Revision 95155b0d
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 18 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
sub has_storno {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
$main::lxdebug->leave_sub() and return 0 unless ($form->{id});
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
my $query = qq|SELECT storno FROM ar WHERE id = ?|;
my ($result) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
return $result;
SL/ | ||
sub has_storno {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
$main::lxdebug->leave_sub() and return 0 unless ($form->{id});
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
my $query = qq|SELECT storno FROM ar WHERE id = ?|;
my ($result) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
return $result;
bin/mozilla/ | ||
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot storno storno invoice!'));
if (IC->has_storno(\%myconfig, $form)) {
if (IS->has_storno(\%myconfig, $form)) {
$form->error($locale->text("Invoice has already been storno'd!"));
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Rechnungsfunktionen gehören natürlich nach IS und nicht nach IC.