Revision 94632453
Von G. Richardson vor mehr als 15 Jahren hinzugefügt
sql/Pg-upgrade2/ | ||
# @tag: cp_greeting_migration
# @description: Migration of cp_greeting to cp_gender
# @depends: generic_translations
die("This script cannot be run from the command line.") unless ($main::form);
sub mydberror {
my ($msg) = @_;
die($dbup_locale->text("Database update error:") .
"<br>$msg<br>" . $DBI::errstr);
sub do_query {
my ($query, $may_fail) = @_;
if (!$dbh->do($query)) {
mydberror($query) unless ($may_fail);
sub query_result {
# list of all entries where cp_greeting is empty, meaning can't determine gender from parsing Herr/Frau/...
# this assumes cp_greeting still exists, i.e. gender.sql was not run yet
my $gender_table;
my $sql2 = "select cp_id,cp_givenname,cp_name,cp_title,cp_greeting from contacts where not (cp_greeting ILIKE '%frau%' OR cp_greeting ILIKE '%herr%' or cp_greeting ILIKE '%mrs.%' or cp_greeting ILIKE '%miss%') ";
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2) or die $dbh->errstr();
$sth2->execute() or die $dbh->errstr();
my $i = 1;
$gender_table .= '<table border="1"><tr><th>cp_givenname</th><th>cp_name</th><th>cp_title</th><th>cp_greeting</th><th><translate>male/female</th></tr>';
$gender_table .= "\n";
while (my $row = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref()) {
if ( main::form->{"gender_$i"} eq "f" ) {
$mchecked = "";
$fchecked = "checked";
} else {
$mchecked = "checked";
$fchecked = "";
$gender_table .= "<tr><input type=hidden name=\"cp_id_$i\" value=\"$row->{cp_id}\"> <td>$row->{cp_givenname}</td> <td>$row->{cp_name}</td> <td>$row->{cp_title} </td> <td>$row->{cp_greeting} </td><td> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"gender_$i\" value=\"m\" $mchecked> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"gender_$i\" value=\"f\" $fchecked></td></tr>\n";
$gender_table .= "<input type=hidden name=\"number_of_gender_entries\" value=\"$i\">";
$gender_table .= "</table>";
$main::form->{gender_table} = $gender_table;
my $title_table;
my $sql3 = "select cp_id,cp_givenname,cp_name,cp_title,cp_greeting from contacts where not ( (cp_greeting ILIKE '%frau%' OR cp_greeting ILIKE '%herr%' or cp_greeting ILIKE '%mrs.%' or cp_greeting ILIKE '%miss%')) and not (cp_greeting like ''); ";
my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare($sql3) or die $dbh->errstr();
$sth3->execute() or die $dbh->errstr();
$title_table = '<table border="1"><tr><th>cp_givenname</th><th>cp_name</th><th>cp_title</th><th>cp_greeting</th><th>cp_title new</th></tr>';
my $j = 1;
while (my $row = $sth3->fetchrow_hashref()) {
# Vorschlagsfeld fuer neuen Titel mit Werten von cp_greeting und cp_title vorbelegen
my $value = "$row->{cp_greeting}";
$value .= " " if $row->{cp_greeting};
$value .= "$row->{cp_title}";
$title_table .= "<tr> <td><input type=hidden name=\"cp_id_title_$j\" value=$row->{cp_id}> $row->{cp_givenname}</td> <td>$row->{cp_name}</td><td>$row->{cp_title}</td> <td>$row->{cp_greeting}</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"cp_title_$j\" name=\"cp_name_$j\" value=\"$value\"></td> </tr>\n";
$title_table .= "<input type=hidden name=\"number_of_title_entries\" value=\"$j\">";
$title_table .= "</table>";
$main::form->{title_table} = $title_table;
sub print_question {
# parse html form in /templates/webpages/dbupgrade/cp_greeting_update_form
print $main::form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/cp_greeting_update_form");
sub do_update {
# main function
# first of all check if gender.sql was already run and thus cp_gender exists
# if it exists there is no need for this update anymore, so return
# without doing anything
my $column_exists = 1;
if (!$dbh->do("SELECT cp_gender FROM contacts LIMIT 1")) {
$column_exists = 0;
return 1 if $column_exists;
if (!$main::form->{do_migrate}) {
# case 1: first call of page
return 2;
} else {
# case 2: submit button was pressed, hidden field do_migrate was set
return 1;
sub migrate_data {
my $sqlcode = <<EOF
ALTER TABLE contacts ADD COLUMN cp_gender char(1);
UPDATE contacts SET cp_gender = 'm';
UPDATE contacts SET cp_gender = 'f'
WHERE (cp_greeting ILIKE '%frau%')
OR (cp_greeting ILIKE '%mrs.%')
OR (cp_greeting ILIKE '%miss%');
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $main::form->{number_of_gender_entries}; $i++ ) {
next unless $main::form->{"cp_id_$i"};
if ( $main::form->{"gender_$i"} eq "f" ) {
$sqlcode .= "UPDATE contacts SET cp_gender = \'f\' WHERE cp_id = $main::form->{\"cp_id_$i\"};\n";
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $main::form->{number_of_title_entries}; $i++ ) {
next unless $main::form->{"cp_id_title_$i"} and $main::form->{"cp_id_$i"};
$sqlcode .= "UPDATE contacts SET cp_title = \'$main::form->{\"cp_name_$i\"}\' WHERE cp_id = $main::form->{\"cp_id_$i\"};\n";
$sqlcode .= "ALTER TABLE contacts DROP COLUMN cp_greeting;";
# insert chosen default values
$sqlcode .= "INSERT INTO generic_translations (translation_type, translation) VALUES ('greetings::male','$main::form->{default_male}');";
$sqlcode .= "INSERT INTO generic_translations (translation_type, translation) VALUES ('greetings::female','$main::form->{default_female}');";
my $query = $sqlcode;
sub set_default_greetings {
# add html input boxes to template so user can specify default greetings
my $default_male = "Herr";
my $default_female = "Frau";
my $default_greeting_text_male = "<input type=\"text\" id=\"default_male\" name=\"default_male\" value=\"$default_male\"><br>";
my $default_greeting_text_female = "<input type=\"text\" id=\"default_female\" name=\"default_female\" value=\"$default_female\"><br>";
$main::form->{default_greeting_text_male} = $default_greeting_text_male;
$main::form->{default_greeting_text_female} = $default_greeting_text_female;
return do_update();
sql/Pg-upgrade2/gender.sql | ||
-- @tag: gender
-- @description: Feld "Geschlecht" zu Kontaktdaten hinzufuegen, cp_greeting entferne
-- @depends: release_2_6_0
ALTER TABLE contacts ADD COLUMN cp_gender char(1);
UPDATE contacts SET cp_gender = 'm';
UPDATE contacts SET cp_gender = 'f'
WHERE (cp_greeting ILIKE '%frau%')
OR (cp_greeting ILIKE '%mrs.%')
OR (cp_greeting ILIKE '%miss%');
UPDATE contacts SET cp_title = cp_greeting WHERE NOT (cp_greeting ILIKE '%frau%' OR cp_greeting ILIKE '%herr%' or cp_greeting ILIKE '%mrs.%' or cp_greeting ILIKE '%miss%');
ALtER TABLE contacts DROP COLUMN cp_greeting;
templates/webpages/dbupgrade/cp_greeting_update_form_de.html | ||
[% USE HTML %]<div class="listtop">cp_greeting to cp_gender migration</div>
<form action="[% script %]" method="POST">
<p> The method for generating greetings ("Dear Mr. Smith") is being changed so the greeting is controlled by the gender. For this a new database field cp_gender is introduced, while the old database field cp_greeting will be removed. The various translations (Mr./Herr/Monsieur) will be stored in the database, under generic_translations. The print variable cp_greeting still exists, however, so print templates don't have to be changed, and the variable is assigned according to the gender of the contact person and the desired language.</p>
<p>During the conversion process all contact persons need to be assigned a gender. The gender is detected automatically where possible, but in some cases will have to be set manually.</p>
During the conversion process:<br>
1. All contact persons will have their gender set to "m" (male) as a default<br>
2. All contact persons where the greeting contains "frau,mrs,miss" are set to "f" (female)<br>
<p>The gender of the following contact persons couldn't be determined automatically from the greeting, please set the gender manually:</p>
[% gender_table %]
<p>Please enter your desired default greeting for men and women. To change the
default greeting or add a greeting in more languages, go to: System -> Languages -> Greetings
Greeting for men: [% default_greeting_text_male %] <br>
Greeting for women: [% default_greeting_text_female %] <br>
The data from the cp_greeting field will now be dropped. To prevent any data loss if you used the cp_greeting field for anything else, we suggest you transfer this information to the cp_title field:
[% title_table %]
<input type=hidden name="do_migrate" value="1">
<input type=submit VALUE="submit">
templates/webpages/dbupgrade/cp_greeting_update_form_master.html | ||
[% USE HTML %]<div class="listtop"><translate>cp_greeting to cp_gender migration</translate></div>
<form action="[% script %]" method="POST">
<p> The method for generating greetings ("Dear Mr. Smith") is being changed so the greeting is controlled by the gender. For this a new database field cp_gender is introduced, while the old database field cp_greeting will be removed. The various translations (Mr./Herr/Monsieur) will be stored in the database, under generic_translations. The print variable cp_greeting still exists, however, so print templates don't have to be changed, and the variable is assigned according to the gender of the contact person and the desired language.</p>
<p>During the conversion process all contact persons need to be assigned a gender. The gender is detected automatically where possible, but in some cases will have to be set manually.</p>
During the conversion process:<br>
1. All contact persons will have their gender set to "m" (male) as a default<br>
2. All contact persons where the greeting contains "frau,mrs,miss" are set to "f" (female)<br>
<p>The gender of the following contact persons couldn't be determined automatically from the greeting, please set the gender manually:</p>
[% gender_table %]
<p>Please enter your desired default greeting for men and women. To change the
default greeting or add a greeting in more languages, go to: System -> Languages -> Greetings
Greeting for men: [% default_greeting_text_male %] <br>
Greeting for women: [% default_greeting_text_female %] <br>
The data from the cp_greeting field will now be dropped. To prevent any data loss if you used the cp_greeting field for anything else, we suggest you transfer this information to the cp_title field:
[% title_table %]
<input type=hidden name="do_migrate" value="1">
<input type=submit VALUE="submit">
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
migration from cp_greeting to cp_gender
this commit replaces commit e09347c89ca119213c4d8ba43083653cda793399 which introduced gender.sql
In database table contacts cp_greeting is removed and instead cp_gender is introduced
During migration user gets a chance toFor print variables cp_greeting is generated from cp_gender and generic_translations
gender.sql is deleted, as there was a risk of losing data in cp_title
Migration code was originally copied from warehouse code