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# Lx-Office ERP
# Copyright (c) 2004
# Author: Philip Reetz
# Email:
# Web:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Datev export module

package DATEV;

use Data::Dumper;

sub get_datev_stamm {

my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;

# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);

$query = qq|SELECT * FROM datev|;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);

my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc);

map { $form->{$_} = $ref->{$_} } keys %$ref;


sub save_datev_stamm {

my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;

# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect_noauto($myconfig);

$query = qq|DELETE FROM datev|;
$dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);

$query = qq|INSERT INTO datev
(beraternr, beratername, dfvkz, mandantennr, datentraegernr, abrechnungsnr) VALUES
. $dbh->quote($form->{beraternr}) . qq|,|
. $dbh->quote($form->{beratername}) . qq|,|
. $dbh->quote($form->{dfvkz}) . qq|,
. $dbh->quote($form->{mandantennr}) . qq|,|
. $dbh->quote($form->{datentraegernr}) . qq|,|
. $dbh->quote($form->{abrechnungsnr}) . qq|)|;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);


sub kne_export {

my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my @rc;

if ($form->{exporttype} == 0) {
@rc = &kne_buchungsexport($myconfig, $form);
} else {
@rc = &kne_stammdatenexport($myconfig, $form);


return @rc;

sub obe_export {

my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;

# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect_noauto($myconfig);

sub get_dates {

my ($zeitraum, $monat, $quartal, $transdatefrom, $transdateto) = @_;

$fromto = "transdate >= ";

my @a = localtime;
$a[5] += 1900;
$jahr = $a[5];
if ($zeitraum eq "monat") {
$monat eq "1" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.1.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "31.1.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "2" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.2.$jahr";

#this works from 1901 to 2099, 1900 and 2100 fail.
$leap = ($jahr % 4 == 0) ? "29" : "28";
$form->{todate} = "$leap.2.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "3" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.3.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "31.3.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "4" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.4.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "30.4.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "5" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.5.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "31.5.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "6" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.6.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "30.6.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "7" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.7.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "31.7.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "8" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.8.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "31.8.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "9" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.9.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "30.9.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "10" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.10.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "31.10.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "11" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.11.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "30.11.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$monat eq "12" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "1.12.$jahr";
$form->{todate} = "31.12.$jahr";
last SWITCH;
$fromto .=
"'" . $form->{fromdate} . "' and transdate <= '" . $form->{todate} . "'";

elsif ($zeitraum eq "quartal") {
if ($quartal == 1) {
$fromto .=
"'01.01." . $jahr . "' and transdate <= '31.03." . $jahr . "'";
} elsif ($quartal == 2) {
$fromto .=
"'01.04." . $jahr . "' and transdate <= '30.06." . $jahr . "'";
} elsif ($quartal == 3) {
$fromto .=
"'01.07." . $jahr . "' and transdate <= '30.09." . $jahr . "'";
} elsif ($quartal == 4) {
$fromto .=
"'01.10." . $jahr . "' and transdate <= '31.12." . $jahr . "'";

elsif ($zeitraum eq "zeit") {
$fromto .=
"'" . $transdatefrom . "' and transdate <= '" . $transdateto . "'";


return $fromto;

sub get_transactions {

my ($myconfig, $form, $fromto) = @_;

# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);

$fromto =~ s/transdate/ac\.transdate/g;

$query = qq|SELECT taxkey, rate FROM tax|;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);

while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
$taxes{ $ref->{taxkey} } = $ref->{rate};


$query =
qq|SELECT ac.oid, ac.transdate, ac.trans_id,, ac.amount, ac.taxkey, ar.invnumber, ar.duedate, ar.amount as umsatz,, c.accno, c.taxkey_id as charttax, c.datevautomatik,, t.chart_id, t.rate FROM acc_trans ac,ar ar, customer ct,
chart c LEFT JOIN tax t ON
( $fromto AND AND
SELECT ac.oid, ac.transdate, ac.trans_id,, ac.amount, ac.taxkey, ap.invnumber, ap.duedate, ap.amount as umsatz,, c.accno, c.taxkey_id as charttax, c.datevautomatik,, t.chart_id, t.rate FROM acc_trans ac, ap ap, vendor ct, chart c LEFT JOIN tax t ON
SELECT ac.oid, ac.transdate, ac.trans_id,, ac.amount, ac.taxkey, gl.reference AS invnumber, gl.transdate AS duedate, ac.amount as umsatz,
gl.description AS name, c.accno, c.taxkey_id as charttax, c.datevautomatik,, t.chart_id, t.rate FROM acc_trans ac, gl gl,
chart c LEFT JOIN tax t ON
( WHERE $fromto AND AND
ORDER BY trans_id, oid|;

$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
$i = 0;
$g = 0;
my $counter = 0;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
$count = 0;
$firstrun = 1;
if (($counter % 500) == 0) {
print("$counter ");

$count += $ref->{amount};
push @{$i}, $ref;
while (abs($count) > 0.01 || $firstrun) {
$ref2 = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc);
last unless ($ref2);
$count += $ref2->{amount};
push @{$i}, $ref2;
$firstrun = 0;
$absumsatz = 0;
if (scalar(@{$i}) > 2) {
for my $j (0 .. (scalar(@{$i}) - 1)) {
if (abs($i->[$j]->{'amount'}) > abs($absumsatz)) {
$absumsatz = $i->[$j]->{'amount'};
$notsplitindex = $j;
$ml = ($i->[0]->{'umsatz'} > 0) ? 1 : -1;
for my $j (0 .. (scalar(@{$i}) - 1)) {
if ( ($j != $notsplitindex)
&& ($i->[$j]->{'chart_id'} eq "")
&& ( $i->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq ""
|| $i->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq "0"
|| $i->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq "1"
|| $i->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq "10"
|| $i->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq "11")
) {
my %blubb = {};
map({ $blubb{$_} = $i->[$notsplitindex]->{$_}; }
keys(%{ $i->[$notsplitindex] }));
$absumsatz += $i->[$j]->{'amount'};
$blubb{'amount'} = $i->[$j]->{'amount'} * (-1);
$blubb{'umsatz'} = abs($i->[$j]->{'amount'}) * $ml;
$i->[$j]->{'umsatz'} = abs($i->[$j]->{'amount'}) * $ml;
push @{ $splits[$g] }, \%blubb; #$i->[$notsplitindex];
push @{ $splits[$g] }, $i->[$j];
push @{ $form->{DATEV} }, \@{ $splits[$g] };
} elsif (($j != $notsplitindex) && ($i->[$j]->{'chart_id'} eq "")) {
$absumsatz +=
($i->[$j]->{'amount'} * (1 + $taxes{ $i->[$j]->{'taxkey'} }));
my %blubb = {};
map({ $blubb{$_} = $i->[$notsplitindex]->{$_}; }
keys(%{ $i->[$notsplitindex] }));
$test = 1 + $taxes{ $i->[$j]->{'taxkey'} };
$blubb{'amount'} =
$form->round_amount(($i->[$j]->{'amount'} * $test * -1), 2);

$blubb{'umsatz'} =
abs($form->round_amount(($i->[$j]->{'amount'} * $test), 2)) * $ml;

$i->[$j]->{'umsatz'} =
abs($form->round_amount(($i->[$j]->{'amount'} * $test), 2)) * $ml;

push @{ $splits[$g] }, \%blubb;
push @{ $splits[$g] }, $i->[$j];
push @{ $form->{DATEV} }, \@{ $splits[$g] };
} else {
if (abs($absumsatz) > 0.01) {
$form->error("Datev-Export fehlgeschlagen! Bei Transaktion $i->[0]->{trans_id}\n");
} else {
push @{ $form->{DATEV} }, \@{$i};


sub make_kne_data_header {

my ($myconfig, $form, $fromto) = @_;

# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);

my @a = localtime;
$jahr = $a[5];

$anwendungsnr = ($fromto) ? "\x31\x31" : "\x31\x33";
while (length($form->{datentraegernr}) < 3) {
$form->{datentraegernr} = "\x30" . $form->{datentraegernr};

$header = "\x1D\x18\x31" . $form->{datentraegernr} . $anwendungsnr;

$dfvkz = $form->{dfvkz};
while (length($dfvkz) < 2) {
$dfvkz = "\x30" . $dfvkz;
$header .= $dfvkz;

$beraternr = $form->{beraternr};
while (length($beraternr) < 7) {
$beraternr = "\x30" . $beraternr;
$header .= $beraternr;

$mandantennr = $form->{mandantennr};
while (length($mandantennr) < 5) {
$mandantennr = "\x30" . $mandantennr;
$header .= $mandantennr;

$abrechnungsnr = $form->{abrechnungsnr} . $jahr;
while (length($abrechnungsnr) < 6) {
$abrechnungsnr = "\x30" . $abrechnungsnr;
$header .= $abrechnungsnr;

$fromto =~ s/transdate|>=|and|\'|<=//g;
my ($from, $to) = split / /, $fromto;
$from =~ s/ //g;
$to =~ s/ //g;

if ($from ne "") {
my ($fday, $fmonth, $fyear) = split(/\./, $from);
if (length($fmonth) < 2) {
$fmonth = "0" . $fmonth;
if (length($fday) < 2) {
$fday = "0" . $fday;
$from = $fday . $fmonth . substr($fyear, -2, 2);
} else {
$from = "";

$header .= $from;

if ($to ne "") {
my ($tday, $tmonth, $tyear) = split(/\./, $to);
if (length($tmonth) < 2) {
$tmonth = "0" . $tmonth;
if (length($tday) < 2) {
$tday = "0" . $tday;
$to = $tday . $tmonth . substr($tyear, -2, 2);
} else {
$to = "";
$header .= $to;
if ($fromto ne "") {
$primanota = "\x30\x30\x31";
$header .= $primanota;

$passwort = $form->{passwort};
while (length($passwort) < 4) {
$passwort = "\x30" . $passwort;
$header .= $passwort;

$anwendungsinfo = "\x20" x 16;
$header .= $anwendungsinfo;
$inputinfo = "\x20" x 16;
$header .= $inputinfo;

$header .= "\x79";

if ($form->{exporttype} == 0) {
$versionssatz = "\xB5" . "1,";
} else {
$versionssatz = "\xB6" . "1,";

$query = qq| select accno from chart limit 1|;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc);

$accnolength = $ref->{accno};

$versionssatz .= length($accnolength);
$versionssatz .= ",";
$versionssatz .= length($accnolength);
$versionssatz .= ",SELF" . "\x1C\x79";


$header .= $versionssatz;


return $header;

sub datetofour {

my ($date, $six) = @_;

($day, $month, $year) = split(/\./, $date);

if ($day =~ /^0/) {
$day = substr($day, 1, 1);
if (length($month) < 2) {
$month = "0" . $month;
if (length($year) > 2) {
$year = substr($year, -2, 2);

if ($six) {
$date = $day . $month . $year;
} else {
$date = $day . $month;


return $date;

sub formatumsatz {

my ($umsatz, $stellen) = @_;

$umsatz =~ s/-//;
($vorkomma, $nachkomma) = split(/\./, $umsatz);
$umsatz = "";
if ($stellen > 0) {
for ($i = $stellen; $i >= $stellen + 2 - length($vorkomma); $i--) {
$umsatz .= "0";
for ($i = 3; $i > length($nachkomma); $i--) {
$nachkomma .= "0";
$umsatz = $vorkomma . substr($nachkomma, 0, 2);


return $umsatz;

sub make_ed_versionset {

my ($header, $filename, $blockcount, $fromto) = @_;

$versionset = "V" . substr($filename, 2, 5);
$versionset .= substr($header, 6, 22);
if ($fromto ne "") {
$versionset .= "0000" . substr($header, 28, 19);
} else {
$datum = "\x20" x 16;
$versionset .= $datum . "001" . substr($header, 28, 4);
while (length($blockcount) < 5) {
$blockcount = "0" . $blockcount;
$versionset .= $blockcount;
$versionset .= "001";
$versionset .= "\x20\x31";
$versionset .= substr($header, -12, 10) . " ";
$versionset .= "\x20" x 53;


return $versionset;

sub make_ev_header {

my ($form, $fileno) = @_;
$datentraegernr = $form->{datentraegernr};
$beraternummer = $form->{beraternr};
$beratername = $form->{beratername};
$anzahl_dateien = $fileno;

while (length($datentraegernr) < 3) {
$datentraegernr .= " ";

while (length($beraternummer) < 7) {
$beraternummer .= " ";

while (length($beratername) < 9) {
$beratername .= " ";

while (length($anzahl_dateien) < 5) {
$anzahl_dateien = "0" . $anzahl_dateien;

$ev_header =
$datentraegernr . "\x20\x20\x20" . $beraternummer . $beratername . "\x20";
$ev_header .= $anzahl_dateien . $anzahl_dateien;
$ev_header .= "\x20" x 95;


return $ev_header;

sub kne_buchungsexport {

my ($myconfig, $form) = @_;

my @filenames;

my $export_path = $main::userspath . "/";
my $filename = "ED00000";
my $evfile = "EV01";
my @ed_versionsets;
my $fileno = 0;

print qq|
<body>Export in Bearbeitung<br>
Buchungss&auml;tze verarbeitet:

$fromto =
&get_dates($form->{zeitraum}, $form->{monat},
$form->{quartal}, $form->{transdatefrom},
&get_transactions($myconfig, $form, $fromto);
my $counter = 0;
print qq|<br>2. Durchlauf:|;
while (scalar(@{ $form->{DATEV} })) {
my $blockcount = 1;
my $remaining_bytes = 256;
my $total_bytes = 256;
my $umsatzsumme = 0;
my $buchungssatz = "";
my $ed_filename = $export_path . $filename;
push(@filenames, $filename);
open(ED, "> $ed_filename") or die "can't open outputfile: $!\n";
$header = &make_kne_data_header($myconfig, $form, $fromto);
$remaining_bytes -= length($header);

while (scalar(@{ $form->{DATEV} }) > 0) {
$transaction = shift @{ $form->{DATEV} };
$trans_lines = scalar(@{$transaction});
if (($counter % 500) == 0) {
print("$counter ");

$umsatz = 0;
$gegenkonto = "";
$konto = "";
$belegfeld1 = "";
$datum = "";
$waehrung = "";
$buchungstext = "";
$belegfeld2 = "";
$datevautomatik = 0;
$taxkey = 0;
$charttax = 0;
%umlaute = ('?' => 'ae',
'?' => 'oe',
'?' => 'ue',
'?' => 'Ae',
'?' => 'Oe',
'?' => 'Ue',
'?' => 'sz');

for (my $i = 0; $i < $trans_lines; $i++) {
if ($trans_lines == 2) {
if (abs($transaction->[$i]->{'amount'}) > abs($umsatz)) {
$umsatz = $transaction->[$i]->{'amount'};
} else {
if (abs($transaction->[$i]->{'umsatz'}) > abs($umsatz)) {
$umsatz = $transaction->[$i]->{'umsatz'};
if ($transaction->[$i]->{'datevautomatik'}) {
$datevautomatik = 1;
if ($transaction->[$i]->{'taxkey'}) {
$taxkey = $transaction->[$i]->{'taxkey'};
if ($transaction->[$i]->{'charttax'}) {
$charttax = $transaction->[$i]->{'charttax'};
if ( ($transaction->[$i]->{'id'} eq $transaction->[$i]->{'chart_id'})
&& ($trans_lines > 2)) {
} elsif ($transaction->[$i]->{'amount'} > 0) {
$haben = $i;
} else {
$soll = $i;

$umsatzsumme += abs($umsatz);

# Umwandlung von Umlauten und Sonderzeichen in erlaubte Zeichen bei Textfeldern
foreach $umlaut (keys(%umlaute)) {
$transaction->[$haben]->{'invnumber'} =~
$transaction->[$haben]->{'name'} =~ s/${umlaut}/${umlaute{$umlaut}}/g;

$transaction->[$haben]->{'invnumber'} =~ s/[^0-9A-Za-z\$\%\&\*\+\-\/]//g;
$transaction->[$haben]->{'name'} =~ s/[^0-9A-Za-z\$\%\&\*\+\-\ \/]//g;

$transaction->[$haben]->{'invnumber'} =
substr($transaction->[$haben]->{'invnumber'}, 0, 12);
$transaction->[$haben]->{'name'} =
substr($transaction->[$haben]->{'name'}, 0, 30);
$transaction->[$haben]->{'invnumber'} =~ s/\ *$//;
$transaction->[$haben]->{'name'} =~ s/\ *$//;

if ($trans_lines >= 2) {

$gegenkonto = "a" . $transaction->[$haben]->{'accno'};
$konto = "e" . $transaction->[$soll]->{'accno'};
if ($transaction->[$haben]->{'invnumber'} ne "") {
$belegfeld1 =
"\xBD" . $transaction->[$haben]->{'invnumber'} . "\x1C";
$datum = "d";
$datum .= &datetofour($transaction->[$haben]->{'transdate'}, 0);
$waehrung = "\xB3" . "EUR" . "\x1C";
if ($transaction->[$haben]->{'name'} ne "") {
$buchungstext = "\x1E" . $transaction->[$haben]->{'name'} . "\x1C";
if ($transaction->[$haben]->{'duedate'} ne "") {
$belegfeld2 = "\xBE"
. &datetofour($transaction->[$haben]->{'duedate'}, 1) . "\x1C";

if (($remaining_bytes - length("+" . &formatumsatz($umsatz, 0))) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$umsatz = abs($umsatz);
$vorzeichen = ($umsatz > 0) ? "+" : "-";
$buchungssatz .= $vorzeichen . &formatumsatz($umsatz, 0);
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);

if ( ($taxkey || $datevautomatik)
&& (!$datevautomatik || ($datevautomatik && ($charttax ne $taxkey)))) {
if (($remaining_bytes - length("\x6C" . "11")) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen =
($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
if (!$datevautomatik) {
$buchungssatz .= "\x6C" . $taxkey;
} else {
$buchungssatz .= "\x6C" . "4";
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);

if (($remaining_bytes - length($gegenkonto)) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$buchungssatz .= $gegenkonto;
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);

if (($remaining_bytes - length($belegfeld1)) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$buchungssatz .= $belegfeld1;
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);

if (($remaining_bytes - length($belegfeld2)) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$buchungssatz .= $belegfeld2;
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);

if (($remaining_bytes - length($datum)) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$buchungssatz .= $datum;
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);

if (($remaining_bytes - length($konto)) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$buchungssatz .= $konto;
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);

if (($remaining_bytes - length($buchungstext)) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$buchungssatz .= $buchungstext;
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);

if (($remaining_bytes - (length($waehrung . "\x79"))) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$buchungssatz .= $waehrung . "\x79";
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);


$mandantenendsumme =
"x" . &formatumsatz($umsatzsumme, 14) . "\x79" . "\x7a";
$fuellzeichen =
256 - (length($header . $buchungssatz . $mandantenendsumme) % 256);
$dateiende = "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
print(ED $header);
print(ED $buchungssatz);
print(ED $mandantenendsumme);
print(ED $dateiende);

$ed_versionset[$fileno] =
&make_ed_versionset($header, $filename, $blockcount, $fromto);

#Make EV Verwaltungsdatei
$ev_header = &make_ev_header($form, $fileno);
$ev_filename = $export_path . $evfile;
push(@filenames, $evfile);
open(EV, "> $ev_filename") or die "can't open outputfile: EV01\n";
print(EV $ev_header);

foreach $file (@ed_versionset) {
print(EV $ed_versionset[$file]);
print qq|<br>Done. <br>

return @filenames;

sub kne_stammdatenexport {

my ($myconfig, $form) = @_;
$form->{abrechnungsnr} = "99";

print qq|
<body>Export in Bearbeitung<br>

my @filenames;

my $export_path = $main::userspath . "/";
my $filename = "ED00000";
my $evfile = "EV01";
my @ed_versionsets;
my $fileno = 1;
my $i = 0;
my $blockcount = 1;
my $remaining_bytes = 256;
my $total_bytes = 256;
my $buchungssatz = "";
my $ed_filename = $export_path . $filename;
push(@filenames, $filename);
open(ED, "> $ed_filename") or die "can't open outputfile: $!\n";
$header = &make_kne_data_header($myconfig, $form, "");
$remaining_bytes -= length($header);

# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);

$query =
qq|SELECT c.accno, c.description FROM chart c WHERE c.accno >=|
. $dbh->quote($form->{accnofrom}) . qq|
AND c.accno <= |
. $dbh->quote($form->{accnoto}) . qq| ORDER BY c.accno|;

$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);

while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
if (($remaining_bytes - length("t" . $ref->{'accno'})) <= 6) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$buchungssatz .= "t" . $ref->{'accno'};
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);
$ref->{'description'} =~ s/[^0-9A-Za-z\$\%\&\*\+\-\/]//g;
$ref->{'description'} = substr($ref->{'description'}, 0, 40);
$ref->{'description'} =~ s/\ *$//;

if (
($remaining_bytes - length("\x1E" . $ref->{'description'} . "\x1C\x79")
) <= 6
) {
$fuellzeichen = ($blockcount * 256 - length($buchungssatz . $header));
$buchungssatz .= "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
$total_bytes = ($blockcount) * 256;
$buchungssatz .= "\x1E" . $ref->{'description'} . "\x1C\x79";
$remaining_bytes = $total_bytes - length($buchungssatz . $header);

print(ED $header);
print(ED $buchungssatz);
$fuellzeichen = 256 - (length($header . $buchungssatz . "z") % 256);
$dateiende = "\x00" x $fuellzeichen;
print(ED "z");
print(ED $dateiende);

#Make EV Verwaltungsdatei
$ed_versionset[0] =
&make_ed_versionset($header, $filename, $blockcount, $fromto);

$ev_header = &make_ev_header($form, $fileno);
$ev_filename = $export_path . $evfile;
push(@filenames, $evfile);
open(EV, "> $ev_filename") or die "can't open outputfile: EV01\n";
print(EV $ev_header);

foreach $file (@ed_versionset) {
print(EV $ed_versionset[$file]);


print qq|<br>Done. <br>


return @filenames;
