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Revision 973e7b1e

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt

  • ID 973e7b1e6febcdacde5b6dc87b65bf1ab2f43c46
  • Vorgänger 1453173f
  • Nachfolger 392c517f

CSV-Import Kreditorenbuchungen: Spalte mit Datentyp als Info anzeigen

Unterschiede anzeigen:

$self->controller->track_progress(progress => $i/$num_data * 100) if $i % 100 == 0;
if ($entry->{raw_data}->{datatype} eq $self->_ap_column) {
$entry->{info_data}->{datatype} = $::locale->text($self->_ap_column);
$invoice_entry = $entry;
} elsif ($entry->{raw_data}->{datatype} eq $self->_transaction_column ) {
die "Cannot process transaction row without an invoice row" if !$invoice_entry;
$entry->{info_data}->{datatype} = $::locale->text($self->_transaction_column);
$self->handle_transaction($entry, $invoice_entry);
} else {
die "unknown datatype";
} # finished data parsing
$self->add_info_columns($self->_ap_column, { header => 'datatype', method => 'datatype' });
$self->add_info_columns($self->_transaction_column, { header => 'datatype', method => 'datatype' });
$self->add_transactions_to_ap(); # go through all data entries again, adding payable entry to ap lines while calculating amount and netamount
foreach my $entry (@{ $self->controller->data }) {

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