication database failed:' => '',
'The connection to the database could not be established.' => '',
'The connection to the template database failed:' => '',
'The connection was established successfully.' => '',
'The creation of the authentication database failed:' => '',
'The custom variable has been deleted.' => '',
'The custom variable has been saved.' => '',
'The database #1 has been successfully deleted.' => '',
'The database for user management and authentication does not exist. You can create let Lx-Office create it with the following parameters:' => '',
'The database update/creation did not succeed. The file #1 contained the following error:' => '',
'The database upgrade for the introduction of Buchungsgruppen is now complete.' => '',
'The database upgrade for the introduction of units is now complete.' => '',
'The dataset #1 has been successfully created.' => '',
'The dataset backup has been sent via email to #1.' => '',
'The dataset has to exist before a restoration can be started.' => '',
'The dataset name is missing.' => '',
'The default value depends on the variable type:' => '',
'The delivery order has not been marked as delivered. The warehouse contents have not changed.' => '',
'The description is missing.' => '',
'The description is shown on the form. Chose something short and descriptive.' => '',
'The directory "%s" could not be created:\n%s' => '',
'The directory %s does not exist.' => '',
'The dunning process started' => '',
'The dunnings have been printed.' => '',
'The email address is missing.' => '',
'The factor is missing in row %d.' => '',
'The factor is missing.' => '',
'The first reason is that Lx-Office contained a bug which resulted in the wrong taxkeys being recorded for transactions in which two entries are posted for the same chart with different taxkeys.' => '',
'The follow-up date is missing.' => '',
'The following Buchungsgruppen have already been created:' => '',
'The following Datasets need to be updated' => '',
'The following drafts have been saved and can be loaded.' => '',
'The following transaction contains wrong taxes:' => '',
'The following transaction contains wrong taxkeys:' => '',
'The following units are unknown.' => '',
'The following units exist already:' => '',
'The following users have been migrated into the authentication database:' => '',
'The following warnings occured during an upgrade to the document templates:' => '',
'The formula needs the following syntax:<br>For regular article:<br>Variablename= Variable Unit;<br>Variablename2= Variable2 Unit2;<br>...<br>###<br>Variable + ( Variable2 / Variable )<br><b>Please be beware of the spaces in the formula</b><br>' => '',
'The greetings have been saved.' => '',
'The group has been added.' => '',
'The group has been deleted.' => '',
'The group has been saved.' => '',
'The group memberships have been saved.' => '',
'The group name is missing.' => '',
'The licensing module has been deactivated in lx-erp.conf.' => '',
'The list has been printed.' => '',
'The login is missing.' => '',
'The name in row %d has already been used before.' => '',
'The name is missing in row %d.' => '',
'The name is missing.' => '',
'The name must only consist of letters, numbers and underscores and start with a letter.' => '',
'The old file containing the user information is still present (&quot;#1&quot;). Do you want to migrate these users into the database? If not then you will not be able to log in with any of the users present in the old file.' => '',
'The option field is empty.' => '',
'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred in.' => '',
'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.' => '',
'The parts have been removed.' => '',
'The parts have been stocked.' => '',
'The parts have been transferred.' => '',
'The payments have been posted.' => '',
'The pg_dump process could not be started.' => '',
'The pg_restore process could not be started.' => '',
'The preferred one is to install packages provided by your operating system distribution (e.g. Debian or RPM packages).' => '',
'The program\'s exit code was #1 (&quot;0&quot; usually means that everything went OK).' => '',
'The project has been added.' => '',
'The project has been saved.' => '',
'The restoration process has started. Here\'s the output of the &quot;pg_restore&quot; command:' => '',
'The restoration process is complete. Please review &quot;pg_restore&quot;\'s output to find out if the restoration was successful.' => '',
'The second reason is that Lx-Office allowed the user to enter the tax amount manually regardless of the taxkey used.' => '',
'The second way is to use Perl\'s CPAN module and let it download and install the module for you.' => '',
'The selected PostgreSQL installation uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => '',
'The selected bank account does not exist anymore.' => '',
'The selected bin does not exist.' => '',
'The selected exports have been closed.' => '',
'The selected warehouse does not exist.' => '',
'The selected warehouse is empty.' => '',
'The session is invalid or has expired.' => '',
'The source warehouse does not contain any bins.' => '',
'The subject is missing.' => '',
'The tables for user management and authentication do not exist. They will be created in the next step in the following database:' => '',
'The tabulator character' => '',
'The third way is to download the module from the above mentioned URL and to install the module manually following the installations instructions contained in the source archive.' => '',
'The transaction is shown below in its current state.' => '',
'The unit has been saved.' => '',
'The unit in row %d has been deleted in the meantime.' => '',
'The unit in row %d has been used in the meantime and cannot be changed anymore.' => '',
'The units have been saved.' => '',
'The user has been added to this group.' => '',
'The user has been removed from this group.' => '',
'The user is a member in the following group(s):' => '',
'The user migration process is complete.' => '',
'The variable name must only consist of letters, numbers and underscores. It must begin with a letter. Example: send_christmas_present' => '',
'The warehouse could not be deleted because it has already been used.' => '',
'The warehouse does not contain any bins.' => '',
'The warehouse or the bin is missing.' => '',
'The wrong taxkeys for AP and AR transactions have been fixed.' => '',
'The wrong taxkeys for inventory transactions for sales and purchase invoices have been fixed.' => '',
'The wrong taxkeys have been fixed.' => '',
'There are #1 more open invoices for this customer with other currencies.' => '',
'There are #1 more open invoices from this vendor with other currencies.' => '',
'There are #1 unfinished follow-ups of which #2 are due.' => '',
'There are bookings to the account 3803 after 01.01.2007. If you didn\'t change this account manually to 19% the bookings are probably incorrect.' => '',
'There are four tax zones.' => '',
'There are no items in stock.' => '',
'There are no items on your TODO list at the moment.' => '',
'There are still entries in the database for which no unit has been assigned.' => '',
'There are usually three ways to install Perl modules.' => '',
'There is at least one sales or purchase invoice for which Lx-Office recorded an inventory transaction with taxkeys even though no tax was recorded.' => '',
'There is at least one transaction for which the user has chosen a logically wrong taxkey.' => '',
'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => '',
'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => '',
'There is not enough left of \'#1\' in bin \'#2\' for the removal of #3.' => '',
'There is nothing to do in this step.' => '',
'Therefore there\'s no need to create the same article more than once if it is sold or bought in/from another tax zone.' => '',
'These units can be based on other units so that Lx-Office can convert prices when the user switches from one unit to another.' => '',
'These will only be effective if the account is NOT a summary account AND there exists at least one taxkey. Setting the account as a summary account will erase these settings.' => '',
'These wrong entries cannot be fixed automatically.' => '',
'This corresponds to Lx-Office\'s behavior prior to version 2.4.4.' => '',
'This could have happened for two reasons:' => '',
'This customer number is already in use.' => '',
'This group will be called &quot;Full Access&quot;.' => '',
'This installation uses an unknown chart of accounts (&quot;#1&quot;). This database upgrade cannot create standard buchungsgruppen automatically.' => '',
'This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!' => '',
'This list is capped at 15 items to keep it fast. If you need a full list, please use reports.' => '',
'This means that the user has created an AP transaction and chosen a taxkey for sales taxes, or that he has created an AR transaction and chosen a taxkey for input taxes.' => '',
'This module can help you identify and correct such entries by analyzing the general ledger and presenting you likely solutions but also allowing you to fix problems yourself.' => '',
'This transaction has to be split into several transactions manually.' => '',
'This update will change the nature the onhand of goods is tracked.' => '',
'This upgrade script tries to map all existing parts in the database to the newly created Buchungsgruppen.' => '',
'This upgrade script tries to map all existing units in the database to the newly created units.' => '',
'This vendor number is already in use.' => '',
'Time period for the analysis:' => '',
'Timestamp' => '',
'Title' => '',
'To' => '',
'To (email)' => '',
'To (time)' => '',
'To Date' => '',
'To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save. A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.' => '',
'Top' => '',
'Top (CSS)' => '',
'Top (CSS) new' => '',
'Top (Javascript)' => '',
'Top (XUL; only for Mozilla Firefox)' => '',
'Top 100' => '',
'Top 100 hinzufuegen' => '',
'Top Level' => '',
'Total' => '',
'Total Fees' => '',
'Total stock value' => '',
'Totals' => '',
'Trade Discount' => '',
'Trans Id' => '',
'Trans Type' => '',
'Transaction' => '',
'Transaction %d cancelled.' => '',
'Transaction Date missing!' => '',
'Transaction ID missing.' => '',
'Transaction deleted!' => '',
'Transaction description' => '',
'Transaction has already been cancelled!' => '',
'Transaction has been split on both the credit and the debit side' => '',
'Transaction posted!' => '',
'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions' => '',
'Transdate' => '',
'Transfer' => '',
'Transfer Quantity' => '',
'Transfer To Stock' => '',
'Transfer from warehouse' => '',
'Transfer in' => '',
'Transfer out' => '',
'Transfer qty' => '',
'Translation (%s)' => '',
'Trial Balance' => '',
'Trial balance between %s and %s' => '',
'Trying to call a sub without a name' => '',
'Type' => '',
'Type of Business' => '',
'Type of Customer' => '',
'Type of Vendor' => '',
'USTVA' => '',
'USTVA 2004' => '',
'USTVA 2005' => '',
'USTVA 2006' => '',
'USTVA 2007' => '',
'USTVA-Hint: Method' => '',
'USTVA-Hint: Tax Authoritys' => '',
'USt-IdNr.' => '',
'USt-Konto' => '',
'UStVA' => '',
'UStVA (PDF-Dokument)' => '',
'UStVa' => '',
'UStVa Einstellungen' => '',
'Unbalanced Ledger' => '',
'Unchecked custom variables will not appear in orders and invoices.' => '',
'Unfinished follow-ups' => '',
'Unit' => '',
'Unit missing.' => '',
'Unit of measure' => '',
'Units marked for deletion will be deleted upon saving.' => '',
'Units that have already been used (e.g. for parts and services or in invoices or warehouse transactions) cannot be changed.' => '',
'Unknown Category' => '',
'Unknown Link' => '',
'Unknown chart of accounts' => '',
'Unknown dependency \'%s\'.' => '',
'Unknown problem type.' => '',
'Unlock System' => '',
'Until' => '',
'Update' => '',
'Update Dataset' => '',
'Update Prices' => '',
'Update SKR04: new tax account 3804 (19%)' => '',
'Update complete' => '',
'Update prices' => '',
'Update?' => '',
'Updated' => '',
'Use As Template' => '',
'Use Templates' => '',
'User' => '',
'User Config' => '',
'User data migration' => '',
'User deleted!' => '',
'User migration complete' => '',
'User name' => '',
'User saved!' => '',
'Username' => '',
'Users in<br>this group' => '',
'Users not in this group' => '',
'Ust-IDNr' => '',
'Valid from' => '',
'Valid until' => '',
'Value' => '',
'Variable' => '',
'Vendor' => '',
'Vendor Invoice' => '',
'Vendor Invoices' => '',
'Vendor Name' => '',
'Vendor Number' => '',
'Vendor Order Number' => '',
'Vendor deleted!' => '',
'Vendor details' => '',
'Vendor missing!' => '',
'Vendor not on file or locked!' => '',
'Vendor not on file!' => '',
'Vendor saved!' => '',
'Vendor type' => '',
'Vendors' => '',
'Verrechnungseinheit' => '',
'Version' => '',
'View License' => '',
'View SEPA export' => '',
'View warehouse content' => '',
'View/edit all employees sales documents' => '',
'Von Konto: ' => '',
'WHJournal' => '',
'Warehouse' => '',
'Warehouse From' => '',
'Warehouse Migration' => '',
'Warehouse To' => '',
'Warehouse content' => '',
'Warehouse deleted.' => '',
'Warehouse management' => '',
'Warehouse saved.' => '',
'Warehouses' => '',
'Warnings during template upgrade' => '',
'WebDAV link' => '',
'Weight' => '',
'Weight unit' => '',
'What type of item is this?' => '',
'What\'s the <b>term</b> you\'re looking for?' => '',
'With Extension Of Time' => '',
'Workflow Delivery Order' => '',
'Workflow purchase_order' => '',
'Workflow request_quotation' => '',
'Workflow sales_order' => '',
'Workflow sales_quotation' => '',
'Wrong Period' => '',
'Wrong date format!' => '',
'Wrong tax keys recorded' => '',
'Wrong taxes recorded' => '',
'YYYY' => '',
'Year' => '',
'Year End' => '',
'Yearly' => '',
'Yearly taxreport not yet implemented' => '',
'Yes' => '',
'Yes, included by default' => '',
'Yes/No (Checkbox)' => '',
'You are logged out!' => '',
'You can also create new units now.' => '',
'You can also delete this transaction and re-enter it manually.' => '',
'You can correct this transaction by chosing the correct taxkeys from the drop down boxes and hitting the button "Fix transaction" afterwards.' => '',
'You can create a missing dataset by going back and chosing &quot;Create Dataset&quot;.' => '',
'You can create warehouses and bins via the menu "System -> Warehouses".' => '',
'You can declare different translations for singular and plural for each unit (e.g. &quot;day&quot; and &quot;days).' => '',
'You can either create a new database or chose an existing database.' => '',
'You can only delete datasets that are not in use.' => '',
'You can use the following strings in the long description and all translations. They will be replaced by their actual values by Lx-Office before they\'re output.' => '',
'You cannot adjust the price for pricegroup "#1" by a negative percentage.' => '',
'You cannot continue before all required modules are installed.' => '',
'You cannot continue until all unknown units have been mapped to known ones.' => '',
'You cannot create an invoice for delivery orders for different customers.' => '',
'You cannot create an invoice for delivery orders from different vendors.' => '',
'You did not enter a name!' => '',
'You do not have the permissions to access this function.' => '',
'You have entered or selected the following shipping address for this customer:' => '',
'You have not added bank accounts yet.' => '',
'You have not selected any delivery order.' => '',
'You have not selected any export.' => '',
'You have not selected any item.' => '',
'You have selected none of the invoices.' => '',
'You have to chose a dimension unit and a service unit which will then be assigned to those entries.' => '',
'You have to chose which unit to save for each of them.' => '',
'You have to create at least one group, grant it access to Lx-Office\'s functions and assign users to it.' => '',
'You have to create new Buchungsgruppen for all the combinations of inventory, income and expense accounts that have been used already.' => '',
'You have to enter a company name in your user preferences (see the "Program" menu, "Preferences").' => '',
'You have to fill in at least an account number, the bank code, the IBAN and the BIC.' => '',
'You have to specify a department.' => '',
'You have to specify an execution date for each antry.' => '',
'You must chose a user.' => '',
'You should create a backup of the database before proceeding because the backup might not be reversible.' => '',
'You will now be forwarded to the administration panel.' => '',
'You\'re not editing a file.' => '',
'You\'ve already chosen the following limitations:' => '',
'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => '',
'Your TODO list' => '',
'Your browser does not currently support Javascript.' => '',
'Your download does not exist anymore. Please re-run the DATEV export assistant.' => '',
'Zeitpunkt' => '',
'Zeitraum' => '',
'Zero amount posting!' => '',
'Zip, City' => '',
'Zipcode' => '',
'Zusatz' => '',
'[email]' => '',
'account_description' => '',
'accrual' => '',
'all entries' => '',
'ap_aging_list' => '',
'ar_aging_list' => '',
'as at' => '',
'assembly_list' => '',
'back' => '',
'bank_transfer_payment_list_#1' => '',
'bankaccounts' => '',
'banktransfers' => '',
'bestbefore #1' => '',
'bin_list' => '',
'bis' => '',
'button' => '',
'cash' => '',
'chargenumber #1' => '',
'chart_of_accounts' => '',
'choice' => '',
'choice part' => '',
'click here to edit cvars' => '',
'close' => '',
'closed' => '',
'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => '',
'config/ Key "LDAP_config" is missing.' => '',
'config/ Missing parameters in "DB_config". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".' => '',
'config/ Missing parameters in "LDAP_config". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".' => '',
'continue' => '',
'correction' => '',
'cp_greeting to cp_gender migration' => '',
'customer' => '',
'customer_list' => '',
'debug' => '',
'delete' => '',
'deliverydate' => '',
'direct debit' => '',
'disposed' => '',
'done' => '',
'down' => '',
'dunning_list' => '',
'eMail Send?' => '',
'eMail?' => '',
'ea' => '',
'emailed to' => '',
'executed' => '',
'female' => '',
'follow_up_list' => '',
'for' => '',
'for Period' => '',
'found' => '',
'from (time)' => '',
'general_ledger_list' => '',
'history' => '',
'history search engine' => '',
'invoice' => '',
'invoice_list' => '',
'lead deleted!' => '',
'lead saved!' => '',
'list' => '',
'list_of_payments' => '',
'list_of_receipts' => '',
'list_of_transactions' => '',
'logout' => '',
'male' => '',
'mark as paid' => '',
'missing' => '',
'month' => '',
'new Window' => '',
'no' => '',
'no bestbefore' => '',
'no chargenumber' => '',
'none (pricegroup)' => '',
'not executed' => '',
'not transferred in yet' => '',
'not transferred out yet' => '',
'not yet executed' => '',
'number' => '',
' called with unknown type' => '',
'open' => '',
'order' => '',
'our vendor number at customer' => '',
'packing_list' => '',
'part_list' => '',
'pick_list' => '',
'plural first char' => '',
'pos_bilanz' => '',
'pos_bwa' => '',
'pos_eur' => '',
'pos_ustva' => '',
'posted!' => '',
'print' => '',
'proforma' => '',
'project_list' => '',
'purchase_delivery_order_list' => '',
'purchase_order' => '',
'purchase_order_list' => '',
'quarter' => '',
'quotation_list' => '',
'release_material' => '',
'report_generator_dispatch_to is not defined.' => '',
'report_generator_nextsub is not defined.' => '',
'request_quotation' => '',
'reset' => '',
'return_material' => '',
'rfq_list' => '',
'sales tax identification number' => '',
'sales_delivery_order_list' => '',
'sales_order' => '',
'sales_order_list' => '',
'sales_quotation' => '',
'saved' => '',
'saved!' => '',
'sent' => '',
'sent to printer' => '',
'service_list' => '',
'shipped' => '',
'singular first char' => '',
'soldtotal' => '',
'stock' => '',
'submit' => '',
'tax_chartaccno' => '',
'tax_percent' => '',
'tax_rate' => '',
'tax_taxdescription' => '',
'tax_taxkey' => '',
'taxnumber' => '',
'to (date)' => '',
'to (time)' => '',
'transfer' => '',
'transferred in' => '',
'transferred out' => '',
'trial_balance' => '',
'up' => '',
'use program settings' => '',
'used' => '',
'valid from' => '',
'vendor' => '',
'vendor_invoice_list' => '',
'vendor_list' => '',
'warehouse_journal_list' => '',
'warehouse_report_list' => '',
'wrongformat' => '',
'yes' => '',
