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Revision 97d86d33

Von Max Wessendorf vor 12 Monaten hinzugefügt

  • ID 97d86d339557bc9743911d4f7b77cbd3a3cf2474
  • Vorgänger 7ee0aa19
  • Nachfolger 94fb855a

Doku: Typo ZUGFeRD is not a horse

Unterschiede anzeigen:

Processes the attachments of an email journal. The function to be used for processing is determined by the first argument.
=head2 process_attachments_zugpferd($function_name, $email_journal, %params)
=head2 process_attachments_zugferd($function_name, $email_journal, %params)
Processes the attachments of an email journal. If it is a Zugpferd Invoiue it creates the PurchaseInvoice and links it to the email_journal.
Processes the attachments of an email journal. If it is a ZUGFeRD Invoiue it creates the PurchaseInvoice and links it to the email_journal.
=head1 AUTHOR

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff