


Herunterladen (4,47 KB) Statistiken
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62726dfd Sven Schöling
package SL::Controller::Draft;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use SL::Helper::Flash qw(flash);
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::Request;
use SL::DB::Draft;
use SL::DBUtils qw(selectall_hashref_query);
65b2387a Moritz Bunkus
use SL::YAML;
62726dfd Sven Schöling
use List::Util qw(max);

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
scalar => [ qw() ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(module submodule draft) ],


ed667cac Sven Schöling
my %allowed_modules = map { $_ => "bin/mozilla/$" } qw(is ir ar ap gl);
62726dfd Sven Schöling
# actions

sub action_draft_dialog {
my ($self) = @_;
html => $self->dialog_html,
id => 'save_draft',
dialog => {
title => t8('Drafts'),

sub action_save {
my ($self) = @_;

my $id = $::form->{id};
my $description = $::form->{description} or die 'need description';
my $form = $self->_build_form;

my $draft = SL::DB::Manager::Draft->find_by_or_create(id => $id);

$draft->id($self->module . '-' . $self->submodule . '-' . Common::unique_id()) unless $draft->id;

module => $self->module,
submodule => $self->submodule,
description => $description,
65b2387a Moritz Bunkus
form => SL::YAML::Dump($form),
62726dfd Sven Schöling
employee_id => SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id,


if (!$draft->save) {
flash('error', t8('There was an error saving the draft'));
->html('#save_draft', $self->dialog_html)
} else {
->flash('info', t8("Draft saved."))
c954dea7 Moritz Bunkus
->val('#draft_id', $draft->id)
62726dfd Sven Schöling

sub action_load {
my ($self) = @_;

if (!$allowed_modules{ $self->draft->module }) {
$::form->error(t8('Unknown module: #1', $self->draft->module));
} else {
package main;
require $allowed_modules{ $self->draft->module };
a8e3100c Sven Schöling
my $params = delete $::form->{form};
65b2387a Moritz Bunkus
my $new_form = SL::YAML::Load($self->draft->form);
62726dfd Sven Schöling
$::form->{$_} = $new_form->{$_} for keys %$new_form;
$::form->{"draft_$_"} = $self->draft->$_ for qw(id description);

a8e3100c Sven Schöling
if ($params && 'HASH' eq ref $params) {
$::form->{$_} = $params->{$_} for keys %$params;
62726dfd Sven Schöling
$::form->{script} = $self->draft->module . '.pl';
46aa98a9 Martin Helmling
62726dfd Sven Schöling

sub action_delete {
my ($self) = @_;


if (!$self->draft->delete) {
flash('error', t8('There was an error deleting the draft'));
->html('#save_draft', $self->dialog_html)
} else {
flash('info', t8('Draft deleted'));

->html('#save_draft', $self->dialog_html)

# helpers

sub _build_form {
my $last_index = max map { /form\[(\d+)\]/ ? $1 : 0 } keys %$::form;
my $new_form = {};

for my $i (0..$last_index) {
SL::Request::_store_value($new_form, $::form->{"form[$i][name]"}, $::form->{"form[$i][value]"});

return $new_form;

sub draft_list {
my ($self) = @_;

dd97f9fc Jan Büren
if ($::auth->assert('all_drafts_edit', 1)) {
my $result = selectall_hashref_query($::form, $::form->get_standard_dbh, <<SQL, $self->module, $self->submodule);
SELECT d.*, date(d.itime) AS date
FROM drafts d
WHERE (d.module = ?)
AND (d.submodule = ?)
ORDER BY d.itime
} else {
my $result = selectall_hashref_query($::form, $::form->get_standard_dbh, <<SQL, $self->module, $self->submodule, SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id);
bbe298f0 Moritz Bunkus
SELECT d.*, date(d.itime) AS date
62726dfd Sven Schöling
FROM drafts d
bbe298f0 Moritz Bunkus
WHERE (d.module = ?)
AND (d.submodule = ?)
AND (d.employee_id = ?)
62726dfd Sven Schöling
ORDER BY d.itime
dd97f9fc Jan Büren
62726dfd Sven Schöling

sub dialog_html {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->render('drafts/form', { layout => 0, output => 0 },
drafts_list => $self->draft_list

sub init_module {
$::form->{module} or die 'need module';

sub init_submodule {
$::form->{submodule} or die 'need submodule';

sub init_draft {
SL::DB::Manager::Draft->find_by(id => $::form->{id}) or die t8('Could not load this draft');

sub check_auth {
e0f5deea Martin Helmling
$::auth->assert('vendor_invoice_edit | invoice_edit | ap_transactions | ar_transactions');
62726dfd Sven Schöling



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME



Encapsulates the old draft mechanism. Use and improvement are discuraged as
long as the storage is not upgrade safe.

=head1 TODO

- optional popup on entry

=head1 AUTHOR

Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>
