Revision 9fb8eec8
Von Moritz Bunkus vor fast 16 Jahren hinzugefügt
bin/mozilla/ | ||
# Hier Einlesen der user-config
# steuernummer entfernt f?r prerelease
my @a = qw(
signature name company address businessnumber
tel fax email co_chief co_department
signature name company address businessnumber
tel fax email co_chief co_department
co_custom1 co_custom2 co_custom3 co_custom4 co_custom5
co_name1 co_name2 co_street co_street1 co_zip
co_city co_city1 co_country co_tel co_tel1
co_name1 co_name2 co_street co_street1 co_zip
co_city co_city1 co_country co_tel co_tel1
co_tel2 co_fax co_fax1 co_email co_email1
co_url co_url1 ustid duns co_bankname
co_url co_url1 ustid duns co_bankname
co_bankname1 co_bankname2 co_bankname3 co_blz co_blz1
co_blz2 co_blz3 co_accountnr co_accountnr1 co_accountnr2
co_blz2 co_blz3 co_accountnr co_accountnr1 co_accountnr2
... | ... | |
my $openings = $form->{FA_Oeffnungszeiten};
$openings =~ s/\\\\n/<br>/g;
my $company_given = ($form->{company} ne '')
my $company_given = ($form->{company} ne '')
? qq|<h3>$form->{company}</h3>\n|
: qq|<a href="|
. qq|&level=Programm--Preferences">|
. qq|&level=Programm--Preferences">|
. $locale->text('No Company Name given') . qq|!</a><br>|;
... | ... | |
my $address_given =
($form->{co_street} && ($form->{co_zip} || $form->{co_city}))
my $address_given =
($form->{co_street} && ($form->{co_zip} || $form->{co_city}))
? qq|$form->{co_street}<br>|
. qq|$form->{co_street1}<br>|
. qq|$form->{co_zip} $form->{co_city}|
: qq|<a href="|
. qq|&level=Programm--Preferences">|
. $locale->text('No Company Address given')
. qq|&level=Programm--Preferences">|
. $locale->text('No Company Address given')
. qq|!</a>\n|;
$form->{co_email} = $form->{email} unless $form->{co_email};
... | ... | |
my @all_years = $form->all_years(\%myconfig);
my $select_year = qq|<select name=year title="|
my $select_year = qq|<select name=year title="|
. $locale->text('Year') . qq|">|;
foreach my $key (@all_years) {
$select_year .= qq|<option |;
... | ... | |
my $checkbox_kz_10 = qq|<input name="FA_10" id=FA_10 class=checkbox|
. qq| type=checkbox value="1" $_checked title = "|
. $locale->text('Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return (Nr. 10)')
. qq|">|
. $locale->text('Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return');
. qq|">|
. $locale->text('Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return');
my $method_local = ($form->{method} eq 'accrual') ? $locale->text('accrual')
my $method_local = ($form->{method} eq 'accrual') ? $locale->text('accrual')
: ($form->{method} eq 'cash') ? $locale->text('cash')
: '';
my $period_local = ( $form->{FA_voranmeld} eq 'month') ? $locale->text('month')
: ( $form->{FA_voranmeld} eq 'quarter') ? $locale->text('quarter')
: '';
: '';
my $tax_office_banks_ref = [
{ BLZ => $form->{FA_BLZ_1},
... | ... | |
Bankbezeichnung => $form->{FA_Bankbezeichnung_oertlich}
# Which COA is in use?
# Which COA is in use?
USTVA->get_coa($form, $myconfig);
my $template_ref = {
openings => $openings,
openings => $openings,
company_given => $company_given,
address_given => $address_given,
address_given => $address_given,
taxnumber_given => $taxnumber_given,
taxnumber => $myconfig->{taxnumber},
select_year => $select_year,
select_year => $select_year,
period_local => $period_local,
method_local => $method_local,
ustva_vorauswahl => $ustva_vorauswahl,
checkbox_kz_10 => $checkbox_kz_10,
tax_office_banks => $tax_office_banks_ref,
select_options => &show_options,
tax_office_banks => $tax_office_banks_ref,
select_options => &show_options,
print($form->parse_html_template('ustva/report', $template_ref));
... | ... | |
$form->{month} = substr($date, 4, 2);
$form->{year} = substr($date, 0, 4);
$lxdebug->message(LXDebug::DEBUG1, qq|
Actual date from Database: $date\n
Actual date from Database: $date\n
Actual year from Database: $form->{year}\n
Actual day from Database: $form->{day}\n
Actual month from Database: $form->{month}\n|);
... | ... | |
$select_vorauswahl .= qq|</select>|;
return $select_vorauswahl;
... | ... | |
. qq|</option>|
. qq|<option value=elstertaxbird>|
. $locale->text('ELSTER Export (Taxbird)')
. qq|</option>|;
. qq|</option>|;
#$format .= qq|<option value=elster>|.$locale->text('ELSTER Export nach Winston').qq|</option>|;
... | ... | |
. $locale->text('Choose Outputformat') . qq|">$format</select>
return $show_options;
... | ... | |
# init some form vars
my @anmeldungszeitraum =
qw('0401' '0402' '0403'
'0404' '0405' '0406'
'0407' '0408' '0409'
'0410' '0411' '0412'
qw('0401' '0402' '0403'
'0404' '0405' '0406'
'0407' '0408' '0409'
'0410' '0411' '0412'
'0441' '0442' '0443' '0444');
foreach my $item (@anmeldungszeitraum) {
... | ... | |
# using dates in ISO-8601 format: yyyymmmdd for Postgres...
#yearly report
if ($form->{period} eq "13") {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0101";
... | ... | |
# Kontrollvariable f?r die Templates
# Kontrollvariable f?r die Templates
$form->{'year2007'} = ($form->{year} >= 2007 ) ? "1":"0";
... | ... | |
# Nation specific customisations
# Germany
if ( $form->{coa} eq 'Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU' or $form->{coa} eq 'Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU') {
# Outputformat specific customisation's
... | ... | |
attribute => 'position',
dec_places => '2',
push @category_cent, qw(83 Z43 Z45 Z53 Z62 Z65 Z67);
my @category_euro = USTVA->report_variables({
... | ... | |
foreach $number (@category_cent) {
$form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '0');
foreach $number (@category_euro) {
$form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '0');
... | ... | |
} elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'elsterwinston' ) {
$form->{IN} = 'winston.xml';
# Build Winston filename
my $file = 'U'; # 1. char 'U' = USTVA
$file .= $form->{period};
#4. and 5. char = year modulo 100
... | ... | |
$form->{tmpfile} = "$userspath/$file";
$form->{attachment_filename} = $file;
# Zahlenformatierung f?r Winston
my $temp_numberformat = $myconfig{numberformat};
... | ... | |
foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
$form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '') : '';
foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
$form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '') : '';
... | ... | |
foreach my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {
next if ( $kennziffer =~ m/Z\d\d/);
next if ( $form->{$kennziffer} == 0 );
if (defined $winston_id_for{$kennziffer} ) {
push(@{ $form->{id}}, $winston_id_for{$kennziffer});
} else {
push(@{ $form->{id}}, "Kz$kennziffer");
push(@{ $form->{id}}, "Kz$kennziffer");
push(@{ $form->{amount}}, $form->{$kennziffer});
} elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'elstertaxbird' ) {
# Define serveral filenames
$form->{IN} = 'taxbird.txb';
$form->{attachment_filename} = "USTVA-" . $form->{period}
$form->{attachment_filename} = "USTVA-" . $form->{period}
. sprintf("%02d", $form->{year} % 100) . ".txb";
$form->{attachment_filename} =~ s|.*/||;
$form->{tmpfile} = "$userspath/" . $form->{attachment_filename};
... | ... | |
'43' => '14',
'44' => '15',
foreach my $quarter ( keys %periods ) {
$form->{taxbird_period} = $periods{$quarter} if ( $form->{period} eq $quarter);
... | ... | |
USTVA::error( $locale->text('Wrong Period' ));
my %lands = ( # Lx => taxbird # TODO: besser als array...
'Baden W?rtemberg' => '0',
'Bayern' => '1',
... | ... | |
foreach my $land ( keys %lands ){
$form->{taxbird_land_nr} = $lands{$land} if ($form->{elsterland} eq $land );
$form->{co_zip} = $form->{co_city};
$form->{co_zip} =~ s/\D//g;
$form->{co_city} =~ s/\d//g;
$form->{co_city} =~ s/^\s//g;
($form->{co_phone_prefix}, $form->{co_phone}) = split("-", $form->{tel});
$form->{co_phone_prefix} =~ s/\s//g;
$form->{co_phone} =~ s/\s//g;
$form->{taxbird_steuernummer} = $form->{steuernummer};
# $form->{taxbird_steuernummer} =~ s/\D//g;
$form->{taxbird_steuernummer} =~ s/\///; # ersten Querstrich ersetzen
# Numberformatting for Taxbird
my $temp_numberformat = $myconfig{numberformat};
# Numberformat must be '1000,00' for Taxbird ?!
... | ... | |
foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
$form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '') : '';
foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
$form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '') : '';
# Re-set Numberformat
$myconfig{numberformat} = $temp_numberformat;
# push Kennziffern to <%foreach Array fo easyer
# output in xml format. Thx to Moritz.
my %taxbird_id_for = (
'511' => 'Kz51-calc',
'861' => 'Kz86-calc',
'971' => 'Kz97-calc',
... | ... | |
'Z65' => 'ust-sum+69',
'Z67' => 'ust-vz',
for my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {
next if ($kennziffer eq 'Z43');
... | ... | |
if (defined $taxbird_id_for{$kennziffer}) {
push(@{ $form->{id}}, $taxbird_id_for{$kennziffer});
} else {
push(@{ $form->{id}}, "Kz$kennziffer");
push(@{ $form->{id}}, "Kz$kennziffer");
push(@{ $form->{amount}}, $form->{$kennziffer});
} elsif ( $form->{format} eq '' ){ # No format error.
USTVA::error( $locale->text('Application Error. No Format given' ) . "!");
} else { # All other Formats are wrong
USTVA::error( $locale->text('Application Error. Wrong Format') . ": " . $form->{format} );
} else # Outputformat for generic output
... | ... | |
$form->{USTVA} = [];
if ( $form->{format} eq 'generic') { # Formatierungen f?r HTML Ausgabe
my $rec_ref = {};
for my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {
$rec_ref = {};
$rec_ref->{id} = $kennziffer;
$rec_ref->{amount} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$kennziffer}, 2, '0');
$lxdebug->message($LXDebug::DEBUG, "Kennziffer $kennziffer: '$form->{$kennziffer}'" );
$lxdebug->dump($LXDebug::DEBUG, $rec_ref );
push @ { $form->{USTVA} }, $rec_ref;
if ( $form->{period} eq '13' and $form->{format} ne 'html') {
... | ... | |
'Yearly taxreport not yet implemented')
. '!');
$form->{templates} = $myconfig{templates};
$form->{templates} = "doc" if ( $form->{type} eq 'help' );
... | ... | |
print($form->parse_html_template('ustva/generic_taxreport', $template_ref));
} else
$form->parse_template(\%myconfig, $userspath);
... | ... | |
my $_hidden_variables_ref;
my %_hidden_local_variables = (
my %_hidden_local_variables = (
'saved' => $locale->text('Check Details'),
'nextsub' => 'config_step2',
'warnung' => '0',
foreach my $variable (keys %_hidden_local_variables) {
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref },
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref },
{ 'variable' => $variable, 'value' => $_hidden_local_variables{$variable} };
my @_hidden_form_variables = qw(
FA_Name FA_Strasse FA_PLZ
FA_Ort FA_Telefon FA_Fax
FA_PLZ_Grosskunden FA_PLZ_Postfach FA_Postfach
FA_BLZ_1 FA_Kontonummer_1 FA_Bankbezeichnung_1
FA_Name FA_Strasse FA_PLZ
FA_Ort FA_Telefon FA_Fax
FA_PLZ_Grosskunden FA_PLZ_Postfach FA_Postfach
FA_BLZ_1 FA_Kontonummer_1 FA_Bankbezeichnung_1
FA_BLZ_2 FA_Kontonummer_2 FA_Bankbezeichnung_oertlich
FA_Oeffnungszeiten FA_Email FA_Internet
steuernummer elsterland elstersteuernummer
... | ... | |
foreach my $variable (@_hidden_form_variables) {
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref},
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref},
{ 'variable' => $variable, 'value' => $form->{$variable} };
# Which COA is in use?
# Which COA is in use?
USTVA->get_coa($form, \%myconfig);
# h?? kann die weg?
... | ... | |
checked_quarterly => $checked_quarterly,
checked_dauerfristverlaengerung => $checked_dauerfristverlaengerung,
hidden_variables => $_hidden_variables_ref,
# Ausgabe des Templates
print($form->parse_html_template('ustva/config_step1', $template_ref));
... | ... | |
$form->{elsterland} = $elsterland;
$form->{elsterFFFF} = $elsterFFFF;
$form->{steuernummer} = '';
# rebuild elster_amt
... | ... | |
my $steuernummer = $form->{steuernummer} if ($steuernummer eq '');
$form->{FA_Oeffnungszeiten} =~ s/\\\\n/\n/g;
my $input_steuernummer = USTVA->steuernummer_input(
$lxdebug->message(LXDebug::DEBUG1, qq|$input_steuernummer|);
my $_hidden_variables_ref;
... | ... | |
'steuernummer' => $stnr,
'lastsub' => 'config_step1',
'nextsub' => 'save',
foreach my $variable (keys %_hidden_local_variables) {
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref },
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref },
{ 'variable' => $variable, 'value' => $_hidden_local_variables{$variable} };
my @_hidden_form_variables = qw(
FA_steuerberater_name FA_steuerberater_street
FA_steuerberater_name FA_steuerberater_street
FA_steuerberater_city FA_steuerberater_tel
FA_voranmeld method
FA_dauerfrist FA_71
type elster_init
FA_dauerfrist FA_71
type elster_init
saved callback
foreach my $variable (@_hidden_form_variables) {
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref},
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref},
{ 'variable' => $variable, 'value' => $form->{$variable} };
... | ... | |
callback => $callback,
hidden_variables => $_hidden_variables_ref,
# Ausgabe des Templates
print($form->parse_html_template('ustva/config_step2', $template_ref));
... | ... | |
my @config = qw(
elster elsterland elstersteuernummer steuernummer
elsteramt elsterFFFF FA_Name FA_Strasse
FA_PLZ FA_Ort FA_Telefon FA_Fax
FA_PLZ_Grosskunden FA_PLZ_Postfach FA_Postfach FA_BLZ_1
FA_PLZ FA_Ort FA_Telefon FA_Fax
FA_PLZ_Grosskunden FA_PLZ_Postfach FA_Postfach FA_BLZ_1
FA_Kontonummer_1 FA_Bankbezeichnung_1 FA_BLZ_2 FA_Kontonummer_2
FA_Bankbezeichnung_oertlich FA_Oeffnungszeiten
FA_Email FA_Internet FA_voranmeld method FA_steuerberater_name
... | ... | |
# Hier kommt dann die Plausibilit?tspr?fung der ELSTERSteuernummer
if ($form->{elstersteuernummer} ne '000000000') {
$form->{elster} = '1';
open my $ustvaconfig, ">", "$userspath/$filename" or $form->error("$filename : $!");
# create the config file
... | ... | |
return $finanzamt;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff