Revision 9b6eb252
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor 4 Monaten hinzugefügt
locale/de/all | ||
3683 | 3683 |
'Show all details' => 'Alle Details anzeigen', |
3684 | 3684 |
'Show all parts' => 'Alle Artikel anzeigen', |
3685 | 3685 |
'Show by default' => 'Standardmäßig anzeigen', |
3686 |
'Show certain sales and purchase documents' => 'Bestimmte Belege anzeigen', |
3686 | 3687 |
'Show chart list' => 'Kontenliste zeigen', |
3687 | 3688 |
'Show charts' => 'Konten zeigen', |
3688 | 3689 |
'Show custom variable search inputs' => 'Suchoptionen für Benutzerdefinierte Variablen verstecken', |
... | ... | |
3715 | 3716 |
'Show parts longdescription (notes) in select list' => 'Langtext in Auswahlliste bei mehreren Treffern im Stammdaten-Bestand anzeigen', |
3716 | 3717 |
'Show purchase basket' => 'Einkaufswarenkorb zeigen', |
3717 | 3718 |
'Show purchase letters report' => 'Einkaufsbriefe zeigen', |
3719 |
'Show purchase order confirmation' => 'Lieferantenauftragsbestätigung anzeigen', |
3718 | 3720 |
'Show purchase order reports with amounts (and links to open documents)' => 'Berichte Einkaufsaufträge mit Beträgen (und Links zum Öffnen der Belege)', |
3721 |
'Show purchase quotation intake' => 'Angebotseingang anzeigen', |
3722 |
'Show purchase reclamation' => 'Einkaufsreklamation anzeigen', |
3719 | 3723 |
'Show record tab in customer' => 'Zeige Tab Belege in den Kundenstammdaten', |
3720 | 3724 |
'Show record tab in vendor' => 'Zeige Tab Belege in den Lieferantenstammdaten', |
3721 | 3725 |
'Show requirement spec' => 'Pflichtenheft anzeigen', |
... | ... | |
3725 | 3729 |
'Show sales order item search' => 'Auftragsartikelsuche anzeigen', |
3726 | 3730 |
'Show sales order reports with amounts (and links to open documents)' => 'Berichte Verkaufsaufträge mit Beträgen (und Links zum Öffnen der Belege)', |
3727 | 3731 |
'Show sales report' => 'Verkaufsbericht anzeigen', |
3732 |
'Show sales order intake' => 'Auftragseingang anzeigen', |
3733 |
'Show sales reclamation' => 'Verkaufsreklamation anzeigen', |
3728 | 3734 |
'Show settings' => 'Einstellungen anzeigen', |
3729 | 3735 |
'Show subtotals' => 'Zwischensummen anzeigen', |
3730 | 3736 |
'Show the picture in the part form' => 'Bild in Warenmaske anzeigen', |
... | ... | |
4864 | 4870 |
'What this template contains' => 'Was diese Vorlage enthält', |
4865 | 4871 |
'What type of item is this?' => 'Was ist dieser Artikel?', |
4866 | 4872 |
'When converting a requirement spec into a quotation or an oder each section gets converted into a line position in the new record. This is the article used by default for this conversion.' => 'Wenn ein Pflichtenheft in ein Angebot oder Auftrag umgewandelt wird, wird für jeden Abschnitt eine Position im neuen Beleg angelegt. Dies ist der Artikel, der standardmäßig bei dieser Umwandlung genutzt wird.', |
4873 |
'When disabled, purchase order confirmations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => 'Falls deaktiviert, werden Lieferantenauftragsbestätigungen nicht im Menü und nicht bei den Workflows angezeigt.', |
4874 |
'When disabled, purchase quotation intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => 'Falls deaktiviert, werden Angebotseingänge nicht im Menü und nicht bei den Workflows angezeigt.', |
4875 |
'When disabled, purchase reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => 'Falls deaktiviert, werden Einkaufsreklamationen nicht im Menü und nicht bei den Workflows angezeigt.', |
4876 |
'When disabled, sales order intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => 'Falls deaktiviert, werden Auftragseingänge nicht im Menü und nicht bei den Workflows angezeigt.', |
4877 |
'When disabled, sales reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => 'Falls deaktiviert, werden Verkaufsreklamationen nicht im Menü und nicht bei den Workflows angezeigt.', |
4867 | 4878 |
'When using Swiss QR-bill, copy the invoice number to the unstructured message automatically' => 'Bei Schweizer QR-Rechnungen Rechnungsnummer automatisch in die unstrukturierte Mitteilung kopieren', |
4868 | 4879 |
'Whether or not to replace variable placeholders such as "<%invdate%>" in texts in positions such as the part description by the record\'s actual value' => 'Ob Variablenplatzhalter wie z.B. <%invdate%> in Positionstexten wie der Artikelbeschreibung durch den tatsächlichen Wert aus dem Beleg ersetzt werden sollen', |
4869 | 4880 |
'Which is located at doc/kivitendo-Dokumentation.pdf. Click here: ' => 'Diese befindet sich unter doc/kivitendo-Dokumentation.pdf. Klicken Sie hier:', |
locale/en/all | ||
3682 | 3682 |
'Show all details' => '', |
3683 | 3683 |
'Show all parts' => '', |
3684 | 3684 |
'Show by default' => '', |
3685 |
'Show certain sales and purchase documents' => '', |
3685 | 3686 |
'Show chart list' => '', |
3686 | 3687 |
'Show charts' => '', |
3687 | 3688 |
'Show custom variable search inputs' => '', |
... | ... | |
3714 | 3715 |
'Show parts longdescription (notes) in select list' => '', |
3715 | 3716 |
'Show purchase basket' => '', |
3716 | 3717 |
'Show purchase letters report' => '', |
3718 |
'Show purchase order confirmation' => '', |
3717 | 3719 |
'Show purchase order reports with amounts (and links to open documents)' => '', |
3720 |
'Show purchase quotation intake' => '', |
3721 |
'Show purchase reclamation' => '', |
3718 | 3722 |
'Show record tab in customer' => '', |
3719 | 3723 |
'Show record tab in vendor' => '', |
3720 | 3724 |
'Show requirement spec' => '', |
... | ... | |
3724 | 3728 |
'Show sales order item search' => '', |
3725 | 3729 |
'Show sales order reports with amounts (and links to open documents)' => '', |
3726 | 3730 |
'Show sales report' => '', |
3731 |
'Show sales order intake' => '', |
3732 |
'Show sales reclamation' => '', |
3727 | 3733 |
'Show settings' => '', |
3728 | 3734 |
'Show subtotals' => '', |
3729 | 3735 |
'Show the picture in the part form' => '', |
... | ... | |
4862 | 4868 |
'What this template contains' => '', |
4863 | 4869 |
'What type of item is this?' => '', |
4864 | 4870 |
'When converting a requirement spec into a quotation or an oder each section gets converted into a line position in the new record. This is the article used by default for this conversion.' => '', |
4871 |
'When disabled, purchase order confirmations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '', |
4872 |
'When disabled, purchase quotation intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '', |
4873 |
'When disabled, purchase reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '', |
4874 |
'When disabled, sales order intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '', |
4875 |
'When disabled, sales reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '', |
4865 | 4876 |
'When using Swiss QR-bill, copy the invoice number to the unstructured message automatically' => '', |
4866 | 4877 |
'Whether or not to replace variable placeholders such as "<%invdate%>" in texts in positions such as the part description by the record\'s actual value' => '', |
4867 | 4878 |
'Which is located at doc/kivitendo-Dokumentation.pdf. Click here: ' => '', |
templates/design40_webpages/client_config/_features.html | ||
439 | 439 |
</div> |
440 | 440 |
</td> |
441 | 441 |
</tr> |
442 |
<tr> |
443 |
<th class="caption" colspan="3">[% 'Show certain sales and purchase documents' | $T8 %]</th> |
444 |
</tr> |
445 |
<tr> |
446 |
<th>[% 'Show sales order intake' | $T8 %]</th> |
447 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_sales_order_intake", SELF.defaults.show_sales_order_intake) %]</td> |
448 |
<td class="long-desc">[% 'When disabled, sales order intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
449 |
</tr> |
450 |
<tr> |
451 |
<th>[% 'Show purchase quotation intake' | $T8 %]</th> |
452 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_purchase_quotation_intake", SELF.defaults.show_purchase_quotation_intake) %]</td> |
453 |
<td class="long-desc">[% 'When disabled, purchase quotation intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
454 |
</tr> |
455 |
<tr> |
456 |
<th>[% 'Show purchase order confirmation' | $T8 %]</th> |
457 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_purchase_order_confirmation", SELF.defaults.show_purchase_order_confirmation) %]</td> |
458 |
<td class="long-desc">[% 'When disabled, purchase order confirmations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
459 |
</tr> |
460 |
<tr> |
461 |
<th>[% 'Show sales reclamation' | $T8 %]</th> |
462 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_sales_reclamation", SELF.defaults.show_sales_reclamation) %]</td> |
463 |
<td class="long-desc">[% 'When disabled, sales reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
464 |
</tr> |
465 |
<tr> |
466 |
<th>[% 'Show purchase reclamation' | $T8 %]</th> |
467 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_purchase_reclamation", SELF.defaults.show_purchase_reclamation) %]</td> |
468 |
<td class="long-desc">[% 'When disabled, purchase reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
469 |
</tr> |
442 | 470 |
<tr> |
443 | 471 |
<th class="caption" colspan="3">[% LxERP.t8('Transport and service costs reminder') %]</th> |
444 | 472 |
</tr> |
templates/webpages/client_config/_features.html | ||
348 | 348 |
</td> |
349 | 349 |
</tr> |
350 | 350 |
351 |
<tr><td class="listheading" colspan="4">[% 'Show certain sales and purchase documents' | $T8 %]</td></tr> |
352 |
<tr> |
353 |
<td align="right">[% 'Show sales order intake' | $T8 %]</td> |
354 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_sales_order_intake", SELF.defaults.show_sales_order_intake) %]</td> |
355 |
<td>[% 'When disabled, sales order intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
356 |
</tr> |
357 |
<tr> |
358 |
<td align="right">[% 'Show purchase quotation intake' | $T8 %]</td> |
359 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_purchase_quotation_intake", SELF.defaults.show_purchase_quotation_intake) %]</td> |
360 |
<td>[% 'When disabled, purchase quotation intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
361 |
</tr> |
362 |
<tr> |
363 |
<td align="right">[% 'Show purchase order confirmation' | $T8 %]</td> |
364 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_purchase_order_confirmation", SELF.defaults.show_purchase_order_confirmation) %]</td> |
365 |
<td>[% 'When disabled, purchase order confirmations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
366 |
</tr> |
367 |
<tr> |
368 |
<td align="right">[% 'Show sales reclamation' | $T8 %]</td> |
369 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_sales_reclamation", SELF.defaults.show_sales_reclamation) %]</td> |
370 |
<td>[% 'When disabled, sales reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
371 |
</tr> |
372 |
<tr> |
373 |
<td align="right">[% 'Show purchase reclamation' | $T8 %]</td> |
374 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.show_purchase_reclamation", SELF.defaults.show_purchase_reclamation) %]</td> |
375 |
<td>[% 'When disabled, purchase reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' | $T8 %]</td> |
376 |
</tr> |
377 |
351 | 378 |
<tr><td class="listheading" colspan="4">[% LxERP.t8("E-mail") %]</td></tr> |
352 | 379 |
353 | 380 |
<tr> |
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Sichtbarkeit neuer Belege: Einstellung in Mandantenkonfig-Maske