Revision 9cb9a448
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 4 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
: $::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() ? purchase_order_type()
: '';
# check for direct delivery
# copy shipto in custom shipto (custom shipto will be copied by new_from() in case)
my $custom_shipto;
if ( $::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() && $destination_type eq purchase_order_type()
&& $::form->{use_shipto} && $self->order->shipto) {
$custom_shipto = $self->order->shipto->clone('SL::DB::Order');
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new_from($self->order, destination_type => $destination_type));
$self->{converted_from_oe_id} = delete $::form->{id};
... | ... | |
$item->{new_fake_id} = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
if ($::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() && $destination_type eq purchase_order_type()) {
if ($::form->{use_shipto}) {
$self->order->custom_shipto($custom_shipto) if $custom_shipto;
} else {
# remove any custom shipto if not wanted
$self->order->custom_shipto(SL::DB::Shipto->new(module => 'OE', custom_variables => []));
# change form type
$::form->{type} = $destination_type;
... | ... | |
action => [
t8('Save and Purchase Order'),
submit => [ '#order_form', { action => "Order/purchase_order" } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), request_quotation_type())),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_order_check_for_direct_delivery' ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), request_quotation_type())),
action => [
t8('Save and Delivery Order'),
js/kivi.Order.js | ||
ns.purchase_order_check_for_direct_delivery = function() {
if ($('#type').val() != 'sales_order') {
kivi.submit_form_with_action($('#order_form'), 'Order/purchase_order');
var empty = true;
var shipto;
if ($('#order_shipto_id').val() !== '') {
empty = false;
shipto = $('#order_shipto_id option:selected').text();
} else {
$('#shipto_inputs [id^="shipto"]').each(function(idx, elt) {
if (!empty) return true;
if (/^shipto_to_copy/.test($(elt).prop('id'))) return true;
if (/^shiptocp_gender/.test($(elt).prop('id'))) return true;
if (/^shiptocvar_/.test($(elt).prop('id'))) return true;
if ($(elt).val() !== '') {
empty = false;
return false;
var shipto_elements = [];
$([$('#shiptoname').val(), $('#shiptostreet').val(), $('#shiptozipcode').val(), $('#shiptocity').val()]).each(function(idx, elt) {
if (elt !== '') shipto_elements.push(elt);
shipto = shipto_elements.join('; ');
var use_it = false;
if (!empty) {
} else {
kivi.submit_form_with_action($('#order_form'), 'Order/purchase_order');
ns.direct_delivery_callback = function(accepted) {
if (accepted) {
$('<input type="hidden" name="use_shipto">').appendTo('#order_form').val('1');
kivi.submit_form_with_action($('#order_form'), 'Order/purchase_order');
ns.direct_delivery_dialog = function(shipto) {
var text1 = kivi.t8('You have entered or selected the following shipping address for this customer:');
var text2 = kivi.t8('Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?');
var html = '<div id="direct-delivery-dialog"><p>' + text1 + '</p><p>' + shipto + '</p><p>' + text2 + '</p>';
html = html + '<hr><p>';
html = html + '<input type="button" value="' + kivi.t8('Yes') + '" size="30" onclick="kivi.Order.direct_delivery_callback(true)">';
html = html + ' ';
html = html + '<input type="button" value="' + kivi.t8('No') + '" size="30" onclick="kivi.Order.direct_delivery_callback(false)">';
html = html + '</p></div>';
kivi.popup_dialog({id: 'direct-delivery-dialog',
dialog: {title: kivi.t8('Carry over shipping address'),
height: 300,
width: 500 }});
$(function() {
js/locale/de.js | ||
"Assign invoice":"Rechnung zuweisen",
"Basic settings actions":"Aktionen zu Grundeinstellungen",
"Carry over shipping address":"Lieferadresse übernehmen",
"Chart picker":"Kontenauswahl",
"Copy requirement spec":"Pflichtenheft kopieren",
... | ... | |
"Do you really want to save?":"Möchten Sie wirklich speichern?",
"Do you really want to send by mail?":"Wollen Sie den Beleg wirklich per Mail verschicken?",
"Do you really want to unimport the selected documents?":"Möchten Sie wirklich diese Dateien an die Quelle zurückgeben?",
"Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?":"Möchten Sie diese Lieferadresse in den neuen Lieferantenauftrag übernehmen, damit der Händler die Waren direkt an Ihren Kunden liefern kann?",
"Do you want to set the account number \"#1\" to \"#2\" and the name \"#3\" to \"#4\"?":"Soll die Kontonummer \"#1\" zu \"#2\" und den Name \"#3\" zu \"#4\" geändert werden?",
"Download picture":"Bild herunterladen",
"Due Date missing!":"Fälligkeitsdatum fehlt!",
... | ... | |
"Wrong time format (#1)":"Falsches Zeitformat (#1)",
"You have changed the currency or exchange rate. Please check prices.":"Die Währung oder der Wechselkurs hat sich geändert. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Preise.",
"You have entered or selected the following shipping address for this customer:":"Sie haben die folgende Lieferadresse eingegeben oder ausgewählt:",
"filename has not uploadable characters ":"Bitte Dateinamen ändern. Er hat für den Upload nicht verwendbare Sonderzeichen ",
"filesize too big: ":"Datei zu groß: ",
"flat-rate position":"Pauschalposition",
js/locale/en.js | ||
"Assign invoice":"",
"Basic settings actions":"",
"Carry over shipping address":"",
"Chart picker":"",
"Copy requirement spec":"",
... | ... | |
"Do you really want to save?":"",
"Do you really want to send by mail?":"",
"Do you really want to unimport the selected documents?":"",
"Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?":"",
"Do you want to set the account number \"#1\" to \"#2\" and the name \"#3\" to \"#4\"?":"",
"Download picture":"",
"Due Date missing!":"",
... | ... | |
"Wrong time format (#1)":"",
"You have changed the currency or exchange rate. Please check prices.":"",
"You have entered or selected the following shipping address for this customer:":"",
"filename has not uploadable characters ":"",
"filesize too big: ":"",
"flat-rate position":"",
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Auftrags-Controller: Workflow VK->EK: Lieferadresse für direkte Lieferung
Falls beim Workflow Kundenauftrag->Lieferantenauftrag eine Lieferadresse
ausgewählt oder eine indiv. Lieferadresse eingetragen ist, wir gefragt,
ob diese Lieferadresse als (indiv.) Lieferadresse in den Lieferantenauftrag
übernommen werden soll.