# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web http://www.lx-office.org
# SQL-Ledger Accounting
# Copyright (C) 2001
# Author: Dieter Simader
# Email: dsimader@sql-ledger.org
# Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org
# Contributors:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1335, USA.
# Administration module
# Chart of Accounts
# template routines
# preferences
package AM;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use Encode;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::DB::AuthUser;
use SL::DB::Default;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::DB::Chart;
use SL::DB::Customer;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::Vendor;
use SL::DB;
use SL::GenericTranslations;
use SL::Helper::UserPreferences::PositionsScrollbar;
use SL::Helper::UserPreferences::PartPickerSearch;
use SL::Helper::UserPreferences::TimeRecording;
use SL::Helper::UserPreferences::UpdatePositions;
use strict;
sub get_account {
# fetch chart-related data and set form fields
# get_account is called by add_account in am.pl
# always sets $form->{TAXKEY} and default_accounts
# loads chart data when $form->{id} is passed
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
# get default accounts
map { $form->{$_} = $::instance_conf->{$_} } qw(inventory_accno_id income_accno_id expense_accno_id);
require SL::DB::Tax;
my $taxes = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->get_all( with_objects => ['chart'] , sort_by => 'taxkey' );
$form->{TAXKEY} = [];
foreach my $tk ( @{$taxes} ) {
push @{ $form->{TAXKEY} }, { id => $tk->id,
chart_accno => $tk->chart_id ? $tk->chart->accno : undef,
taxkey => $tk->taxkey,
tax => $tk->id . '--' . $tk->taxkey,
rate => $tk->rate
if ($form->{id}) {
my $chart_obj = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $form->{id}) || die "Can't open chart";
my @chart_fields = qw(accno description charttype category link pos_bilanz
pos_eur pos_er new_chart_id valid_from pos_bwa datevautomatik);
foreach my $cf ( @chart_fields ) {
$form->{"$cf"} = $chart_obj->$cf;
my $active_taxkey = $chart_obj->get_active_taxkey;
$form->{$_} = $active_taxkey->$_ foreach qw(taxkey_id pos_ustva tax_id startdate);
$form->{tax} = $active_taxkey->tax_id . '--' . $active_taxkey->taxkey_id;
# check if there are any transactions for this chart
$form->{orphaned} = $chart_obj->has_transaction ? 0 : 1;
# check if new account is active
# The old sql query was broken since at least 2006 and always returned 0
$form->{new_chart_valid} = $chart_obj->new_chart_valid;
# get the taxkeys of the account
$form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS} = [];
foreach my $taxkey ( sort { $b->startdate <=> $a->startdate } @{ $chart_obj->taxkeys } ) {
push @{ $form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS} }, { id => $taxkey->id,
chart_id => $taxkey->chart_id,
tax_id => $taxkey->tax_id,
taxkey_id => $taxkey->taxkey_id,
pos_ustva => $taxkey->pos_ustva,
startdate => $taxkey->startdate->to_kivitendo,
taxdescription => $taxkey->tax->taxdescription,
rate => $taxkey->tax->rate,
accno => defined $taxkey->tax->chart_id ? $taxkey->tax->chart->accno : undef,
# get new accounts (Folgekonto). Find all charts with the same link
$form->{NEWACCOUNT} = $chart_obj->db->dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id, accno,description from chart where link = ? and id != ? order by accno', {Slice => {}}, $chart_obj->link, $form->{id});
} else { # set to orphaned for new charts, so chart_type can be changed (needed by $AccountIsPosted)
$form->{orphaned} = 1;
sub save_account {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_save_account, $self, $myconfig, $form);
return $rc;
sub _save_account {
# TODO: it should be forbidden to change an account to a heading if there
# have been bookings to this account in the past
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
for (qw(AR_include_in_dropdown AP_include_in_dropdown summary_account)) {
$form->{$form->{$_}} = $form->{$_} if $form->{$_};
# sanity check, can't have AR with AR_...
if ($form->{AR} || $form->{AP} || $form->{IC}) {
if (any { $form->{$_} } qw(AR_amount AR_tax AR_paid AP_amount AP_tax AP_paid IC_sale IC_cogs IC_taxpart IC_income IC_expense IC_taxservice)) {
$form->error($::locale->text('It is not allowed that a summary account occurs in a drop-down menu!'));
my @link_order = qw(AR AR_amount AR_tax AR_paid AP AP_amount AP_tax AP_paid IC IC_sale IC_cogs IC_taxpart IC_income IC_expense IC_taxservice);
$form->{link} = join ':', grep $_, map $form->{$_}, @link_order;
# strip blanks from accno
map { $form->{$_} =~ s/ //g; } qw(accno);
# collapse multiple (horizontal) whitespace in chart description (Ticket 148)
map { $form->{$_} =~ s/\h+/ /g } qw(description);
my ($query, $sth);
if ($form->{id} eq "NULL") {
$form->{id} = "";
$query = '
SELECT accno
FROM chart
WHERE accno = ?';
my @values = ($form->{accno});
if ( $form->{id} ) {
$query .= ' AND NOT id = ?';
push(@values, $form->{id});
my ($accno) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
if ($accno) {
$form->error($::locale->text('Account number not unique!'));
if (!$form->{id} || $form->{id} eq "") {
$query = qq|SELECT nextval('id')|;
($form->{"id"}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);
$query = qq|INSERT INTO chart (id, accno, link) VALUES (?, ?, ?)|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{"id"}, $form->{"accno"}, '');
@values = ();
if ($form->{id}) {
# if charttype is heading make sure certain values are empty
# specifically, if charttype is changed from an existing account, empty the
# fields unnecessary for headings, so that e.g. heading doesn't appear in
# drop-down menues due to still having a valid "link" entry
if ( $form->{charttype} eq 'H' ) {
$form->{link} = '';
$form->{pos_bwa} = '';
$form->{pos_bilanz} = '';
$form->{pos_eur} = '';
$form->{new_chart_id} = '';
$form->{valid_from} = '';
$query = qq|UPDATE chart SET
accno = ?,
description = ?,
charttype = ?,
category = ?,
link = ?,
pos_bwa = ?,
pos_bilanz = ?,
pos_eur = ?,
pos_er = ?,
new_chart_id = ?,
valid_from = ?,
datevautomatik = ?
WHERE id = ?|;
@values = (
($form->{datevautomatik} eq 'T') ? 'true':'false',
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
#Save Taxkeys
my @taxkeys = ();
my $MAX_TRIES = 10; # Maximum count of taxkeys in form
my $tk_count;
for $tk_count (0 .. $MAX_TRIES) {
# Loop control
# Check if the account already exists, else cancel
print(STDERR "Keine Taxkeys weil ID =: $form->{id}\n");
last READTAXKEYS if ( $form->{'id'} == 0);
# check if there is a startdate
if ( $form->{"taxkey_startdate_$tk_count"} eq '' ) {
# Add valid taxkeys into the array
push @taxkeys ,
id => ($form->{"taxkey_id_$tk_count"} eq 'NEW') ? conv_i('') : conv_i($form->{"taxkey_id_$tk_count"}),
tax_id => conv_i($form->{"taxkey_tax_$tk_count"}),
startdate => conv_date($form->{"taxkey_startdate_$tk_count"}),
chart_id => conv_i($form->{"id"}),
pos_ustva => conv_i($form->{"taxkey_pos_ustva_$tk_count"}),
delete => ( $form->{"taxkey_del_$tk_count"} eq 'delete' ) ? '1' : '',
for my $j (0 .. $#taxkeys){
if ( defined $taxkeys[$j]{'id'} ){
# delete Taxkey?
if ($taxkeys[$j]{'delete'}){
$query = qq{
DELETE FROM taxkeys WHERE id = ?
@values = ($taxkeys[$j]{'id'});
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
next TAXKEY;
# UPDATE Taxkey
$query = qq{
UPDATE taxkeys
SET taxkey_id = (SELECT taxkey FROM tax WHERE tax.id = ?),
chart_id = ?,
tax_id = ?,
pos_ustva = ?,
startdate = ?
WHERE id = ?
@values = (
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
else {
# INSERT Taxkey
$query = qq{
INSERT INTO taxkeys (
VALUES ((SELECT taxkey FROM tax WHERE tax.id = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?)
@values = (
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
# Update chart.taxkey_id to the latest from taxkeys for this chart.
$query = <<SQL;
UPDATE chart
SET taxkey_id = (
SELECT taxkey_id
FROM taxkeys
WHERE taxkeys.chart_id = chart.id
ORDER BY startdate DESC
WHERE id = ?
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
return 1;
sub delete_account {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_delete_account, $self, $myconfig, $form);
return $rc;
sub _delete_account {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $query = qq|SELECT count(*) FROM acc_trans a
WHERE a.chart_id = ?|;
my ($count) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
if ($count) {
$query = qq|DELETE FROM tax
WHERE chart_id = ?|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
# delete account taxkeys
$query = qq|DELETE FROM taxkeys
WHERE chart_id = ?|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
# delete chart of account record
# last step delete chart, because we have a constraint
# to taxkeys
$query = qq|DELETE FROM chart
WHERE id = ?|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
return 1;
sub get_language_details {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $id) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $query =
"SELECT template_code, " .
" output_numberformat, output_dateformat, output_longdates " .
"FROM language WHERE id = ?";
my @res = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $id);
return @res;
sub prepare_template_filename {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my ($filename, $display_filename);
$filename = $form->{formname};
if ($form->{language}) {
my ($id, $template_code) = split(/--/, $form->{language});
$filename .= "_${template_code}";
if ($form->{printer}) {
my ($id, $template_code) = split(/--/, $form->{printer});
$filename .= "_${template_code}";
$filename .= "." . ($form->{format} eq "html" ? "html" : "tex");
if ($form->{"formname"} =~ m|\.\.| || $form->{"formname"} =~ m|^/|) {
$filename =~ s|.*/||;
$display_filename = $filename;
$filename = SL::DB::Default->get->templates . "/$filename";
return ($filename, $display_filename);
sub load_template {
my ($self, $filename) = @_;
my ($content, $lines) = ("", 0);
local *TEMPLATE;
if (open(TEMPLATE, $filename)) {
while (<TEMPLATE>) {
$content .= $_;
$content = Encode::decode('utf-8-strict', $content);
return ($content, $lines);
sub save_template {
my ($self, $filename, $content) = @_;
local *TEMPLATE;
my $error = "";
if (open(TEMPLATE, ">", $filename)) {
$content = Encode::encode('utf-8-strict', $content);
$content =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
print(TEMPLATE $content);
} else {
$error = $!;
return $error;
sub displayable_name_specs_by_module {
'SL::DB::Customer' => {
specs => SL::DB::Customer->displayable_name_specs,
prefs => SL::DB::Customer->displayable_name_prefs,
'SL::DB::Vendor' => {
specs => SL::DB::Vendor->displayable_name_specs,
prefs => SL::DB::Vendor->displayable_name_prefs,
'SL::DB::Part' => {
specs => SL::DB::Part->displayable_name_specs,
prefs => SL::DB::Part->displayable_name_prefs,
sub positions_scrollbar_height {
sub purchase_search_makemodel {
sub sales_search_customer_partnumber {
sub positions_show_update_button {
sub time_recording_use_duration {
sub save_preferences {
my ($self, $form) = @_;
my $employee = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current;
$employee->update_attributes(name => $form->{name});
my $user = SL::DB::Manager::AuthUser->find_by(login => $::myconfig{login});
config_values => {
%{ $user->config_values },
map { ($_ => $form->{$_}) } SL::DB::AuthUser::CONFIG_VARS(),
# Displayable name preferences
my $displayable_name_specs_by_module = displayable_name_specs_by_module();
foreach my $specs (@{ $form->{displayable_name_specs} }) {
if (!$specs->{value} || $specs->{value} eq $displayable_name_specs_by_module->{$specs->{module}}->{prefs}->get_default()) {
} else {
if (exists $form->{positions_scrollbar_height}) {
if (exists $form->{purchase_search_makemodel}) {
if (exists $form->{sales_search_customer_partnumber}) {
if (exists $form->{positions_show_update_button}) {
if (exists $form->{time_recording_use_duration}) {
return 1;
sub get_defaults {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $main::form;
my $dbh = $params{dbh} || SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $defaults = selectfirst_hashref_query($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT * FROM defaults|) || {};
$defaults->{weightunit} ||= 'kg';
return $defaults;
sub closedto {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $query = qq|SELECT closedto, max_future_booking_interval, revtrans FROM defaults|;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
($form->{closedto}, $form->{max_future_booking_interval}, $form->{revtrans}) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
sub closebooks {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my ($query, @values);
# is currently NEVER trueish (no more hidden revtrans in $form)
# if ($form->{revtrans}) {
# $query = qq|UPDATE defaults SET closedto = NULL, revtrans = '1'|;
# -> therefore you can only set this to false (which is already the default)
# and this flag is currently only checked in gl.pl. TOOD Can probably be removed
$query = qq|UPDATE defaults SET closedto = ?, max_future_booking_interval = ?, revtrans = '0'|;
@values = (conv_date($form->{closedto}), conv_i($form->{max_future_booking_interval}));
# set close in defaults
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
}) or do { die SL::DB->client->error };
sub get_base_unit {
my ($self, $units, $unit_name, $factor) = @_;
$factor = 1 unless ($factor);
my $unit = $units->{$unit_name};
if (!defined($unit) || !$unit->{"base_unit"} ||
($unit_name eq $unit->{"base_unit"})) {
return ($unit_name, $factor);
return AM->get_base_unit($units, $unit->{"base_unit"}, $factor * $unit->{"factor"});
sub retrieve_units {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $prefix) = @_;
$prefix ||= '';
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $query = "SELECT *, base_unit AS original_base_unit FROM units";
my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query);
my $units = {};
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
$units->{$ref->{"name"}} = $ref;
my $query_lang = "SELECT id, template_code FROM language ORDER BY description";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query_lang);
$sth->execute() || $form->dberror($query_lang);
my @languages;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
push(@languages, $ref);
$query_lang = "SELECT ul.localized, ul.localized_plural, l.id, l.template_code " .
"FROM units_language ul " .
"LEFT JOIN language l ON ul.language_id = l.id " .
"WHERE ul.unit = ?";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query_lang);
foreach my $unit (values(%{$units})) {
($unit->{"${prefix}base_unit"}, $unit->{"${prefix}factor"}) = AM->get_base_unit($units, $unit->{"name"});
$unit->{"LANGUAGES"} = {};
foreach my $lang (@languages) {
$unit->{"LANGUAGES"}->{$lang->{"template_code"}} = { "template_code" => $lang->{"template_code"} };
$sth->execute($unit->{"name"}) || $form->dberror($query_lang . " (" . $unit->{"name"} . ")");
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
map({ $unit->{"LANGUAGES"}->{$ref->{"template_code"}}->{$_} = $ref->{$_} } keys(%{$ref}));
return $units;
sub retrieve_all_units {
my $self = shift;
if (!$::request->{cache}{all_units}) {
$::request->{cache}{all_units} = $self->retrieve_units(\%main::myconfig, $main::form);
return $::request->{cache}{all_units};
sub translate_units {
my ($self, $form, $template_code, $unit, $amount) = @_;
my $units = $self->retrieve_units(\%main::myconfig, $form);
my $h = $units->{$unit}->{"LANGUAGES"}->{$template_code};
my $new_unit = $unit;
if ($h) {
if (($amount != 1) && $h->{"localized_plural"}) {
$new_unit = $h->{"localized_plural"};
} elsif ($h->{"localized"}) {
$new_unit = $h->{"localized"};
return $new_unit;
sub units_in_use {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $units) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
map({ $_->{"in_use"} = 0; } values(%{$units}));
foreach my $unit (values(%{$units})) {
my $base_unit = $unit->{"original_base_unit"};
while ($base_unit) {
$units->{$base_unit}->{"in_use"} = 1;
$units->{$base_unit}->{"DEPENDING_UNITS"} = [] unless ($units->{$base_unit}->{"DEPENDING_UNITS"});
push(@{$units->{$base_unit}->{"DEPENDING_UNITS"}}, $unit->{"name"});
$base_unit = $units->{$base_unit}->{"original_base_unit"};
foreach my $unit (values(%{$units})) {
map({ $_ = $dbh->quote($_); } @{$unit->{"DEPENDING_UNITS"}});
foreach my $table (qw(parts invoice orderitems)) {
my $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE unit ";
if (0 == scalar(@{$unit->{"DEPENDING_UNITS"}})) {
$query .= "= " . $dbh->quote($unit->{"name"});
} else {
$query .= "IN (" . $dbh->quote($unit->{"name"}) . "," .
join(",", map({ $dbh->quote($_) } @{$unit->{"DEPENDING_UNITS"}})) . ")";
my ($count) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
$form->dberror($query) if ($dbh->err);
if ($count) {
$unit->{"in_use"} = 1;
sub convertible_units {
my $self = shift;
my $units = shift;
my $filter_unit = shift;
my $not_smaller = shift;
my $conv_units = [];
$filter_unit = $units->{$filter_unit};
foreach my $name (sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %{ $units }) {
my $unit = $units->{$name};
if (($unit->{base_unit} eq $filter_unit->{base_unit}) &&
(!$not_smaller || ($unit->{factor} >= $filter_unit->{factor}))) {
push @{$conv_units}, $unit;
my @sorted = sort { $b->{factor} <=> $a->{factor} } @{ $conv_units };
return \@sorted;
# if $a is translatable to $b, return the factor between them.
# else return 1
sub convert_unit {
my ($this, $a, $b, $all_units) = @_;
if (!$all_units) {
$all_units = $this->retrieve_all_units;
$main::lxdebug->leave_sub(2) and return 0 unless $a && $b;
$main::lxdebug->leave_sub(2) and return 0 unless $all_units->{$a} && $all_units->{$b};
$main::lxdebug->leave_sub(2) and return 0 unless $all_units->{$a}{base_unit} eq $all_units->{$b}{base_unit};
$main::lxdebug->leave_sub(2) and return $all_units->{$a}{factor} / $all_units->{$b}{factor};
sub unit_select_data {
my ($self, $units, $selected, $empty_entry, $convertible_into) = @_;
my $select = [];
if ($empty_entry) {
push(@{$select}, { "name" => "", "base_unit" => "", "factor" => "", "selected" => "" });
foreach my $unit (sort({ $units->{$a}->{"sortkey"} <=> $units->{$b}->{"sortkey"} } keys(%{$units}))) {
if (!$convertible_into ||
($units->{$convertible_into} &&
($units->{$convertible_into}->{base_unit} eq $units->{$unit}->{base_unit}))) {
push @{$select}, { "name" => $unit,
"base_unit" => $units->{$unit}->{"base_unit"},
"factor" => $units->{$unit}->{"factor"},
"selected" => ($unit eq $selected) ? "selected" : "" };
return $select;
sub unit_select_html {
my ($self, $units, $name, $selected, $convertible_into) = @_;
my $select = "<select name=${name}>";
foreach my $unit (sort({ $units->{$a}->{"sortkey"} <=> $units->{$b}->{"sortkey"} } keys(%{$units}))) {
if (!$convertible_into ||
($units->{$convertible_into} &&
($units->{$convertible_into}->{"base_unit"} eq $units->{$unit}->{"base_unit"}))) {
$select .= "<option" . (($unit eq $selected) ? " selected" : "") . ">${unit}</option>";
$select .= "</select>";
return $select;
sub sum_with_unit {
my $self = shift;
my $units = $self->retrieve_all_units();
my $sum = 0;
my $base_unit;
while (2 <= scalar(@_)) {
my $qty = shift(@_);
my $unit = $units->{shift(@_)};
croak "No unit defined with name $unit" if (!defined $unit);
if (!$base_unit) {
$base_unit = $unit->{base_unit};
} elsif ($base_unit ne $unit->{base_unit}) {
croak "Adding values with incompatible base units $base_unit/$unit->{base_unit}";
$sum += $qty * $unit->{factor};
return $sum;
sub add_unit {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $name, $base_unit, $factor, $languages) = @_;
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $query = qq|SELECT COALESCE(MAX(sortkey), 0) + 1 FROM units|;
my ($sortkey) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);
$query = "INSERT INTO units (name, base_unit, factor, sortkey) " .
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $name, $base_unit, $factor, $sortkey);
if ($languages) {
$query = "INSERT INTO units_language (unit, language_id, localized, localized_plural) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
foreach my $lang (@{$languages}) {
my @values = ($name, $lang->{"id"}, $lang->{"localized"}, $lang->{"localized_plural"});
$sth->execute(@values) || $form->dberror($query . " (" . join(", ", @values) . ")");
}) or do { die SL::DB->client->error };
sub save_units {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $units, $delete_units) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_save_units, $self, $myconfig, $form, $units, $delete_units);
return $rc;
sub _save_units {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $units, $delete_units) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my ($base_unit, $unit, $sth, $query);
$query = "DELETE FROM units_language";
$dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
if ($delete_units && (0 != scalar(@{$delete_units}))) {
$query = "DELETE FROM units WHERE name IN (";
map({ $query .= "?," } @{$delete_units});
substr($query, -1, 1) = ")";
$dbh->do($query, undef, @{$delete_units}) ||
$form->dberror($query . " (" . join(", ", @{$delete_units}) . ")");
$query = "UPDATE units SET name = ?, base_unit = ?, factor = ? WHERE name = ?";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $query_lang = "INSERT INTO units_language (unit, language_id, localized, localized_plural) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
my $sth_lang = $dbh->prepare($query_lang);
foreach $unit (values(%{$units})) {
$unit->{"depth"} = 0;
my $base_unit = $unit;
while ($base_unit->{"base_unit"}) {
$base_unit = $units->{$base_unit->{"base_unit"}};
foreach $unit (sort({ $a->{"depth"} <=> $b->{"depth"} } values(%{$units}))) {
if ($unit->{"LANGUAGES"}) {
foreach my $lang (@{$unit->{"LANGUAGES"}}) {
next unless ($lang->{"id"} && $lang->{"localized"});
my @values = ($unit->{"name"}, $lang->{"id"}, $lang->{"localized"}, $lang->{"localized_plural"});
$sth_lang->execute(@values) || $form->dberror($query_lang . " (" . join(", ", @values) . ")");
next if ($unit->{"unchanged_unit"});
my @values = ($unit->{"name"}, $unit->{"base_unit"}, $unit->{"factor"}, $unit->{"old_name"});
$sth->execute(@values) || $form->dberror($query . " (" . join(", ", @values) . ")");
return 1;
sub taxes {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $query = qq|SELECT
round(t.rate * 100, 2) AS rate,
tc.accno AS taxnumber,
tc.description AS account_description,
ssc.accno AS skonto_chart_accno,
ssc.description AS skonto_chart_description,
spc.accno AS skonto_chart_purchase_accno,
spc.description AS skonto_chart_purchase_description
FROM tax t
LEFT JOIN chart tc ON (tc.id = t.chart_id)
LEFT JOIN chart ssc ON (ssc.id = t.skonto_sales_chart_id)
LEFT JOIN chart spc ON (spc.id = t.skonto_purchase_chart_id)
ORDER BY taxkey, rate|;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
$form->{TAX} = [];
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) {
push @{ $form->{TAX} }, $ref;
sub get_tax_accounts {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
# get Accounts from chart
my $query = qq{ SELECT
accno || ' - ' || description AS taxaccount
FROM chart
WHERE link LIKE '%_tax%'
ORDER BY accno
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
$form->{ACCOUNTS} = [];
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) {
push @{ $form->{ACCOUNTS} }, $ref;
$form->{AR_PAID} = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_all(where => [ link => { like => '%AR_paid%' } ], sort_by => 'accno ASC');
$form->{AP_PAID} = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_all(where => [ link => { like => '%AP_paid%' } ], sort_by => 'accno ASC');
$form->{skontochart_value_title_sub} = sub {
my $item = shift;
return [
$item->{accno} .' '. $item->{description},
sub get_tax {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $query = qq|SELECT
round(rate * 100, 2) AS rate,
(id IN (SELECT tax_id
FROM acc_trans)) AS tax_already_used,
FROM tax
WHERE id = ? |;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute($form->{id}) || $form->dberror($query . " ($form->{id})");
my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc");
map { $form->{$_} = $ref->{$_} } keys %$ref;
# see if it is used by a taxkey
$query = qq|SELECT count(*) FROM taxkeys
WHERE tax_id = ? AND chart_id >0|;
($form->{orphaned}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
$form->{orphaned} = !$form->{orphaned};
if (!$form->{orphaned} ) {
$query = qq|SELECT DISTINCT c.id, c.accno
FROM taxkeys tk
JOIN tax t ON (t.id = tk.tax_id)
JOIN chart c ON (c.id = tk.chart_id)
WHERE tk.tax_id = ?|;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute($form->{id}) || $form->dberror($query . " ($form->{id})");
$form->{TAXINUSE} = [];
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) {
push @{ $form->{TAXINUSE} }, $ref;
sub save_tax {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_save_tax, $self, $myconfig, $form);
return $rc;
sub _save_tax {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $query;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
$form->{rate} = $form->{rate} / 100;
my $chart_categories = '';
$chart_categories .= 'A' if $form->{asset};
$chart_categories .= 'L' if $form->{liability};
$chart_categories .= 'Q' if $form->{equity};
$chart_categories .= 'I' if $form->{revenue};
$chart_categories .= 'E' if $form->{expense};
$chart_categories .= 'C' if $form->{costs};
my @values = ($form->{taxkey}, $form->{taxdescription}, $form->{rate}, conv_i($form->{chart_id}), conv_i($form->{skonto_sales_chart_id}), conv_i($form->{skonto_purchase_chart_id}), $chart_categories);
if ($form->{id} ne "") {
$query = qq|UPDATE tax SET
taxkey = ?,
taxdescription = ?,
rate = ?,
chart_id = ?,
skonto_sales_chart_id = ?,
skonto_purchase_chart_id = ?,
chart_categories = ?
WHERE id = ?|;
} else {
($form->{id}) = selectfirst_array_query($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT nextval('id')|);
$query = qq|INSERT INTO tax (
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|;
push(@values, $form->{id});
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
foreach my $language_id (keys %{ $form->{translations} }) {
GenericTranslations->save('dbh' => $dbh,
'translation_type' => 'SL::DB::Tax/taxdescription',
'translation_id' => $form->{id},
'language_id' => $language_id,
'translation' => $form->{translations}->{$language_id});
sub delete_tax {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $query;
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
$query = qq|DELETE FROM tax WHERE id = ?|;
do_query($form, SL::DB->client->dbh, $query, $form->{id});
}) or do { die SL::DB->client->error };
sub save_warehouse {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
croak('Need at least one new bin') unless $form->{number_of_new_bins} > 0;
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my ($query, @values, $sth);
if (!$form->{id}) {
$query = qq|SELECT nextval('id')|;
($form->{id}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);
$query = qq|INSERT INTO warehouse (id, sortkey) VALUES (?, (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(sortkey), 0) + 1 FROM warehouse))|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
do_query($form, $dbh, qq|UPDATE warehouse SET description = ?, invalid = ? WHERE id = ?|,
$form->{description}, $form->{invalid} ? 't' : 'f', conv_i($form->{id}));
if (0 < $form->{number_of_new_bins}) {
my ($num_existing_bins) = selectfirst_array_query($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bin WHERE warehouse_id = ?|, $form->{id});
$query = qq|INSERT INTO bin (warehouse_id, description) VALUES (?, ?)|;
$sth = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $query);
foreach my $i (1..$form->{number_of_new_bins}) {
do_statement($form, $sth, $query, conv_i($form->{id}), "$form->{prefix}" . ($i + $num_existing_bins));
}) or do { die SL::DB->client->error };
sub save_bins {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my ($query, @values, $sth);
@values = map { $form->{"id_${_}"} } grep { $form->{"delete_${_}"} } (1..$form->{rowcount});
if (@values) {
$query = qq|DELETE FROM bin WHERE id IN (| . join(', ', ('?') x scalar(@values)) . qq|)|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
$query = qq|UPDATE bin SET description = ? WHERE id = ?|;
$sth = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $query);
foreach my $row (1..$form->{rowcount}) {
next if ($form->{"delete_${row}"});
do_statement($form, $sth, $query, $form->{"description_${row}"}, conv_i($form->{"id_${row}"}));
}) or do { die SL::DB->client->error };
sub delete_warehouse {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $id = conv_i($form->{id});
my $query = qq|SELECT i.bin_id FROM inventory i WHERE i.bin_id IN (SELECT b.id FROM bin b WHERE b.warehouse_id = ?) LIMIT 1|;
my ($count) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $id);
if ($count) {
return 0;
do_query($form, $dbh, qq|DELETE FROM bin WHERE warehouse_id = ?|, conv_i($form->{id}));
do_query($form, $dbh, qq|DELETE FROM warehouse WHERE id = ?|, conv_i($form->{id}));
return 1;
return $rc;
sub get_all_warehouses {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $query = qq|SELECT w.id, w.description, w.invalid,
(SELECT COUNT(b.description) FROM bin b WHERE b.warehouse_id = w.id) AS number_of_bins
FROM warehouse w
ORDER BY w.sortkey|;
$form->{WAREHOUSES} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query);
sub get_warehouse {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $id = conv_i($form->{id});
my $query = qq|SELECT w.description, w.invalid
FROM warehouse w
WHERE w.id = ?|;
my $ref = selectfirst_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, $id);
map { $form->{$_} = $ref->{$_} } keys %{ $ref };
$query = <<SQL;
SELECT b.*, use.in_use
FROM bin b
SELECT DISTINCT bin_id, TRUE AS in_use FROM inventory
SELECT DISTINCT bin_id, TRUE AS in_use FROM parts
) use ON use.bin_id = b.id
WHERE b.warehouse_id = ?;
$form->{BINS} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($form->{id}));
sub get_eur_categories {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my %eur_categories = selectall_as_map($form, $dbh, "select * from eur_categories order by id", 'id', 'description');
return \%eur_categories;
sub get_bwa_categories {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my %bwa_categories = selectall_as_map($form, $dbh, "select * from bwa_categories order by id", 'id', 'description');
return \%bwa_categories;