


Herunterladen (31,9 KB) Statistiken
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d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web
# SQL-Ledger Accounting
# Copyright (c) 1998-2002
# Author: Dieter Simader
# Email:
# Web:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Inventory invoicing module

7a7f33b5 Moritz Bunkus
use SL::FU;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
use SL::IS;
use SL::PE;
1465da30 Sven Schöling
use SL::OE;
07d71c33 Stephan Köhler
use Data::Dumper;
7a7f33b5 Moritz Bunkus
use List::Util qw(max sum);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
d629acd8 Sven Schöling
require "bin/mozilla/";
b6dc5623 Sven Schöling
require "bin/mozilla/";
d629acd8 Sven Schöling
require "bin/mozilla/";
bde667c2 Moritz Bunkus
require "bin/mozilla/";
d2bafad3 Thomas Kasulke
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
use strict;

d319704a Moritz Bunkus

# end of main

sub add {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
bde667c2 Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my $locale = $main::locale;
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

return $main::lxdebug->leave_sub() if (load_draft_maybe());
bde667c2 Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{type} eq "credit_note") {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Credit Note');

if ($form->{storno}) {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Storno Credit Note');
} else {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Sales Invoice');

d319704a Moritz Bunkus

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?action=add&type=$form->{type}" unless $form->{callback};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
$form->{jsscript} = "date";
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub edit {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
ee792a3f Sven Schöling
my $locale = $main::locale;
1c084510 Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
2b89ec97 Thomas Kasulke
# show history button
$form->{javascript} = qq|<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_history.js"></script>|;
#/show hhistory button
fb4d2ffa Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my ($language_id, $printer_id);
8f3dc0b4 Stephan Köhler
if ($form->{print_and_post}) {
081a4f97 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{action} = "print";
8f3dc0b4 Stephan Köhler
$form->{resubmit} = 1;
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
$language_id = $form->{language_id};
$printer_id = $form->{printer_id};
8f3dc0b4 Stephan Köhler
254bf1ff Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
254bf1ff Sven Schöling
if ($form->{type} eq "credit_note") {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Edit Credit Note');
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Edit Storno Credit Note') if $form->{storno};
} else {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Edit Sales Invoice');
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Edit Storno Invoice') if $form->{storno};

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{print_and_post}) {
$form->{language_id} = $language_id;
$form->{printer_id} = $printer_id;

d319704a Moritz Bunkus

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub invoice_links {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
0bb0eb67 Stephan Köhler
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{vc} = 'customer';

# create links
606e7e25 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{webdav} = $::lx_office_conf{features}->{webdav};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->create_links("AR", \%myconfig, "customer");

if ($form->{all_customer}) {
unless ($form->{customer_id}) {
$form->{customer_id} = $form->{all_customer}->[0]->{id};
2ff471a7 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{salesman_id} = $form->{all_customer}->[0]->{salesman_id};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

0e6197ea Sven Schöling
my $editing = $form->{id};

2879330b Bernd Bleßmann
$form->backup_vars(qw(payment_id language_id taxzone_id salesman_id taxincluded currency cp_id intnotes id shipto_id));
f9f5330a Stephan Köhler
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
IS->get_customer(\%myconfig, \%$form);
1f2c9572 Philip Reetz
27562848 Moritz Bunkus
#quote all_customer Bug 133
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
foreach my $ref (@{ $form->{all_customer} }) {
27562848 Moritz Bunkus
$ref->{name} = $form->quote($ref->{name});
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
f8529382 Sven Schöling

IS->retrieve_invoice(\%myconfig, \%$form);
2879330b Bernd Bleßmann
$form->restore_vars(qw(payment_id language_id taxzone_id currency intnotes cp_id shipto_id));
f8529382 Sven Schöling
$form->restore_vars(qw(taxincluded)) if $form->{id};
0e6197ea Sven Schöling
$form->restore_vars(qw(salesman_id)) if $editing;
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
55e9890a David Ohlbrecht
fce441db Sven Schöling
# build vendor/customer drop down comatibility... don't ask
if (@{ $form->{"all_customer"} }) {
$form->{"selectcustomer"} = 1;
$form->{customer} = qq|$form->{customer}--$form->{"customer_id"}|;

a818dbfa Sven Schöling
$form->{"oldcustomer"} = $form->{customer};

if ($form->{"oldcustomer"} !~ m/--\d+$/ && $form->{"customer_id"}) {
$form->{"oldcustomer"} .= qq|--$form->{"customer_id"}|

# $form->{oldcustomer} = "$form->{customer}--$form->{customer_id}";
# $form->{selectcustomer} = 1;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{employee} = "$form->{employee}--$form->{employee_id}";

# forex
$form->{forex} = $form->{exchangerate};
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $exchangerate = ($form->{exchangerate}) ? $form->{exchangerate} : 1;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
foreach my $key (keys %{ $form->{AR_links} }) {
foreach my $ref (@{ $form->{AR_links}{$key} }) {
b8916e5c Sven Schöling
$form->{"select$key"} .= "<option>$ref->{accno}--$ref->{description}</option>\n";
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

if ($key eq "AR_paid") {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
next unless $form->{acc_trans}{$key};
for my $i (1 .. scalar @{ $form->{acc_trans}{$key} }) {
b8916e5c Sven Schöling
$form->{"AR_paid_$i"} = "$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i-1]->{accno}--$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i-1]->{description}";
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
f45b296f Bernd Bleßmann
$form->{"acc_trans_id_$i"} = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{acc_trans_id};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# reverse paid
b8916e5c Sven Schöling
$form->{"paid_$i"} = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{amount} * -1;
$form->{"datepaid_$i"} = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{transdate};
f45b296f Bernd Bleßmann
$form->{"gldate_$i"} = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{gldate};
b8916e5c Sven Schöling
$form->{"exchangerate_$i"} = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{exchangerate};
$form->{"forex_$i"} = $form->{"exchangerate_$i"};
$form->{"source_$i"} = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{source};
$form->{"memo_$i"} = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{memo};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{paidaccounts} = $i;
} else {
b8916e5c Sven Schöling
$form->{$key} = "$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[0]->{accno}--$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[0]->{description}";
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

$form->{paidaccounts} = 1 unless (exists $form->{paidaccounts});

$form->{AR} = $form->{AR_1} unless $form->{id};

b8916e5c Sven Schöling
$form->{locked} = ($form->datetonum($form->{invdate}, \%myconfig)
<= $form->datetonum($form->{closedto}, \%myconfig));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub prepare_invoice {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
0bb0eb67 Stephan Köhler
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{type} eq "credit_note") {
$form->{type} = "credit_note";
$form->{formname} = "credit_note";
} else {
$form->{type} = "invoice";
$form->{formname} = "invoice";
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{id}) {

fcd7e932 Moritz Bunkus
my $i = 0;

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
foreach my $ref (@{ $form->{invoice_details} }) {
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $ref->{$_} } keys %{$ref};

a0a30f41 Sven Schöling
$form->{"discount_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"discount_$i"} * 100);
my ($dec) = ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$dec = length $dec;
my $decimalplaces = ($dec > 2) ? $dec : 2;
0bb0eb67 Stephan Köhler
a0a30f41 Sven Schöling
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"}, $decimalplaces);
(my $dec_qty) = ($form->{"qty_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$dec_qty = length $dec_qty;
0bb0eb67 Stephan Köhler
da804bf2 Geoffrey Richardson
$form->{"lastcost_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"lastcost_$i"}, $decimalplaces);

a0a30f41 Sven Schöling
$form->{"qty_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"}, $dec_qty);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
7d2c6995 Bernd Bleßmann
$form->{"sellprice_pg_$i"} = join ('--', $form->{"sellprice_$i"}, $form->{"pricegroup_id_$i"});

a0a30f41 Sven Schöling
$form->{rowcount} = $i;
07d71c33 Stephan Köhler
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
a0a30f41 Sven Schöling
# get pricegroups for parts
IS->get_pricegroups_for_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);
ef92528c Geoffrey Richardson
# Problem: set_pricegroup resets the sellprice of old invoices to the price
# currently defined in the pricegroup, which is a problem if the price has
# changed, as the old invoice gets the new price
# set_pricegroup must never be called, when an old invoice is initially loaded

# set_pricegroup($_) for 1 .. $form->{rowcount};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub form_header {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
5494f687 Sven Schöling
my $cgi = $::request->{cgi};
ef73414c Stephan Köhler
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
662ded38 Sven Schöling
my %TMPL_VAR = ();
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
my @custom_hiddens;

a05eead3 Sven Schöling
$form->{employee_id} = $form->{old_employee_id} if $form->{old_employee_id};
$form->{salesman_id} = $form->{old_salesman_id} if $form->{old_salesman_id};
0cb4ad8c Philip Reetz
fb37acdc Moritz Bunkus
$form->{defaultcurrency} = $form->get_default_currency(\%myconfig);
9e117fbd Philip Reetz
cfc6a60d Moritz Bunkus
my @old_project_ids = ($form->{"globalproject_id"});
a05eead3 Sven Schöling
map { push @old_project_ids, $form->{"project_id_$_"} if $form->{"project_id_$_"}; } 1..$form->{"rowcount"};

9b67d27c Sven Schöling
$form->get_lists("projects" => { "key" => "ALL_PROJECTS",
1e251313 Moritz Bunkus
"all" => 0,
"old_id" => \@old_project_ids },
"taxzones" => "ALL_TAXZONES",
"currencies" => "ALL_CURRENCIES",
"customers" => "ALL_CUSTOMERS",
e78a0281 Sven Schöling
"departments" => "all_departments",
1e251313 Moritz Bunkus
"price_factors" => "ALL_PRICE_FACTORS");
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
6ad851ab Sven Schöling
$TMPL_VAR{ALL_EMPLOYEES} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->get_all(query => [ or => [ id => $::form->{employee_id}, deleted => 0 ] ]);
$TMPL_VAR{ALL_SALESMEN} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->get_all(query => [ or => [ id => $::form->{salesman_id}, deleted => 0 ] ]);
9b67d27c Sven Schöling
$TMPL_VAR{ALL_SHIPTO} = SL::DB::Manager::Shipto->get_all(query => [
752fd6ad Sven Schöling
or => [ trans_id => $::form->{"$::form->{vc}_id"} * 1, and => [ shipto_id => $::form->{shipto_id} * 1, trans_id => undef ] ]
9b67d27c Sven Schöling
cb2abccd Sven Schöling
$TMPL_VAR{ALL_CONTACTS} = SL::DB::Manager::Contact->get_all(query => [
or => [
cp_cv_id => $::form->{"$::form->{vc}_id"} * 1,
and => [
cp_cv_id => undef,
cp_id => $::form->{cp_id} * 1
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
$TMPL_VAR{department_labels} = sub { "$_[0]->{description}--$_[0]->{id}" };

# customer
$TMPL_VAR{vc_keys} = sub { "$_[0]->{name}--$_[0]->{id}" };
$TMPL_VAR{vclimit} = $myconfig{vclimit};
58d115ff Sven Schöling
$TMPL_VAR{vc_select} = "customer_or_vendor_selection_window('customer', '', 0, 0)";
push @custom_hiddens, "customer_id";
push @custom_hiddens, "oldcustomer";
push @custom_hiddens, "selectcustomer";
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
# currencies and exchangerate
my @values = map { $_ } @{ $form->{ALL_CURRENCIES} };
my %labels = map { $_ => $_ } @{ $form->{ALL_CURRENCIES} };
$form->{currency} = $form->{defaultcurrency} unless $form->{currency};
f5863b87 Sven Schöling
$form->{show_exchangerate} = $form->{currency} ne $form->{defaultcurrency};
5494f687 Sven Schöling
$TMPL_VAR{currencies} = NTI($::request->{cgi}->popup_menu('-name' => 'currency', '-default' => $form->{"currency"},
69f32836 Bernd Bleßmann
'-values' => \@values, '-labels' => \%labels,
'-onchange' => "document.getElementById('update_button').click();"
)) if scalar @values;
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
push @custom_hiddens, "forex";
push @custom_hiddens, "exchangerate" if $form->{forex};

$TMPL_VAR{creditwarning} = ($form->{creditlimit} != 0) && ($form->{creditremaining} < 0) && !$form->{update};
$TMPL_VAR{is_credit_remaining_negativ} = $form->{creditremaining} =~ /-/;
40662c08 Thomas Kasulke
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
$form->{fokus} = "invoice.customer";
ddbe3ea5 Moritz Bunkus
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
my $follow_up_vc = $form->{customer};
$follow_up_vc =~ s/--\d*\s*$//;
$TMPL_VAR{customer_name} = $follow_up_vc;
ddbe3ea5 Moritz Bunkus
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
# set option selected
ee792a3f Sven Schöling
foreach my $item (qw(AR)) {
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{"select$item"} =~ s/ selected//;
a05eead3 Sven Schöling
$form->{"select$item"} =~ s/option>\Q$form->{$item}\E/option selected>$form->{$item}/;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

ee792a3f Sven Schöling
$TMPL_VAR{is_type_credit_note} = $form->{type} eq "credit_note";
$TMPL_VAR{is_format_html} = $form->{format} eq 'html';
$TMPL_VAR{dateformat} = $myconfig{dateformat};
$TMPL_VAR{numberformat} = $myconfig{numberformat};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
# hiddens
fce441db Sven Schöling
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
id action type media format queued printed emailed title vc discount
fce441db Sven Schöling
title creditlimit creditremaining tradediscount business closedto locked shipped storno storno_id
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
max_dunning_level dunning_amount
shiptoname shiptostreet shiptozipcode shiptocity shiptocountry shiptocontact shiptophone shiptofax
aad6637b Moritz Bunkus
shiptoemail shiptodepartment_1 shiptodepartment_2 shiptocp_gender message email subject cc bcc taxaccounts cursor_fokus
4cc5904b Sven Schöling
convert_from_do_ids convert_from_oe_ids
), @custom_hiddens,
map { $_.'_rate', $_.'_description', $_.'_taxnumber' } split / /, $form->{taxaccounts}];
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
d7f06042 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{jsscript} = 1;
4cc5904b Sven Schöling

print $form->parse_html_template("is/form_header", \%TMPL_VAR);
52983c08 Sven Schöling
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub form_footer {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
0bb0eb67 Stephan Köhler
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
de6cead5 Sven Schöling
$form->{invtotal} = $form->{invsubtotal};

# note rows
$form->{rows} = max 2,
$form->numtextrows($form->{notes}, 26, 8),
$form->numtextrows($form->{intnotes}, 35, 8);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

de6cead5 Sven Schöling
# tax, total and subtotal calculations
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my ($tax, $subtotal);
7130d91e Sven Schöling
$form->{taxaccounts_array} = [ split / /, $form->{taxaccounts} ];
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
7130d91e Sven Schöling
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{taxaccounts_array} }) {
if ($form->{"${item}_base"}) {
if ($form->{taxincluded}) {
$form->{"${item}_total"} = $form->round_amount( ($form->{"${item}_base"} * $form->{"${item}_rate"}
/ (1 + $form->{"${item}_rate"})), 2);
$form->{"${item}_netto"} = $form->round_amount( ($form->{"${item}_base"} - $form->{"${item}_total"}), 2);
} else {
58d115ff Sven Schöling
$form->{"${item}_total"} = $form->round_amount( $form->{"${item}_base"} * $form->{"${item}_rate"}, 2);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{invtotal} += $form->{"${item}_total"};

b2c3a161 Sven Schöling
# follow ups
7a7f33b5 Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{id}) {
b2c3a161 Sven Schöling
$form->{follow_ups} = FU->follow_ups('trans_id' => $form->{id}) || [];
94b71f17 Sven Schöling
$form->{follow_ups_unfinished} = ( sum map { $_->{due} * 1 } @{ $form->{follow_ups} } ) || 0;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

de6cead5 Sven Schöling
# payments
7130d91e Sven Schöling
my $totalpaid = 0;
$form->{paidaccounts}++ if ($form->{"paid_$form->{paidaccounts}"});
$form->{paid_indices} = [ 1 .. $form->{paidaccounts} ];

c0249f11 Jan Büren
# Standard Konto für Umlaufvermögen
my $accno_arap = IS->get_standard_accno_current_assets(\%myconfig, \%$form);

7130d91e Sven Schöling
for my $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
f45b296f Bernd Bleßmann
$form->{"changeable_$i"} = 1;
if ($::lx_office_conf{features}->{payments_changeable} == 0) {
# never
$form->{"changeable_$i"} = ($form->{"acc_trans_id_$i"})? 0 : 1;
} elsif ($::lx_office_conf{features}->{payments_changeable} == 2) {
# on the same day
c79db65d Bernd Bleßmann
$form->{"changeable_$i"} = (($form->{"gldate_$i"} eq '') ||
f45b296f Bernd Bleßmann
($form->current_date(\%myconfig) eq $form->{"gldate_$i"}));

7130d91e Sven Schöling
$form->{"selectAR_paid_$i"} = $form->{selectAR_paid};
c0249f11 Jan Büren
if (!$form->{"AR_paid_$i"}) {
$form->{"selectAR_paid_$i"} =~ s/option>$accno_arap--(.*?)</option selected>$accno_arap--$1</;
} else {
$form->{"selectAR_paid_$i"} =~ s/option>\Q$form->{"AR_paid_$i"}\E/option selected>$form->{"AR_paid_$i"}/;

7130d91e Sven Schöling
$totalpaid += $form->{"paid_$i"};

22e89662 Sven Schöling
$form->{oldinvtotal} = $form->{invtotal};

de6cead5 Sven Schöling
print $form->parse_html_template('is/form_footer', {
is_type_credit_note => ($form->{type} eq "credit_note"),
totalpaid => $totalpaid,
paid_missing => $form->{invtotal} - $totalpaid,
print_options => print_options(inline => 1),
show_storno => $form->{id} && !$form->{storno} && !IS->has_storno(\%myconfig, $form, "ar") && !$totalpaid,
show_delete => ($form->current_date(\%myconfig) eq $form->{gldate}),
##print $form->parse_html_template('is/_payments'); # parser
70ccecab Sven Schöling
##print $form->parse_html_template('webdav/_list'); # parser
7130d91e Sven Schöling
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

ce47a234 Thomas Kasulke
sub mark_as_paid {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
ce47a234 Thomas Kasulke

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
sub update {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
b95c5658 Moritz Bunkus
my ($recursive_call) = @_;
ac517355 Philip Reetz
52983c08 Sven Schöling
$form->{print_and_post} = 0 if $form->{second_run};
74fca575 Sven Schöling
my $taxincluded = $form->{taxincluded} ? "checked" : '';
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
$form->{update} = 1;

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
52983c08 Sven Schöling
$form->{taxincluded} ||= $taxincluded;
d1d9b5a7 Thomas Kasulke
2e26ccd5 Bernd Bleßmann
if (!$form->{forex}) { # read exchangerate from input field (not hidden)
$form->{exchangerate} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{exchangerate}) unless $recursive_call;
a53233e5 Sven Schöling
$form->{forex} = $form->check_exchangerate(\%myconfig, $form->{currency}, $form->{invdate}, 'buy');
$form->{exchangerate} = $form->{forex} if $form->{forex};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
for my $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
52983c08 Sven Schöling
next unless $form->{"paid_$i"};
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"}) } qw(paid exchangerate);
a53233e5 Sven Schöling
$form->{"forex_$i"} = $form->check_exchangerate(\%myconfig, $form->{currency}, $form->{"datepaid_$i"}, 'buy');
$form->{"exchangerate_$i"} = $form->{"forex_$i"} if $form->{"forex_$i"};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $i = $form->{rowcount};
my $exchangerate = $form->{exchangerate} || 1;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# if last row empty, check the form otherwise retrieve new item
if ( ($form->{"partnumber_$i"} eq "")
&& ($form->{"description_$i"} eq "")
&& ($form->{"partsgroup_$i"} eq "")) {

$form->{creditremaining} += ($form->{oldinvtotal} - $form->{oldtotalpaid});

54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
} else {

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
IS->retrieve_item(\%myconfig, \%$form);

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $rows = scalar @{ $form->{item_list} };
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
ecc629cc Jan Büren
# Falls kein Kundenrabatt vorhanden ist, den aktuellen Rabatt nicht mit 0% überschreiben,
# da hier der Anwender schon manual einen Wert eingetragen haben könnte (analog zu qty) Bugfix: 1412
if ($form->{customer_discount}){
$form->{"discount_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{customer_discount} * 100);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if ($rows) {
$form->{"qty_$i"} = ($form->{"qty_$i"} * 1) ? $form->{"qty_$i"} : 1;

if ($rows > 1) {

cb253140 Moritz Bunkus
select_item(mode => 'IS');
b2945bf6 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
} else {

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $sellprice = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"});
ef73414c Stephan Köhler
52983c08 Sven Schöling
map { $form->{item_list}[$i]{$_} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g } qw(partnumber description unit);
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{item_list}[0]{$_} } keys %{ $form->{item_list}[0] };
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
52983c08 Sven Schöling
$form->{payment_id} = $form->{"part_payment_id_$i"} if $form->{"part_payment_id_$i"} ne "";
$form->{"discount_$i"} = 0 if $form->{"not_discountable_$i"};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
1e251313 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} = $form->{item_list}->[0]->{price_factor};

52983c08 Sven Schöling
($sellprice || $form->{"sellprice_$i"}) =~ /\.(\d+)/;
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $decimalplaces = max 2, length $1;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if ($sellprice) {
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} = $sellprice;
} else {
# if there is an exchange rate adjust sellprice
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} *= (1 - $form->{tradediscount});
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} /= $exchangerate;

$form->{"listprice_$i"} /= $exchangerate;

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $amount = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * (1 - $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100);
52983c08 Sven Schöling
map { $form->{"${_}_base"} = 0 } split / /, $form->{taxaccounts};
map { $form->{"${_}_base"} += $amount } split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"};
map { $amount += ($form->{"${_}_base"} * $form->{"${_}_rate"}) } split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"} if !$form->{taxincluded};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{creditremaining} -= $amount;

da804bf2 Geoffrey Richardson
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"}, $decimalplaces) } qw(sellprice listprice lastcost);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
52983c08 Sven Schöling
$form->{"qty_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"});
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
07d71c33 Stephan Köhler
# get pricegroups for parts
ef73414c Stephan Köhler
IS->get_pricegroups_for_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);
07d71c33 Stephan Köhler
# build up html code for prices_$i
d319704a Moritz Bunkus


} else {

# ok, so this is a new part
# ask if it is a part or service item

if ( $form->{"partsgroup_$i"}
&& ($form->{"partsnumber_$i"} eq "")
&& ($form->{"description_$i"} eq "")) {
$form->{"discount_$i"} = "";
d83df93a Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
d83df93a Moritz Bunkus
} else {
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{"id_$i"} = 0;
d83df93a Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
2b89ec97 Thomas Kasulke
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
sub post_payment {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;

fb37acdc Moritz Bunkus
662ded38 Sven Schöling
my $invdate = $form->datetonum($form->{invdate}, \%myconfig);
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
fb37acdc Moritz Bunkus
$form->{defaultcurrency} = $form->get_default_currency(\%myconfig);
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
for my $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
bd32b607 Philip Reetz
if ($form->{"paid_$i"}) {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $datepaid = $form->datetonum($form->{"datepaid_$i"}, \%myconfig);
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
$form->isblank("datepaid_$i", $locale->text('Payment date missing!'));

if ($form->{currency} ne $form->{defaultcurrency}) {
$form->{"exchangerate_$i"} = $form->{exchangerate}
if ($invdate == $datepaid);
$locale->text('Exchangerate for payment missing!'));
b2a7bb87 Jan Büren
# Abgeschlossene Zeiträume nur für den letzten (aktuellen) Zahlungseingang prüfen
# Details s.a. Bug 1502
# Das Problem ist jetzt, dass man Zahlungseingänge nachträglich ändern kann
# Wobei dies für Installationen die sowieso nicht mit Bücherkontrolle arbeiten keinen
# keinen Unterschied macht.
# Optimal wäre, wenn gegen einen Zeitstempel des Zahlungsfelds geprüft würde ...
# Das Problem hierbei ist, dass in post_invoice IMMER alle Zahlungseingänge aus $form
# erneut gespeichert werden. Prinzipiell wäre es besser NUR die Änderungen des Rechnungs-
# belegs (neue Zahlung aber nichts anderes) zu speichern ...
24f530ce Moritz Bunkus
# Vielleicht könnte man ähnlich wie bei Rechnung löschen verfahren
b2a7bb87 Jan Büren
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot post payment for a closed period!'))
if ($form->date_closed($form->{"datepaid_$form->{paidaccounts}"}, \%myconfig));
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
($form->{AR}) = split /--/, $form->{AR};
($form->{AR_paid}) = split /--/, $form->{AR_paid};
b3501bdf Moritz Bunkus
d5c1e4fa Moritz Bunkus
$form->redirect($locale->text('Payment posted!'))
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
if (IS->post_payment(\%myconfig, \%$form));
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot post payment!'));

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
sub post {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
fb37acdc Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
fb37acdc Moritz Bunkus
$form->{defaultcurrency} = $form->get_default_currency(\%myconfig);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->isblank("invdate", $locale->text('Invoice Date missing!'));
$form->isblank("customer", $locale->text('Customer missing!'));
9e06d0e4 Philip Reetz
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot post invoice for a closed period!'))
if ($form->date_closed($form->{"invdate"}, \%myconfig));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
a426a839 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{invnumber} =~ s/^\s*//g;
$form->{invnumber} =~ s/\s*$//g;

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# if oldcustomer ne customer redo form
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
if (&check_name('customer')) {
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
b2945bf6 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
05174f19 Sven Schöling
if ($myconfig{mandatory_departments} && !$form->{department_id}) {
$form->{saved_message} = $::locale->text('You have to specify a department.');

07d71c33 Stephan Köhler
if ($form->{second_run}) {
$form->{print_and_post} = 0;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
0a5317e7 Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $closedto = $form->datetonum($form->{closedto}, \%myconfig);
my $invdate = $form->datetonum($form->{invdate}, \%myconfig);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot post invoice for a closed period!'))
if ($invdate <= $closedto);

$form->isblank("exchangerate", $locale->text('Exchangerate missing!'))
if ($form->{currency} ne $form->{defaultcurrency});

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
for my $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
5563e116 Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"paid_$i"})) {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $datepaid = $form->datetonum($form->{"datepaid_$i"}, \%myconfig);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->isblank("datepaid_$i", $locale->text('Payment date missing!'));

$form->error($locale->text('Cannot post payment for a closed period!'))
9e06d0e4 Philip Reetz
if ($form->date_closed($form->{"datepaid_$i"}, \%myconfig));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{currency} ne $form->{defaultcurrency}) {
$form->{"exchangerate_$i"} = $form->{exchangerate}
if ($invdate == $datepaid);
$locale->text('Exchangerate for payment missing!'));

34e47354 Moritz Bunkus
($form->{AR}) = split /--/, $form->{AR};
($form->{AR_paid}) = split /--/, $form->{AR_paid};
$form->{storno} ||= 0;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Invoice');

$form->{id} = 0 if $form->{postasnew};

6dce043f Stephan Köhler
# get new invnumber in sequence if no invnumber is given or if posasnew was requested
7712480e Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{postasnew}) {
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{type} eq "credit_note") {
7712480e Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
} else {
7712480e Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
6dce043f Stephan Köhler
7712480e Moritz Bunkus
b3501bdf Moritz Bunkus
d946f59b Sven Schöling
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot post invoice!'))
unless IS->post_invoice(\%myconfig, \%$form);
remove_draft() if $form->{remove_draft};

if(!exists $form->{addition}) {
a0f6a00c Thomas Kasulke
$form->{snumbers} = qq|invnumber_| . $form->{invnumber};
382e874c Sven Schöling
$form->{addition} = $form->{print_and_post} ? "PRINTED AND POSTED" :
$form->{storno} ? "STORNO" :
a590a651 Sven Schöling
383022ae Stephan Köhler
fb4d2ffa Moritz Bunkus
382e874c Sven Schöling
if (!$form->{no_redirect_after_post}) {
$form->{action} = 'edit';
$form->{script} = '';
$form->{saved_message} = $form->{label} . " $form->{invnumber} " . $locale->text('posted!');
$form->{callback} = build_std_url(qw(action edit id saved_message));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

383022ae Stephan Köhler
sub print_and_post {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
383022ae Stephan Köhler
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
382e874c Sven Schöling
my $old_form = new Form;
$form->{no_redirect_after_post} = 1;
$form->{print_and_post} = 1;
383022ae Stephan Köhler
07d71c33 Stephan Köhler
8f3dc0b4 Stephan Köhler
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
383022ae Stephan Köhler

98764afa Philip Reetz
sub use_as_template {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
98764afa Philip Reetz
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
f45b296f Bernd Bleßmann
map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(printed emailed queued invnumber invdate deliverydate id datepaid_1 gldate_1 acc_trans_id_1 source_1 memo_1 paid_1 exchangerate_1 AP_paid_1 storno);
98764afa Philip Reetz
$form->{paidaccounts} = 1;
$form->{invdate} = $form->current_date(\%myconfig);
ef92528c Geoffrey Richardson
# remember pricegroups for "use as template"
IS->get_pricegroups_for_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);
set_pricegroup($_) for 1 .. $form->{rowcount};

98764afa Philip Reetz

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
98764afa Philip Reetz

54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
sub storno {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{storno}) {
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot storno storno invoice!'));

a1a3bfd8 Moritz Bunkus
if (IS->has_storno(\%myconfig, $form, "ar")) {
213317d3 Moritz Bunkus
$form->error($locale->text("Invoice has already been storno'd!"));

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
map({ my $key = $_; delete($form->{$key}) unless (grep({ $key eq $_ } qw(id login password stylesheet type))); } keys(%{ $form }));
7bc5598c Moritz Bunkus
3740b503 Moritz Bunkus
7bc5598c Moritz Bunkus

3740b503 Moritz Bunkus
# Payments must not be recorded for the new storno invoice.
$form->{paidaccounts} = 0;
f45b296f Bernd Bleßmann
map { my $key = $_; delete $form->{$key} if grep { $key =~ /^$_/ } qw(datepaid_ gldate_ acc_trans_id_ source_ memo_ paid_ exchangerate_ AR_paid_) } keys %{ $form };
3740b503 Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
$form->{storno_id} = $form->{id};
$form->{storno} = 1;
$form->{id} = "";
$form->{invnumber} = "Storno zu " . $form->{invnumber};
3740b503 Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
3740b503 Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus

383022ae Stephan Köhler
sub preview {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
383022ae Stephan Köhler
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
383022ae Stephan Köhler
$form->{preview} = 1;
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $old_form = new Form;
383022ae Stephan Köhler
for (keys %$form) { $old_form->{$_} = $form->{$_} }

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
383022ae Stephan Köhler

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
sub delete {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my $locale = $main::locale;
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
07d71c33 Stephan Köhler
if ($form->{second_run}) {
$form->{print_and_post} = 0;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

print qq|

da10bf75 Thomas Kasulke
<form method="post" action="$form->{script}">
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

# delete action variable
map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(action header);

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
foreach my $key (keys %$form) {
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
next if (($key eq 'login') || ($key eq 'password') || ('' ne ref $form->{$key}));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{$key} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
da10bf75 Thomas Kasulke
print qq|<input type="hidden" name="$key" value="$form->{$key}">\n|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

print qq|
da10bf75 Thomas Kasulke
<h2 class="confirm">| . $locale->text('Confirm!') . qq|</h2>
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
. $locale->text('Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Number')
. qq| $form->{invnumber}

da10bf75 Thomas Kasulke
<input name="action" class="submit" type="submit" value="|
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
. $locale->text('Yes') . qq|">

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
sub credit_note {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
$form->{transdate} = $form->{invdate} = $form->current_date(\%myconfig);
$form->{duedate} =
$form->current_date(\%myconfig, $form->{invdate}, $form->{terms} * 1);

$form->{id} = '';
$form->{shipto} = 1;

$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Credit Note');
$form->{script} = '';
fb4d2ffa Moritz Bunkus
d658bec8 Jan Büren
# Bei Gutschriften bezug zur Rechnungsnummer
$form->{invnumber_for_credit_note} = $form->{invnumber};
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
# bo creates the id, reset it
map { delete $form->{$_} }
qw(id invnumber subject message cc bcc printed emailed queued);
$form->{ $form->{vc} } =~ s/--.*//g;
$form->{type} = "credit_note";

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
map { $form->{"select$_"} = "" } ($form->{vc}, 'currency');
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
a2777d1a Sven Schöling
# map { $form->{$_} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}) }
# qw(creditlimit creditremaining);
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
my $currency = $form->{currency};
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus

$form->{currency} = $currency;
662ded38 Sven Schöling
$form->{forex} = $form->check_exchangerate( \%myconfig, $form->{currency}, $form->{invdate}, 'buy');
a53233e5 Sven Schöling
$form->{exchangerate} = $form->{forex} || '';
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
$form->{creditremaining} -= ($form->{oldinvtotal} - $form->{ordtotal});

3b21dee3 Geoffrey Richardson
# bei Gutschriften werden Zahlungseingänge aus Rechnung nicht übernommen
for my $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
delete $form->{"paid_$i"};
delete $form->{"source_$i"};
delete $form->{"memo_$i"};
delete $form->{"datepaid_$i"};
f45b296f Bernd Bleßmann
delete $form->{"gldate_$i"};
delete $form->{"acc_trans_id_$i"};
3b21dee3 Geoffrey Richardson
delete $form->{"AR_paid_$i"};
$form->{paidaccounts} = 1;

54e4131e Moritz Bunkus


5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
sub yes {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
8cd05ad6 Moritz Bunkus
if (IS->delete_invoice(\%myconfig, \%$form)) {
2b89ec97 Thomas Kasulke
# saving the history
b65a230d Sven Schöling
if(!exists $form->{addition}) {
fb4d2ffa Moritz Bunkus
$form->{snumbers} = qq|invnumber_| . $form->{invnumber};
b65a230d Sven Schöling
$form->{addition} = "DELETED";
a590a651 Sven Schöling
2b89ec97 Thomas Kasulke
fb4d2ffa Moritz Bunkus
# /saving the history
$form->redirect($locale->text('Invoice deleted!'));
2b89ec97 Thomas Kasulke
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot delete invoice!'));

5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
d946f59b Sven Schöling
sub e_mail {
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
d946f59b Sven Schöling
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
ffea1346 Moritz Bunkus
if (!$form->{id}) {
382e874c Sven Schöling
$form->{no_redirect_after_post} = 1;
d946f59b Sven Schöling
ffea1346 Moritz Bunkus
my $saved_form = save_form();
d946f59b Sven Schöling
ffea1346 Moritz Bunkus

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
restore_form($saved_form, 0, qw(id invnumber));
ffea1346 Moritz Bunkus

d946f59b Sven Schöling
5486b4a9 Sven Schöling
d946f59b Sven Schöling