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Revision 9ca0da81

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 8 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 9ca0da81731536fd78983f92f4f491c34bebb7e6
  • Vorgänger f87214b2
  • Nachfolger fd840a7b

CsvImport Aufträge: bei nicht eindeutigen Artikeln Fehler melden.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(settings languages_by parts_by contacts_by ct_shiptos_by price_factors_by pricegroups_by units_by) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(settings languages_by all_parts parts_by part_counts_by contacts_by ct_shiptos_by price_factors_by pricegroups_by units_by) ],
return { map { my $col = $_; ( $col => { map { ( $_->$col => $_ ) } @{ $self->all_languages } } ) } qw(id description article_code) };
sub init_all_parts {
my ($self) = @_;
return SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all;
sub init_parts_by {
my ($self) = @_;
my $all_parts = SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all;
return { map { my $col = $_; ( $col => { map { ( $_->$col => $_ ) } @{ $all_parts } } ) } qw(id partnumber ean description) };
return { map { my $col = $_; ( $col => { map { ( $_->$col => $_ ) } @{ $self->all_parts } } ) } qw(id partnumber ean description) };
sub init_part_counts_by {
my ($self) = @_;
my $part_counts_by;
$part_counts_by->{ean}-> {$_->ean}++ for @{ $self->all_parts };
$part_counts_by->{description}->{$_->description}++ for @{ $self->all_parts };
return $part_counts_by;
sub init_contacts_by {
my ($self, $entry) = @_;
my $object = $entry->{object};
my $is_ambiguous;
# Check whether or not part ID is valid.
if ($object->parts_id && !$self->parts_by->{id}->{ $object->parts_id }) {
return 0;
if ($self->part_counts_by->{description}->{ $entry->{raw_data}->{description} } > 1) {
$is_ambiguous = 1;
} else {
# Map ean to ID if given.
return 0;
if ($self->part_counts_by->{ean}->{ $entry->{raw_data}->{ean} } > 1) {
$is_ambiguous = 1;
} else {
if ($object->parts_id) {
$entry->{info_data}->{partnumber} = $self->parts_by->{id}->{ $object->parts_id }->partnumber;
} else {
push @{ $entry->{errors} }, $::locale->text('Error: Part not found');
if ($is_ambiguous) {
push @{ $entry->{errors} }, $::locale->text('Error: Part is ambiguous');
} else {
push @{ $entry->{errors} }, $::locale->text('Error: Part not found');
return 0;
'Error: Invalid warehouse id' => 'Ungültige Lager-ID',
'Error: Invalid warehouse name #1' => 'Ungültiger Lagername \'#1\'',
'Error: Name missing' => 'Fehler: Name fehlt',
'Error: Part is ambiguous' => 'Artikel ist mehrdeutig',
'Error: Part is obsolete' => 'Fehler: Artikel ist ungültig',
'Error: Part not found' => 'Fehler: Artikel nicht gefunden',
'Error: Quantity to transfer is zero.' => 'Fehler: Zu bewegende Menge ist Null.',
'Error: Invalid warehouse id' => '',
'Error: Invalid warehouse name #1' => '',
'Error: Name missing' => '',
'Error: Part is ambiguous' => '',
'Error: Part is obsolete' => '',
'Error: Part not found' => '',
'Error: Quantity to transfer is zero.' => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff