


Herunterladen (14,4 KB) Statistiken
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6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
# This file has been auto-generated only because it didn't exist.
# Feel free to modify it at will; it will not be overwritten automatically.

package SL::DB::BankTransaction;

use strict;

use SL::DB::MetaSetup::BankTransaction;
use SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction;
use SL::DB::Helper::LinkedRecords;
68ccd089 Geoffrey Richardson
use Carp;
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
require SL::DB::Invoice;
require SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

# Creates get_all, get_all_count, get_all_iterator, delete_all and update_all.

sub compare_to {
my ($self, $other) = @_;

return 1 if $self->transdate && !$other->transdate;
return -1 if !$self->transdate && $other->transdate;

my $result = 0;
$result = $self->transdate <=> $other->transdate if $self->transdate;
return $result || ($self->id <=> $other->id);

sub linked_invoices {
my ($self) = @_;

#my $record_links = $self->linked_records(direction => 'both');

my @linked_invoices;

my $record_links = SL::DB::Manager::RecordLink->get_all(where => [ from_table => 'bank_transactions', from_id => $self->id ]);

foreach my $record_link (@{ $record_links }) {
4d250272 Jan Büren
push @linked_invoices, SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(id => $record_link->to_id) if $record_link->to_table eq 'ar';
push @linked_invoices, SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by(id => $record_link->to_id) if $record_link->to_table eq 'ap';
push @linked_invoices, SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->find_by(id => $record_link->to_id) if $record_link->to_table eq 'gl';
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

return [ @linked_invoices ];

17f43ff5 Geoffrey Richardson
sub is_batch_transaction {
a149d6a0 Sven Schöling
($_[0]->transaction_code // '') eq "191";
503fabbf Martin Helmling

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
sub get_agreement_with_invoice {
ce4ec1a8 Sven Schöling
my ($self, $invoice, %params) = @_;
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
68ccd089 Geoffrey Richardson
carp "get_agreement_with_invoice needs an invoice object as its first argument"
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
unless ref($invoice) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice' or ref($invoice) eq 'SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice';

my %points = (
cust_vend_name_in_purpose => 1,
cust_vend_number_in_purpose => 1,
datebonus0 => 3,
datebonus14 => 2,
datebonus35 => 1,
datebonus120 => 0,
datebonus_negative => -1,
depositor_matches => 2,
exact_amount => 4,
exact_open_amount => 4,
3fe6ec98 Martin Helmling
invoice_in_purpose => 2,
own_invoice_in_purpose => 5,
invnumber_in_purpose => 1,
own_invnumber_in_purpose => 4,
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# overpayment => -1, # either other invoice is more likely, or several invoices paid at once
payment_before_invoice => -2,
payment_within_30_days => 1,
remote_account_number => 3,
skonto_exact_amount => 5,
add79c20 Jan Büren
wrong_sign => -4,
f36da7b6 Geoffrey Richardson
sepa_export_item => 5,
17f43ff5 Geoffrey Richardson
batch_sepa_transaction => 20,
99a94401 Cem Aydin
qr_reference => 20,
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson

my ($agreement,$rule_matches);

17f43ff5 Geoffrey Richardson
if ( $self->is_batch_transaction && $self->{sepa_export_ok}) {
$agreement += $points{batch_sepa_transaction};
$rule_matches .= 'batch_sepa_transaction(' . $points{'batch_sepa_transaction'} . ') ';
503fabbf Martin Helmling

99a94401 Cem Aydin
# check swiss qr reference if feature enabled
if ($::instance_conf->get_create_qrbill_invoices == 1) {
if ($self->{qr_reference} && $invoice->{qr_reference} &&
$self->{qr_reference} eq $invoice->{qr_reference}) {

$agreement += $points{qr_reference};
$rule_matches .= 'qr_reference(' . $points{'qr_reference'} . ') ';

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# compare banking arrangements
my ($iban, $bank_code, $account_number);
$bank_code = $invoice->customer->bank_code if $invoice->is_sales;
$account_number = $invoice->customer->account_number if $invoice->is_sales;
$iban = $invoice->customer->iban if $invoice->is_sales;
$bank_code = $invoice->vendor->bank_code if ! $invoice->is_sales;
$iban = $invoice->vendor->iban if ! $invoice->is_sales;
$account_number = $invoice->vendor->account_number if ! $invoice->is_sales;
1b032ef4 Jan Büren
# check only valid remote_account_number (with some content)
if ($self->remote_account_number) {
if ($bank_code eq $self->remote_bank_code && $account_number eq $self->remote_account_number) {
$agreement += $points{remote_account_number};
$rule_matches .= 'remote_account_number(' . $points{'remote_account_number'} . ') ';
} elsif ($iban eq $self->remote_account_number) { # elsif -> do not add twice
$agreement += $points{remote_account_number};
$rule_matches .= 'remote_account_number(' . $points{'remote_account_number'} . ') ';
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my $datediff = $self->transdate->{utc_rd_days} - $invoice->transdate->{utc_rd_days};
$invoice->{datediff} = $datediff;

# compare amount
a695cc30 Martin Helmling
if (abs(abs($invoice->amount) - abs($self->amount)) < 0.01 &&
$::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,abs($invoice->amount),2) eq
) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
$agreement += $points{exact_amount};
$rule_matches .= 'exact_amount(' . $points{'exact_amount'} . ') ';
78078fbf Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# compare open amount, preventing double points when open amount = invoice amount
a695cc30 Martin Helmling
if ( $invoice->amount != $invoice->open_amount && abs(abs($invoice->open_amount) - abs($self->amount)) < 0.01 &&
a4bbdc71 Jan Büren
$::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,abs($invoice->open_amount),2) eq
a695cc30 Martin Helmling
) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
$agreement += $points{exact_open_amount};
$rule_matches .= 'exact_open_amount(' . $points{'exact_open_amount'} . ') ';
78078fbf Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
a695cc30 Martin Helmling
if ( $invoice->skonto_date && abs(abs($invoice->amount_less_skonto) - abs($self->amount)) < 0.01 &&
$::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,abs($invoice->amount_less_skonto),2) eq
) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
$agreement += $points{skonto_exact_amount};
$rule_matches .= 'skonto_exact_amount(' . $points{'skonto_exact_amount'} . ') ';
88d162cc Martin Helmling
$invoice->{skonto_type} = 'with_skonto_pt';
78078fbf Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
#search invoice number in purpose
my $invnumber = $invoice->invnumber;
f36da7b6 Geoffrey Richardson
# invnumber has to have at least 3 characters
5d02d521 Jan Büren
my $squashed_purpose = $self->purpose;
$squashed_purpose =~ s/ //g;
if (length($invnumber) > 4 && $squashed_purpose =~ /$invnumber/ && $invoice->is_sales){
3fe6ec98 Martin Helmling
$agreement += $points{own_invoice_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'own_invoice_in_purpose(' . $points{'own_invoice_in_purpose'} . ') ';
5d02d521 Jan Büren
} elsif (length($invnumber) > 3 && $squashed_purpose =~ /$invnumber/ ) {
3fe6ec98 Martin Helmling
$agreement += $points{invoice_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'invoice_in_purpose(' . $points{'invoice_in_purpose'} . ') ';
} else {
# only check number part of invoice number
$invnumber =~ s/[A-Za-z_]+//g;
if (length($invnumber) > 4 && $squashed_purpose =~ /$invnumber/ && $invoice->is_sales){
$agreement += $points{own_invnumber_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'own_invnumber_in_purpose(' . $points{'own_invnumber_in_purpose'} . ') ';
} elsif (length($invnumber) > 3 && $squashed_purpose =~ /$invnumber/ ) {
$agreement += $points{invnumber_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'invnumber_in_purpose(' . $points{'invnumber_in_purpose'} . ') ';
5d02d521 Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
#check sign
add79c20 Jan Büren
if (( $invoice->is_sales && $invoice->amount > 0 && $self->amount < 0 ) ||
( $invoice->is_sales && $invoice->amount < 0 && $self->amount > 0 ) ) { # sales credit note
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
$agreement += $points{wrong_sign};
$rule_matches .= 'wrong_sign(' . $points{'wrong_sign'} . ') ';
78078fbf Jan Büren
b6f8a6b0 Jan Büren
if (( !$invoice->is_sales && $invoice->amount > 0 && $self->amount > 0) ||
add79c20 Jan Büren
( !$invoice->is_sales && $invoice->amount < 0 && $self->amount < 0) ) { # purchase credit note
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
$agreement += $points{wrong_sign};
$rule_matches .= 'wrong_sign(' . $points{'wrong_sign'} . ') ';
78078fbf Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# search customer/vendor number in purpose
my $cvnumber;
$cvnumber = $invoice->customer->customernumber if $invoice->is_sales;
$cvnumber = $invoice->vendor->vendornumber if ! $invoice->is_sales;
if ( $cvnumber && $self->purpose =~ /\b$cvnumber\b/i ) {
$agreement += $points{cust_vend_number_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'cust_vend_number_in_purpose(' . $points{'cust_vend_number_in_purpose'} . ') ';

# search for customer/vendor name in purpose (may contain GMBH, CO KG, ...)
my $cvname;
$cvname = $invoice->customer->name if $invoice->is_sales;
$cvname = $invoice->vendor->name if ! $invoice->is_sales;
2d8fabfc Peter Schulgin
if ( $cvname && $self->purpose =~ /\b\Q$cvname\E\b/i ) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
$agreement += $points{cust_vend_name_in_purpose};
$rule_matches .= 'cust_vend_name_in_purpose(' . $points{'cust_vend_name_in_purpose'} . ') ';
78078fbf Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# compare depositorname, don't try to match empty depositors
my $depositorname;
$depositorname = $invoice->customer->depositor if $invoice->is_sales;
$depositorname = $invoice->vendor->depositor if ! $invoice->is_sales;
if ( $depositorname && $self->remote_name =~ /$depositorname/ ) {
$agreement += $points{depositor_matches};
$rule_matches .= 'depositor_matches(' . $points{'depositor_matches'} . ') ';
78078fbf Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
#Check if words in remote_name appear in cvname
my $check_string_points = _check_string($self->remote_name,$cvname);
if ( $check_string_points ) {
$agreement += $check_string_points;
$rule_matches .= 'remote_name(' . $check_string_points . ') ';
78078fbf Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# transdate prefilter: compare transdate of bank_transaction with transdate of invoice
if ( $datediff < -5 ) { # this might conflict with advance payments
$agreement += $points{payment_before_invoice};
$rule_matches .= 'payment_before_invoice(' . $points{'payment_before_invoice'} . ') ';
78078fbf Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
if ( $datediff < 30 ) {
$agreement += $points{payment_within_30_days};
$rule_matches .= 'payment_within_30_days(' . $points{'payment_within_30_days'} . ') ';
78078fbf Jan Büren
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# only if we already have a good agreement, let date further change value of agreement.
# this is so that if there are several plausible open invoices which are all equal
# (rent jan, rent feb...) the one with the best date match is chosen over
# the others

# another way around this is to just pre-filter by periods instead of matching everything
if ( $agreement > 5 ) {
if ( $datediff == 0 ) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus0};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus0(' . $points{'datebonus0'} . ') ';
} elsif ( $datediff > 0 and $datediff <= 14 ) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus14};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus14(' . $points{'datebonus14'} . ') ';
} elsif ( $datediff >14 and $datediff < 35) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus35};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus35(' . $points{'datebonus35'} . ') ';
} elsif ( $datediff >34 and $datediff < 120) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus120};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus120(' . $points{'datebonus120'} . ') ';
} elsif ( $datediff < 0 ) {
$agreement += $points{datebonus_negative};
$rule_matches .= 'datebonus_negative(' . $points{'datebonus_negative'} . ') ';
} else {
78078fbf Jan Büren
# e.g. datediff > 120
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
b269674b Jan Büren
# if there is exactly one non-executed sepa_export_item for the invoice
ce4ec1a8 Sven Schöling
my $seis = $params{sepa_export_items}
? [ grep { $invoice->id == ($invoice->is_sales ? $_->ar_id : $_->ap_id) } @{ $params{sepa_export_items} } ]
: $invoice->find_sepa_export_items({ executed => 0 });
if ($seis) {
338ffe02 Jan Büren
if (scalar @$seis == 1) {
54ae2899 Jan Büren
my $sei = $seis->[0];

338ffe02 Jan Büren
# test for amount and id matching only, sepa transfer date and bank
# transaction date needn't match
if (abs($self->amount) == ($sei->amount) && $invoice->id == $sei->arap_id) {
b269674b Jan Büren
$agreement += $points{sepa_export_item};
69bfa40a Jan Büren
$rule_matches .= 'sepa_export_item(' . $points{'sepa_export_item'} . ') ';
54ae2899 Jan Büren
} else {
# zero or more than one sepa_export_item, do nothing for this invoice
# zero: do nothing, no sepa_export_item exists, no match
# more than one: does this ever apply? Currently you can't create sepa
# exports for invoices that already have a non-executed sepa_export
b269674b Jan Büren
# TODO: Catch the more than one case. User is allowed to split
# payments for one invoice item in one sepa export.
69bfa40a Jan Büren
f36da7b6 Geoffrey Richardson
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
return ($agreement,$rule_matches);

sub _check_string {
my $bankstring = shift;
my $namestring = shift;
return 0 unless $bankstring and $namestring;

my @bankwords = grep(/^\w+$/, split(/\b/,$bankstring));

my $match = 0;
foreach my $bankword ( @bankwords ) {
# only try to match strings with more than 2 characters
next unless length($bankword)>2;
if ( $namestring =~ /\b$bankword\b/i ) {
return $match;

c301c2b3 Jan Büren
sub not_assigned_amount {
my ($self) = @_;

my $not_assigned_amount = $self->amount - $self->invoice_amount;
die ("undefined state") if (abs($not_assigned_amount) > abs($self->amount));

return $not_assigned_amount;

25230b8c Jan Büren
sub closed_period {
my ($self) = @_;

# check for closed period
croak t8('Illegal date') unless ref $self->valutadate eq 'DateTime';

my $closedto = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::instance_conf->get_closedto);
if ( ref $closedto && $self->valutadate < $closedto ) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson


=head1 NAME



=over 4

=item C<get_agreement_with_invoice $invoice>

Using a point system this function checks whether the bank transaction matches
an invoices, using a variety of tests, such as

=over 2

=item * amount

=item * amount_less_skonto

=item * payment date

=item * invoice number in purpose

=item * customer or vendor name in purpose

=item * account number matches account number of customer or vendor


The total number of points, and the rules that matched, are returned.

my $bt = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => 522);
my $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(invnumber => '198');
my ($agreement,rule_matches) = $bt->get_agreement_with_invoice($invoice);

19c89dfd Jan Büren
=item C<linked_invoices>

4d250272 Jan Büren
Returns an array of record objects (invoices, debit, credit or gl objects)
19c89dfd Jan Büren
which are linked for this bank transaction.

Returns an empty array ref if no links are found.
croak("No linked records at all") unless @{ $bt->linked_invoices() };

c301c2b3 Jan Büren
=item C<not_assigned_amount>

Returns the not open amount of this bank transaction.
Dies if the return amount is higher than the original amount.

25230b8c Jan Büren
=item C<closed_period>

Returns 1 if the bank transaction valutadate is in a closed period, 0 if the
valutadate of the bank transaction is not in a closed period.

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson

=head1 AUTHOR

G. Richardson E<lt><gt>
